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Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Episode] Homesickness Empty [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:17 pm
Name: Homesickness
Category: Episode
Player Participants: Yumiko (+0), Yūgo Shirogane (+0)
Planned Location(s): Notice - North Blue
Planned Time Range: A single day between March 14th 1829 and March 19th 1829, taking place a couple days after the events of The Davy Back Brawl and A Strange Old New World.

Summary: An elusive group of smarmy punks calling themselves the Smart Fellas have been causing trouble at the tourist traps of Notice. Fed up with the problem, the local Navy branch called in a certain weasel to hunt down the rats. A wild chase ensues through the streets and across the beaches. At the same time, a case of mistaken identity gets a traveler far away from home tangled in the trouble. However, it turns out the two strangers might have more in common than just strange powers...

The often busy city of Notice was enjoying a rare slow day. Cool winds snuck in from the vast sea, dancing across the quiet streets. Playfully they tugged at abandoned newspapers and unguarded hats, anything they could toss into the air. Sun occasionally peeked from behind the fluffy, white veil of clouds, akin to a parent checking up on misbehaving children.

In the distance, a blue-tinted ship patrolled the coast lazily. The atmosphere was calm on the deck as well, with only one oddly-dressed figure keeping watch. ...Well, to be fair, it was lunch time, so most folks had a convenient excuse to be absent.

A closer glance revealed a long-haired woman donning foreign garbs. Her off-white top was no Marine uniform, but rather a kimono with huge sleeves. Likewise, she wore no pants, but rather a dark-blue dress known to some as a hakama. At her hip rested a type of sword popular in a distant land.

In the woman’s pale hand sat a small, blue snail. “...and that concludes the briefing.” Its bushy beard and wrinkled eyes reflected the wisdom of the dry, raspy voice on the other end. “Any questions?”

The soldier’s steely gaze remained on the city. “Merely one, sir. Do the targets have a distinct scent?” Her sharp question was met with a pause and rustling of papers from the other end.

“Hrm, a scent, you say? Well, we have found some cigarette butts near the attack sites, so I’d wager they like to smoke.”

“Tobacco. Understood, sir. Beginning hunt.”

With a funny little click, the snail fell quiet. The woman slipped it into her sleeve. Out of nowhere, a mysterious breeze started circling around her, pulling at her loose clothing. Suddenly, it flared into a violent whirlwind. In a blink, she was yanked high into the sky like a living kite. Spreading her sleeves, she soared towards the city.

Meanwhile, in the shadows of a filthy alley, a shady group had gathered. Only the red glow of stumpy cigarettes illuminated the lanky silhouettes against the brick wall. Beady eyes gleamed with ill intent, watching the nearest street carefully.

Suddenly, one of them nudged the others to attention and aimed a point at the street. “Yo, bois, youse seein’ what I is seein’?” Right outside the alley stood a short, pudgy man with an ill-fitting floral print shirt. His round nose and thick glasses were glued to an upside-down map.

The sight was met with nods and chuckles. “Yeah we do, boss.” One after another, the cancer sticks were snuffed out. Shoulders were rolled and knuckles were cracked. “Alright, bois, let’s welcome dis guy to Notice.” With that, several hands donning fingerless gloves and steel jewelry reached for the unwitting tourist...

Soon, a series of painful smacks trailed in the passing breeze.


Words: 467
Total: 467
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Apr 12, 2022 6:41 pm
Yūgo walked around the streets of Notice in silence, accompanied only by the light squeaking as the rubber soles of his tabi boots bent lightly to give way to his step. He could move without generating a sound of course, part of his training and all, but at the moment he had little reason for stealth. The place wasn't his home and he was still struggling to come to terms with what had happened. One moment he was sailing to and from his hometown and the next he was waking up in a clinic in that place with a foul taste in his mouth and three words floating in his head: Suigin Suigin no Mi. He had no idea of the full implications of the words yet, but he understood that it had to do with the weird fruit he was forced to eat while stranded out to sea.

He had asked around about it of course and the answers were more akin to legend than actual facts. Could it be that he had actually consumed one of the mythical fruits that are said to give you special powers yet turn the sea against you? That would explain things. Well...some of it anyway. It wouldn't explain why he felt so weird now thoough. Maybe his head was still playing tricks on him even after he had recovered from dehydration. Then again...why would such a precious and unique item be inside an Ys Artia trade vessel? The family didn't deal in valuables, they exported quality food but nothing worth a whole village in platinums...

As the young shinobi kept mumbling to himself and aimlessly walking around he was interrupted by the sound of what seemed to be a fight coming from one of the halleyways next to him. It was none of his business, but the protector in Yūgo moved the boy closer to the sounds. Turning the corner, he saw the scene unfolding before him: a bunch of good for nothings beating up a poor innocent man. He did expect some crooks to be around he just didn't think he would find a whole gang of them there. Well he  eeded to do something or the poor guy on the floor was going to get beaten to death!

"Hey! You idiots!" He shouted, eyes checking for the layout of the area and possible hiding places where others could ambush. "Leave that guy alone!" He added, knowing he'd have their attention ere long.
Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 13, 2022 12:35 pm
The sudden shout brought a pause into the beating. Several pairs of eyes turned towards the stranger, none of them happy to see him. He had stuck his nose right into the beehive, now staring down a whole gang of goons. At their feet, the poor tourist was curled up and sobbing.

Tall and short, bulky and thin, guys and gals, Smart Fellas certainly was a colorful group. They all seemed to share the same fashion sense though. Leather jackets and pants, or skirts, were decorated with metal studs. Apparently fingerless gloves were in style.

At the very center stood a man with a nasty scar and a nastier smile. He straightened his back and brushed his slick pompadour. “Oh, sure din’, boss.” Had sarcasm held any substance, his words would’ve been dripping like tar.

The greasy man clicked his fingers. “Legs, Grabby, advance on ‘im.” Right on command, two of the goons started creeping closer to the stranger. One had legs twice as long as regular people, while the other had arms so long they had double elbows.

Meanwhile, the living kite soared high above the city. Her keen eyes scanned the peaceful streets below. From up here, it was like watching a vast, colorful anthill. The central square was bustling with life, as usual. Children played, while the grown-ups browsed the market stalls.

However, even the hunter’s gaze didn’t reach everywhere. The rooftops shielded the shady alleys from her piercing gaze. According to the briefing, the targets often escaped through that broken maze. It was their territory.

Thus she had to venture there as well.

Swooping down, the swordswoman landed on a tall rooftop. Crouching down on all fours, she closed her eyes and sharpened her senses. Her ears twitched, catching distant words. “...sure din’, boss.” She sniffed the air. Among the tangled mass of smells, there was the distinct sting of... cigarette smoke.

Slowly, the long dark hair started growing even longer, covering the pale skin, melding with to form a dark coat of fur. The dainty hands twisted, stretching into scythe-like claws. Likewise, a tail sprouted from between the kimono and the hakama, sporting an equally sharp end. Her features squished into a muzzle full of sharp, predatory teeth. Finally, humanity vanished from her eyes as they turned into beady, black orbs.

The woman was gone.

A monstrous weasel stood in her place.

Accompanied by a sudden gust of wind, Yumiko leapt down from her perch. Deftly she bounced across rooftops, following her nose. The trail led her to the edge of a roof overlooking a particularly crowded alley. She stopped to stalk the group. A grim, deep growl crawled down the walls.

“Are thou the ones called the Smart Fellas?”


Words: 455
Total: 922

Last edited by Yumiko on Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:01 pm
Of course the weird drunkards would go for him next. He had dealt with the type before, back home. Granted, the people he usually dealth with weren't wearing something as ludicrous as that weird studded leather getup, but he'd guess customs were much different abroad compared to the Grand Line. He was kind of stuck in the north for the time being, so he would have to temper his expectations when it came to what he considered "normal".

This wasn't the time to think about clothes though. With a light squeak of the rubber soles of his boots, the young silverhead rooted himself into a more stable stance, readying for the inevitable confrontation when suddenly a strong gust of wind threw him slightly off balance, forcing Yugo to raise an arm up to shield his eyes from the debris being flung around. What next image hit his eyes would send the shinobi's mouth into the ground.

Standing what seemed to be flesh and blood...a Kamaitachi. There was no doubt about it. And it spoke, having beef with some "Smart Fellas" people, who he would guess were the crooks beating the poor guy there on the floor.

" the KAMI, yokai are real." Yugo blabbed out without even realizing. That was a huge weasel there too, basically man size. He supposed that a wind spirit would be smaller. The mythical animal's voice and silhouette vaguely sounded feminine to him, but that did not mean he wasn't scared. You DO NOT want to be on a yokai's bad side no matter how they look and how they sound. Especially a wind deity that could sever your head with nothing but a breeze.
Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Apr 25, 2022 2:26 pm
A chill wind whistled through the alley. The monstrous weasel leapt down, landing without a whisper. Even the winds fell silent. Up close, attentive eyes could spot small, white markings on the dark fur, patterns like brush strokes accentuating her sharp features.

When one of the strangers blurted out a familiar word, the mythical creature stopped her advance. She nodded, impressed that someone was so knowledgeable. “Verily so. This one is a kamaitachi.” Whirling winds answered her call, whipping up dust and loose papers.

The Smart Fellas, meanwhile, seemed less than impressed. They shared skeptical glances. Someone yawned. One of them scratched his stubble and pondered idly. “...Dude, that’s like the second biggest raccoon I've ever seen.” Others nodded and murmured in agreement. Like, what other animal would wander around in a trashy alley? Yeah, thought so.

However, the hunter was used to being underestimated. Arrogance was a fool’s substitute for wisdom. Being mistaken for a raccoon was better than being called a tanuki anyhow... “I ask thee once more, are thou the Smart Fellas?” She had to make sure... Never again would she repeat her mistakes and attack an innocent.

The greasy leader flashed a cocky grin. “So what if we are? Whatcha gonna do about it, animal dude? Nothin’, dat’s what.” He clicked his fingers and gestured at the ‘animal dude’ dismissively. “Legs, Grabby, you know what to do.” Without a question, the two goons turned their attention onto the weird animal before them.

Suddenly, the weasel swiped at the air faster than most eyes could follow. A gust of wind blew through the alley. The air shimmered in the shape of countless thin blades. Right after, the goons recoiled back with a series of pained yelps. At first, it seemed like they hadn’t even been hit... Until their clothing started falling apart... And slowly seeping blood painted the cuts on their skin.

Stalking closer to the pompadour man, Yumiko rose to her hindlegs to turn the height advantage into her favor. “So thou are the leader?” She growled with growing impatience.

The shaken leader backed away a couple of steps. He found something vaguely resembling an apologetic smile. “Uhhh... N-nooo...?” He squeaked. Glancing around for an exit, he suddenly spotted the nosy stranger. And a lightbulb lit up in his head... “It’s... uh... actually dis guy! He’s our boss! Yeah!” He gestured insistently at the gray-haired guy. The others chimed in agreement.

Yumiko blinked. All the threat drained from her voice. “Ah, mine apologies for assuming.” She bowed her head, sincerity shining through her oblivious tone. Next, her attention turned onto the so-called ‘boss’ of the group. “Command thy vassals to surrender... or face mine wrath. The choice is thine to make.” While she was distracted, the Smart Fellas were quietly getting back onto their feet...


Words: 469
Total: 1391

Last edited by Yumiko on Tue Apr 26, 2022 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:03 pm
"N-NOW HOLD ON A MINUTE!" Yugo exclaimed from the nook he managed to hide him the moment he felt the slightest hint of a breeze, cold sweat as he saw part of the concrete scrape off and crumble to the ground, pretty much reinforcing the idea that he should NOT get the kamaitachi's ire directed in his direction. He shot a glare at the big guy trying to get the weasel to attack him. "Y-yokai-sama, you can't seriously think I'm with these people!" He stated. There was a clear divide in the way they talked and dressed. How could the weasel just believe what the guy was saying just like that.

He decided to have actions back up his claims. Steeling himseld and cooling down, Yugo tooke a big breath. Remember the training, how to deal with stressful situations. At this point in time he did not have the strenght to go against something like the weasel. He could take on a few drunk crooks but a magical being was clearly out of his league. He slowly walked out of his hole, hands held up to the sides of his head. "I mean you no harm, Yokai-sama, but you see that man on the floor there. He was getting beaten up by the guys behind you. I solemly swear by the kami I will follow you and do as you say. I am not your enemy."
Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:24 am
Yumiko recoiled with wide-eyed shock, when the target suddenly denied all involvement. The threatening winds fell quiet. “W-what? But thy vassal said... He called thee...” She struggled to get in a word edgewise, so vehement was the denial. Had she misunderstood then? Made some sort of mistake trying to interpret the strange, local dialect?

Slowly, the monstrous creature leaned closer... Closer... Much too close. Ignoring all sense of personal space, she studied the young man. Her black nose twitched, as she sniffed his hair, breath and clothing.

After a moment of intense investigation, the hunter gave the stranger some breathing room. She folded her paws pensively. “Hrm, ‘tis true that the stench of tobacco does not cling to thee...” Her keen gaze swept over his clothing. “Thy attire is different from theirs as well...” Something about it seemed oddly familiar though. Closing her eyes, she cocked her head, as if that would help the thoughts along. “And thy manner of speaking is peculiar...” She mused, blissfully ignorant of the irony.

Yumiko’s round ears twitched at the familiar form of address. Now she was sure she hadn’t just misheard the first time. Granted, back home, no one had added such honorifics at the end... “Please do not call me such. This one is a samurai.” She insisted. “Mine name is-”

“Sucker! Aaahahaha!”

Mocking laughter suddenly echoed through the alley. The street rats had gathered their wits and promptly legged it. While the rest ran, the pompous pompadour punk stopped briefly to demonstrate his mastery of rude gestures. “Fuck ‘im up, boss!” He shouted, before sprinting away.

Others jeered in agreement, as they too vanished around the corner. “Nice one, boss! Kick his ass, boss! Brohohohoho~!” Gleefully the gang poured more fuel onto the flames of misunderstanding. Clearly they had learned nothing from their shallow wounds.

Left utterly stunned, Yumiko failed to even give chase. Instead, her blank, baffled stare slowly drifted onto the stranger. “Thou... deceived me...” Suddenly, it clicked. His outfit, his mannerism... Yes, she remembered why they felt familiar. “I see now... Thou are a shinobi, a master of jutsu, stealth... and deception.” Her eyes narrowed with quiet fury.

“So ‘twas all a trick to let thy vassals escape. Thou are most cunning indeed.”


Words: 375
Total: 1766
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:14 am
Yūgo became visibly pale. No no no that was not like that at all. Why was the Yokai so insistent in believeing the clearly bad guys?

"Y-yokai-sama, please wait a moment. I truly know know nothing about the people you seek and wasting time with me is more time they have to run away." He tried to reason with the deity, mostly because now he really did fear for his life. He knew that when an animal's ears lower, the tail stops wagging and the eyes dilate they are getting ready to pounce. Even with the aid of his special powers he so recently discovered he wouldn't be a match to someone who could cut concrete on a whim.

"I am a shinobi guard yes, from the island of Hosima. I shipwrecked not too long ago and I am trying to go back to my home village. Why would I sully the name of my brethren by associating myself with petty thieves?"

He hoped- no- he prayed the weasel would see reason, but prepared for the worst. His eyes focused on the way behind the yokai, his ears listened to the sounds behind him. He would need to find a way out ASAP if the kamaitachi refused to be amicable.

"If you wish it so I may offer my help with your query, as I said I mean you no harm. Every word here is another step those people can put between them and this place..."
Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:16 am
Welcome to Maxwell's mechanical combat tutorial.
I'll show you the basics and briefly explain the different parts of mechanical combat. Check the Combat Guide for full explanations.

This is a combat mini post (CMP). Things that happen here don't have to match the actual posts one to one. Rather, this is for the purpose of keeping track of the mechanical results, which you can then RP as you wish.

CMP is split into two parts: The round summary and the combat tracker.

ROUND 1 (Each post is one round. This keeps track of cooldowns and what the boss will do next.)
Yumiko uses:
[Toggle] Mythical Form
[MT] "Have at thee!" on herself (Self-buffs do not need to be rolled.)
[LT] "Defend thyself!" on Smart Fellas
[LT] Gale Warning on Smart Fellas
[UT] on Smart Fellas
(This is a basic combo. It starts with a toggle, followed by a set of moves. Moves are always listed from heaviest to the lightest.)

Smart Fellas use:
[MT] on Yumiko
[LT] on Yumiko
[LT] on Yumiko
[UT] on Yumiko
(The combo that boss uses depends on the boss level and the current round.)


(After you have rolled, you edit the combat trackers according to the dice rolls.)


Last edited by Yumiko on Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:29 am; edited 1 time in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:16 am
The member 'Yumiko' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 16, 3, 13


#2 'Reflex Check' : 4, 3, 11, 6
Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:42 am
Yumiko uses:
[HT] Weasel's Claws on Smart Fellas
[LT] Weasel's Tail on Smart Fellas
[UT] on Smart Fellas

Smart Fellas use:
[MT] on Yumiko
[LT] on Yumiko
[LT] on Yumiko
[UT] on Yumiko



Last edited by Yumiko on Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:52 am; edited 2 times in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:42 am
The member 'Yumiko' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 10, 19, 12


#2 'Reflex Check' : 4, 6, 7, 16
Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:02 am
Yumiko uses:
[MT] Weasel's Fangs on Smart Fellas
[LT] Storm Chaser on Smart Fellas
[LT] Sickle Wind (equipment) on Smart Fellas
[UT] on Smart Fellas

Smart Fellas use: (Every three rounds, the boss attacks differently. See the Combat Guide for details.)
[HT] on Yumiko
[LT] on Yumiko
[UT] on Yumiko



Last edited by Yumiko on Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:02 am
The member 'Yumiko' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 20, 5, 17, 10


#2 'Reflex Check' : 10, 17, 6
Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 8:09 am
Suspicion simmered beneath the surface. The samurai glared at the foe with the intensity of a predator. Much to her dismay, he confirmed her guess. A shinobi guard from the island of Hoshima... How had such a fearsome foe drifted so far away from home? Hm, no matter. This was no time to get distracted. She still wasn’t sure what to believe... But she did know what had to be done.

When the stranger continued to proclaim his innocence, Yumiko’s glare narrowed. “Spare thy breath, shinobi.” She snarled, falling onto all fours. “Talk is cheap. Words can be woven to sound beautiful, crafted carefully to hide the thorns within.” Her fur bristled. Whispering winds started drawing a circle of dust around her. “If thou are a warrior honest and true, then prove thyself through actions!” As she spoke, the whirling winds flared violently with her fervor.

“Have at thee!”

Suddenly, a massive gust erupted from the mythical weasel. It whisked her high into the sky, while launching back anything -and anyone- nearby. Trash cans clattered, debris rolled and loose papers danced in the air.

The hunter scanned the streets below, relying on her keen senses. Soon enough, she spotted the tiny rats scurrying in the maze. “Vile villains!” She called out loudly. “Far too long have thou bullied those weaker than thee! But now thou face me! Underestimate the power of a kamaitachi at thy own peril!” The unnatural winds carried her voice far.

“Defend thyselves!”

Down below, the fleeing criminals flinched at the accusing echo. They glanced around, searching for the source. “What da-? Dis dude just don’t know when to quit! Where is he?!” More distracted than intimidated, they nevertheless failed to look at what was important.

Like, for example, where they were going...

Poor Grabby, running dead last, kept glancing over his shoulder. In his haste, tripped over a snoozing dog and crashed right into a fruit stall. Ripe apples went flying everywhere. Naturally, the old, grandmotherly stall keeper didn’t take too kindly to a stranger kicking her poor pooch and making a mess while at it. She introduced the hooligan to her surprisingly sturdy broom. Repeatedly. And furiously. One down... Several to go.


Words: 367
Total: 2133

Last edited by Yumiko on Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:33 pm
Yugo uses:
[MT] Gyuten on Smart Fellas
[LT] Jiudan on Smart Fellas
[LT] Huraijin on Smart Fellas
[UT] on Smart Fellas

Smart Fella uses:
[LT] on Yugo
[LT] on Yugo
[LT] on Yugo
[UT] on Yugo


Last edited by Yūgo on Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:33 pm
The member 'Yūgo' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 20, 20, 11, 8


#2 'Reflex Check' : 18, 18, 7, 7
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:03 pm
Yugo uses:
[HT] Hissatsu: Shinten on Smart Fellas
[LT] Taten on Smart Fellas
[UT] on Smart Fellas

Smart Fella uses:
[LT] on Yugo
[LT] on Yugo
[LT] on Yugo
[UT] on Yugo


Last edited by Yūgo on Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:11 pm; edited 4 times in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:03 pm
The member 'Yūgo' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 6


#2 'Reflex Check' : 12, 4, 1, 9
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:13 pm
Need 2 more rolls for yugo oops XD
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:13 pm
The member 'Yūgo' has done the following action : Dice Roll

'Reflex Check' : 18, 6
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:24 pm
Yugo uses:
[MT] Setsuna on Smart Fellas
[LT] Jiudan on Smart Fellas
[LT] Huraijin on Smart Fellas
[UT] on Smart Fellas

Smart Fella uses:
[MT] on Yugo
[LT] on Yugo
[LT] on Yugo
[UT] on Yugo


Last edited by Yūgo on Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:11 pm; edited 5 times in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:24 pm
The member 'Yūgo' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 14, 20, 12, 17


#2 'Reflex Check' : 3, 18, 7, 12
Name : Yūgo Shirogane
Age : 23
Height : 5'5
Weight : 185 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marine
Crew : Guardian Knights
Marine Rank : Seaman Recruit
Devil Fruit : Suigin Suigin no Mi
Quality Score : A
Balance : [ber] 1,625,000
Posts : 56

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:44 pm
Yugo uses:
[MT] Kaeshi on Yugo
[LT] Taten on Smart Fellas
[UT] Logia Heal

Smart Fella uses:
[LT] on Yugo
[LT] on Yugo
[LT] on Yugo
[UT] on Yugo


Last edited by Yūgo on Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:10 pm; edited 3 times in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Episode] Homesickness Empty Re: [Episode] Homesickness

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:44 pm
The member 'Yūgo' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 5, 19, 15


#2 'Reflex Check' : 13, 16, 19, 9
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