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[Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend Empty [Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:39 pm
It had been a Beautiful day, Makaze had been sailing towards a Kingdom. He was alone on a Galleon. Mounting the entire thing. It was stressful, tiring, and most amazing part about it annoying. It took a lot of his stamina to do the tasks he needed to be done just to operate, navigate and sail it. Giving up was never his goal. However, the drain on his body was annoying. A Normal human would not be able to operate all this at the same time. Once he had docked the ship. He would place his forearm on the sailing wheel and take a deep sigh. "Finally here." He stated. He would exit the ship. And look over the massive building. "Goodness, This Town is packed with guards.. No wonder it's a Kingdom. Causing trouble here would be bad. I best avoid any engagements with the locals." He stated.

The Massive Halfing made his way around town. He wore, Shoes, Jeans, A shirt, and a Jacket. Nothing special or that stood out.  He had to get some stock for the ship before his next trip. That would be the best thing to do. Though every where he passed. People seemed to be annoyed or stressed that such a Behemoth was here. Fear and chaos spread their minds. It was an uneasy feeling even for himself.

[Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend Empty Re: [Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:55 pm





“I see the port!” cried Wren, pointing excitedly as the sight of Lvneel island drew closer. Her silver hair flew wildly in the choppy sea wind, the hazel glint in her eyes bright with the prospect of another adventure. “Row, faster! Faster!!”

“Calm down, Fluffy-Fluffy,” mused her favourite grunt from her crew, Primetime.

He was a grotesque creature, covered head to toe in unruly brown hair like a sasquatch. His appearance was very much like a sasquatch too, tall, wide, long-limbed and much like a lot of Primetime pirates, he disliked the feeling of shirts covering his chest. This was an unfortunate and uncomely sight, as this grunt was prone to drinking an excess of ale and beer, and as a result of consuming the party elixir in such quantity for years, he’d developed an enormous belly that drooped over the waist of his ripped cargo shorts.

It would have been a great relief if his face was at least more charming to look at, but that wasn’t the way the world treated this lamentably ugly man. His skin took on a yellow complexion, his lower lip was constantly jutting out like a gorilla and his eyebrows were so hairy, his eyes were completely covered. Yet, the sweet fairy who shared his company loved him immensely.

This girl, no larger than a thimble, was a tontatta with a silver squirrel tail that lent her a very fitting nickname: Fluffy-Fluffy. With skin as white and smooth as marble, delightfully pink cheeks and thick, curled lashes, she often threw famous tantrums if Primetime duties separated her from the sasquatch-like grunt. So unlike her companion in the way of the beauty and the beast, it was unbelievable they got along so well. In fact, it was completely unimaginable to believe Wren was a Primetime at all.

She neither fit the reputation of a big, bad, blood-lusting pirate the Primetimes were so renowned for, nor was she particularly intimidating like her captain. She was by no means an ugly grunt (and all things considering, her favourite grunt wasn’t the least attractive being to sleep on Big Time either) or an ambitious, swash-buckling pillager. Yet few among the Primetime pirates themselves considered her anything less than one of their on.  

“Hurry~” groaned Wren impatiently, pounding her fists with little effect against the wooden edge of the boat. “And stop calling me Fluffy-Fluffy, Sassy!”

“When you stop calling me Sassy, I will,” retorted the sasquatch.

The grunt was heaved the oars to their tiny rowboat (a boat they hadn’t entirely obtained permission to use, but that would have to be a problem to take with their captain later), until the bow knocked against the port. Sassy lumbered unsteadily off the rowboat and tied it haphazardly to a post, smack right in between a beautiful galleon and an even grander warship. Their modest rowboat was a mere ant amid the giants.

“Yes!” squealed Wren, zooming into the air, her mechanically engineered wings buzzing like a hummingbird’s. She threw her arms into the air and inhaled deeply, letting the fresh, crisp ocean air fill her lungs. “Ahhh! So this is Lvneel! It looks so...quiet!” A cheeky, mischievous smile spread across her plump cheeks. “Shall we show this lovely little island how the Primetimes like to party?"



[Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend Empty Re: [Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:20 pm
It was dreadfully uncomfortable with the glares and whispers that Makaze had been given. Shock and Fear within the eyes of the bystanders. Like he was going to eat them alive or something. Even the Marines that passed by during their partols seemed like they nearly pissed they're pants. Making sure to make their patrols faster by moving towards their next location. He had never seen such fear. He hadn't even fought and his size and height alone scared the living crap out of the people. This really sucked. He imagined obtaining stock and items was gonna be extremely easy. He didn't even have to talk. Just stand there point to the item and it most likely would be granted like candy. That sort of thing disgusted him. He trained all his years he hated free hand outs. Unless he earned it.

The real question was how he was gonna talk to them. He took a deep sigh. And looked over a the sky. It's a beautiful day. However, his train of thoughts would be interrupted with a tug over his jeans. He looked down to see a normal sized human. But he saw nothing. So he looked down further. And Boy he nearly lost his marbles. It was a little girl. "Sir you're extremely big." She said. It took everything within his mind and body. Not to kill the girl for even being in the same presence as him. He released a huge puff of air from his lips. Reminded himself this was not worth it. To many Marines, to many people. Not worth causing a Scene. No need to get a bounty this early in the Blues. Then to live a life of being hunted none stop. While he stirred a Galleon all by himself for now. He simply shrugged his foot. And made his way away from the woman.

He made his was towards the bench, Took a squat down to attempt to sit on it. Only to bust his ass and hit the ground, as the Bench broke within seconds of his weight being placed. Shit, that was rather embarrassing. He stated within his mind. "I forget my own Strength sometimes." This was frustrating for him.

[Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend Empty Re: [Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:01 am





“Fluffy-Fluffy, slow down,” huffed and puffed the poor sasquatch, the weight of his beer belly swinging wildly and hindering his movements.

“No, you hurry up!” retorted Wren brazenly, whizzing over the heads of the crowds with unrestrained glee. “Gosh, what should we do~~?”

She turned her head over her shoulder to check if Sassy was keeping up, but his magnificent form had lagged behind by several paces already and was still only a few steps from where she had left him. She clicked her tongue and shook her head. Retracing her path, she paused and hovered just at Sassy’s eye-level. She crossed her arms and pouted, twisting her pretty face into an expression of adorable annoyance.

“Geez, how are we going to get anywhere with that rate?” she demanded haughtily, the air around her suddenly shifting as her tail unfurled violently in the air behind her.

The little fairy suffered from a mental affliction, one that would sometimes change her personality faster than the switch of a light. Yet, she appeared to live in begrudging harmony with the various identities stuffed within that small frame of hers and those closest to her, such as Sassy, were already more than used to her constant mood shifts.

“I’m an old man with old bones, Fluffy-Fluffy,” he grumbled, shuffling to the side of the street and flopping down on a bench.

Wren shook her head, but before she could retort, Sassy suddenly reached upwards and snatched up the tontatta girl, cupping his leathery hands around her. A giant figure had just brushed by and would have barreled straight into the thumb-sized tontatta like a passing train if Sassy hadn’t just narrowly saved her. Wren turned her head, her eyes widening in wonder as she beheld the man’s sheer size, his body laden with iron-like muscle. Even the vein pulsing dangerously close to bursting, an indication of his foul mood, was almost Wren’s own size.

Yet despite his intimidating aura and Wren’s own comparably small figure, the curious and inquisitive nature of the girl was all the more imposing. Once the initial shock of the giant’s approach was over, and all too soon it did, pure and unadulterated admiration washed over her expression. A wide, beaming smile spread across her cheeks and her eyes sparkled with wonder, like a child seeing a giant mechanised robot for the first time.

Sassy was one of the many Primetime members possessing enormous and monstrous size, and while this was another stark reminder of Wren’s own discrepant position in the crew, it certainly meant she had her fair share of giants. Especially when giants were never in short supply with her size.

While beings larger than Sassy were not completely unheard of, especially on the Grand Line where all sorts of individuals from all walks of life gathered, the man who passed the two Primetimes was on a completely different level. To Wren, who loved nothing more than the new and unusual, this man immediately grabbed her interest and once she found something that held her interest, she must thoroughly familiarise herself with it.

“Hey, watch yourself!” snapped Sassy, still cupping Wren in his hands protectively. “You nearly crashed into my friend!”

As he voiced his complaints to the giant, he took a seat beside the sasquatch, which immediately fell apart from his sheer weight. Startled, Sassy fell into the timbers, landing unceremoniously on his rump and Wren squealed as her entire body was jostled. Sassy unconsciously squeezed his fingers together and her wings wailed to a stop.

“Alright, you!” growled Sassy, jumping to his feet. He shook a fist at the giant man who had demolished his seat, Wren still clamped uncomfortably tight in his other hand. “Get up and start apologising!”



[Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend Empty Re: [Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:22 am
Makaze didn't see Sassy and and Fluffy Fluffy. Until he heard a voice from Sassy when he had broken the bench. He looked around only to lower his eyes and noticing Sassy. "You want to throw hands in a place like this?" He raised an eye brow. "You're telling me to apologize?" He blinked. "Are you blind and can't see my size?" He questioned. Now while Makaze came off rude. That not what Makaze's intention was. He was just so shocked that someone was unable to see him ahead time to move out of the way. He then turned his attention to the little fairy. "Who's the little one?" He asked. "She seems nice." He stated Ignoring Sassy and speaking directly to Fluffy Fluffy. He felt if he spoke with Sassy any more he'd start having a head. Some truth to it was. The Smaller man seemed to be a hot head and extremely over protected. Which was generally an unhealthy trait to have.

He blinked to himself and released a Huff. He went into this town, everyone seemed to be scared of him, and he encountered two more folks that seemed to not be phrased by his size. Atleast this was a good way for him to be happy. He can have a conservation without them having fear. Atleast that was a plus side. "So what are your names you two? Between you and me. These folks are scared of me. I take it you're pirates. Since you mister. Are hot Headed and Quick to fight." He stated. "It isn't a bad thing to have just annoying. You shouldn't pick fights with anyone. You should assess the turn of events before striking." He replied. He then turned his attention back to Miss Fluffy Fluffy. Goodness she was so tiny and cute she was the smallest thing he had laid eyes on.

Boy, did he fall in love with her size. How can someone of her body size. Be so Adorable. He could only imagine how she fought. Quick on her feet and can dodge mostly anything. If she had Observation then simply just yikes man. For Now, Makaze shall wait for her reply.

[Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend Empty Re: [Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:29 am





While the two Primetime pirates had yet to ever witness a true giant before this day, both had their fair share of criminals with giant bounties. Their own captain was testament to this fact: one of the strongest men to currently exist in the North Blue. It was largely this very reason that inflated Sassy’s ego so large and wrongfully so, considering it was borrowed power.

Yet this realisation never once occurred to the sasquatch and the words of the giant, whether or not they were intended to anger, still riled the man up.

“You think you’re some big shot just because your size is big, eh?” grunted the sassy sasquatch. “Let me tell you something, punk.” He wagged an accusing, hairy finger at the giant. “That ego of yours is gonna get you into some bigger trouble if you don’t learn when to apologise for your own errors.”

While all this ensued, Wren’s own appetite for trouble was growing all the more. Her irritation at being ignored in this whole ordeal miffed her and by the time the giant’s attention had turned to her, she was ready to let loose. Extremely pleased to have caught the interest of the giant without even trying, Wren’s beaming smile immediately returned.

“This is my best friend, Sassy!” she said proudly, pointing audaciously up at the fuming sasquatch. “And I am…!”

She flung her arms into the air and suddenly her size shot up from the little tontatta she was to a giant with the same eye level as their new acquaintance. Nearby pedestrians shrieked at the appearance of a giant that had appeared entirely out of thin air. The young girl was a Devil Fruit user, a human who had complete power over her hormones, thus allowing her to control her size and appearance freely. Or as freely as her hormones would allow.

“I’m Wren! And we are both pirates belonging to Primetime, a nefarious crew led by the almighty Brood!” she exclaimed gleefully, swinging her arms around dangerously and narrowly missed smashing into a nearby store.

At the mention of her captain’s name, the enormous crowd that had been idly enjoying their day on Lvneel suddenly turned into a raging stampede. A stampede to get away.

“It’s those wretched Primetime psychopaths!!”

“Someone call the marines!”

Sassy glared up at Wren, gripping the land he had formerly held Wren in. “Oi! Fluffy-Fluffy, if you’re gonna grow all of a sudden, next time warn me ahead of time, will you?”

Wren glanced down at her companion, grinning from ear to ear. “But then the surprise would have been ruined!” she laughed mercilessly, before turning to the other giant. “Now...I believe you owe us an introduction?”



[Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend Empty Re: [Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:10 am
He looked over Sassy and he blinked. He certainly was a sassy one. He thought he had a ego because of his massive size. He released a soft Chuckle. "Ha." he started laughed. "That's the funniest thing I've heard all day? Me an ego because of my size?" he questioned Sassy. "No, I don't have an ego. If I had an ego I would be bluntly telling everyone I'm better then them. Telling them I can beat them all and everyone is a subhuman and I am God." he kept laughing. "But do you see me doing such a thing? Most certainly not. Because that's the stupid way to go about it." he stated. He then shrugged himself off. And turned he's attention to the now seemly giant which was miss Fluffy Fluffy. It was interesting how she took such a monstros size just like he was. He wondered though how long she can keep that transformantion before drain hit her and she would be forced to revert. "This little man is Mister Sassy? Interesting and he is your friend?" He nodded he's head. When she stated that she was Part of the Primetime pirates. he didn't flinch it only became a slight annoyance when bystanders started yelling for the Marines.

"You know? Marines are gonna come right?" He asked her. "I'm Makaze I belong to no crew currently. Pleased to meet you." He told her. "Interesting devil fruit honestly. I love it. I myself am Seeking one. But If it comes to my hands or not we'll see. Wren, tell me? Is your Captain looking for another Member? To join their crew if interested I'd gladly join." He stated. Unfortunately. They time will most likely be short lived now that they went ahead and outed themselves as Pirates of the Primetime Crew. If Only he had more time to talk to her and Sassy.

[Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend Empty Re: [Social] Meeting a New Foe Or Friend

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:14 am





“It’s okay, Sassy,” said Wren, without glancing down at her comrade.

A tiny, unreadable smile accessorised her features and she kept her eyes trained upon the giant before her. Behind her, as though under the giant tontatta’s protection, the sasquatch was red and fuming.

The denied “egoism” of the giant named Makaze seemed to belittle the Primetime grunt and the hot-hotheadedness Sassy was so known for among their comrades was close to exploding. It wasn’t entirely clear what Wren thought towards the insult of her dearest friend in the crew, but the sparkle in her eyes never once stiffened.

“Marines?” she repeated naively, tilting her head to one side as though in doubt of his words. “Oh! That sounds fun~ Sassy, can we fight them?”

She glanced down at her friend, her expression completely lit with excitement. Sassy, in turn, swallowed his anger and shifted his gaze to meet Wren’s.

“We don’t have any backup,” he replied, after some consideration, but there was some regret in his voice. There was no doubt he wanted desperately to release some built-up steam from engaging in a futile argument with Makaze.

Wren’s shoulders slumped. “Yes, you’re right,” she said in resignation before turning back to Makaze. “I ate a devil fruit that grants me the power to control my hormones. I can change my height, weight, age, gender and even my facial features however I want! I can even play around with yours if you let me!”

She lifted her hands in demonstration and flexed her fingers, letting her nails grow into a set of five syringe-like claws. “Of course, I would never change someone just for fun. I’ve been told it’s incredibly rude to not get consent first, so don’t worry!”

She then paused at Makaze’s next question. “My captain is the strongest in all of the North Blue and we’re going to take over the Grand Line soon!” she boasted, puffing out her chest proudly. One could even imagine her nose elongating with her inflated ego.

“But we aren’t seeking members!” interrupted Sassy bluntly, a sizzling glare burning into Makaze’s form.

“Yes, unfortunately,” agreed Wren, her expression becoming forlorn. Then her expression lit up again, this time with mischief. “But, how about we play a game together instead?”

Sassy pursed his lips, glaring up at the girl. “What game are we playing?”

Wren grinned boldly and rubbed her hands together with irrepressible blitheness.

“A game to see how many marine hats we can snatch,” she flashed her pearly white teeth cheekily. “And to make the game harder, we can’t kill them! We can’t be caught and we can’t be seen either. If we break any of the three rules, we get disqualified and let’s say the game will go on until sundown.

“Whoever collects the most hats gets to draw a funny picture on the loser’s face with this marker,” she dug into her pockets and drew out a pen. “It’s one of my latest creations! The ink doesn’t wipe off no matter what you do and will naturally fade after three days. Well?”

She then turned to Makaze. “Would you like to play with us? Well, I suppose it will be hard for you to stay hidden because you’re a giant. So how about we all do this at the size of tontatta? I can make you both smaller with my devil fruit powers, after all!”


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