- GuestGuest
Hebi Hebi Fruit - WIP
Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:10 am
Name your Devil Fruit here
Devil Fruit: Snake Snake Fruit aka Hebi Hebi
Devil Fruit Type: Zoan
Devil Fruit Appearance:
Looks ordinary at first and not ripe, however, the interior is a dark olive green with red spots all over it.
Devil Fruit Description: This devil fruit power allows the user to turn into a white snake or a hybrid state. Along with becoming a snake, he loses his eye sight, yet gains the ability of heat signatures, slithering, shedding his skin, and poison in his fangs.
Devil Fruit Passive Abilities:
Speed - When it comes to his hybrid form, he gains ten times the speed. In his full form, he gains twenty times.
Shedding Skin - Shedding his skin, however taking a full post to do, will grant the user brand new skin and a temporary increase in defense for +10 and the maximum increase will be thirty. (Last only a thread and shouldn't be seen as a permanent.)
Body Adrenaline- Though blinded, he gains 5% in reflex, however, his willpower is 5% lower and this only takes affect in a hybrid or full state.
Poison Fangs - Not considered lethal by any means, one bite from him and the enemy will suffer 5% defense decrease per post for up to three post maximum and there current state whether metal or elemental will still suffer 3% instead of 5%.
Hissing - Nothing magical for a snake or cat to have, however, this will place fear in the hearts of those who hear it, with an increase of 5% in his attacks.
Fighting Style: Hebi Style
Weapon Utilization: Teeth
Specialization: Melee
Description: Briefly describe how your fighting style works.
(The following techniques can either be all devil fruit techniques, or a combination of devil fruit, and natural/weapon techniques)
- Light Attacks:
Name of the technique
Technique Level: At which level did you obtain this technique?
Technique Range: Up to how far does this technique deal damage? (The maximum ranges of techniques can be found in the Combat guide.)
Technique Cooldown: How long before you can use this technique again? (2-5 posts)
Technique Duration: If this technique is not instantaneous, and instead lasts over a certain duration, mention the duration in the number of posts here. (Suggested max. durations are light attack: 1-2 posts, medium attacks: 2-4 posts, heavy attacks: 4-6 posts). The cooldown must be higher if the technique has a longer duration.
Technique Buffs: List any stat buffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these buffs are applied to your character or others. Any buffs must be balanced out by equivalent debuffs.
Technique Debuffs: List any stat debuffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these debuffs are applied to your character or others. Any debuffs must be balanced out by equivalent buffs.
Technique Description: Describe how your technique works. You can include any buffs or special statuses that your technique provides you here. But, keep in mind that these bonuses should come with equivalent debuffs to yourself.
Name of the technique
Technique Level: At which level did you obtain this technique?
Technique Range: Up to how far does this technique deal damage? (The maximum ranges of techniques can be found in the Combat guide.)
Technique Cooldown: How long before you can use this technique again? (2-5 posts)
Technique Duration: If this technique is not instantaneous, and instead lasts over a certain duration, mention the duration in the number of posts here. (Suggested max. durations are light attack: 1-2 posts, medium attacks: 2-4 posts, heavy attacks: 4-6 posts). The cooldown must be higher if the technique has a longer duration.
Technique Buffs: List any stat buffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these buffs are applied to your character or others. Any buffs must be balanced out by equivalent debuffs.
Technique Debuffs: List any stat debuffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these debuffs are applied to your character or others. Any debuffs must be balanced out by equivalent buffs.
Technique Description: Describe how your technique works. You can include any buffs or special statuses that your technique provides you here. But, keep in mind that these bonuses should come with equivalent debuffs to yourself.
- Medium Attacks:
Technique Level: At which level did you obtain this technique?
Technique Range: Up to how far does this technique deal damage? (The maximum ranges of techniques can be found in the Combat guide.)
Technique Cooldown: How long before you can use this technique again? (5-7 posts)
Technique Duration: If this technique is not instantaneous, and instead lasts over a certain duration, mention the duration in the number of posts here. (Suggested max. durations are light attack: 1-2 posts, medium attacks: 2-4 posts, heavy attacks: 4-6 posts). The cooldown must be higher if the technique has a longer duration.
Technique Buffs: List any stat buffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these buffs are applied to your character or others. Any buffs must be balanced out by equivalent debuffs.
Technique Debuffs: List any stat debuffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these debuffs are applied to your character or others. Any debuffs must be balanced out by equivalent buffs.
Technique Description: Describe how your technique works. You can include any buffs or special statuses that your technique provides you here. But, keep in mind that these bonuses should come with equivalent debuffs to yourself.
- Heavy Attacks:
Technique Level: At which level did you obtain this technique?
Technique Range: Up to how far does this technique deal damage? (The maximum ranges of techniques can be found in the Combat guide.)
Technique Cooldown: How long before you can use this technique again? (8-10 posts)
Technique Duration: If this technique is not instantaneous, and instead lasts over a certain duration, mention the duration in the number of posts here. (Suggested max. durations are light attack: 1-2 posts, medium attacks: 2-4 posts, heavy attacks: 4-6 posts). The cooldown must be higher if the technique has a longer duration.
Technique Buffs: List any stat buffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these buffs are applied to your character or others. Any buffs must be balanced out by equivalent debuffs.
Technique Debuffs: List any stat debuffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these debuffs are applied to your character or others. Any debuffs must be balanced out by equivalent buffs.
Technique Description: Describe how your technique works. You can include any buffs or special statuses that your technique provides you here. But, keep in mind that these bonuses should come with equivalent debuffs to yourself.
- AOE Attacks:
Technique Level: At which level did you obtain this technique?
Technique Range: Up to how far does this technique deal damage? (The maximum ranges of techniques can be found in the Combat guide.)
Technique Cooldown: How long before you can use this technique again? (15-20 posts)
Technique Duration: If this technique is not instantaneous, and instead lasts over a certain duration, mention the duration in the number of posts here. (Suggested max. durations are light attack: 1-2 posts, medium attacks: 2-4 posts, heavy attacks: 4-6 posts). The cooldown must be higher if the technique has a longer duration.
Technique Buffs: List any stat buffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these buffs are applied to your character or others. Any buffs must be balanced out by equivalent debuffs.
Technique Debuffs: List any stat debuffs that this technique applies in percentage or hard-set values and specify whether these debuffs are applied to your character or others. Any debuffs must be balanced out by equivalent buffs.
Technique Description: Describe how your technique works. You can include any buffs or special statuses that your technique provides you here. But, keep in mind that these bonuses should come with equivalent debuffs to yourself.
- Gray
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000
Posts : 3941
Re: Hebi Hebi Fruit - WIP
Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:39 pm
Make sure you're following the Character Creation Guide step-by-step. You have to claim a devil fruit first before you can make a fighting style with it.
- Gray
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000
Posts : 3941
Re: Hebi Hebi Fruit - WIP
Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:11 pm
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