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Rick Theirin Empty Rick Theirin

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:26 am

Rick Theirin

Rick Theirin 0fe8891dface6e0a35aae0dd12448717--dragon-age-alistair-this-morning

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Pocket Change | Starting Bonus Roll

First Name: Rick
Middle Name/Initial: N/A
Last Name: Theirin
Epithet: "Shady Rick"
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Bounty hunter, self-acclaimed.
Profession: Jack-of-all-trades, he has a general knowledge of most professions or jobs, but isn't that proficient in them.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 137 lbs

Hair Style: Short and Spiky
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Brown
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Rick usually likes to dress as a citizen to keep in disguise and not to be counted as an actual bounty hunter or what his infamous reputation precedes him for, he does dress and wear clothing for the right weather or occasion however.

Description: Normal build, there's no special characteristics about him as he looks like any other normal guy.

The Past

Main Traits: Witty, Greedy, Blabbermouth
+ Wealth, he does occasional propositions or business scams just to extort people out of their money.
+ Calling the shots, Rick likes to handle most things his way, and while he is open to suggestions, he doesn't like others taking the lead on missions or operations that he believes he should have control over.
+ Position or power, when he's in a higher standing over others, it feeds to his ego.
- Fighting, he would just run away at the sight of it, however if he is forced to, he does fight back.
- Taking away his wealth, taking away a life or two that are associates with Rick? he considers them expendable, but anything related to money-making or just money itself and taking it away from Rick, he hates.
- Insult to injury, if Rick loses, he loses. He can accept that sometimes as you can't win them all, but he especially holds a grudge and gets pissed off if you constantly rub it in his face.
Hometown: Baterilla, South Blue
Personality: Rick isn't a very moral or caring person, rather he cares as long as he has money as it's what spins the world around in his opinion, he believes that with moral views aside, there is much money to be made. However, he isn't totally inhumane. After a certain experience in his history, he is slightly more sensitive to what people think about him.

However, he finds affectionate moments a bit too much to his liking, and he would rather not spend any more time close to another as needed. With the past few years however after his experiences with Lady Ann in his history, partners that constantly come up every now and then throughout his jobs, he might start to be more comfortable with and actually start to show a more friendly attitude and side to them, but he tries to hide this as he doesn't want to appear weak or doesn't want to be taken advantage off.


Last edited by Rick on Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
No Good
Name : Butch Castle
Epithet : "No-Good"
Age : 19
Height : 5'8½" / 174 cm
Weight : 143 lbs. / 65 kg
Species : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunter
Crew : N/A
Ship : Little Castle
Crew Role : N/A
Balance : [ber] 256,650,000
Posts : 117

Rick Theirin Empty Re: Rick Theirin

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:08 pm
As his hilarious as Rick's history is, you should come up with some sort of explanation (even if half-assed) as to why there is no bounty on Rick for assaulting a prince. This history would be perfect if he was going to be a pirate, but a bounty hunter should probably try to avoid getting a bounty on himself. xD

One idea is to have the prince simply refuse to believe Rick looked like him. That way, they wouldn't really be able to draw up a proper picture for him. As for his butler, he would not admit Rick looked like him out of care for his master. Because if they put up a bounty poster of a man who looked like the prince, some bounty hunters might mistakenly come after the prince in the future. And Ann wouldn't tell on Rick because... bow-chicka-bow-wow.


Rick Theirin Empty Re: Rick Theirin

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:44 pm
Changes have been made!
No Good
Name : Butch Castle
Epithet : "No-Good"
Age : 19
Height : 5'8½" / 174 cm
Weight : 143 lbs. / 65 kg
Species : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunter
Crew : N/A
Ship : Little Castle
Crew Role : N/A
Balance : [ber] 256,650,000
Posts : 117

Rick Theirin Empty Re: Rick Theirin

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:13 pm
Rick Theirin 2n6x35u
Rick wrote:

Rick Theirin

Rick Theirin 0fe8891dface6e0a35aae0dd12448717--dragon-age-alistair-this-morning

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Pocket Change | Starting Bonus Roll

First Name: Rick
Middle Name/Initial: N/A
Last Name: Theirin
Epithet: "Shady Rick"
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Bounty hunter, self-acclaimed.
Profession: Jack-of-all-trades, he has a general knowledge of most professions or jobs, but isn't that proficient in them.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 137 lbs

Hair Style: Short and Spiky
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Brown
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Rick usually likes to dress as a citizen to keep in disguise and not to be counted as an actual bounty hunter or what his infamous reputation precedes him for, he does dress and wear clothing for the right weather or occasion however.

Description: Normal build, there's no special characteristics about him as he looks like any other normal guy.

The Past

Main Traits: Witty, Greedy, Blabbermouth
+ Wealth, he does occasional propositions or business scams just to extort people out of their money.
+ Calling the shots, Rick likes to handle most things his way, and while he is open to suggestions, he doesn't like others taking the lead on missions or operations that he believes he should have control over.
+ Position or power, when he's in a higher standing over others, it feeds to his ego.
- Fighting, he would just run away at the sight of it, however if he is forced to, he does fight back.
- Taking away his wealth, taking away a life or two that are associates with Rick? he considers them expendable, but anything related to money-making or just money itself and taking it away from Rick, he hates.
- Insult to injury, if Rick loses, he loses. He can accept that sometimes as you can't win them all, but he especially holds a grudge and gets pissed off if you constantly rub it in his face.
Hometown: Baterilla, South Blue
Personality: Rick isn't a very moral or caring person, rather he cares as long as he has money as it's what spins the world around in his opinion, he believes that with moral views aside, there is much money to be made. However, he isn't totally inhumane. After a certain experience in his history, he is slightly more sensitive to what people think about him.

However, he finds affectionate moments a bit too much to his liking, and he would rather not spend any more time close to another as needed. With the past few years however after his experiences with Lady Ann in his history, partners that constantly come up every now and then throughout his jobs, he might start to be more comfortable with and actually start to show a more friendly attitude and side to them, but he tries to hide this as he doesn't want to appear weak or doesn't want to be taken advantage off.

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