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Berserk Pirates Empty Berserk Pirates

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:28 pm

Name of your crew here

Name: Berserk pirates
Faction: Pirates
Number of Members: 1
Strength: lvl 10

Insignia/Jolly Roger: A skull and bones on a black flag, the eyes of the skull are dyed like a red mist signifying a berserker.
Motive: To find the one piece, to seek adventure and new lands, and to one day stand at the top.

Ship: Do you have a ship? What is the name, and please include a link.
Captain: Alexander Nyx
First Mate: Name of the second-in-command of the group.
Member 1: You may change the title of this position to whatever you like.
Member 2: And you may add as many members after this as you like.

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