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[Fighting Style] Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Barn Spider
Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:42 pm
Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Barn Spider
Devil Fruit: Kumo Kumo no Mi (Spider Spider), Model: Barn Spider
Devil Fruit Type: Zoan
Devil Fruit Appearance: A grape cluster with the grapes possessing white skin and deep red spiral marks that mark it as a Devil Fruit. The flesh is a similar, dark red color. Very juicy.
Devil Fruit Description:
Turns its user into a "Spider Human", giving them the ability to shift between human, human-spider hybrid and full spider form. The barn spider (Araneus cavaticus) is a common orb-weaver spider, trapping its prey in its webs. It is, luckily, non-venomous.
In the hybrid form, the most obvious useful ability gained is the extra pair of arms. The spider form, meanwhile, gains the ability to scale most surfaces as long as they are not too slippery, as well as the ability to produce silk. Though spiders can create many different kinds of silk, it might be the easiest to group them together as sticky and non-sticky kinds. The thickness is also varied based on the user's wishes, ranging from very fine thread to much thicker ropes or globs. Silk is a durable material and the sticky glue is very strong – but in the world of One Piece, it is the heart of those who wish to break through something that decides how strong it really is! Or something like that!
Like all Devil Fruit users, the user loses their ability to swim and gains a weakness to seastone, which negates their abilities the same way being submerged in water does. The silk created is also weak to extreme temperatures on the both sides – while fresh silk is not very flammable, it does melt, while freezing it would turn it quite brittle. The glue-like substance that makes silk sticky is also vulnerable to changes in humidity, as it is made to be its best in the environment it was created for. Sudden changes could very well reduce its strength, if such a change is able to be made.
Fighting Style: Pin Weaver
Weapon Utilization: Yes, for some
A highly varied style developed over the years out of desperation and no real martial training. It makes use of the very different forms Will has access to, some with the ability to handle weapons and some with the ability to use silk to its advantage – and climb walls, which is a welcome addition to mobility, when Will is not someone who wants to be caught in melee. He is not a fighter, and thus his best chances always are when he can keep his enemy at range. That is why his entire fighting style pretty much is based in ranged attacks that hopefully debilitate or stop his attacker(s), rather than dealing raw damage. He is a doctor after all, despite his predatory Devil Fruit, and does not want to kill.
Acupuncture techniques are all about needles – and not necessarily actual acupuncture. Needles, small darts or syringes can either be used as thrown weapons or as something to just directly inject something into someone. The damage is low and it is difficult if not impossible for the needles to pierce armor or thick hide, but you do need to worry more about what might just have been introduced to your body. Will makes use of his medical knowledge of drugs and what they can be used to achieve in the form of various effects, helpful or debilitating.
Filament techniques, meanwhile, focus on the silk aspect of the spider form. Will can shoot his silk out at good speed and force, which is definitely something he can make use of when he doesn't want to get too close to his enemy. Even from range, he finds ways to restrict his enemies.
In those cases when he actually is stuck in close combat, Will does actually carry two curved knives with him. They are mostly for show, so doesn't look completely helpless and seems like he might be more capable than he truly is, but he is always looking for a way to put more distance between him and anyone who wants to harm him. Though the knives certainly could be deadly weapons and definitely are sharp, anyone with any combat experience can most likely tell that he is fighting extremely defensively, focusing on footwork, dodging and the occasional parry. Even more telling is that no matter which way he happens to hold the knives in his grip, he always has the flat edges towards his enemies.
Toggled and Passive Abilities:
Passive Ability: Tactile Sensitivity
Spiders have many wonderful senses, but the most useful one for Will most likely is their ability to sense vibrations – and that isn't just limited to their webs. The fine hairs all over their bodies are able to pick up on the vibrations transmitted through air or surfaces, giving Will information from much further away than he normally could – or even information he is unable to see! As long as it is something physical that could cause vibrations or sound with their movements, it is noticeable. Of course, the less obvious sources might go unnoticed unless Will is trying to pay attention to them and try to discern what is happening around him.
Only his non-human forms have this ability, due to the anatomical changes. Out of the two, the full spider form is the one with keener senses, while the hybrid form doesn't have as many sensing hairs – though Will can try to place his hand on something to get a better feel for any vibrations that might be traveling through it. In both cases, anything disturbing silk threads he is connected to is very easily felt!
Toggle: Basic Zoan Forms +20% Reflex, -10% Attack, -10% Defense
Half Form: Will grows and extra pair of hands and legs – and some other features, that aren't quite as useful. As a left-handed person, he has always had to be flexible with whatever hand he's had to use, and thus, he has pretty good grasp of using all of his new hands like they've always been there. An extra pair if always useful to have! But that is about all this form can offer Will, as it lacks the anatomical parts required for many spider-y skills.
- Appearance:
- In his hybrid form, Will grows another set of working arms and legs, getting some extra height from the slightly longer appendages. All of his all eight limbs become adorned with black and yellowish brown stripes, often hidden by his clothes. An extra set of eyes also appear under his original ones, and palps grow out of the corners of his mouth.
Full Form: Peak spider. Human-sized. Most likely terrifying. Barn spiders are non-venomous, and despite Will's size, that seems to hold true even for him and his bites are not very dangerous. He can, however, create various kinds of silk in this form and climb most surfaces, provided that they aren't too slippery. How does a spider not get stuck in their own webs? By not stepping on the sticky bits, silly.
- Appearance:
- In the full spider form, Will looks much like a male barn spider, just… Human-sized! Which is quite terrifying, for arachnophobiacs especially. Somehow he still manages to look like he is extremely disappointed in your life choices. Some of his clothing melds into his body, but usually whatever top he wears will remain. This form has the all too important spinnerets to actually create silk.
- Light Techniques:
Acupuncture: Zusanli
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 6
Duration: 2
Buffs: +25% Reflex
Debuffs: –
Flavour: Hopefully you're not scared of needles! Enjoy your injection of some kind of enhancing drug. Guaranteed to make you feel like you're alive.
Acupuncture: Heding
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 6
Duration: 2
Buffs: –
Debuffs: -25% Defense
Flavour: Long needles are thrown at certain key points, causing weakness. In this case, around the knees. Such uncomfortable feelings become quite impossible to ignore, surely breaking through defensive postures.
Acupuncture: Yixi
Type: Flat (10 Base Damage)
Cooldown: 2
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: A series of thin needles thrown in – or at least attempted to be thrown in – certain key positions on the body, to cause more pain than one would expect.
First Aid
Type: Heal (0.10 Heal Factor)
Cooldown: 4
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: For when there's not much time or the wounds are mere scrapes. If you're lucky, he might bandage them up, but you're most likely just gonna be stuck with fast-acting painkillers to take the worst edge off in the heat of battle. Head pats will not be given, even if you're particularly brave.
- Medium Techniques:
Filament: Tourniquet
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 9
Duration: 3
Buffs: –
Debuffs: -50% Reflex
Flavour: With proper aim and some movement, Will can shoot some nice sticky web at an enemy to restrict their movements. Binding and possibly something that might manage to glue someone's feet to the ground, it will make for a rater unhappy time for anyone unfortunate enough to be wrapped up.
Filament: Cast
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 9
Duration: 3
Buffs: +50% Defense
Debuffs: –
Flavour: Spider silk is a very hardy material, and a spider the size of Will can create a lot of it. It might be a bit awkward, but he can wrap some silk to act as an armor and protect the vitals… For as long as it holds up, at least.
- Heavy Techniques:
Acupuncture: Shenmen
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 12
Duration: 4
Buffs: –
Debuffs: -75% Attack
Flavour: A nasty injection that might even be called a poison, usually delivered in the form of special needles with compartments for liquids to be stored and injected on strike. It is a drug that really messes with the body's ability to make use of the muscles.
Acupuncture: Ruzhong
Type: Damage over Time (15 Base Damage per Round)
Cooldown: 6
Duration: 5 Rounds
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: Thrown dart with a compartment for a nasty, poisonous liquid – it takes a some time and a steady hand to fill it with care and without spilling. Though it should not prove to be fatal for anyone, the feelings of nausea, vertigo and just outright pain radiating from the point of injection will surely make anyone reconsider continuing the battle… Right? Not Will's proudest achievement. This isn't why he studied medicine…
Major Aid
Type: Heal (0.30 Heal Factor)
Cooldown: 8
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: When things get tough and require some immediate medical attention. Will does what he can with whatever meager amount of time he has been given to try to help. Usually focused on staunching the flow of blood with well-wrapped bandages and possibly some kind of coagulant. You're walking away with very strong medication – you won't be able to feel your injuries for a while, but they still are going to need to be taken care of after the battle! Lollipops are unfortunately not in stock.
- AoE Techniques:
Filament: Network
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 14
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: -75% Reflex to all targets
Flavour: A technique that requires more time and set-up in the form of weaving a proper web with sticky silk. Of course, it only really is a proper web-like structure when someone is not currently trying to kill him, as that would prove mighty distracting in the middle of weaving. A web like this works best as a trap for unsuspecting victims. Will can try to create one in the heat of combat as well, by moving and continuing to create sticky strands of silk that are connected in key points to slowly but surely to start create areas where it becomes difficult to move without getting stuck.
Filament: Pivot
Type: Flat (50 Base Damage to all targets)
Cooldown: 8
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: By shooting a thick rope of silk with a glob of sticky glue at the end into an object, Will can turn many objects into makeshift flails – provided he actually has the strength to pull them back. When he spins that bad boy around, anyone around him is in a world of hurt. Or he can just release it and let it bonk into anyone unfortunate enough to stand in the path of his chosen object. Not exactly something Will would like to resort to, but if it's a matter of life and death, he's just going to have to cause a few broken bones. And noses.
- Gray
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000
Posts : 4026
Re: [Fighting Style] Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Barn Spider
Sun Dec 26, 2021 9:36 am
"in the world of One Piece, it is the heart of those who wish to break through something that decides how strong it really is! Or something like that!" Well said!
For a man who never uses the sharp edge of his knives, he sure picked the worst weapon for it. I admire his stubbornness to be inefficient with them.
For a man who never uses the sharp edge of his knives, he sure picked the worst weapon for it. I admire his stubbornness to be inefficient with them.
Will wrote:Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Barn Spider
Devil Fruit: Kumo Kumo no Mi (Spider Spider), Model: Barn Spider
Devil Fruit Type: Zoan
Devil Fruit Appearance: A grape cluster with the grapes possessing white skin and deep red spiral marks that mark it as a Devil Fruit. The flesh is a similar, dark red color. Very juicy.
Devil Fruit Description:
Turns its user into a "Spider Human", giving them the ability to shift between human, human-spider hybrid and full spider form. The barn spider (Araneus cavaticus) is a common orb-weaver spider, trapping its prey in its webs. It is, luckily, non-venomous.
In the hybrid form, the most obvious useful ability gained is the extra pair of arms. The spider form, meanwhile, gains the ability to scale most surfaces as long as they are not too slippery, as well as the ability to produce silk. Though spiders can create many different kinds of silk, it might be the easiest to group them together as sticky and non-sticky kinds. The thickness is also varied based on the user's wishes, ranging from very fine thread to much thicker ropes or globs. Silk is a durable material and the sticky glue is very strong – but in the world of One Piece, it is the heart of those who wish to break through something that decides how strong it really is! Or something like that!
Like all Devil Fruit users, the user loses their ability to swim and gains a weakness to seastone, which negates their abilities the same way being submerged in water does. The silk created is also weak to extreme temperatures on the both sides – while fresh silk is not very flammable, it does melt, while freezing it would turn it quite brittle. The glue-like substance that makes silk sticky is also vulnerable to changes in humidity, as it is made to be its best in the environment it was created for. Sudden changes could very well reduce its strength, if such a change is able to be made.
Fighting Style: Pin Weaver
Weapon Utilization: Yes, for some
A highly varied style developed over the years out of desperation and no real martial training. It makes use of the very different forms Will has access to, some with the ability to handle weapons and some with the ability to use silk to its advantage – and climb walls, which is a welcome addition to mobility, when Will is not someone who wants to be caught in melee. He is not a fighter, and thus his best chances always are when he can keep his enemy at range. That is why his entire fighting style pretty much is based in ranged attacks that hopefully debilitate or stop his attacker(s), rather than dealing raw damage. He is a doctor after all, despite his predatory Devil Fruit, and does not want to kill.
Acupuncture techniques are all about needles – and not necessarily actual acupuncture. Needles, small darts or syringes can either be used as thrown weapons or as something to just directly inject something into someone. The damage is low and it is difficult if not impossible for the needles to pierce armor or thick hide, but you do need to worry more about what might just have been introduced to your body. Will makes use of his medical knowledge of drugs and what they can be used to achieve in the form of various effects, helpful or debilitating.
Filament techniques, meanwhile, focus on the silk aspect of the spider form. Will can shoot his silk out at good speed and force, which is definitely something he can make use of when he doesn't want to get too close to his enemy. Even from range, he finds ways to restrict his enemies.
In those cases when he actually is stuck in close combat, Will does actually carry two curved knives with him. They are mostly for show, so doesn't look completely helpless and seems like he might be more capable than he truly is, but he is always looking for a way to put more distance between him and anyone who wants to harm him. Though the knives certainly could be deadly weapons and definitely are sharp, anyone with any combat experience can most likely tell that he is fighting extremely defensively, focusing on footwork, dodging and the occasional parry. Even more telling is that no matter which way he happens to hold the knives in his grip, he always has the flat edges towards his enemies.
Toggled and Passive Abilities:
Passive Ability: Tactile Sensitivity
Spiders have many wonderful senses, but the most useful one for Will most likely is their ability to sense vibrations – and that isn't just limited to their webs. The fine hairs all over their bodies are able to pick up on the vibrations transmitted through air or surfaces, giving Will information from much further away than he normally could – or even information he is unable to see! As long as it is something physical that could cause vibrations or sound with their movements, it is noticeable. Of course, the less obvious sources might go unnoticed unless Will is trying to pay attention to them and try to discern what is happening around him.
Only his non-human forms have this ability, due to the anatomical changes. Out of the two, the full spider form is the one with keener senses, while the hybrid form doesn't have as many sensing hairs – though Will can try to place his hand on something to get a better feel for any vibrations that might be traveling through it. In both cases, anything disturbing silk threads he is connected to is very easily felt!
Toggle: Basic Zoan Forms +20% Reflex, -10% Attack, -10% Defense
Half Form: Will grows and extra pair of hands and legs – and some other features, that aren't quite as useful. As a left-handed person, he has always had to be flexible with whatever hand he's had to use, and thus, he has pretty good grasp of using all of his new hands like they've always been there. An extra pair if always useful to have! But that is about all this form can offer Will, as it lacks the anatomical parts required for many spider-y skills.
- Appearance:
In his hybrid form, Will grows another set of working arms and legs, getting some extra height from the slightly longer appendages. All of his all eight limbs become adorned with black and yellowish brown stripes, often hidden by his clothes. An extra set of eyes also appear under his original ones, and palps grow out of the corners of his mouth.
Full Form: Peak spider. Human-sized. Most likely terrifying. Barn spiders are non-venomous, and despite Will's size, that seems to hold true even for him and his bites are not very dangerous. He can, however, create various kinds of silk in this form and climb most surfaces, provided that they aren't too slippery. How does a spider not get stuck in their own webs? By not stepping on the sticky bits, silly.
- Appearance:
In the full spider form, Will looks much like a male barn spider, just… Human-sized! Which is quite terrifying, for arachnophobiacs especially. Somehow he still manages to look like he is extremely disappointed in your life choices. Some of his clothing melds into his body, but usually whatever top he wears will remain. This form has the all too important spinnerets to actually create silk.
- Light Techniques:
Acupuncture: Zusanli
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 6
Duration: 2
Buffs: +25% Reflex
Debuffs: –
Flavour: Hopefully you're not scared of needles! Enjoy your injection of some kind of enhancing drug. Guaranteed to make you feel like you're alive.
Acupuncture: Heding
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 6
Duration: 2
Buffs: –
Debuffs: -25% Defense
Flavour: Long needles are thrown at certain key points, causing weakness. In this case, around the knees. Such uncomfortable feelings become quite impossible to ignore, surely breaking through defensive postures.
Acupuncture: Yixi
Type: Flat (10 Base Damage)
Cooldown: 2
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: A series of thin needles thrown in – or at least attempted to be thrown in – certain key positions on the body, to cause more pain than one would expect.
First Aid
Type: Heal (0.10 Heal Factor)
Cooldown: 4
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: For when there's not much time or the wounds are mere scrapes. If you're lucky, he might bandage them up, but you're most likely just gonna be stuck with fast-acting painkillers to take the worst edge off in the heat of battle. Head pats will not be given, even if you're particularly brave.
- Medium Techniques:
Filament: Tourniquet
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 9
Duration: 3
Buffs: –
Debuffs: -50% Reflex
Flavour: With proper aim and some movement, Will can shoot some nice sticky web at an enemy to restrict their movements. Binding and possibly something that might manage to glue someone's feet to the ground, it will make for a rater unhappy time for anyone unfortunate enough to be wrapped up.
Filament: Cast
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 9
Duration: 3
Buffs: +50% Defense
Debuffs: –
Flavour: Spider silk is a very hardy material, and a spider the size of Will can create a lot of it. It might be a bit awkward, but he can wrap some silk to act as an armor and protect the vitals… For as long as it holds up, at least.
- Heavy Techniques:
Acupuncture: Shenmen
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 12
Duration: 4
Buffs: –
Debuffs: -75% Attack
Flavour: A nasty injection that might even be called a poison, usually delivered in the form of special needles with compartments for liquids to be stored and injected on strike. It is a drug that really messes with the body's ability to make use of the muscles.
Acupuncture: Ruzhong
Type: Damage over Time (15 Base Damage per Round)
Cooldown: 6
Duration: 5 Rounds
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: Thrown dart with a compartment for a nasty, poisonous liquid – it takes a some time and a steady hand to fill it with care and without spilling. Though it should not prove to be fatal for anyone, the feelings of nausea, vertigo and just outright pain radiating from the point of injection will surely make anyone reconsider continuing the battle… Right? Not Will's proudest achievement. This isn't why he studied medicine…
Major Aid
Type: Heal (0.30 Heal Factor)
Cooldown: 8
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: When things get tough and require some immediate medical attention. Will does what he can with whatever meager amount of time he has been given to try to help. Usually focused on staunching the flow of blood with well-wrapped bandages and possibly some kind of coagulant. You're walking away with very strong medication – you won't be able to feel your injuries for a while, but they still are going to need to be taken care of after the battle! Lollipops are unfortunately not in stock.
- AoE Techniques:
Filament: Network
Type: Stat Morph
Cooldown: 14
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: -75% Reflex to all targets
Flavour: A technique that requires more time and set-up in the form of weaving a proper web with sticky silk. Of course, it only really is a proper web-like structure when someone is not currently trying to kill him, as that would prove mighty distracting in the middle of weaving. A web like this works best as a trap for unsuspecting victims. Will can try to create one in the heat of combat as well, by moving and continuing to create sticky strands of silk that are connected in key points to slowly but surely to start create areas where it becomes difficult to move without getting stuck.
Filament: Pivot
Type: Flat (50 Base Damage to all targets)
Cooldown: 8
Duration: –
Buffs: –
Debuffs: –
Flavour: By shooting a thick rope of silk with a glob of sticky glue at the end into an object, Will can turn many objects into makeshift flails – provided he actually has the strength to pull them back. When he spins that bad boy around, anyone around him is in a world of hurt. Or he can just release it and let it bonk into anyone unfortunate enough to stand in the path of his chosen object. Not exactly something Will would like to resort to, but if it's a matter of life and death, he's just going to have to cause a few broken bones. And noses.
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