Revival Dawn - One Piece RP
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[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Mar 08, 2021 12:21 am

The outfit in which Adonis found himself wearing on this cold February morning was that of a typical mafioso. A three piece suit that was a mixture of black and gold accents, similar to that of other members of the Golden Wolf Mafia. He had known that the newfound family underneath Ebony had yet to officially split off from Don Hubert d'Etth. So he did his best to keep up appearances for the time being.

Adonis was the kind of man that woke up precisely when it was time to awaken. Not a second more and not a second later. So why in the hell did he allow for this mesmerizing angel to wake up up at the crack of dawn. The sun had yet to fully reach it's apex and yet here Adonis was, suffering immensely.

If she had been anyone else he might have slapped the taste out of their mouth. But he held a special respect and fear for Ebony that was unlike anything else he had ever experienced. One that seemed magnified by the fact that he woke up in the middle of the street a few nights ago covered in flowers.

Did she abduct him and torture him for his comments earlier in the month? Did she really have that much of a mean streak? He did recall hearing her voice, but he couldn't recall seeing her face. Unless... instead of abduction... no...

She tried to poison him! With the flower cart. That was why he was feeling sick and woozy. The cruel hearted woman. Perhaps she was trying to provoke him into a confrontation so she could try to dominate him!?

Well he wouldn't fall for such an obvious trick. No... he'd keep that information to himself for now. She'd have to try hard if she wanted to try and make him her bitch. He'd just have to be on guard. She was a crafty woman.

Duplicitous motives seemed a likely strategy that she'd deploy. Especially given all the things he had been through in the past with this woman.

For now, he'd just have to focus on the task she dragged him out of bed to complete.

She wanted him to get a taste of what a mafia actually did. His duties were being expanded outside of the realm of merely torturing people for information. He needed to make sure that he learned all the other ways that they earned money. Collecting debts was chief among them.

Not that it bothered Adonis much to shake down the odd shopkeeper here and there. But he could have sworn this was more like grunt work than managerial. Didn't she have others on her payroll yet? Couldn't they do these things while he just snuggled up with some tea and a anatomical journal?

Guess not everyone was lucky around here.

He'd lurch over and speak to her, given their immense height disparity. "So... we basically just go to the people. Say they need to pay back what they borrowed from your daddy, then we kick their asses so that they pay on time again?""

He yawned loudly as he placed his hands on the back of his head. Clearly disinterested in all of the... politicking that went on in the mafia world. But he wanted to be apart of her family, so this was the reality that he had to deal with going forward.

"Are we seriously going to be giving back all the cheddarino to the ole man? Or are we robbin' em?""

{ 588 | 588 | 5,000 }

Last edited by Adonis on Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:33 pm; edited 4 times in total
Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:03 am
Ebony had risen bright and early for the day for not much other reason than to get back Adonis. In his drunken state, he had nearly ruined the negotiations she had scheduled with Curtis a few nights before. Had it not been for Curtis’ graciousness, she would have been seething in fury for a few days more. However, that did not mean she would let him get away with doing so. Thus, she had come up with a plan to make him pay.

Knowing fully well that he was not a morning person, she had decided to bring him along under the pretense of picking up more skills of the trade. He was to help her collect the debts that were owed to her father although, in truth, Ebony knew she had not needed to provide him with an explanation. After all, she knew more than anyone that one word from her would still have gotten her the same result. He had shown his loyalty several times before.

Unfortunately, despite it having been a few days,  Adonis had not shown any signs of repenting and, as such, she figured that he needed a push. It was one of the reasons she had made him come for something unrelated to his actual job. However, she realized that it would work to her benefit. Once she and Adonis branched off, he would be more than prepared to take on the tasks required of the mafia’s innerworkings. Although, truthfully, she could just send lackeys to complete the tasks.

As she pondered over the future, Adonis turned to her in order to inquire about the job. "So... we basically just go to the people. Say they need to pay back what they borrowed from your daddy, then we kick their asses so that they pay on time again?" Ebony shrugged. It was one way to do so. Everyone had their own methods. She, for example, preferred rather extreme measures in order to have them used as an example to others who partook in their loans.

However, there were still certain few who still took their chances. She could not understand why but it gave her the simple pleasure in knowing that they were practically begging for her to pay them a visit. Of course, being as courteous as she was, how could she refuse? Adonis yawned which gave Ebony a rather devious idea. She looked up at him as he concluded with a question. "Are we seriously going to be giving back all the cheddarino to the ole man? Or are we robbin' em?"

Ebony grinned widely. If it was payback that she truly wanted, then all she needed to do was throw him straight in while she watched on. An amusing possibility for sure. “The best method is a hands on one,” Ebony nodded to herself. “I’ll give you the first go. Once there, I’ll evaluate how you do and give you a few pointers.” Of course, it would be more for her entertainment than actually seeing if things went well. She could always step in if things got out of hand.

As per his next question, she replied nonchalantly. “So long as we don’t report it, no one will know we have it.” It truly wouldn’t be her problem if others came to take back the money a second time. Not that it mattered since she had edited the ledger a tad bit. “Even if they do investigate, the names will have disappeared from the ledgers.” She took great measures in planning all of this. She had to start somewhere if she wanted to leave with extra pocket change once this was all done and over with.

615 | 615 | 5000

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:33 am

Adonis adopted an expression that showcased how truly confused he happened to be by this entire ordeal. Finding himself nearly drooling as she explained to him what he was going to do. Even despite the fact that she didn't really give him any information to go by. Whatever the case, he was going to ace this examination of hers with flying colors. For he was the best of men.

"I wonder what else you can teach me with the hands on method." He stated coyly, with a fox-shaped grin planted upon his face as he waggled his brows.

Approaching one of the stores that owed a debt, particularly one that seemed to be wholly centered around the art of of both shoe-repair and shoe-making. A husband and wife duo that had been around these parts far longer than he had.

Apparently their own son had stolen their yearly wages and ran off with some mysterious woman many moons ago, leaving the family desperate enough to take out a loan with the Golden Wolfs.

As he made his way towards the door, he knocked upon it thrice, before pushing the business's door open with a small amount of force. Entering the room with his shades on his face, obscuring his beautiful blue eyes entirely. He'd look around the place, placing his finger on the nearest counter top and running the length of the object slowly.

Feeling how spotless the counter was didn't deter him from rubbing his index and thumb together as though he had found dirt.

Adonis did his best to emulate the mafia guys he saw back when he first got here.

The cordwainer was the husband and the cobbler was the wife. Showcased by the fact that he could see the wife working on a pair of worn down boots while her husband greeted Adonis with a chipper smile... up until he noted the clothing that Adonis wore.

"O-Oh... hello sir. I was just about to come and see Neo'Angelo in the morning..." He dropped the name of one of the family's financial officers, as an indicator that he was exactly the guy that Adonis was looking for.

Looking back towards Ebony for a moment, to make sure he was doing the right thing, Adonis allowed a cocky grin to form on his face as he walked over towards the counter opposite of the room from where he was, placing his elbow against the glass and leaning forward.

"Sounds like a load of bullshit to me. You had an agreement and you broke it. How can I trust anything you say... HUH!?" He let his boot slam against the counter with an audible thud, causing the glass case to shake from the kick.

He yawned loudly as he placed his hands on the back of his head. Clearly disinterested in all of the... politicking that went on in the mafia world. But he wanted to be apart of her family, so this was the reality that he had to deal with going forward.

"S-sir! Please... our daughter is with child and is resting in the back. We had to cover her medical expenses on top of that of the shop. Have mercy, please calm yourself!"

Adonis turned his head over his shoulder again, looking back towards Ebony for guidance. But then suddenly grew a mischievous smirk across his face. "I'm a reasonable man... I believe in an eye for an eye. You took money from us, so we have to take from you."

He turned to face the older man once more, reaching out with blinding speed and popping the right eye of the shop owner. Causing a bloodcurdling scream from his wife who witnessed the entire ordeal unfold in real time.

"Now you can truly see how tolerant our family is with late payments. A real first hand experience. You have... four more days to get the money. Or your wife will have to have a taste of what we do to those who stiff us."

Adonis did his best to look cool. Though the man he had just violently violated couldn't do much beyond scram into his arm, the pain of losing his eye being so severe that he had lost the ability to communicate for what seemed like a brief moment.

Before he turned to leave, he moved over to the register and popped it open. Taking from the register what few beri the couple had. He'd then approach Ebony with a look of accomplishment splashed on his face.

"Here you go, mistress~<3" His face was that of a nefariously pleased feline.

{ 767 | 1,355 | 5,000 }

Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:48 pm
Ebony ignored his shameless remark as she continued to walk down towards their destination. It seemed as if he had gotten more and more brazen as time went on. It was, perhaps, a direct consequence of his lack of discipline. However, she let it go as Adonis being Adonis. No that she cared much to stop him and his innuendos. Having arrived, she held back from entering first. He would be taking the reins on this operation, after all.  

"O-Oh... hello sir. I was just about to come and see Neo'Angelo in the morning..." The man stammered when he saw Adonis. Ebony rolled her eyes as she leaned against the doorframe of the shop’s entrance. It was a typical excuse most people gave her whenever they saw her coming. However, excuses wouldn’t pay back the loan. They had been given time. Whether or not they used it wisely was on them.

Ebony looked around the shop with disinterest. It wasn’t as if they didn’t have any business deals going on. Both were working. Therefore, it was quite evident that they had been receiving orders so what was the hold-up? She looked at her fingertips as if to inspect them. If anything, the couple could have sold their shop. She was sure someone would be more than willing to pay for this.. lovely place.

She said nothing as Adonis took the lead. She missed the look he gave her as she was much more focused on her fingernails. It seemed as if she was soon due to get them re-shaped. They were always a hassle to maintain but she believed it to be worth it. Ebony opened and closed her hand as she sought to get a better look at the.nails. Perhaps she would go with coffin next or keep them as they were. Stiletto, after all, was her favorite.

Ebony lifted her eyes to see what Adonis had gotten himself into. To her amusement, she watched as he seemed to fully immerse himself into the typical lackey role. Sure, the way he held himself needed some refinement but it was a transformation that nearly brought a grin to her face. It was amusing to say the least but he seemed to rather enjoy it. However, she kept her face devoid of emotion in order to keep the illusion of disinterest.

Opting to keep a closer eye on him turned out to be the better choice. In fact, she was thrilled that he provided her enjoyment to an otherwise lackluster event. Perhaps, she mused to herself, it wouldn’t hurt to bring him along every once in a while on her runs. She’d make sure it would be early mornings, too. She snickered as the man begged Adonis for mercy. To her delight, she would soon be given a pleasant surprise.

Adonis, now channeling the persona of the stereotypical mafioso, responded to their pleas in a manner she had not expected. “I'm a reasonable man…I believe in an eye for an eye. You took money from us, so we have to take from you." A wide, sadistic grin immediately spread across Ebony’s face as Adonis took his next actions to a rather amusing level. In one quick movement, he’d take out the man’s eye. Ebony bit her lip to avoid laughing.  

"Now you can truly see how tolerant our family is with late payments. A real first hand experience.” In an effort to maintain composure, Ebony decided to inspect her fingers once more as her grin widened. He had tossed out her words back to them which truly magnified her amusement of the ordeal. “You have... four more days to get the money.” She snickered at his stumble. She hadn’t authorized the timeframe but she could let it pass considering the show he had just given her.

As he grabbed the money, Ebony kept her grin as she gave him a satisfied look. "Here you go, mistress~" He said, wholly proud of himself.  Ebony’s eyes gleamed in amusement. She had to admit that he had more than proved himself capable of handling debt collections. However, there was more to it than the typical shop worker. Thus, the next one would give him a rather different sort of experience.

Well, done,” Ebony mused. “Keep the beli. You more than earned it.” She removed herself from the doorframe and made her way outside. “Our next one goes by the name of Mr. Sandoval. He’s known to hide out whenever it gets close to the due date so we may be in for a bit of a chase.” Not that she minded considering she’d make Adonis do the running. Either that, or she could shoot his legs to keep him from escaping. “I hope you’re up to the task... Don~

795 | 1410 | 5000

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:37 am

She praised him! It was the best feeling that he had felt all morning, especially given the fact that this all felt like a punishment when he first started out. Getting to keep the stolen money was... a small thing in his opinion. He'd much rather have something valuable instead.

Like her continued praise and admiration for example.

Though she implied that the next guy would run when they saw him. He wasn't too worried. He had been using a rifle for a long time now, even if he didn't prefer it.  The dead couldn't pay back a debt, but the injured sure as s hit could.

Adonis found himself being called Don in an affectionate manner, which caused all the blood to rush to his brain. An excitement flourished within the very depths of his soul, and he could do little beyond purr with excitement. His eyes showcasing his lecherously disgusting subconscious. He wanted nothing more than to allow himself the chance to praise her for her leadership, but found himself stopped by further instructions about today's task.

Adonis made his way out of the small family business and started to head down the street towards the last known whereabouts of those individuals that he suspected ferried their debtor out into another family's territory.

There was a moment of instant hesitation when he realized that the hiding that this man engaged in was likely facilitated by the Panera Brothers. Renown local mercenaries that were experts of subterfuge and tracking. If this Sandavol did manage to afford their pretty penny, then it was not going to be easy to track him down.

It would be far too risky to leave the Golden Wolf territory fully, but going into territory of one of the lesser families aligned with the GWM would be a wise decision. Especially given the fact that no one would be dumb enough to stay within arms reach of the family as a whole.

No one other than an expert who knew exactly what the hell they were doing.

"Sandavol... I think I know where he is.~" He stated with a brief pause, slamming his closed right fist into his open right palm. This was a big deal, of that he was sure.

"If I were capable of hiding away from the Golden Wolfs, it'd have to come down to two options. Either I have left the territory a week in advance of any collection dates... which is highly unlikely since it'd cut into my profits."

He took in a sharp breath, attempting to put all the pieces together.

"Or I'd just have a sale up until I can afford to pay the Panera Brothers to smuggle me out of the district." He let his boot slam against the counter with an audible thud, causing the glass case to shake from the kick.

He'd pause his speaking for a moment, rubbing his index finger and thumb against either side of his thumb. Humming to himself in deep contemplation before looking over towards Ebony.

"There are few places where we keep watch over however..." He'd look up as though he had endured some kind of forced epiphany.

"They must have a business in the old undertunnels. The ones that got closed off after they helped remodel the city when the mafia families first moved in. The ones that lead right into the base of the mountains and connect back out into the bay." He'd puff out his chest with glee.

He knew he was right, it was just like treating the island like it was a cadaver and cutting it open... taking a look at the juicy contents inside.

"I know a shortcut on how to get there, follow me."

Some Time Later...

Making his way through a vault like door, pushing it open with relative ease, he managed to look into the room and see the Panera Brothers, blissfully counting away large stacks of berries that they had gained from another successful job well done.

Adonis wasn't in the business of getting on the bad side of mercenaries just doing their job, so he looked over towards his employer to see if she had any advise before they went busting into the building.

This was the fastest method he could think of when it came to tracking down Mr. Sandavol, but there wasn't any proof that the brothers had been involved just yet. Though the fact that they were counting cash gave rise to suspicion that they might have indeed just finished a job recently.

{ 757 | 2,112 | 5,000 }

Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:18 pm
Skarlet uses HT [Nirvana] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses LT [Blinding Fire] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses UT on Panera Henchman.

Panera Henchman uses MT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses UT on Skarlet.


Last edited by Skarlet on Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:14 pm; edited 8 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:18 pm
The member 'Skarlet' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 16, 16, 8


#2 'Reflex Check' : 18, 11, 8, 5
Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:22 pm
Skarlet uses HT [Rapid Fire] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses LT [Quickshot] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses UT on Panera Henchman.

Panera Henchman uses MT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses UT on Skarlet.


Last edited by Skarlet on Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:13 pm; edited 5 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:22 pm
The member 'Skarlet' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 16, 19, 3


#2 'Reflex Check' : 17, 8, 20, 20
Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:32 pm
Skarlet uses MT [Lucky Draw] on Skarlet.
Skarlet uses LT [Blue Envy] on Skarlet.
Skarlet uses LT [Blinding Fire] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses UT on Panera Henchman.

Panera Henchman uses HT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses UT on Skarlet.


Last edited by Skarlet on Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:17 pm; edited 6 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:32 pm
The member 'Skarlet' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 15, 19


#2 'Reflex Check' : 5, 15, 20
Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:14 pm
Skarlet uses MT [Trigger] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses LT [Purple Storm] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses LT [Quikshot] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses UT on Panera Henchman.

Panera Henchman uses MT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses UT on Skarlet.


Last edited by Skarlet on Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:24 pm; edited 5 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:14 pm
The member 'Skarlet' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 16, 17, 17, 3


#2 'Reflex Check' : 13, 5, 8, 17
Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:23 pm
Skarlet uses MT [Jackpot] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses LT [Grace Divine] on Skarlet.
Skarlet uses LT [Blinding Fire] on Panera Henchman.
Skarlet uses UT on Panera Henchman.

Panera Henchman uses MT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses LT on Skarlet.
Panera Henchman uses UT on Skarlet.


Last edited by Skarlet on Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:26 pm; edited 4 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:23 pm
The member 'Skarlet' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 20, 1, 20, 13


#2 'Reflex Check' : 12, 15, 10, 15
Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Re: [Episode] Gravitational Pull

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:08 pm
"Sandavol... I think I know where he is.~” Adonis exclaimed, following up with a hand movement that created emphasis to his words. He seemed rather excited about his epiphany so much so that Ebony decided to remain silent. His mood had improved dramatically. Something she was not looking forward to crushing so early in the day. She figured that he deserved to have his fun even if it would result in nothing.

Ebony knew, after all, that Sandoval was a creature of habit and repetition. A pitiful man with no sense of resourcefulness or smarts for that matter. However, due to his cowardly nature, it always made things more interesting whenever he saw her approach. He always thought himself to be one step ahead but, rather amusingly, he always opted to hide out in the very same place.

"If I were capable of hiding away from the Golden Wolfs, it'd have to come down to two options. Either I have left the territory a week in advance of any collection dates... which is highly unlikely since it'd cut into my profits." Adonis said as he went on a tangent. Ebony nodded as if to agree.

Had Adonis been talking about anyone else, Ebony would have been rather inclined to agree. It made perfect sense. The Golden Wolves were not people one could easily hide from considering the role they played in the Syndicate. However, it did not mean much if a runner had formed their own connections past its borders. Something she would consider for the future.  

"Or I'd just have a sale up until I can afford to pay the Panera Brothers to smuggle me out of the district." Ebony’s ears perked. That was a name she hadn’t heard in a while. They were widely renowned for their expertise as contract mercenaries. People she had once had the pleasure of running with several years back.

Ebony looked at Adonis deep in thought as he hummed to himself. It appeared that he had gone off into his own world as he attempted to piece the puzzle together. It was somewhat endearing to watch so much so that she couldn’t help a small smile that spread across her face. However, as he turned to look at her, Ebony attempted to revert her expression to display mild disinterest.

There are few places where we keep watch over however…" Adonis would start. Ebony, on the other hand, turned to face slightly away from him. She wasn’t sure if he had caught her but she figured playing it off was a better option. Busying herself with such useless thoughts, Ebony would miss out on most of what he said.

What she did manage to grasp was that they were heading down to the underground tunnels. It was a place Ebony did not like to go considering how much of a pain it was to get there. Neither would it be considered worth the trouble as she was sure Sandoval hadn’t made contact with the Brothers. Unless, of course, that man had grown a brain within the span of a few months.

However, one look at Adonis made her reconsider against bursting his bubble. He was a man on a mission and, despite everything, she didn’t mind following him on a wild goose chase. Thus, Ebony decided to keep her mouth shut as he looked at her full of pride. She finally looked up at him and gave him a sincere smile.

If that was where he wanted to go, then that was where they would make their way to. She had given him authority to take the lead on this, after all. As such, Ebony proceeded to follow him towards where he figured the Brother’s could be. To her surprise, however, it ended up taking less time than expected.

As the duo made their way towards the Panera Brother's base, it became increasingly evident that they had just received pay from somewhere. It, in turn, made her doubt Sandoval’s location. However, one looked at their stash and she knew that the small fry hadn’t been the one to pay for their services.

Adonis looked at her for guidance. Ebony, having been quite familiar with the two men, decided to simply make their presence known. However, as soon as one of their men became aware of her, he pulled out his weapon. Ebony clicked her tongue. She decided that simply talking would be a waste and so she decided to take quick action.

In a rapid and practiced manner, Ebony pulled out her crossbow and shot several bolts into the poor man’s body. He’d have no time to react as he collapsed in a bundle of lifeless flesh on the floor. Seeing as how things had gotten out of hand, Ebony lifted her eyes and made eye contact with one of the brothers - Alfredo.

If he wanted trouble, then she had no qualms for it. However, Alfredo took one look at Ebony and lifted both arms apologetically. “Sorry there, Ebby.” He chuckled nervously. “Me and my boys here are a bit trigger-hungry. You know how it is.” He took a few steps closer. Once he reached the body, he nudged it with his foot. “Now, what can we do for you and your boy today?

Ebony nodded as she relaxed her hold on her crossbow. This seemed to cause Alberto and his brother to relax somewhat. “Hm… We’re simply passing by.” Ebony said with a nonchalant shrug. “You wouldn’t happen to know Mr. John Sandoval, now would you?” She’d turned her attention towards Adonis. If he had anything he wanted to ask, then she’d give him the space to.

945 | 2355 | 5000
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Episode] Gravitational Pull Empty Partial Rewards

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:55 am


Quality Score (Re)assessment: No (Thread abandoned. Distributing partial rewards to @Skarlet upon request.)


Ebony M. d'Etth:

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