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[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:05 pm
The loud sound of guns and cannons could be heard. As the man and women of both sides were in a heated battle. The marine ship known as Jenny was beaten badly. It was pretty much burning into the sea. Three pirate ships surrounded them and most of the crew was now dead. Ghost was badly hurt himself as he held his side. He was all but dead himself. Looking on at a group of pirates he would snap his fingers as an explosion went off. This would knock them off the ship. As Ghost fell over in pain soon another ship would come. By the luck of the sea a massive storm would soon follow them. Washing away the ships to be apart of each other . Ghost would see this as he fainted from his wounds.

A mere two weeks would pass as he would wake up from all the madness. Looking around he would be in a small hint of some sort. This greatly confused him as he tried to get up fast. Only to fall back from a little soreness. But his wounds were not as big as he mist have thought. He would slowly get up and was wobbing a little as he smiled and was grateful he was alive. But how was he was the question? He would soon find the answer to that very question as he walked outside of the small hunt. Looking around he would see short people everywhere he looked. It was as if they was stuck in the cave man days or a few ages after them. They was dressed in what was grass like clothes and what not.

Ghost would see this as he realized he didn't have his clothes on either. Surely there must be some sort of misunderstanding going on here. But as he looked around he would still be in a days. The sun was beaming out on him as the little village people were preparing for something. He would soon feel something yanking at his grass dress and looked down to see it what it was. It was a small woman who did not say much. However she would point towards the woods as Ghost looked on. Soon he would follow her as she was walking fast. She had some sort of spear in her hands as did most others.

Soon as they walked through the woods they would come upon a burial ground. It made sense to him now. His unit was killed and they probably have marked them MIA back at HQ. The little guys saved his life a year would fall from his face. Ghost was truly grateful to be alive. But boy was he sad his unit was no more.


[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:54 pm
Ghost would bow his head in a tearful manner as he was truly at a lost. One moment he and his unit was eating dinner and the next a sudden battle for their lives. Looking on another short person would bring him his clothes. To which he would put them on. Ghost would smile as he was back in his marine gear. A long blue coat with matching boots and pants. Looking to the sky he would smile knowing that they was in a better place now. Soon an alarm would go off. Ghost would look back as the two short people ran back toward their village.

He looked on to see just what was going on. As he slowly walked back towards the village he could he loud war crys going on. As the bandits made their way into the village a battle would ensure. But just what was they here for? Ghost would stay back to view the action of the fight. Seeing the little guys holding their own with power like rocket spears. The spears were like mini cannons. Ghost would put two and two together and could tell they were after the famous island rocket powder. "Those bandits could they be from they fleet earlier? Have they followed me here? This is bad I must beat them here and now. Or else this could get real ugly real fast." Soon Ghost would walk towards one bandit as the bandit looked at him. Ghost would punch him in the face. Taking him out of the battle for now.

Looking on it was just in time as more bandits showed up about thirty of them in total. It was show time as Ghost looked on at the group of land pirates also known as bandits. "Best I check em all before I call for help." Looking on he would see the short people grabbing spears and started to engage the bandits.

[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 02, 2019 11:33 am
Terror Bird Bandits these were a rowdy group of folk yet they were in perfect order. But how one could have asked? They usually just do whatever it is they please to do yet here Ghost was trying to piece two and two together. Looking on he could see the island folk fighting them back using what appears to be a spear. Yet each time the little people throw the spears it was as if a small rocket was taking off. Ghost was shock to see such things. As he looked on he was preparing to go to combat. He would look over to see Monay the coleader of the Terror Bird Bandits.

She had sky blue eyes and golden long hair made into a pony tail. She looked alot different.She was wearing a green army jacket with a bar under it. Looking on all the bandits was wearing random clothes. Ghost clearly was not in a good mood as he saw her. Quickly knocking down two bandits as he made his way to the woman. Looking on at her he wouod eye her as she did him. "So you lived that day huh. We thought you was dead buddy." Ghost would start to crack his knuckles as he looked on at her with anger. "So I was down a few days I'm back up and ready to go round twenty." Monay looked at him as she began to laugh. "A few days try a a few years. That battle happened two years back. You was thought long dead after the great bandit alliance. But dint worry I'll end you right here right now."

Ghost eyes would go wide as he heard that. Just how long was he knocked out for? True his wounds was mostly healed and he even had scars. But Just how long was he down for? Looking on he would charge at her as did she at him. Looking as she jumped up at him he would snap his fingers. Using his Big Bang Boom she would smile as she was trying to use her thunder kick on him.

Last edited by Ghost on Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:22 am

Monay uses Thinder kick Lt on Ghost
Monay uses Thunder punch Lt on Ghost
Monay uses Thunder Palms Mt on Ghost

Big Bang Bomb Lt on Monay
Bomb Wave Lt on Monay
Bomb Wave x2 Mt on Monay

Last edited by Ghost on Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:22 am
The member 'Ghost' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 5, 4, 8


#2 'Reflex Check' : 19, 11, 18

[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:17 pm
Quickly she would try to hit him with her combos. Yet Ghost remains one step ahead of her in everyway. True she gotten stronger yet she was still no more stronger then he was. At best his devil fruit gave him the edge. This is what he plans on using to beat her. Normally he would just fight her. However she gotten way stronger then the last time they went at it. Ghost was just starting out and she was a low life crook. Joining up with a bandit gang she was well into the crime lifestyle.

Ghost would be thinking such things as he watches her use her bolt style. It was a kick boxing style of fighting. She was taught this by her leader. Soon at the right moment he would dodge the last attack and then released his very own combo of attacks. Starting off with his Bomb wave he would quickly engulf her in his bomb explosion. Next up was his Big Bang Bomb how deadly it was as he knocked her back with it. Next up he took her on with his Bomb Wave X2. Quickly taking the lead in this fight. As Monay jumped back out of shock. She was puzzled to see he could still move with such speed and hit with such power. This was because Ghost was a super rookie of the marine and they was not a push over.

Looking on she would jump back as she was bleeding a bit. Wiping blood off of her face she was pissed off. Ghost would smile as he made a tiny explosion in his right hand then pointed at her."Give up you know you can not beat me or win this fight." She started to laugh as she looked at him."As if I would give up so easily on this score. But I Can tell you this. Once I'm done with you these little losers will get the same treatment." Ghost would smile as he witness her pull out six swords. This was odd as he had not seen anything earlier."Somebody got new tricks yet the same old jokes." Just then the two would continue to go at it.

Last edited by Ghost on Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total

[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:11 am
The fight continue

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Posts : 1286

[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:11 am
The member 'Ghost' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 1, 10, 9


#2 'Reflex Check' : 12, 10, 17

[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:31 am
Ghost would look on as Monay would rush him with her swords. He would laugh at this as he knew she still had ways to go. Soon he would go toe to toe with her. As she slashed at him he would quickly counter the attacks with his bombs. Knocking her back down Ghost would smile as he knew she would soon tired herself out. Thus put a smile on his face. Despite the fact he been knocked out for years he was without a doubt a man of higher talent then she was. Ghost would look on as he saw this turn of events.

Knocking away four of her six swords he would smile at the end of the fight. She was out matched in every way. He was simply just better. But soon she would try one more die hard attack. Taking her three swords she would use a three sword style assault on him. Ghost would see this as he looked at her. He would see that she had intended for her to do a suicide drive at him. This was most hurtful as he saw this. Looking at her come his way he would give off a smile of pure sadness. Thinking to himself that she had brought this on herself. Ghost looked on as time would be as if it stood still for them.

Looking on she would make it to him and then slash at him. With a rage of fire he would jump above her. With fire in his soul and the burning will of justice. He knew his JUSTICE WAS AN EXPLOSION.  Quickly dodging each of the attacks. Ghost would laugh at her as he grabbed a hold of her. Hugging her tightly using his Earth Shaker on her. Causing an explosion upon impact. She was no match for this attack none in the slightest. Ghost would smile at this very thing yet he was sad as well. "I am sorry you left me no choice in the matter Monay."

[Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1 Empty Re: [Episode] The Reaper Of The Marine:Book 1 Chapter 1

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:45 am
Ghost looked on as Monday fell down and smiled at him. He was in shock to see her like this. Wondering to himself have the word come to another ass pull war type of move? He needed answers and he needed them now. She was beaten to say the least and now he only had to take care of the grunts that was coming at him one or another. This was a sad day for the Terror bird bandits to say the least. As the Reaper was now back in action and boy was he pissed off at them. Looking on he would walk around to see where he was at for that matter. Still with this young tribe of people or what not. Looking on he would start to feel over himself to check to see if he was OK which he was. The day was starting to end.

He knew he was going to have to hurry up and help this tribe out best way he could. As the bandits were known to strike back hard and this time he was sure they was going to come at more then full force of power and he could not let that happen not now not ever. He would look on as he would help. Them to clean up the last remaining bandits. How crazy as he would watch them get place inside of a cell here and there. He would start to help. Clean up the fallen tribe men as well.Ghosy would look on as he knew time was not on their side as the sun was starting to go down. He would return to a small hunt in which he was staying in. Ghost would slowly close his eyes as he knew hell was going to come back for all its demons.
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