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[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Apr 16, 2022 1:43 pm
Previously on...

[ Seafarer's Shindig ]

Current Quest:

So far, so good. Having destroyed most of the blockade and causing the rest of it to flee in panic gave the Primetime Service & Delivery crew enough time to maneuver their way around the backside of the island of notice, offloading their essential assets, that being the few who were given missions to head out and kick ass. Molly countered herself alongside those lucky few, especially since she got to go with another relative newcomer to the group, one Kabetogama. He was one of the younger crewmembers, but he was built rather tall for a human.

She herself was older than him by four years, but she only stood at five feet, four inches. So she had to look up at the man when speaking, but it wasn’t anything new. She was used to being a shrimp puff. Even if she was one of the more wild members of the crew.

She’d adjust her hammer in her grip, hoisting the object, which was the same height as herself, over her shoulder. A satisfying thump noise as it hit her shoulder blade.

She remembered that their mission was simple. Recruit criminal elements to their cause and get them to understand their new role on this island. It was a good thing then that the pair of P.T.S.D. operatives had found themselves well and truly in the underbelly of Notice. This portion of the city was far and away underdeveloped. It screamed its seediness from the rooftop.

Something that was slightly attractive to Molly, in all honesty.

She’d place her right hand on her hip, since she was left handed, and she’d look over towards the giant man to her side and raise an eyebrow. Grinning wildly before she’d speak to him. “So kiddo, where do you wanna go first? Consider this a test from your big sis.” She exclaimed such a fact easily, finding herself chuckling all the while.

There were a few options that he could have pointed out, especially in a seedier part of time. A few abandoned looking buildings dotted the landscape, some taverns and bars were around as well. Several dark alleyways and other stores were easily capable of being seen. Perhaps one of these buildings even functioned as a warehouse. There were simply far too many options to choose from, but she wanted to know what the swordsman’s instincts told him.

Molly didn’t really care. She was part of the demolition squad alongside that psychopath Jackson. Though her job was more like… knocking down doors and making entryways. As to where Jackson was meant to destroy any and everything in his path. Still, her job didn’t require her to make decisions often.

Which was why she was passing the buck onto the young buck.

{461| 461 | 5000}

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #D43790 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!

Last edited by Brood on Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:13 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Removed Doji)
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Apr 16, 2022 4:52 pm
The swordsman has been lost in thought ever since he made land on Notice. The young man had no difficulty understanding the expectations and scope of his mission. He was to make sure the local criminals of the island understood where they stood now that P.T.S.D was moving in. The issue that plagued Kabe was the fact that he had already lost the use of his favorite cloak. Replacing it was now a tight, black shirt that Kabe assumed he had stolen from someone else on the ship. It's not like it is a crazy big deal because the tears in the cloak were minimal and definitely played up by Kabe in the moment. It is more so the feeling of actually wearing a proper shirt for the first time in a while that bothers Kabe.

But it wasn’t all so bad. The man had just recently gotten the chance to meet Molly, who despite her small appearance was still just as violent and chaos loving as the rest of Kabe’s crewmates. That is not to say that Kabe minded the behavior, the shipwright loved breaking things even more than fixing them so he could relate to his new family.

As the pair continued their walk through the slums of Notice, Kabe looked at all of the local stores. A fair majority appeared to have some tell-tale signs of crime, broken glass, boarded up doors and windows, and the occasional pool of blood. Compared to his hometown, this part of Notice was very shitty, but so much more interesting.

The ex-knight looked down when Molly approached him and put away his whetstone, giving his crewmate full attention. The beginnings of a smile showed itself on Kabe’s face when he was told that he got to decide where they checked out first. With his head on a swivel Kabe could clearly see that there was a high concentration of bars but he was pretty sure that no major crime bosses would be caught dead in some saloon, at least not this time of day. The abandoned buildings on the other hand had a lot of potential. They are in close proximity to the nearby businesses and spacious enough for a large group, Making them the perfect place to set up shop as a gang.

Kabe crossed his arms before responding to the short woman.

“Hmmm, as fun as it sounds I think we should avoid alcohol for now.”

The swordsman unsheathed the saber on his right side and pointed at one of the closer abandoned buildings..

“I have a good feeling about those buildings. Let's cut through these alleyways and see if we can bait some idiot into trying to rob us too.”

For the five or so seconds that Kabe had taken to make his decision he was confident that he had made the right call. By going through the alleyways he was hoping for someone to take the bait and attack them. If so, the pair of pirates had the perfect opportunity to get information and discover exactly where the leadership is for the local criminals. The plan after that is much more fluid and simple. Kabe and Molly inform the gang leaders of the coming changes to the island and they leave peacefully after coming to a mutual understanding of the current situation. In Kabe’s mind there is no way that the locals will try and resist. But after giving it more thought the young swordsman has a feeling it won’t be quite that easy.

Word Count:

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:18 am

Molly figured that this was a good foundation for the goal at hand. Cracking a few skulls was the fastest way to convince the punks here that the P.T.S.D. was the new owner of the island.

To that end, Molly hoisted her hammer once more, flipping it off her shoulder and pointing it towards the same alleyway that Kabe had. A large smile on her face all the while. “Lead the way, little man.” She exclaimed with a haughty tone of voice.

Resting that hammer once more she let him go in front of her. Even though traditionally she was the first one out and about. She’d pop a small gumball into her mouth, chewing it endlessly until she blew a bubble and it popped. This popping was not some random insignificant detail, however. Though its significance wasn’t important now, it was merely something noticeable.

There was another reason that she decided that she’d definitely let the kid decide how shit went. So that if things went sideways she could just blame him. She was so smart, impressively so. It brought a smile to her face for sure.

She’d hold her left hand out, looking at her nails as she continued to speak to the giant man. “So tell me, what made you leave your home anyway? I know how you got on the crew. But what did you do before that?”

She made small talk because it was better than just walking around looking menacing. They were a crew that didn’t care about collateral damage, but not everyone on this crew was a villainous person.

Molly most certainly was, she loved destroying shit, but she knew there were some softies on this crew. It made her wonder what kind of person Kabe happened to be.

Plus, there would be plenty of time for fighting soon enough. Best to know a little about the person at her back before the blows started flying. She needed to know if he was going to be a liability or not. She did know that he survived being sent to take out a ship.

Which… is really fucking impressive all things considered. Taking on a whole crew was usually a deathwish.

Unless of course you were one of the heavy hitters like Desmond and his libido.

Despite her casual demeanor however, she was very astute and aware of her surroundings. To the point in which she was capable of completely keeping tabs on the numerous people that were looking in the pair’s direction.

No one had made any moves just yet. But she was also releasing a bit of her own menace so that everyone in this area was completely aware of how bad of an idea it was to attack the pair.

{462| 923 | 5000}

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #D43790 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:33 pm
Kabe wasted no time when taking the lead, going so quickly that he almost forgot to respond to his fellow crewmate calling him little. The big man turned his head to make eye contact with Molly but continued walking through the alleyway. “Little man? Grororororo! You’re pretty funny!”

The swordsman paid practically no attention to the other people in the area, While it is true that Kabe is known to be pretty observant of his surroundings and people, The man was currently more focused on making sure his scheme would work smoothly. During the duo's long and arduous journey through the alley Molly asked the golden-haired boy an unexpected question. Only a couple of the other important figures in the crew had asked Kabe about his past so he was a little taken aback, Though he supposed it made sense to want to know more about someone that you will be working with.

Kabe slowed his pace before speaking. “Well I grew up in Mapleshire, in the New World. When I lived there I did a lot of fighting and stuff with my brothers and sisters. My dad is some bigshot knight so we all had to follow in his footsteps. I got tired of everyone telling me what to do so I decided to leave. It’s not like I’m some crazy idiot, I can handle a couple of rules but everyone needs to let loose a little sometimes you know.”

Kabe waited a second before continuing his story.

“So when I made it to the North Blue I actually thought about joining the marines. I went to the base on some small island and the main officer was being a huge asshole to all the villagers so I fought all those guys. Pretty sure they ended up dead too. But after that I fled and ended up meeting Erudite and all that a few days later.”

It would be obvious to almost anyone that Kabe is only telling part of the story. Kabe made a mental note to go into more detail about the exact circumstances of his departure from the island at a later time, unless he was really pressured into saying more Kabe had no plans to speak on the matter right now.

Kabe did not want to seem rude so he asked Molly a question in return. “What about you? What’d you do before joining the crew?”

Looking ahead, Kabe could guess they still had a little ways before they reached one of the abandoned buildings so he saw no real problem with the small talk.

Word Count:

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat May 28, 2022 11:20 pm

Molly nodded along as he recanted his harrowing tale of adventure and she had noted that he didn’t seem to have anything… tragic, occur in his life. Like… where was the drama? Was this one of those Christmas cards that you could get on Hallmark Island?

A knight though, now that was interesting. She hadn’t seen any knights before. She had heard of them though, of course. But she didn’t know shit about the New World, nor Mapleshire. It sounded like a place they’d end up visiting in the future, however. Knowing Brood, any place that seems it had a value was a potential meal ticket. All he cared about was spreading his influence through the shadows. Fame didn’t mean shit to the boss.

She’d scrunch up her nose at the mention of the Marines… though it was good to hear that he took their lives. That explained why he’d be asked to join the crew. Last thing they needed was someone who would hold back when the going got tough.

Especially with the high ass body count that this crew racked up.

Still, he seemed to have taken an interest in her own backstory and honestly she couldn’t blame him. She was a little baddie, she knew this and she knew that he knew this as well.

She’d flip her hair and make a small ‘harump’ noise as she began to speak of herself.

“Unfortunately, little man, my story is pretty straight forward. My father is a popular shipwright in Water 7.”

She’d look him over as she spoke, completely smug in her demeanor despite having no reason to.

“When I got kidnapped by some… random fishman, Broody-bird swooped in and mangled those men and told me to get lost. But I snuck onto our old ship, the one we had prior to you joining, a giant clanker called The Big Time."

She seemed happy as she told this story, adjusting her grip on the handle of her massive fuck-off hammer.  

“He put me to work repairing some of the ship’s problems, but I kept making shit worse… so… I got told to quote, ‘eh-break other people’s shit-ee’, end quote. So that became my job alongside Jackson.”

She chuckled to herself as she gazed over towards the building that they were going to soon infiltrate. Plopping the head of her mallet onto the ground and stamping it with her right leg, like it was a foot stand.

“But… a knight huh? You must be packi-”

Before she could finish her thought, the doors to the building came open, and exiting the building was a man finely dressed, looking like no other riff raff around.

“Uh… you see what I’m seeing? We should tail that guy.”

She didn’t need to explain why, right? Why the fuck was someone so glitzy and glamourous exiting the building while being flanked by two armed thugs? This was something they had to look into. It took… priority. Obviously.

Brood would stand no competition.

Or failure.

{ 501 | 1424 | 5000}

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #D43790 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon May 30, 2022 11:54 am
Kabe listened intently to his shorter friend's story. The swordsman appreciated the fact that her past was simple as well, convoluted stories were just too much for Kabe to comprehend most of the time. The mention of Molly’s father being a shipwright as well did catch his attention, especially given his seniors affinity towards hitting everything in sight with that hammer of hers.

The young knight stayed quiet until he heard the door to the building open, where he also saw the sharply dressed man and two guards leave. Kabe nodded when Molly suggested that they follow the man.

“Yeah I agree, Where did he buy a nice suit in a place like this?”

Kabe flashed a bright smile towards Molly after telling his lame joke before he started tailing at a reasonable distance. Or at least what he thought was reasonable. As expected, Kabe believed it was a bad idea for him to lead a covert, tailing mission. In his head a lightbulb lit up while walking down the street. The young man leaned over to Molly and spoke lowly, making sure that their targets do not hear anything they shouldn’t

“You think there is a reason that this guy only has two guards with him? He looks pretty important to not have a big security detail with him. It’s like he doesn’t want to be seen in this part of town.”

Kabe’s observation gave him more questions than answers. This caused him to fully come around to the idea of tailing the man instead of fighting him.

“We should keep following this guy, Even though we could just kick his ass until he talks. I kinda want to see where he goes.”

From the pair's location behind the man and his guards he guessed that it would take him a little under 10 seconds to catch them if they ran. Kabe had assumed that this is a good spot to be, Of course he would rather be closer but there are not enough people on this street to blend in with the crowd. Luckily he had a feeling that he and Molly are overkill for the two guards if things go sour.

Word Count:

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jun 28, 2022 4:40 am

Molly nodded along as he recanted his harrowing tale of adventure and she had noted that he didn’t seem to have anything… tragic, occur in his life. Like… where was the drama? Was this one of those Christmas cards that you could get on Hallmark Island?

Molly wasn’t known for being smart, hell she wasn’t even really known for her social skills. Her parents saw to that. She didn't really grow up with friends really… and her years of isolation led her into conflicts all the time. So being able to work with someone without them judging her for her boisterous attitude was refreshing. It was one of the reasons that she loved being a part of this crew.

”Damn cutie, you’re not wrong about that! This looks excessively shady.” Molly triumphantly displayed her approval of his observation with a beat of her chest.

He wasn’t wrong, if this guy was hidden then that meant that he was probably doing something he definitely should not have done. Plus, just two guys? That was pretty pathetic in all honesty.

“Yeah, if we harm him and he turns out to be someone important we could jeopardize the whole plan! Best to watch them for now.”

Molly made a gesture, her index and middle fingers pointing towards the back of the carriage twice. This indicated that the parents should follow closely and make sure that the government agent was not capable of getting out of their sight.

“I know we ain’t sneaky folk but we don’t seem to have a fucking choice right now.” She complained, but she knew that she was being relied on by her found family.

The trek behind the man went expediently and she did her best to hide, but it was clear he was moving in a cautious manner. Not like she fucking enjoyed being a sneaky bitch but hey, what could you do?

It didn't take long to track down where the carriage was going, and by the time they had reached their new destination Molly was more than certain that they had not been seen. What was impressive was the fact that she was not the kind of person that specialized in stealth or espionage, and yet still managed to pull this off. She would slide her big ass Hammer over her shoulder blades resting it behind her head, reaching up with her arms so that they wrapped around the back and were able to hang off the shaft of the weapon.

"Hey man, you should take out that snail transponder and call up HQ. We report this in and we see what we go from here, sound good?" From their location they were behind the corner of yet another building.

They could see a large building that had a series of three floors. Around the outside of the building there were white slabs that created a fence around the property with a gate to the front. The other building that surrounded this small part of the neighborhood seemed to be low and in disrepair. Which meant that this was the perfect place to try and capture the guy if that was what they wanted to do.

Assuming that Kabe did as he was instructed to do then the voice on the other end of the line would pick up and it would be none other than Erudite herself.

"Now, what are you two getting up to where you needed to call little ole me?" She chuckled a bit on the other end of the line. "Don't tell me that you two can't handle something so simple, all grumpy guts will get really upset with you too hehe." She jested.

While Kabe would be on the call Molly used her observation Haki to survey the area. Doing her best to pinpoint the location of the man that they were choosing to follow.

{ 646 | 2070 | 5000}

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #D43790 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jun 28, 2022 10:48 am
By some miracle, Kabe and Molly had avoided detection from the sharply dressed man and his (extremely) small entourage of guards against all odds. When the suspicious fellow and his guards reached their destination the pair came across a nice-looking house, especially when compared to the dilapidated buildings that surrounded the premises. Hiding behind the building, Kabe would follow his senior's advice and take out his snail to call HQ.

At least, that was what he tried to do. Sitting down on a closed garbage can, Kabe searched his left pocket to no avail. The only thing he had been able to retrieve was whetstones of different sizes and shapes. After what felt like the longest thirty seconds of his life Kabe had a bright idea. Looking for the snail in his right pocket.

Lo and behold, that is where his transponder snail had been the entire time. Kabe focused himself, utilizing all the willpower he had to inform HQ of what he and Molly had come across while on the job.

On the other end, Erudite picked up and wasted no time before teasing the two of them.

Kabe laughed at the jest before responding to the fish woman's question, “I’ll have you know everything is going completely fine, but we found something a little bigger than some old crime lords. This guy looks important, has a mansion and everything. We just want to know if you guys think we should look into this ‘cause I think there is something big here.”

While on the snail, Kabe absent-mindedly took out one of his sabers and began to stab and throw around the trash that was in the area. The former knight in training worked quickly and efficiently, creating a small pyramid of garbage in the short time that he had been in communications with Erudite.

Word Count:

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jun 29, 2022 10:13 am

Molly realized that a tabbing noise was heard nearby and she prepared herself for battle, but sighed in disbelief when she noted the source of such a noise was none other than Kabe himself, fucking around.

Her eye twitched, but she didn't allow herself to get upset. Besides, he seemed to have quite a bit of artistic talent. Which she seemingly appreciated because it further proved he wasn't just some rigid stuck up knight.

Meanwhile over the Transponder, Erudite listened carefully to the vague explanation provided by her crew mate and realized that this particular pair likely wouldn't have given up the chance to throw down violently of their own accord. So even though she didn't have enough information to make an informed decision on the matter, it was best to acknowledge their request and let them do as they will.

"Well now, if it's just a rich citizen then no. Don't go a wastin' time on a fancy pants broker, sweetheart. But if'n y'all think there could be a greater use, capture 'em." She was particularly straightforward since she was currently in a position to command.

Molly’s eyes would raise and look up towards the top of the Mansion, where she’d snort as she measured the distance between where the pair was to the top of the building.

"Just figure out who this fella is, then if he seems like he is worth the squeeze go ahead and lasso that boy up right quick. Try to not ya go around wastin time tryna find out all ya can about 'em now, sugah. You two ain't exactly Hemlock Holmes." She referenced the detective before she paused and thought about it further.

There was a chance for the pair to really prove themselves to the rest of the crew. But she didn't want them going overboard for the sake of getting noticed.

"Make sure y'all don't bring too much attention to us. I'll confer with ole Grumpy Guts and we shall see if he wants to do anything specific. Y'all just be careful ya' hear?" She didn't want there to be any altercations with the Captain…

When the call ended, Molly spoke up, since she could hear the call the whole time anyway.

"Aight knight-boy, let's get to work!" She flipped her hair to the side before casually strolling up towards the alley to the side of the mansion. Near the brick fence and the building that sat next door.

"Let's just try to break into the Mansion first." She started to tap the head of her mallet against the bricks. As if she was looking for structural weaknesses within the barrier.

“This looks good to me.” She gestured.

She'd stop near the end of the alley itself. Before tapping onto a point with a distinct change of sound. She'd snort, pull back and then swung with enough force to blow a chuck of the barrier out. Enough for the pair to crawl through.

"Whoopoopoop, easy peasy!" She exclaimed with a haughty laugh.

{ 500 | 2570 | 5000}

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #D43790 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:38 pm
When the business call reached its end, Kabe shifted to sheathe his blade, ending his growing modern art exhibit of discarded cans and other garbage. Still holding the transponder snail’s receiver in his free hand, Kabe acknowledged the advice given to him by the fishwoman, “You can count on us Erudite! I have no clue what the hell a Hemlock Holmes is but we’ll catch this dude and bring him back so you guys can do the talkin’.”


Jumping off of his seat, Kabe followed Molly down the alleyway, taking care to not knock over his creation. The swordsman watched Molly intently while she searched for a weak area of the wall. Confused, Kabe spoke up, “You know, we could just go through the fr-”

The unreasonably big hammer crashed right through the brick barrier. The sound must have been loud enough to make everyone in the area alert that something was going on outside, not that it would change how this mission would end.

The young knight cracked his knuckles and crawled through the newly formed hole in the fence. Once inside, the shipwright took in his surroundings. Surprisingly, the outside of the mansion was much more well kept considering the state of the buildings around it. Freshly cut grass and hedges lined the majority of the perimeter of the yard. Near the center of the compound, a large, marble fountain could be seen. Although whoever resided here obviously had done a good job of maintaining the house, Kabe could still sense something was wrong with the area.

When looking at the mansion itself, Kabe could feel the anxious energy radiating from the inside, and he was sure that Molly had already picked up on it as well.

The only thing to do now was to decide on how exactly they would pull off this capture. The only problem was that Kabe wasn’t a simpleton by nature, it was a conscious choice. Most of Kabe’s plans end badly or with lots of casualties. And while failure in battle could be excused in his position, Kabe did not want to think what his captain would do if he went against the original orders and then messed up his new mission.

Turning towards Molly, whether she had made her way through the entrance she made or not, Kabe suggested his ideas, ”I have a pretty good feeling the guy is going to be somewhere on the top floor, that’s usually how this stuff goes.”

Kabe unsheathed both of his sabers while proposing his next thought, “We could climb up there right away, but it might be fun to walk through the front door and fight our way to the top. So I think you should pick.”

Word Count:

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jul 07, 2022 4:36 am
"Brood" uses [Shotō Sarubo MKII - HT] on Boss 1
"Brood" uses [Satō Botan - LT] on Boss 1
"Brood" uses UT on Boss 1

"Desmond" uses MT on Boss 1
"Desmond" uses UT on Boss 1

Boss 1 uses MT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses LT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses LT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses UT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses UT on "Desmond"


Last edited by Brood on Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:16 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : removed hashtags, saved work, fixed coding)
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jul 07, 2022 4:36 am
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 5, 20, 7


#2 'Reflex Check' : 13, 6


#3 'Reflex Check' : 6, 4, 2, 11, 19

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:28 pm

Round 2

"Brood" uses [Satō Kingyosō - HT] on Boss 1
"Brood" uses [Jittabagu Namekuji - LT] on Boss 1
"Brood" uses UT on Boss 1

"Desmond" uses MT on Boss 1
"Desmond" uses UT on Boss 1

Boss 1 uses MT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses LT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses LT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses UT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses UT on "Desmond"


Last edited by Brood on Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:18 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed math)
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:28 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 6, 13, 10


#2 'Reflex Check' : 1, 7


#3 'Reflex Check' : 14, 7, 5, 9, 1

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:36 pm

Round 3

"Brood" uses [Amai Kuchi Fesutiba - AOE] on Boss 1
"Brood" uses UT on Boss 1

"Desmond" uses MT on Boss 1
"Desmond" uses UT on Boss 1

Boss 1 uses HT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses LT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses LT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses UT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses UT on "Desmond"


Last edited by Brood on Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:22 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : accidently rolled an extra time for myself and boss, math fix)
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:36 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 17, 1, 17


#2 'Reflex Check' : 3, 5


#3 'Reflex Check' : 2, 13, 11, 12, 17, 3

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:00 pm

Round 4 - Brood Wins!

"Brood" uses [Shotō Sarubo MKII - HT] on Boss 1
"Brood" uses [Kyūban Satsujin - LT] on Boss 1
"Brood" uses UT on Boss 1

"Desmond" uses MT on Boss 1
"Desmond" uses UT on Boss 1

Boss 1 uses HT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses LT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses LT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses UT on "Brood"
Boss 1 uses UT on "Desmond"


Last edited by Brood on Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:29 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Math fix)
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:00 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 11, 6, 16


#2 'Reflex Check' : 1, 6


#3 'Reflex Check' : 19, 9, 5, 9, 19

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Sep 08, 2022 10:34 pm

Molly was more than sure that Kabe had a fair point, especially regarding how much fun it would be to just start from the bottom and work their way up.

It would aid in their future “convincing” of this soon-to-be kidnapped target. Especially if they had proof of how dangerous they happened to be.

Granted, they might have just showcased themselves to be strong thugs in the process. But that was not something that she wanted though. Especially when it would reflect poorly on their boss. No… avoiding combat was the best route for now. They would have the time to break some eggs later. For now… and only for now… it was best to just… go straight to the top.

But Molly wasn’t the luckiest little lass hanging around. She didn’t get a say in whether or not violence would rear its head today.

Before she even had the chance to give her opinion on how t proceed, two armed guards found themselves coming around the corner. Investigating the loud noise that she had caused moments ago. Unfortunately for Molly, the gesturing and pointing were enough to make it clear that she and her hammer were being blamed for the situation.

The smashed wall nearby didn’t seem to help matters either.

With a sigh, she hoisted her massive mallet up and bent her knees. “Suppose option two is the answer.” She sounded annoyed as she muttered the words.

Pressing off the tips of her toes, she launched forward with a ferocity befitting her nature. Like a wolf beset upon a doe.

She showcased a lack of empathy that was rather legendary.

With a wide horizontal swing, she’d bring the head of her hammer careening into the first guard who tried his best to parry the blow with his shortsword.

Unfortunately, he was hit with such an overbearing amount of force that it was clear that she was far too strong to be spending her time on this island.

It really showcased how strong the members of the Primetime Pirate crew happened to be. Especially since her attack didn’t even launch the man away from the location. Instead, the disgusting crunch that could be heard was showcased far more evidently by the fact that the guard was now laying in a heap on the ground, crumpled. His arm flattened like a pancake.

She flicked her attention over towards the other guard briefly, who seemed wise enough to have started shouting before she rose her hammer again. Though, there was time for the master of the frisbee blade to have intercepted the man before Molly brought him down as well.

Either way, it was clear the entire building was now alerted to their presence. But that was fine. For what was a mission without conflict, right? Surely Erudite would understand. So long as they made their way to the top of the building quickly before their target could flee… then that was all that mattered in the long run. Correct?

Absolutely… it was the only logical way forward.

“Bah, fuck it. Kill ‘em all.” It was better to leave no witnesses.

{ 520 | 3090 | 5000}

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #D43790 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:49 pm
When Kabe saw Molly smash in that poor soul’s face with her hammer he did nothing more than crack his signature dumb smile and laugh. It wasn’t as if he enjoyed the violence…

Alright, so what if Kabe did enjoy an old-fashioned brawl once in a while? And so what if this was actually Kabe’s second battle of the day? The first one hardly counted anyways, that fire he started did most of the work for him in taking down the marine vessel.

Reaching for his sabers Kabe spoke to the remaining guardsman. “Well, you heard the woman. If it makes you feel any better I probably would have killed you anyways. Grororororo!”

Seizing the opportunity in front of him, Kabe quickly got to work. The greenhorn privateer lowered his shoulders and skewered the still-horrified guardsman before jumping into the building. Once inside, Kabe lowered his arms and threw the bloodied man into the center of the manor’s main hall. The sound of the guardsman sliding across the pristine marble floor was more than enough to gather the attention of the couple dozen guards in the immediate vicinity.

A portly man in front of the main staircase spoke up. “Y-y-y-you killed Petey!”

Kabe looked at the dying man and gestured toward him with a saber. A vein appeared on the fat man’s forehead. “Yes, that’s Petey you dumbass!”

The young knight tilted his head in confusion. “Were you his friend or something?” The portly guard stayed silent for a few moments before responding. “No, not really.” Kabe looked at Petey and then back at the man a few times before making eye contact with the rest of the guards. “Well me and my friend are just going to kill the rest of you now so either you guys can all run at me or I’ll go to you. I’m not too picky.”

After a few seconds went by of no one speaking up Kabe sighed dramatically. “Ok, you’re all just going to give me the silent treatment like that? Not cool guys. I guess I’ll just go to you then.”

Immediately after kindly informing his enemies of his next course of action Kabe began fighting. Well, they started fighting him. For Kabe this was more akin to running a warm-up lap instead of a marathon. It was apparent that the young pirate would have to take it upon himself to inform whoever hired these jokers that it didn’t matter how many men you hired if they were all weaklings.

While absent-mindedly cutting down the security, Kabe talked over the chaos. “Molly, you wanna bet what kind of room we find the rich dude in? I bet he’s gonna be doing something like looking out a window while holding a glass of wine, or he’s sitting in a swivel chair so he can turn around when we find him.”

Word Count:

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:56 pm

Molly was impressed with the way that he decided to handle the situation. It wasn't often that she worked with anyone other than Jackson.

And to be quite frank, she did not like working with Jackson.

The manner in which he brutally dispatched the man who'd shortly be known as Petey caused Molly to become highly amused. And the callous way that Kabe tossed the man's body into the foyer of the building brought a smile to her face.

As such, she followed behind the man tentatively, accessing him and looking at his fighting style closely.

No detail would escape her as she listened to Kabe mock the foolish guards who were assigned to protect this mysterious Mr. Moneybags.

The thought of putting the hurt on these pricks really got her going.

So much in fact that, without hesitation, she pulled the mallet back like a baseball bat.

With malice she flicked the switch that was located on the haft of the mallet, causing a small hole to appear on the left flat of the mallet itself.

A small metal tube effectively sprung out of the hammer and the sound of gas whirling inside of the tube could be heard.

In an instant, a small blue flame erupted out of the mallet, sending it in a forward vertical arc with great force.

The small woman would be dragged forward in the process, her strength keeping the hammer in her grasp as she slammed it into the side of one goon, which forced him to slam into yet another.

Launching the two men forward and through a wall with an impressive impact.

With small vibrant hearts replacing her irises, she gleefully snickered before diving into the crowd of low-skilled protection agents.

Like a tornado of death and metal.

In the chaos, she listened closely to the man who proclaimed her to be his friend. She hadn't anticipated the promotion out of "colleague", but she let it go straight to her head nevertheless.

"Whoopoopoop, you read way too many World Economy comics! But I can't say I'm not amused!"

She decided that it was fine to play along. Even if things were getting a little bloody. But that was definitely the way she preferred things.

"I doubt he is some criminal mastermind, even despite his shady dealings. But hey, I'll take that bet! And we are betting the usual!" She proclaimed with a toothy grin.

She definitely was not going to complain about getting his extra portions.

She was a hungry bitch.

Within moments, most guards who had opposed them were little more than memories left upon the marble floors.

And with the final opponent she had chosen for herself finally landing on the tile, after being hit with a monstrous uppercut, Molly stepped over the downed enemy's corpse, making her way towards the staircase.

"Hmm… we really need to get out of the Blues. These people are pathetic."

Any straggling guards who attempted to cut their route off found themselves being completely decimated.

To say it was a bloodbath would be an egregiously obvious statement to make.

And yet Molly thrived in the obvious.

Eventually, the pair would make their way to the highest possible floor and with no room for bated breath, Molly’s foot would slam against the large twin oak doors. Flinging them open and revealing a well-maintained office, with a desk made of the same wood as the doors.

The man that had sat there looked up frantically, surprised by the intrusion, and yet… something about him was off.  

He didn't seem to be panicking.

In fact, he seemed as though he was more expectant than anything else. Was this a trap? If it was then Molly was screwed. She wasn't smart enough to spot them.

Nor to even register it as a possibility.

With a smug look on her face, she waltzed into the room, kicking up her leg and slamming it onto his desk.

“Alright, Mr. Moneybags. Get off your hiney, you’re coming with us! This here is a kidnapping.” Her face contorted into a “>:D” shape as she let her confidence flow through her.

“I suppose I have no choice in the matter… but you will gain no ransom from my capturing. I am but a humble public servant.” His sigh was impressively audible.

“Pfft, yeah right. What kind of servant could afford this kind of building?”

She wasn't a dummy, that was for sure.

{ 740 | 3830 | 5000}

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #D43790 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:48 pm
Bounding towards the next group of challengers, Kabe began his next onslaught of attacks. Ever since Erudite had informed the swordsman of what exactly Haki was, it had made a world of a difference. Even the little amount that Kabe was able to use was more than enough to outclass some of the weaklings that thought they were safe in the Blues.

And now the knight had another chance to prove just how superior he was to the common man. Like two hot knives cutting through butter, Kabe impaled a grand total of four meatshields. Flipping through the air, Kabe flicked his wrists and sent his blades turned kebabs spiraling towards the rest of the terrified soldiers turned spectators. Once the kebabs hit their intended targets the group of fodders' formation fell apart like over-cooked ribs.

Dropping back to his feet, Kabe was now left without either of his sabers. No matter, good thing he still had-

Kabe reached over his shoulder, Frustratedly feeling around for a relatively new creation of his that he was sure he had brought with him. Oh well, not like he had any ammunition. The blonde bruiser cracked his knuckles and continued his work. The exquisite marble floor was the young man’s canvas and he still had quite a bit of paint left even with the absence of his two brushes. So why not do a little finger painting?

The next moment was nothing more than a blurry bloodbath. Kabe was a lot of things, but a liar was not one of them. When the swordsman had said that all of the guards were going to be killed, he meant it. And by the look of things, Molly was undoubtedly cut from the same cloth.  

After recovering his weapons Kabe regrouped with Molly before ascending the building. Leaving a trail of destruction behind them. It always felt so much better to break someone’s stuff when it was obvious they were loaded.

“You could say that again. If there weren’t people from this sea like Brood and that one guy from Lvneel I would have thought they were all this weak!”

On the way to the top floor, Kabe began to take in the scenery just a little bit. It wasn’t that he was looking for anything in particular but…

There had to be something hidden here right? Back in Mapleshire, people loved to hide secret rooms and passageways in their manors, surely whoever lived here thought the same. Regardless, Kabe was sure that the crew would get something worthwhile out of this.

Snapping back to attention, Kabe stared down the old geezer. His lack of surprise meant one of two things in Kabe’s mind. He either was strong enough to not be afraid. Or he already knew what was going on and had given up on fighting back already. And given the fact that Kabe and Molly hadn’t been quiet in any sense of the word so far, he was inclined to believe it was the latter.

Looking around the room. The knight took note of the woodwork on the doors and desk. Oak was okay if a little overrated. Kabe much preferred the maples that he grew up with. Or even the giant pine trees on Hallmark Island.

Staying quiet so far, Kabe decided it would be best if he didn’t talk just yet. Besides, he didn't even really know what to say. Stuff like this is usually in the wheelhouse of someone like Ricky or Academia. Luckily, he had found a suitable distraction. On the right side of the office was a large, oak bookshelf that covered most of the wall. Kabe wasted no time in bringing the tomes to their tombs. If there was anything important hidden among the weathered books, Kabe was going to find it.

Word Count:

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 14, 2022 5:09 am

Molly’s overconfidence was not something she bothered to hide. She was adamant that she alone stood at the top of the food chain when it came to interrogations and she was willing to get violent if needed. Looking over towards the man, who seemed to be in his mid-forties, though that didn’t stop her from considering him old, she’d scoff a bit.

“No… A public servant to the citizens of fair Notice. I… always knew that things would catch up to me. Still, I will not fetch any price worth ransoming.”

The man did have a calmness about him, one that showcased that this was not his first time encountering thugs of their ilk. Yet, he seemed wise enough to discuss with the pair what exactly their goals here happened to be.

There was a confidence in him that impressed Molly. At least to a point. But Molly let her fingers run through her hair and she flipped it accordingly. The smugness in her tone of voice was on full display.

“Hmm… so like you work for the citizens? So you’re like what? A politician?”

The man’s eyes flickered from Molly over towards Kabe, watching the man closely.

“I sit on the elected council of Notice, I hold the tenth chair, and I have been serving for the past two decades.”

“Ooo, even better. Well, we are here to take ya ass for some negotiations. Pack yur shit buddy-boy!”

He looked… stunned. Confused.

“Upon further consideration, I most certainly will not. I am not going to abide being intimidated by common thugs. I am connected to Don Peridot, you have no authority over me. You blues pirates are all the same.”

Molly looked… confused. Who the fuck was Don Peridot. Sounded like someone tricky… but hey. Not her problem, she’d put that little note in her pocket and pass it along later. But she could play along for at least a few seconds. Act as if she cared.

“Don whomst?”

With a painful expression of annoyance painted across his face, the man began to explain just who his hidden connection was.

“...Truly you are as bold as you are ignorant. I have backing from a powerful fam-”


“Oops, hand slipped!”

Molly had used the shaft of her mallet, opposed to the head, to strike at the man across his face. Leaving a red, swelling mark against the man’s cheek.  She didn’t even attempt to hide her smile all the while.

“I…I can’t believe this! You struck me?? You’ll reg-”

The follow-up strike was harder. She didn’t like when rats stopped scurrying about, attempting to fight back against a snake by gnashing and clawing. Just like in those situations, the snake would win eventually. Squeezing out every last ounce of struggle from their prey.

“Damn, force of habit, my bad.”

“Argghh! Ugh! You…you… Fuck! What do you want dammit… I don’t keep any money here…”

His frustration was overwhelming and he couldn’t stop himself from holding his face. His breathing was exacerbated by the circumstances. He could tell that she wasn’t trying to kill him… and that it wouldn’t take her much effort if she was.

“Like I said, you have a meeting with the bossman…” Molly looked at her outstretched nails in admiration all the while.

His gaze went back towards Kabe… and he attempted to plead with the much younger chivalrous looking individual.

“Please, for all that is good and just. Tell your friend to be reasonable… I’m a member of the city council…”

This exchange brought not only a smile to her face but caused her to chuckle all the while.

“What. Ever. Loser. I don’t much care for any of the fancy roles you may or may not have. All that matters is that you come with us. Comprende??”

He knew he had little to no options here… and it was clear she was not in charge. He could only hope that whoever he’d be seeing wasn’t some depraved lunatic. For some reason, they needed him alive. So he just had to bide his time until he could contact the Don.

“Fine… but when Don Peridot learns of this…”

“Don, Schmon. Who cares.”

There was a hint of sadness as he continued to speak.

“All I ever wanted to do was look out for the best interests of Notice. I’m so sick of bending to the will of you… of you thugs.”

Molly was quick to stop the man as he rose to his feet, making sure she stood behind him as they made their way out of the office and building proper.

“Hey man… that’s real sentimental and shit. But like… save it for someone else. We are not the pair for any of this mushy heartstring nonsense.”


His submission was wise and she enjoyed that he did so without incident. It would save him a wicked beating to be sure.

“Alright bet! Keep the pace. I’d hate to have to carry you on account of broken legs.”

Her eyes flicked back towards Kabe.

“Alright, let's head to the docks. This can be Erudite's problem to sort out.”

To Be Continued...
[ Planned Plots ]

{ 854 | 4684 | 5000}

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #D43790 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng Empty Re: [Notice: Contestation Saga][Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:58 pm
If there was one thing that Kabe should have expected. It was that while raiding a place in search of information sounded fun enough, actually looking over the spoils was considerably less engaging. That feeling of sudden boringness was even worse for Kabe once he saw what was ahead of him. One book would have been bad enough, but multiple shelves were borderline torture. Of course, Kabe could not really say if the books were really boring or not, he had not read or recognized anything so far.  

But the covers sure didn’t look interesting.

As Molly bullied the poor man of the people, Kabe continued to throw book after book to the ground. The only sound louder in the room was the unnecessary beating that Molly was giving the city’s councilman. When Kabe felt eyes on him, he turned to face the older gentleman. Unfortunately for the fellow, Kabe had no interest in helping him out. With a dumb smirk on his face, the young swordsman shrugged his shoulders and went back to his search.

Nearing the end of his investigation, Kabe’s attention had only been caught by two books out of the man’s extensive collection. The titles in question being, “Fish of the South”, and “Birkan Culture and Cuisine” It was unknown what exactly caused the two books in particular to keep Kabe’s full attention, but he was just happy that he would be able to take a souvenir or two back home with him.

The last book was noticeably larger than all of the other ones so far. Worn leather clearly displayed that the oversized textbook had stood the test of time. The title read “A Brief History of Notice”. Flipping through the pages, any of Kabe’s hopes were quickly dashed. It was just like all the others. Dropping the book on top of the ever-growing pile Kabe sighed.

“No pictures… This guy has no taste whatsoever.”

Tucking the two books away, Kabe looked over to Molly before leaving the manor. “Sounds good to me!” Kabe then made eye contact with their new friend hostage. “And just so you know I’m not putting the books back! Grororororo!”

Word Count:
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