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[Bio] Ryu Yatagarasu (WIP)
Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:44 pm
Ryu Yatagarasu
Basic Character Information
Forename: Ryu
Middle Name/Initial: N/A
Surname: Yatagarasu
Epithet: None
Birthdate: 31 December 1811
Gender: Male
Species/Tribe: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Navigator
Physical Appearance
Height: 189cm / 6 Feet, 2.41 Inches
Weight: 85kgs / 187lbs
Hair Style: His hair is short and well kept. It is not long enough to style and he prefers it that way, he will usually keep it at its current length. He has noticeable bangs with some strands even going past his eyes, giving him a more reserved look. As a fun quirk, when utilizing his devil fruit, his hair will spike up because 'his hair looks like silver' which doesn't make sense since silver is not actually metallic.
Hair Color: Silver or white depending on the lighting.
Eye Color: Pale Cyan
Scars: None in particular.
Gear: Ryu has a peculiar taste in fashion, or it would be that way if it weren't practical for his profession. He usually wears shades of black white or silver which is great at contrasting his natural appearance. He likes both extremely form-fitting and baggy clothing and will wear either depending on the occasion.
Description: Describe your bodily appearance (not including your clothes) in detail.
The Past
Main Traits: Stoic, Rebellious, Reserved
Unique laugh: Does your character have a unique laugh? Well, it should. (Seriously, you need one or you're banned for life! I'm totally serious! Like, really, really serious!)
Hometown: Please read the Turf Details of your home island provided in the Roleplay section of the forum. Some islands are a bit different from how you may remember them from canon, so it is imperative that you read them. However, you may choose to make up your own island instead also, in which case you may make up its history so long as it doesn't distort the overall history of the forum's plot.
Personality: Ryu is a man of few words. While he doesn't mind speaking to people he won't go out of his way to make conversation with a stranger. However, even if he is somehow forced to engage with someone he will often reply in ways that lead to the least possible responses. This is his way of cutting off conversations before he is inevitably dragged into some sort of adventure.
He is the helpful sort of person who will help anyone with essentially anything if they ask him nicely enough. He denies this, however, out of fear that people will take advantage of that little quirk and ask him to do their chores or something. He considers his helpful nature as something of a curse and any attempts he took to change it have just been. temporary. Despite how much of a hassle it can be, he finds the most fulfillment in helping those around him, and hearing the words 'thank you' is enough to brighten up his day, if said or shown in the right way, he can find himself blushing.
Despite other aspects of his personality, Ryu does not necessarily think combat or fighting is a bad thing. What he does hate though, is the inherent hatred that exists between two combatants. Because of who and where he learned how to fight, he didn't necessarily understand why people would use it to hurt and steal. And to some extent, he still doesn't. Consciously or not this gives him the desire to help those who fall victim to violence, in his way.
- History:
Ryu was born on the sea at the end of the year 1811. His parents were refugees from a war-torn island erased from history by the world government. They were two of only 8 survivors from that island and both his father and mother had to push themselves and give up everything to get on the boat before destruction, especially considering that his mother was pregnant.
His parent was good with their hands so they would help around the ship. His father was a carpenter and his mother was a craftswoman. Their skills were invaluable despite how little they were respected on the ship. Some would even say too invaluable. They were so skilled that their abilities would rival some of the best in the north blue, and the ship's captain was more than happy to capitalize on that.
He held the fact that he saved them from war and sold their services to whoever would pay the highest, he would even conspire with pirates. One failed deal would eventually lead to the death of his parents. Along
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