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Fate/Orbis Telos: AU Nasuverse 18+ Roleplay Forum Empty Fate/Orbis Telos: AU Nasuverse 18+ Roleplay Forum

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:28 pm
Fate/Orbis Telos is an AU 18+ Rated Intermediate-Advanced Roleplay Forum based on the works of Kinoko Nasu. Plot is advanced through overarching events  created by staff and players, with the world being completely malleable through their actions. Whether you are familiar with the Nasuverse or not, if you’ve a penchant for mythology, history or fantasy roleplay, this is the place for you. Come and meet the community!

Fate/Orbis Telos: AU Nasuverse 18+ Roleplay Forum 33ac3sz
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