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[Tracker] Johanna Freud
Sun Nov 17, 2019 7:18 pm
Johanna Freud
Character Bio: Johanna Freud
Crew: N/A
Discord Thread: [discordthread=https://discord.com/channels/260564262446039064/1191113130797969499]Johanna Freud[/discordthread]
- Gear:
Razors This set of twin fans appears to be like any other ordinary pair of fans. They are not supported with the typical bamboo or pakkawood as they are instead supported with hardened stainless steel. At the top of the fan, there are well-placed razor-sharp blades that poke out only when she is in a battle to keep herself and others around her safe. They aren't built to make repetitive slicing like if she were to try to saw through something. They are better at making cuts and decent-sized gashes in her opponents. The fan portion is made of a material that is light but can be easily cleaned in water if they become messy from a fight.
Claws She carries a set of 6 double-edged throwing knives. They are made of black colored metal and are sharp to the point. The blade itself on all 6 knives is 4 1/2" long and the whole knife including the handle is 8 1/2" in length. Despite being made of metal they are relatively light in weight to make them easier to throw but they still keep their deadliness.
- Fighting Style:
Name: Silent Dance
Weapon Utilization: Tessenjutsu
Johanna has been trained in the martial art of Tessenjutsu and hand-to-hand combat. The training with her twin war fans is greater than that of her hand-to-hand training but it is enough to get her by. She has learned a lot in a year and a half and has trained ruthlessly. It is clear when she fights that she puts her heart and soul into fighting and her concentration during a fight is next to none. This can also be attributed to the fact that she is deaf and has to pay a lot more attention to a fight than normal people. Her sight has contributed the most from her lack of hearing and she notices things that most people wouldn't notice but her body is sensitive to the vibrations in the air around her. It is something that she has worked on heavily while she was training after she was freed.
- History:
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