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Enryu Godfrey [Work-in-Progress]
Wed Nov 13, 2019 5:03 am
~Enryu Godfrey~
Basic Character Information
Starting Bonus: Pocket Change | [Starting Bonus Roll]
First Name: Enryu
Middle Name | Initial: ~
Last Name: Godfrey
Epithet: TBE (To Be Earned)
Age: 18 Years Old
Gender: Male
Race: Human | Cyborg (Right Arm Cybernetic)
Faction: Bounty Hunter | Underworld (Hitman & Assassin)
- Scientist (Cybernetic Enhancements) -
- Assassin | Hitman | Underworld Inhabitant -
- Bounty Hunter | Treasure Hunter | Item Hunter -
Physical Appearance
Height: 5’8 ft.
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair Style: Short
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Describe your garb in detail.
Description: Describe your bodily appearance (not including your clothes) in detail.
The Past
Main Traits:
Unique laugh: Does your character have a unique laugh? Well, it should. (Seriously, you need one or you're banned for life! I'm totally serious! Like, really, really serious!)
Hometown: Please read the island description of your home island provided in the Roleplay section of the forum. Some islands are a bit different to how you may remember them from canon, so it is imperative that you read it. However, you may choose to make up your own island instead also, in which case you may make up its history so long as it doesn't distort the overall history of the forum's plot.
Personality: Describe your personality in both combat and non-combat situations in detail. This doesn't necessarily mean your character must always act within the parameters of this personality, but it should provide a good background on how your character acts in various situations.
- History:
Describe your character's past before starting off their adventure RP-wise in thorough detail. Mention important events starting from their birth, to the moment of the very first thread if possible. This is where you can create important relationships from your past, which you can then further build upon in your RPs.
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