- GuestGuest
Elite Fighting Style
Sat Aug 10, 2019 5:20 pm
Elite Fighting Style
Fighting Style: Elite Fighting Style
Weapon Utilization: Sword and Martial Arts
Description: A style of swordsmanship refined by years of adventure and battler, passed from Master Higurashi to Zeref as a young teenager of Snow-Hawk Island. For years Master Higurashi had perfect a beautiful combination of martial arts and rapier swordsmanship, though finding only one who would be able to bother use and even refine the art itself, young Zeref.
Toggled and Passive Abilities:
Passive Ability: Through refining the craft through his years as a Marine, Zeref is capable of increasing his Reflexes with his sharpened focus by 10% however when he focuses it equally weakens his defensiveness by 10%.
- Light Techniques:
Fillet Min-yons
Technique Type: Damage Over Time
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Description: Zeref quickly slashes the opponent, aiming for the torso most of the time. He uses the slender blade of his rapier to filet the flesh of his opponent causing them to begin bleeding severely.
Piercing Joust
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Description: Trained in the art of fencing, Zeref is able to quickly lung forward dealing damage by piercing his opponent with the fine pointed blade he wields.
Critic Palm
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Description: A simple enough technique designed to strike an opponent entering close range, allowing Zeref to strike the opponent's sternum with his hand flat and palm hardened.
Critical Sweep
Technique Type: Flat - Hybrid
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: 1 Post
Buffs: Only for this technique Zeref's attack is increased by 10%
Description: Zeref uses one of his legs and kicks in a horizontal motion making a sweep like motion. The strike used to apply detrimental force to his opponent.
- Medium Techniques:
Bladed Cyclone
Technique Type: Flat - Hybrid
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 6 Posts
Duration: 3 Posts
Buffs: Does a 10% increase to both users Attack and Defense (+20% total)
Description: Using his blade, Zeref spins at a high speed creating what appears to be a silver cyclone. The color stemming from his blade as he moves about the battlefield, the cyclone designed to push back enemies or even consume some in a vortex of pain. Dealing 10 damage with each successful impact from the cyclone.
Elite Focus
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 6 Posts
Duration: 3 Post
Buffs: Increases Attack and Reflexes by 25%
Description: Zeref uses his training as an "Elite" swordsman and martial artist to hone his focus and help to sharpen his focus and use that focus to enhance the critical accuracy of his strikes.
- Heavy Techniques:
Volleyball Fist
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Description: Zeref uses both fists together to basically perform a massive blow to the opponent in the form of an uppercut, chest blows, or even damage to limbs directly.
Elite Slash
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Description: Zeref uses his swordsmanship to strike with a devastating slash cutting deep and in some cases even completely stop the opponent being targeted.
Divine Justice
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: 10
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 9 Posts
Duration: 4 Post
Buffs: +25% Defense and +50% Attack
Description: Zeref focuses on maintaining his body and begins to watch and defend himself more accurately, while beginning to use his battle focus to make his strikes more accurate and damaging strikes.
- AoE Techniques:
Captive Smog
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: Level 1
Maximum Base Range: 10 Meters
Maximum Base AoE Radius: 2.5 Meters
Cooldown: 11 Posts
Duration: 4 Posts
Debuffs: When caught in the smog effect players begin to weaken taking -50% to reflexes and -25% to defense.
Description: Zeref busts a small vial of blue liquid on the ground/object which upon mixing with the atmosphere release a massive smog of blue that begins to effect those who inhale the smog. It was designed to weaken opponents for capture by a Marine scientist during Zeref's days on Snow-Hawk Island.
Poison Smog
Technique Type: Damage Over Time - Hybrid
Technique Level: Level 10
Maximum Base Range: 10 Meters
Maximum Base AoE Radius: 2.5 Meters
Cooldown: 11 Posts
Duration: 4 Posts
Debuffs: -30% to Defense
Description: Zeref busts a small vial of purple liquid on the ground/object which upon mixing with the atmosphere release a massive smog of purple that begins to effect those who inhale the smog. It was designed to weaken opponents for capture by a Marine scientist during Zeref's days on Snow-Hawk Island. After inhaling the smog the targets take 6 damage for the next 4 posts.
- Gray
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000
Posts : 4026
Re: Elite Fighting Style
Sun Aug 11, 2019 2:55 pm
[You're on the right track, just need a revision. Please see the comments and adjust accordingly. Thanks! (Comments in brown.) ]
Zeref wrote:Elite Fighting Style
Fighting Style: Elite Fighting Style
Weapon Utilization: Sword and Martial Arts
Description: A style of swordsmanship refined by years of adventure and battler, passed from Master Higurashi to Zeref as a young teenager of Snow-Hawk Island. For years Master Higurashi had perfect a beautiful combination of martial arts and rapier swordsmanship, though finding only one who would be able to bother use and even refine the art itself, young Zeref.
Toggled and Passive Abilities:
Passive Ability: Through refining the craft through his years as a Marine, Zeref is capable of increasing his Reflexes with his sharpened focus by 10% however when he focuses it equally weakens his defensiveness by 10%.
- Light Techniques:
Fillet Min-yons
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: 2 Posts [ Flat techniques don't get a duration. They deal their damage immediately. Look up DoTs, if you would like to deal damage over the course of multiple turns. ]
Buffs: No Buffs
Debuffs: No Debuffs [ Please remove the buffs and debuff fields wherever they are not applicable. ]
Description: Zeref quickly slashes the opponent, aiming for the torso most of the time. He uses the slender blade of his rapier to filet the flesh of his opponent causing them to begin bleeding severely dealing an initial 10 damage to the opponent. [ Please remove the damage values you have listed for all techniques. The base damage is listed in the combat guide and the actual damage is calculated for each combat engagement based on your ATK and your target's DEF, so having this here is meaningless. ]
Piercing Joust
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: 1 Post
Buffs: No Buff
Debuffs: No Debuff
Description: Trained in the art of fencing, Zeref is able to quickly lung forward dealing damage by piercing his opponent with the fine pointed blade he wields. It inflicts 10 damage to the effected target enemy.
Critic Palm
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: 1 Post
Buffs: No Buffs
Debuffs: No Debuffs
Description: A simple enough technique designed mostly to help interrupt an opponent entering close range attacks, allowing Zeref to strike the opponent's sternum with his hand flat and palm hardened. Dealing only 1 damage, however interrupting an opponents close range Light Technique. [ If an opponent misses their attack, you are free to RP that as you having interrupted it. There are no special mechanics for cancelling out your opponents techniques otherwise. You must have this technique conform to one of the existing technique types. ]
Critical Sweep
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: 1 Post
Buffs: Only for this technique Zeref's attack is increased by 5% [ You cannot do this with Flat techniques. Please look up the Flat Hybrid technique type. ]
Debuffs: No Debuffs
Description: Zeref uses one of his legs and kicks in a horizontal motion making a sweep like motion. The strike used to apply detrimental force to his opponent, a total of 10 damage dealt to the target.
- Medium Techniques:
Bladed Cyclone
Technique Type: Flat - Hybrid
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 3 Posts [ For all your Hybrids and Stat Morphs your cooldown must increase by as many turns as your duration. ]
Duration: 3 Posts
Buffs: Does a 10% increase to both users Attack and Defense (+20% total)
Debuffs: No Debuff
Description: Using his blade, Zeref spins at a high speed creating what appears to be a silver cyclone. The color stemming from his blade as he moves about the battlefield, the cyclone designed to push back enemies or even consume some in a vortex of pain. Dealing 10 damage with each successful impact from the cyclone.
Elite Focus
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: 3 Post
Buffs: Increases Attack and Reflexes by 25%
Debuffs: No Debuff
Description: Zeref uses his training as an "Elite" swordsman and martial artist to hone his focus and help to sharpen his focus and use that focus to enhance the critical accuracy of his strikes.
- Heavy Techniques:
Volleyball Fist
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: 1 Post
Buffs: No Buffs
Debuffs: No Debuffs
Description: Zeref uses both fists together to basically perform a massive blow to the opponent in the form of an uppercut, chest blows, or even damage to limbs directly. Deals 50 damage to the opponent/target.
Elite Slash
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: 1 Post
Buffs: No Buffs
Debuffs: No Debuffs
Description: Zeref uses his swordsmanship to strike with a devastating slash cutting deep and in some cases even completely stop the opponent being targeted, the slash dealing 50 damage to the target.
Divine Justice
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: 10
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: 4 Post
Buffs: +25% Defense and +50% Attack
Debuffs: No Debuff
Description: Zeref focuses on maintaining his body and begins to watch and defend himself more accurately, while beginning to use his battle focus to make his strikes more accurate and damaging strikes.
- AoE Techniques:
Captive Smog
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: Level 1
Maximum Base Range: 10 Meters
Maximum Base AoE Radius: 2.5 Meters
Cooldown: 7 Posts
Duration: 4 Posts
Buffs: No Buffs
Debuffs: When caught in the smog effect players begin to weaken taking -50% to reflexes and -25% to defense.
Description: Zeref busts a small vial of blue liquid on the ground/object which upon mixing with the atmosphere release a massive smog of blue that begins to effect those who inhale the smog. It was designed to weaken opponents for capture by a Marine scientist during Zeref's days on Snow-Hawk Island.
Poison Smog
Technique Type: Damage Over Time/Stat Morph - Hybrid [ Just call this a DoT hybrid. ]
Technique Level: Level 10
Maximum Base Range: 10 Meters
Maximum Base AoE Radius: 2.5 Meters
Cooldown: 7 Posts
Duration: 4 Posts
Buffs: No Buffs
Debuffs: -30% to Defense
Description: Zeref busts a small vial of purple liquid on the ground/object which upon mixing with the atmosphere release a massive smog of purple that begins to effect those who inhale the smog. It was designed to weaken opponents for capture by a Marine scientist during Zeref's days on Snow-Hawk Island. After inhaling the smog the targets take 6 damage for the next 4 posts.
- GuestGuest
Re: Elite Fighting Style
Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:37 pm
I edited, please have a second look and let me know if I got them all.
- Gray
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000
Posts : 4026
Re: Elite Fighting Style
Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:22 pm
Please remove the duration field from all Flat (non-hybrid) techniques.
The duration of a Flat technique is not 1 post because it deals its damage immediately. (You can have effects from its flavour text last longer, but the mechanical damage should still be dealt immediately.)
Cooldown for Divine Justice should be 9 posts. (5 base cooldown + 4 duration)
Cooldown for both AoEs should be 11 posts. (7 base cooldown + 4 duration)
The duration of a Flat technique is not 1 post because it deals its damage immediately. (You can have effects from its flavour text last longer, but the mechanical damage should still be dealt immediately.)
Cooldown for Divine Justice should be 9 posts. (5 base cooldown + 4 duration)
Cooldown for both AoEs should be 11 posts. (7 base cooldown + 4 duration)
- GuestGuest
Re: Elite Fighting Style
Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:34 pm
Re-edited, Please let me know how to proceed further. Also thanks for your time.
- Gray
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000
Posts : 4026
Re: Elite Fighting Style
Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:56 pm
Approved! Thanks for your patience.
Zeref wrote:Elite Fighting Style
Fighting Style: Elite Fighting Style
Weapon Utilization: Sword and Martial Arts
Description: A style of swordsmanship refined by years of adventure and battler, passed from Master Higurashi to Zeref as a young teenager of Snow-Hawk Island. For years Master Higurashi had perfect a beautiful combination of martial arts and rapier swordsmanship, though finding only one who would be able to bother use and even refine the art itself, young Zeref.
Toggled and Passive Abilities:
Passive Ability: Through refining the craft through his years as a Marine, Zeref is capable of increasing his Reflexes with his sharpened focus by 10% however when he focuses it equally weakens his defensiveness by 10%.
- Light Techniques:
Fillet Min-yons
Technique Type: Damage Over Time
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Description: Zeref quickly slashes the opponent, aiming for the torso most of the time. He uses the slender blade of his rapier to filet the flesh of his opponent causing them to begin bleeding severely.
Piercing Joust
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Description: Trained in the art of fencing, Zeref is able to quickly lung forward dealing damage by piercing his opponent with the fine pointed blade he wields.
Critic Palm
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 1 Post
Description: A simple enough technique designed to strike an opponent entering close range, allowing Zeref to strike the opponent's sternum with his hand flat and palm hardened.
Critical Sweep
Technique Type: Flat - Hybrid
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: 1 Post
Buffs: Only for this technique Zeref's attack is increased by 10%
Description: Zeref uses one of his legs and kicks in a horizontal motion making a sweep like motion. The strike used to apply detrimental force to his opponent.
- Medium Techniques:
Bladed Cyclone
Technique Type: Flat - Hybrid
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 6 Posts
Duration: 3 Posts
Buffs: Does a 10% increase to both users Attack and Defense (+20% total)
Description: Using his blade, Zeref spins at a high speed creating what appears to be a silver cyclone. The color stemming from his blade as he moves about the battlefield, the cyclone designed to push back enemies or even consume some in a vortex of pain. Dealing 10 damage with each successful impact from the cyclone.
Elite Focus
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 6 Posts
Duration: 3 Post
Buffs: Increases Attack and Reflexes by 25%
Description: Zeref uses his training as an "Elite" swordsman and martial artist to hone his focus and help to sharpen his focus and use that focus to enhance the critical accuracy of his strikes.
- Heavy Techniques:
Volleyball Fist
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 1
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Description: Zeref uses both fists together to basically perform a massive blow to the opponent in the form of an uppercut, chest blows, or even damage to limbs directly.
Elite Slash
Technique Type: Flat
Technique Level: 5
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Description: Zeref uses his swordsmanship to strike with a devastating slash cutting deep and in some cases even completely stop the opponent being targeted.
Divine Justice
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: 10
Maximum Base Range: 1 Meter
Cooldown: 9 Posts
Duration: 4 Post
Buffs: +25% Defense and +50% Attack
Description: Zeref focuses on maintaining his body and begins to watch and defend himself more accurately, while beginning to use his battle focus to make his strikes more accurate and damaging strikes.
- AoE Techniques:
Captive Smog
Technique Type: Stat Morph
Technique Level: Level 1
Maximum Base Range: 10 Meters
Maximum Base AoE Radius: 2.5 Meters
Cooldown: 11 Posts
Duration: 4 Posts
Debuffs: When caught in the smog effect players begin to weaken taking -50% to reflexes and -25% to defense.
Description: Zeref busts a small vial of blue liquid on the ground/object which upon mixing with the atmosphere release a massive smog of blue that begins to effect those who inhale the smog. It was designed to weaken opponents for capture by a Marine scientist during Zeref's days on Snow-Hawk Island.
Poison Smog
Technique Type: Damage Over Time - Hybrid
Technique Level: Level 10
Maximum Base Range: 10 Meters
Maximum Base AoE Radius: 2.5 Meters
Cooldown: 11 Posts
Duration: 4 Posts
Debuffs: -30% to Defense
Description: Zeref busts a small vial of purple liquid on the ground/object which upon mixing with the atmosphere release a massive smog of purple that begins to effect those who inhale the smog. It was designed to weaken opponents for capture by a Marine scientist during Zeref's days on Snow-Hawk Island. After inhaling the smog the targets take 6 damage for the next 4 posts.
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