- GuestGuest
Hie Hie no mi
Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:42 pm
Hie Hie no mi
Devil Fruit: Chilly Chilly no mi
Devil Fruit Type: Logia
Devil Fruit Appearance: Blue fruit, composed of frost patterns and has a swirled stem on the top. It is small enough to be held in one hand.
Devil Fruit Description: Allows the user to mimic, generate, and manipulate ice. The user can also control and absorb pre-existing if their own ice is mixed into it. The user control allows him to create all kinds of structures. As a n Ice man he can freeze things, encase them in ice, and even lower the temperature of the area he is in. By freezing the water underneath him he can avoid submersion.
Devil Fruit Passive Abilities:
- The user can freeze anything that comes in contact with him, the longer the contact the more the frozen state spreads.
- Attacks pass through Argent, when he has a >=80% reflex over the opponent. If this would result in dismemberment or shattering he can reconstitute himself.
- Unaffected by cold, snow, and, ice.
the durability of ice constructs is based on the user attack stat. This doesn't include physical attacks made by the users ice body. For example and ice fist like Ace's Hiken.
Can turn into ice vapor to increase reflexes 15% and allow omni directional travel at the cost of 15% defense.
GENERAL NOTICE of course if the ground is hotter than my character ability to keep it frozen then it will melt over time depending on the temperature. But if I'm a high level (my stats are high) then the summer island just might feel like winter when i'm fighting.
Fighting Style:Hie Hie no mi
Weapon Utilization:A sword
Description:Using a sword in conjunction with the Hie Hie no mi Neville works to restrict his opponents movements causing disadvantages to the terrain. Argent, undeterred by changes will strike in the chaos.
- Light Attacks:
Ice Make
Technique Level: 1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 2 Duration 2 post unless in contact with user.
Technique Description: This is used to make any simple construct from weapons, keys, staircases etc. Cool down for this starts before the duration ends. After the duration objects become slush and therefore breakdown/become unusable. The user can increase the duration for an equal increase cool down.
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 2
Technique Description:A thrusting attack done using the hand or sword, a long spear of ice will erupt from the medium in order to impale the target
Moon Dance
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 3
Technique Description: A flurry of sword sized ice blades will be launched at target inflicting cutting damage.
Technique Level:5
Technique Range:
Technique Cooldown:
Technique Description:The user will create a circle of iceunder the target. The ice circle will quickly rise 3ft quickly with enough force to launching target(s) up to 10 meters into the air, dealing light damage when they land. Opponents with defense<50% of user’s attack are launched the full 10 meters back, while opponents with defense >79% are only launched 5 meters up. This is best used on opponents who are moving because it will cause them to slip, loose balance, on the ice. As soon as the platform hits its peak it vaporizes, leaving behind the frozen circle beneath it.
- Medium Attacks:
Cooled Jets
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 5 post
Technique Description: The user will shoot jets of cold air and frost to freeze said area. This attack is precise and as such is used target specific individuals or things.
Technique Level:5
Technique Range:50m
Technique Cooldown: 7
Technique Description: Emitting cold all over his body, ice will spread out along the ground freezing everything and covering it with ice. This attack will spread at increased speed of 25% at the cost of the user's bodies speed 25%
Frozen Thicket
Technique Level:20
Technique Range:100m D 2 post
Technique Cooldown: 5
Technique Description:With a reverse grip on his sword his stab towards the ground in front of him which will freeze and large ice spikes will erupt sporadically, but close together on the ground piercing what they hit. (This can still be done with out a sword.) The spikes become fragile after the duration but ground remains frozen, unless of course melted or destroyed.
- Heavy Attacks:
Waning Scimitar
Technique Level:1
Technique Range: Melee-10m
Technique Cooldown: 10
Technique Description: As Argent slashes his sword forward frost covers the blade and extends the the blades length by up to 10m. Argent will deliver a powerful cut to target. During this attack everything the blade passes over and or touches freezes then is cut. Increases the range of sword specific techniques by the increased length of the sword, including moon dance.
Full Rotation
Technique Level:10
Technique Range: Max 100m
Technique Cooldown: 10
Technique Description: Drawing is sword from his sheath in smooth motion he will flick the wrist of is sword arm sending out a spiraling air blade (2.5m tall) will emit. Up hitting something it will cut around in a spiral pattern, as appose to cutting it and traveling straight through. As long as it isn't blocked by a superior defense however it will continue it full distance.
- AOE Attacks:
Technique Level: Briar Partch
Technique Range: 10m
Technique Radius: 2.5m
Technique Cooldown: 20
Technique Description: Exhaling while emitting frost over body, like steam. The the visisbility of the area is drastically reduced and then the frost binds together in shape of thorny vines entrapping and piercing those caught in range. Because this attack is initially a fog it less imposing.
Comet Shower
Technique Level:20
Technique Range:200m
Technique Cooldown: 20 post 1 post activation Duration 3 post
Technique Description: Transforming his fist into pure ice he will point his fist to the air and fire a great number of ice fist into the air in order to let them rain down. The fist will come down larger than launched after combining with the atmosphere's moisture. Because of the sheer volume of fist raining down it takes a +25% more reflexes than normal to dodge. During the 1 post activation attack Argent's reflexes are reduced 25%. This attack hits +30% Attack. For three post after this his attack goes down 10%. The user can't use any non light attack during Comet Shower.
- Gray
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000
Posts : 4026
Re: Hie Hie no mi
Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:53 pm
[Comments in orange.]
Argent wrote:Hie Hie no mi
Devil Fruit: Chilly Chilly no mi
Devil Fruit Type: Logia
Devil Fruit Appearance: Blue fruit, composed of frost patterns and has a swirled stem on the top. It is small enough to be held in one hand.
Devil Fruit Description: Allows the user to mimic, generate, and manipulate ice. The user can also control and absorb pre-existing if their own ice is mixed into it [Controlling pre-existing ice is a no-go, even if you mix your own ice to it. Naturally occuring ice is not flexible or malleable like your ice would be, so all you'd do is shatter it when trying to reform it.]. The user control allows him to create all kinds of structures. As a n Ice man he can freeze things, encase them in ice, and even lower the temperature of the area he is in. By freezing the water underneath him he can avoid submersion.
Devil Fruit Passive Abilities:
- The user can freeze anything that comes in contact with him, the longer the contact the more the frozen state spreads. [Stat checks will still apply.]
- Attacks pass through Argent, when he has a >=80% reflex over the opponent. If this would result in dismemberment or shattering he can reconstitute himself. [Won't apply to haki/seastone based attacks.]
- Unaffected by cold, snow, and, ice.
the durability of ice constructs is based on the user attack stat. This doesn't include physical attacks made by the users ice body. For example and ice fist like Ace's Hiken. [Then which stat are physical attacks made by the user's body based on?]
Can turn into ice vapor to increase reflexes 15% and allow omni directional travel at the cost of 15% defense.["Ice vapor" is water vapor. You're an ice-man, not a water vapor man.]
Fighting Style:Hie Hie no mi
Weapon Utilization:A sword
Description:Using a sword in conjunction with the Hie Hie no mi Neville works to restrict his opponents movements causing disadvantages to the terrain. Argent, undeterred by changes will strike in the chaos.
- Light Attacks:
Ice Make
Technique Level: 1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 2
Technique Description: This is used to make any simple construct from weapons, keys, staircases etc. [Include a duration for these constructs. They should melt-away or become unusable by the end of that duration. Also, depending on how long the duration is, you'll also need to extend the cooldown.]
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 2
Technique Description:A thrusting attack done using the hand or sword, a long spear of ice will erupt from the medium in order to impale the target
Moon Dance
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 3
Technique Description: A flurry of sword sized ice blades will be launched at target inflicting cutting damage.
Technique Level:5
Technique Range:
Technique Cooldown:
Technique Description:The user will create a circle of ice with a 2.5m [You don't need to specify this AoE. Instead, just say "create a circle of ice under the target".] diameter under the target. The ice circle will quickly rise 3ft quickly with enough force to launching target(s) up to 10 meters into the air, dealing light damage when they land. Opponents with defense<50% of user’s attack are launched the full 10 meters back, while opponents with defense >79% are only launched 5 meters up. This is best used on opponents who are moving because it will cause them to slip, loose balance, on the ice. As soon as the platform hits its peak it vaporizes, leaving behind the frozen [the frozen what?] beneath it.
- Medium Attacks:
Cooled Jets
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 5 post
Technique Description: The user will shoot jets of cold air and frost to freeze said area. This attack is precise and as such is used target specific individuals or things.
Technique Level:5
Technique Range:50m
Technique Cooldown: 7
Technique Description: Emitting cold all over his body, ice will spread out along the ground freezing everything and covering it with ice. This attack will spread at increased reflex (speed) of 25% at the cost of the user's bodies reaction time 25% [There is no such stat as "reaction time". Either remove both buffs or make your debuff something feasible. Also, this ice will need to travel in a line and not expand outwards like an AoE attack.]
Frozen Thicket
Technique Level:20
Technique Range:100m D 2 post
Technique Cooldown: 5
Technique Description:With a reverse grip on his sword his stab towards the ground in front of him which will freeze and large ice spikes will erupt sporadically on the ground piercing what they hit. (This can still be done with out a sword) [Again, this attack cannot spread outwards in all directions like an AoE attack.]
- Heavy Attacks:
Waning Scimitar
Technique Level:1
Technique Range: Melee-10m
Technique Cooldown: 10
Technique Description: As Argent slashes his sword forward frost covers the blade and extends the the blades length by up to 10m. Argent will deliver a powerful cut to target. During this attack everything the blade passes over and or touches freezes then is cut.
Full Rotation
Technique Level:10
Technique Range: Max 100m
Technique Cooldown: 10
Technique Description: Drawing is sword from his sheath in smooth motion he will flick the wrist of is sword arm sending out a spiraling air blade (2.5m tall) will emit. Up hitting something it will cut around in a spiral pattern, as appose to cutting it and traveling straight through. As long as it isn't blocked by a superior defense however it will continue it full distance.
- AOE Attacks:
Technique Level: Briar Partch
Technique Range: 10m
Technique Radius: 2.5m
Technique Cooldown: 20
Technique Description: Exhaling while emitting frost over body, like steam. The the visisbility of the area is drastically reduced and then the frost binds together in shape of thorny vines entrapping and piercing those caught in range. Because this attack is initially a fog it less imposing. [If you want to have an actual slowdown effect with this frost, you should represent it with stat debuffs. Otherwise, the AoE will simply do heavy damage and that's it.]
Comet Shower
Technique Level:20
Technique Range:200m [Missing the technique radius.]
Technique Cooldown: 20 post 1 post activation Duration 3 post
Technique Description: Transforming his fist into pure ice he will point his fist to the air and fire a great number of ice fist into the air in order to let them rain down. The fist will come down larger than launched after combining with the atmosphere's moisture. Because of the sheer volume of fist raining down it takes a +25% more reflexes than normal to dodge. During the 1 post activation attack Argent's reflexes are reduced 25% [While this makes perfect sense the way you're explain it, with the current (admittedly flawed) combat system, it would be confusing to apply properly, since there aren't two separate stats for offensive and defensive reflex. So, what I suggest you do for this attack is give your opponents a -25% reflex debuff for the duration of the technique, and then give yourself a -25% reflex (or any other stat as long as you can somewhat explain why you picked that stat) for three posts after the duration of the technique.]. This attack hits +30% Attack. For three post after this his attack goes down 10%. The user can't use any non light attack during Comet Shower. [Balance out the +30% attack buff with an equivalent debuff to defense that also decreases as the attack buff decreases.]
- GuestGuest
Re: Hie Hie no mi
Tue May 02, 2017 6:41 pm
Gray wrote:[Comments in orange.]Argent wrote:Hie Hie no mi
Devil Fruit: Chilly Chilly no mi
Devil Fruit Type: Logia
Devil Fruit Appearance: Blue fruit, composed of frost patterns and has a swirled stem on the top. It is small enough to be held in one hand.
Devil Fruit Description: Allows the user to mimic, generate, and manipulate ice. The user can also control and absorb pre-existing if their own ice is mixed into it [Controlling pre-existing ice is a no-go, even if you mix your own ice to it. Naturally occurring ice is not flexible or malleable like your ice would be, so all you'd do is shatter it when trying to reform it.]. The user control allows him to create all kinds of structures. As an Ice man he can freeze things, encase them in ice, and even lower the temperature of the area he is in. By freezing the water underneath him he can avoid submersion.
Whether or not ice is naturally malleable or flexible doesn't actually matter in the since that logias can control their pre-existing element when combined with their own DF this change would be at molecular level. If I can mimic ice, absorb, shatter, why wouldn’t I be able to keep it structurally sound while shaping it? There are plenty of intangible examples of this. But unfortunately sand and I guess snow is the only other comparison at the moment. There wouldn't be any reason for ice to be different. That is what Logias do. I'll use one more point although from different show Ice wizards in Fairy tail, just because the ice is different doesn't mean you can't work with it.
Devil Fruit Passive Abilities:
- The user can freeze anything that comes in contact with him, the longer the contact the more the frozen state spreads. [Stat checks will still apply.]
- Attacks pass through Argent, when he has a >=80% reflex over the opponent. If this would result in dismemberment or shattering he can reconstitute himself. [Won't apply to haki/seastone based attacks.]
- Unaffected by cold, snow, and, ice.
the durability of ice constructs is based on the user attack stat. This doesn't include physical attacks made by the users ice body. For example and ice fist like Ace's Hiken. [Then which stat are physical attacks made by the user's body based on?] Attack. But if you meant to ask about the defense of physical attack that would be defense.
Can turn into ice vapor to increase reflexes 15% and allow omni directional travel at the cost of 15% defense.["Ice vapor" is water vapor. You're an ice-man, not a water vapor man.] Ice can be vapor. Vapor is always seen coming off Kuzan's body, unless you have another word for it? Latter in the app I said like steam but it is actually called vapor, so is the fog. Kuzan appeared to do this at the war when he went from his chair into the middle of the air between two tsunamis. Because I don't wan't coming latter I'll mention that Aokiji manipulated his body in a slush like state, opening hole in his body avoid an attack by White beard.
Fighting Style:Hie Hie no mi
Weapon Utilization:A sword
Description:Using a sword in conjunction with the Hie Hie no mi Neville works to restrict his opponents movements causing disadvantages to the terrain. Argent, undeterred by changes will strike in the chaos.
- Light Attacks:
Ice Make
Technique Level: 1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 2
Technique Description: This is used to make any simple construct from weapons, keys, staircases etc. [Include a duration for these constructs. They should melt-away or become unusable by the end of that duration. Also, depending on how long the duration is, you'll also need to extend the cooldown.]
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 2
Technique Description:A thrusting attack done using the hand or sword, a long spear of ice will erupt from the medium in order to impale the target
Moon Dance
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 3
Technique Description: A flurry of sword sized ice blades will be launched at target inflicting cutting damage.
Technique Level:5
Technique Range:
Technique Cooldown:
Technique Description:The user will create a circle of ice with a 2.5m [You don't need to specify this AoE. Instead, just say "create a circle of ice under the target".] diameter under the target. The ice circle will quickly rise 3ft quickly with enough force to launching target(s) up to 10 meters into the air, dealing light damage when they land. Opponents with defense<50% of user’s attack are launched the full 10 meters back, while opponents with defense >79% are only launched 5 meters up. This is best used on opponents who are moving because it will cause them to slip, loose balance, on the ice. As soon as the platform hits its peak it vaporizes, leaving behind the frozen [the frozen what?] beneath it.
- Medium Attacks:
Cooled Jets
Technique Level:1
Technique Range:10m
Technique Cooldown: 5 post
Technique Description: The user will shoot jets of cold air and frost to freeze said area. This attack is precise and as such is used target specific individuals or things.
Technique Level:5
Technique Range:50m
Technique Cooldown: 7
Technique Description: Emitting cold all over his body, ice will spread out along the ground freezing everything and covering it with ice. This attack will spread at increased reflex of 25% at the cost of the user's bodies reflex 25% [There is no such stat as "reaction time". Either remove both buffs or make your debuff something feasible. Also, this ice will need to travel in a line and not expand outwards like an AoE attack.]
Frozen Thicket
Technique Level:20
Technique Range:100m D 2 post
Technique Cooldown: 5
Technique Description:With a reverse grip on his sword his stab towards the ground in front of him which will freeze and large ice spikes will erupt sporadically on the ground piercing what they hit. (This can still be done with out a sword) [Again, this attack cannot spread outwards in all directions like an AoE attack.]
- Heavy Attacks:
Waning Scimitar
Technique Level:1
Technique Range: Melee-10m
Technique Cooldown: 10
Technique Description: As Argent slashes his sword forward frost covers the blade and extends the the blades length by up to 10m. Argent will deliver a powerful cut to target. During this attack everything the blade passes over and or touches freezes then is cut.
Full Rotation
Technique Level:10
Technique Range: Max 100m
Technique Cooldown: 10
Technique Description: Drawing is sword from his sheath in smooth motion he will flick the wrist of is sword arm sending out a spiraling air blade (2.5m tall) will emit. Up hitting something it will cut around in a spiral pattern, as appose to cutting it and traveling straight through. As long as it isn't blocked by a superior defense however it will continue it full distance.
- AOE Attacks:
Technique Level: Briar Partch
Technique Range: 10m
Technique Radius: 2.5m
Technique Cooldown: 20
Technique Description: Exhaling while emitting frost over body, like steam. The the visibility of the area is drastically reduced and then the frost binds together in shape of thorny vines entrapping and piercing those caught in range. Because this attack is initially a fog it less imposing. [If you want to have an actual slowdown effect with this frost, you should represent it with stat debuffs. Otherwise, the AoE will simply do heavy damage and that's it.]
Doesn't need stats. If your caught you can't move if your frozen. Which applies to all freezing techniques.
Comet Shower
Technique Level:20
Technique Range:200m [Missing the technique radius.]
Technique Cooldown: 20 post 1 post activation Duration 3 post
Technique Description: Transforming his fist into pure ice he will point his fist to the air and fire a great number of ice fist into the air in order to let them rain down. The fist will come down larger than launched after combining with the atmosphere's moisture. Because of the sheer volume of fist raining down it takes a +25% more reflexes than normal to dodge. During the 1 post activation attack Argent's reflexes are reduced 25% [While this makes perfect sense the way you're explain it, with the current (admittedly flawed) combat system, it would be confusing to apply properly, since there aren't two separate stats for offensive and defensive reflex. So, what I suggest you do for this attack is give your opponents a -25% reflex debuff for the duration of the technique, and then give yourself a -25% reflex (or any other stat as long as you can somewhat explain why you picked that stat) for three posts after the duration of the technique.]. This attack hits +30% Attack. For three post after this his attack goes down 10%. The user can't use any non light attack during Comet Shower. [Balance out the +30% attack buff with an equivalent debuff to defense that also decreases as the attack buff decreases.]
Haven't edited this yet I wan't to talk about it a bit, so that I ensure my edit is adequate. I did attack did 10% over 3 turns because of fatigue. 1 post of dramatically lower defense would simulate this. I tried to model it similar to your mode, that make exhausted the one where you use a bunch of haki and later a hit willpower.
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