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Calvin Callie Cal Avery Empty Calvin Callie Cal Avery

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:18 pm

Calvin Avery

Calvin Callie Cal Avery Dayton13

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy ;( | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name:Calvin (Cal for short or Callie)
Middle Name/Initial:
Last Name: Avery
Epithet: Little Witch (Former)
Age: 17
Race: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Doctor pharmaceutical specialist

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'10  (fluctuates due to df)
Weight: 155 M (137 F)

Hair Style:hair clumps together resembling leafs. His hair is long enough the fore most tuft when pulled can touch the tip of his nose.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Light Brown
Clothing and Accessories: Loose black hoodie with a collage of rare flowers on the back. On the front of the hoodie, and the sleeves it is all black. On the right of the chest is the Rod of Asclepius, the skeleton of a snake wrapped around a staff.  Dark grey leggings. Black combat boots. Green v-neck
Right middle finger:
Black headphones tone dial loaded with classical music.
Large duffel medical supplies and assorted junk.

Description: Appearance varies but lets talk about the two common male-female ones. Von Luschan's chromatic scale 26, about as dark as a "light skinned" black person can get. Hardened physique sculpted from obvious vigorous workouts, but still slim. Tattoo that swirls along his sides and spirals on his stopping in the middle of the forearm and neck (under shirt collar)
As man he has a more of a muscular build and larger arms and legs.
As woman her skin is somewhat softer but her calf's are more pronounced. She gains a bust in the manageable BS. Her hair grows a bit longer but the styles say the same. A more appearance feminine version of the picture given... Adams apple obviously goes away

The Past

Main Traits:Audacious, nosey, noisy, rambunctious
Likes:Loyalty, antiques, gossip (6), smoothies.
Dislikes: Cats, harmful drugs, dishonesty
Hometown: South Blue
Personality: Doesn't care what pronouns are used to refer to him. He normally wears gender neutral clothes in order to change genders at will. Cal tends to leave out important information or disclose it too late. Such as not consuming alcohol with a particular medicine or not disclosing a particular path closed/dangerous. If your lucky you might hear I wouldn't go that way.

Cal is a strategist confident in his self but not others.  He thinks long term and can tolerate losses if they lead to bigger gains.  Cal tends to want to see things in order to believe it. He will hesitantly take people he 'trust' at their word. His hobbies his interest lye outside of what is traditional for his age. Instead of chasing skirt or listening the 'in crowd' music he rather listen to classical music. His interest in gardening isn't strictly therapeutic he is a doctor by trade with a particular fascination with medicinal uses of plants.

What kind of pirate? As a doctor one could argue that his goal should be to preserve life. Cal however is on a path to enhance life. What good is getting older if your going to become frail, what about all of those born disabilities. Right now your probably thinking he is on the path to saint hood. But don't get it wrong even hell runs on money. But even better than money he values information.

Loyalty very important he goes to extreme lengths for those he trust. He is also very fair in his business dealings and is vengeful to those who break deals or tries to cheat him.
Crazy prepared.
Smoothies and fruit are life, Cal gets violent over troubles with smoothies.
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

Calvin Callie Cal Avery Empty Re: Calvin Callie Cal Avery

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:33 pm
A very interesting character! Can't wait to see how you RP the ever switching genders of Cal/Callie!

Calvin Callie Cal Avery Fdzj9w

Forty seven wrote:

Calvin Avery

Calvin Callie Cal Avery Dayton13

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy ;( | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name:Calvin (Cal for short or Callie)
Middle Name/Initial:
Last Name: Avery
Epithet: Little Witch (Former)
Age: 17
Race: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Doctor pharmaceutical specialist

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'10  (fluctuates due to df)
Weight: 155 M (137 F)

Hair Style:hair clumps together resembling leafs. His hair is long enough the fore most tuft when pulled can touch the tip of his nose.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Light Brown
Clothing and Accessories: Loose black hoodie with a collage of rare flowers on the back. On the front of the hoodie, and the sleeves it is all black. On the right of the chest is the Rod of Asclepius, the skeleton of a snake wrapped around a staff.  Dark grey leggings. Black combat boots. Green v-neck
Right middle finger:
Black headphones tone dial loaded with classical music.
Large duffel medical supplies and assorted junk.

Description: Appearance varies but lets talk about the two common male-female ones. Von Luschan's chromatic scale 26, about as dark as a "light skinned" black person can get. Hardened physique sculpted from obvious vigorous workouts, but still slim. Tattoo that swirls along his sides and spirals on his stopping in the middle of the forearm and neck (under shirt collar)
As man he has a more of a muscular build and larger arms and legs.
As woman her skin is somewhat softer but her calf's are more pronounced. She gains a bust in the manageable BS. Her hair grows a bit longer but the styles say the same. A more appearance feminine version of the picture given... Adams apple obviously goes away

The Past

Main Traits:Audacious, nosey, noisy, rambunctious
Likes:Loyalty, antiques, gossip (6), smoothies.
Dislikes: Cats, harmful drugs, dishonesty
Hometown: South Blue
Personality: Doesn't care what pronouns are used to refer to him. He normally wears gender neutral clothes in order to change genders at will. Cal tends to leave out important information or disclose it too late. Such as not consuming alcohol with a particular medicine or not disclosing a particular path closed/dangerous. If your lucky you might hear I wouldn't go that way.

Cal is a strategist confident in his self but not others.  He thinks long term and can tolerate losses if they lead to bigger gains.  Cal tends to want to see things in order to believe it. He will hesitantly take people he 'trust' at their word. His hobbies his interest lye outside of what is traditional for his age. Instead of chasing skirt or listening the 'in crowd' music he rather listen to classical music. His interest in gardening isn't strictly therapeutic he is a doctor by trade with a particular fascination with medicinal uses of plants.

What kind of pirate? As a doctor one could argue that his goal should be to preserve life. Cal however is on a path to enhance life. What good is getting older if your going to become frail, what about all of those born disabilities. Right now your probably thinking he is on the path to saint hood. But don't get it wrong even hell runs on money. But even better than money he values information.

Loyalty very important he goes to extreme lengths for those he trust. He is also very fair in his business dealings and is vengeful to those who break deals or tries to cheat him.
Crazy prepared.
Smoothies and fruit are life, Cal gets violent over troubles with smoothies.
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