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Horus's Style Empty Horus's Style

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:33 pm

Sting Style

Fighting Style: Sting Style
Weapon Utilization: A pair of katars.
Description: Horus relies heavily on wrist-mounted blades to turn what would normally be relatively unimpressive punching or chopping motions into deadly slices or stabs, to more easily strike down enemies that are well-poised to fighting unarmed enemies.  In the few instances where needed, he can remove the blades and fight unarmed, typically using the same basic motions but with a reduced range.  His style prioritizes high mobility and a lot of acrobatic movements between attacks, to disorient enemies and communicate with his bees mid-combat, sometimes allowing for them to close in and land fitting hits while the opponent is distracted defending his own attacks, or vice-versa.

Toggled and Passive Abilities: None


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

Last edited by Yaksha on Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
Kurotane (Black Seed)
Name : Acacia
Epithet : "Black Seed" ("Kurotane")
Age : 27
Height : 8'5" / 257 cm
Weight : 351 lbs / 159 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : New Revolutionary Army
Devil Fruit : Mochi Mochi no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 250,000,000
Balance : [ber] 582,800,000
Posts : 123

Horus's Style Empty Re: Horus's Style

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:45 pm
[ Great work on the fighting style! I appreciated reading the variety of techniques you had and how well-written they were. I have marked a few comments which I'd like you to see and correct accordingly. Additionally, at this point, unless you're planning on teaming up against most of your bosses, I'd highly recommend reducing the number of stat morphs you have and replacing some of them with flats. Otherwise, you'll find yourself running out of techniques to use quite quickly. ]
Yaksha wrote:

Sting Style

Fighting Style: Sting Style
Weapon Utilization: A pair of katars.
Description: Horus relies heavily on wrist-mounted blades to turn what would normally be relatively unimpressive punching or chopping motions into deadly slices or stabs, to more easily strike down enemies that are well-poised to fighting unarmed enemies.  In the few instances where needed, he can remove the blades and fight unarmed, typically using the same basic motions but with a reduced range.  His style prioritizes high mobility and a lot of acrobatic movements between attacks, to disorient enemies and communicate with his bees mid-combat, sometimes allowing for them to close in and land fitting hits while the opponent is distracted defending his own attacks, or vice-versa.

Toggled and Passive Abilities: None


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:


Horus's Style Empty Re: Horus's Style

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:08 pm
All fixed up, yeah.
Kurotane (Black Seed)
Name : Acacia
Epithet : "Black Seed" ("Kurotane")
Age : 27
Height : 8'5" / 257 cm
Weight : 351 lbs / 159 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : New Revolutionary Army
Devil Fruit : Mochi Mochi no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 250,000,000
Balance : [ber] 582,800,000
Posts : 123

Horus's Style Empty Re: Horus's Style

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:27 pm

Yaksha wrote:

Sting Style

Fighting Style: Sting Style
Weapon Utilization: A pair of katars.
Description: Horus relies heavily on wrist-mounted blades to turn what would normally be relatively unimpressive punching or chopping motions into deadly slices or stabs, to more easily strike down enemies that are well-poised to fighting unarmed enemies.  In the few instances where needed, he can remove the blades and fight unarmed, typically using the same basic motions but with a reduced range.  His style prioritizes high mobility and a lot of acrobatic movements between attacks, to disorient enemies and communicate with his bees mid-combat, sometimes allowing for them to close in and land fitting hits while the opponent is distracted defending his own attacks, or vice-versa.

Toggled and Passive Abilities: None


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

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