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Mermaid Magic Empty Mermaid Magic

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:43 pm

Mermaid Magic

Fighting Style: Mermaid Magic
Weapon Utilization: Though weapons can be incorporated into the style, it doesn't revolve around them.
Description: This is a style that takes the abilities of a mermaid and hones them to perfection. Naturally, they are very connected to the water as it is there home, so they have some control over it. This can be compared to 'water-bending' just on a much more basic scale. While this is one of the main methods of damage, it is definitely not the only one as it focuses on everything a mermaid has to offer. Luckily, due to Octavia's octopus tentacles, that proves to be a lot more than others and she can incorporate these into her attacks. Another use of this style is the powerful voice of a mermaid which allows her to call upon sea creatures to come to her aid.

Note: Most of the water manipulation abilities require her to be either extremely close too or actually in the water.

Toggled and Passive Abilities:

  • Squidward Walking Noises: Octavia can use her tentacles to climb walls and cling onto roofs. [passive]

  • The Best of Both Worlds: Octavia can actually breathe above land and in water without any problems. [passive]

  • Sirens Song: Octavia has a powerful and strong singing voice that will call fish to her aid. This isn't really meant for most combat to say, and her song is usually picked up by Octopus'. The times when it helps the most is at sea when she is in need of directions or needs them to help with an enemy ship. [passive]


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

Last edited by Octavia Barbary on Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:33 pm; edited 3 times in total

Mermaid Magic Empty Re: Mermaid Magic

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:08 am
Comments written in red :3

Octavia Barbary wrote:

Mermaid Magic

Fighting Style: Mermaid Magic
Weapon Utilization: Though weapons can be incorporated into the style, it doesn't revolve around them.
Description: This is a style that takes the abilities of a mermaid and hones them to perfection. Naturally, they are very connected to the water as it is there home, so they have some control over it. This can be compared to 'water-bending' just on a much more basic scale. While this is one of the main methods of damage, it is definitely not the only one as it focuses on everything a mermaid has to offer. Luckily, due to Octavia's octopus tentacles, that proves to be a lot more than others and she can incorporate these into her attacks. Another use of this style is the powerful voice of a mermaid which allows her to call upon sea creatures to come to her aid.

Note: Most of the water manipulation abilities require her to be either extremely close too or actually in the water.

Toggled and Passive Abilities:

  • Squidward Walking Noises: Octavia can use her tentacles to climb walls and cling onto roofs. [passive]

  • The Best of Both Worlds: Octavia can actually breathe above land and in water without any problems. [passive]

  • Sirens Song: Octavia has a powerful and strong singing voice that will call fish to her aid. This isn't really meant for most combat to say, and her song is usually picked up by Octopus'. The times when it helps the most is at sea when she is in need of directions or needs them to help with an enemy ship. [passive]


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:


Mermaid Magic Empty Re: Mermaid Magic

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:38 pm
Mkay, everything should be fixed and if it's not...

Mermaid Magic Empty Re: Mermaid Magic

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:29 pm
Alllllmost there!

Octavia Barbary wrote:

Mermaid Magic

Fighting Style: Mermaid Magic
Weapon Utilization: Though weapons can be incorporated into the style, it doesn't revolve around them.
Description: This is a style that takes the abilities of a mermaid and hones them to perfection. Naturally, they are very connected to the water as it is there home, so they have some control over it. This can be compared to 'water-bending' just on a much more basic scale. While this is one of the main methods of damage, it is definitely not the only one as it focuses on everything a mermaid has to offer. Luckily, due to Octavia's octopus tentacles, that proves to be a lot more than others and she can incorporate these into her attacks. Another use of this style is the powerful voice of a mermaid which allows her to call upon sea creatures to come to her aid.

Note: Most of the water manipulation abilities require her to be either extremely close too or actually in the water.

Toggled and Passive Abilities:

  • Squidward Walking Noises: Octavia can use her tentacles to climb walls and cling onto roofs. [passive]

  • The Best of Both Worlds: Octavia can actually breathe above land and in water without any problems. [passive]

  • Sirens Song: Octavia has a powerful and strong singing voice that will call fish to her aid. This isn't really meant for most combat to say, and her song is usually picked up by Octopus'. The times when it helps the most is at sea when she is in need of directions or needs them to help with an enemy ship. [passive]


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:


Mermaid Magic Empty Re: Mermaid Magic

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:44 pm
take two

Mermaid Magic Empty Re: Mermaid Magic

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:46 pm
Take two approved! Thank you for your patience >_<

Octavia Barbary wrote:

Mermaid Magic

Fighting Style: Mermaid Magic
Weapon Utilization: Though weapons can be incorporated into the style, it doesn't revolve around them.
Description: This is a style that takes the abilities of a mermaid and hones them to perfection. Naturally, they are very connected to the water as it is there home, so they have some control over it. This can be compared to 'water-bending' just on a much more basic scale. While this is one of the main methods of damage, it is definitely not the only one as it focuses on everything a mermaid has to offer. Luckily, due to Octavia's octopus tentacles, that proves to be a lot more than others and she can incorporate these into her attacks. Another use of this style is the powerful voice of a mermaid which allows her to call upon sea creatures to come to her aid.

Note: Most of the water manipulation abilities require her to be either extremely close too or actually in the water.

Toggled and Passive Abilities:

  • Squidward Walking Noises: Octavia can use her tentacles to climb walls and cling onto roofs. [passive]

  • The Best of Both Worlds: Octavia can actually breathe above land and in water without any problems. [passive]

  • Sirens Song: Octavia has a powerful and strong singing voice that will call fish to her aid. This isn't really meant for most combat to say, and her song is usually picked up by Octopus'. The times when it helps the most is at sea when she is in need of directions or needs them to help with an enemy ship. [passive]


Light Techniques:

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