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[Bio] Ny-Ny Empty [Bio] Ny-Ny

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:50 pm


[Bio] Ny-Ny J1nsJjY

Basic Character Information

First Name: Ny-Ny. Once someone tried to name this child Nymia, yet being unable to pronounce it caused her to shorten it to a friendly Ny.
Middle Name/Initial: -
Last Name: -
Epithet: -
Birthdate: Somewhere between 1818-1820, there are no records about her date of birth.
Gender: Female
Species/Race/Tribe: Red Lionfish Fish-Woman
Faction: Unaffiliated
Profession: Runaway Slave

Physical Appearance

Height: 3'7''/~110cm
Weight: 42lbs/~19kg

Hair Style: Short messy hair, unkept and full of tangles and knots.
Hair Color: White hair with ash-beige gradient.
Eye Color: Ny-Ny's eyes are pitch black without any visible difference between the sclera and iris. Only her slit and white pupils reflect light, creating the illusion that they glow softly. When the girl's emotions are running high - be it from rage or fear - her whole pupils turn a vibrant blood-red hue.
Scars: Lots of smaller and bigger scars are placed all over her small body, be it in form of cuts, burns, unproperly healed wounds or whips. Both soles of her feet and the inner side of her hands are rough and full of calluses and her claws bear marks of being carelessly trimmed each time they have regrown. Five rings on Ny-Ny's body - around her wrists, ankles, and neck betray the places where shackles not so long ago made her skin harder and paler. The back and sides of her body are full of scarring due to lashes and the tips of her sharp dorsal fins were cut off. Some of her smaller fins and webbing between fingers or toes were damaged, the most noticeable is the right ear-fin that was broken and healed crooked, giving it a floppy look. Last but not least, on the inner side of her right forearm, the mining company she belonged to burned the mark of their ownership - a logo and the identifying number of the slave.
Clothing and Accessories: The one thing that Ny-Ny has on her is an oversized, partially torn shirt, so old and worn out that it's a miracle it hasn't fallen apart so far.

Description: Ny-Ny is a Red Lionfish Fish-Men, which ties in with some very interesting features. Like a typical Lionfish, her skin is adorned with thin, flexible scales, creating a bold and colorful pattern on her body. The uneven and random stripes which cover her vary in thickness, painting lines of maroon, brown, black, and coral on the beige base. They would have been much more vivid and bright if it wasn't for Ny-Ny being kept away from the sun for so long. Because of the pattern of her body, it might not be easy to spot the scars at the first glance because they blend in with the array of colors.

Aside from the very characteristic fin ears, there are tiny horns on top of her head - two scaley lumps poking out of her hair. The girl has small fins on her elbows and calves, and there are maroon webbings between her toes and fingers which aid her while moving underwater. When it comes to the scar on her neck from the shackles - the gills that were constantly in contact with the iron ring are now frayed although luckily they work just as well. Her body shape is mostly humanoid, with one major difference. The structure of her feet and ankles is elongated and flatter, making her walk on her forefeet while slightly bending her knees and shifting her center of gravity forward - yet Ny-Ny prefers moving on all fours. It doesn't trouble her in the slightest.

Right now the dorsal fins connected to her spine, famous for their fan-like shape and sharp ends, are cramped under her clothing poking out from under her shirt. Tips were cut off to avoid stabbing others, and because they were producing venom, disturbing them can lead to releasing said toxin. Normally the glands and the integumentary sheath would dig into the body as a defense mechanism, but because the tips were disposed of the only way to be burned is to come with direct skin contact with venom. Still, because Ny-Ny is young the famous toxin hasn't developed properly yet. It only creates a strong burning sensation and in some cases can cause a mild fever - but it's nothing life-threatening. Though it's deadly enough for small fish or rabbits and anything of that size or smaller.

Her claws seem to be built similarly to her sharp fins, albeit they do not produce any venom and can regrow like human nails - they are perfect for scratching and defending herself. Ny-Ny possesses lots of sharp, albeit small teeth. They are like tiny razors densely packed on the upper and lower jaw. She can stretch her jaws and mouth quite a bit to show off her natural weapons while she's taking a bite. Additionally, there are small patches and lines of the very same teeth on the roof of her mouth and the backs of her cheeks creating a real grinder inside. Getting a finger stuck inside, well... No one would want that. This mechanism is ideal for reducing bones and shells to mush while eating.

Her racial features are one obvious thing. Another one is that she's a kid. A little brat with big eyes and a thin frame. Despite her age, she's small enough to pass for someone younger. The girl's tiny and light. And boney. It's not about her having a svelte, petite silhouette, it's about a young child being severely malnourished to the point where the lines of the bones are visible through her skin. She never had a chance to eat her fill before and it shows in her stunted growth. It's hard to tell what gender she is just by looking at her - maybe if she was raised properly she would be a cute kid with a round face and striking fins - but now she has a thin, triangular face and body hardened by work. All the scars, lack of sunlight, and difficult conditions made her facial features sharp, her eyes cautious and her bared teeth ready to bite. People usually prefer not to get involved with someone like Ny-Ny if they run into her by any chance.

Fullbody Sketch:

The Past

Main Traits: Feral, grumpy, primal, cautious, curious, instinctive, animalistic - her behavior and mind seem to be closer to a wild animal rather than a child. Still, she can be empathic, loyal, and affectionate but only if someone breaks through her untrusting shell.
Likes: Food - especially raw meat, fruits, swimming, warmth, sunny spots for napping, hunting, climbing, cuddling, animals... Having a full stomach is the best feeling ever.
Dislikes: Violent people. Hunger, being hurt, pain. Loud noises, strong smells, not having a place to hide, baths - she loves water but being scrubbed with soap is a nightmare!
Unique laugh: Nyshihihi!

Hometown: Unknown. Her race mostly lives on Fish-Man Island, the mine using slaves was located in Spider Miles. There are no records about her origins and Ny herself has no idea where she is from... Or even what hometown means.

Personality: Ny-Ny's mind isn't what it's supposed to be. Someone could mockingly say that's all because she's one of them, a fish. A monster. Others would say that she's just a stupid brat not knowing her place. She's not right in the head. There is a possibility that because as a slave she was kept in inhuman conditions for the majority of her life... Something has happened with her mentality. It's hard to determine if she was born with that feral nature of hers or not. Her mind was triggered by abuse? Head trauma caused all this? Maybe something snapped inside her soul or maybe her primal instincts are naturally growing stronger with each passing day? Eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed.

The girl is a very simple-minded being, thinking just like an animal. Through and through, to the depths of her core, she feels and behaves like a feral creature guided by instinct, knowing nothing about social norms and constructs. Walking on all fours and hissing is just a small part of that. She judges her surroundings using her senses, smelling or biting random things and as a patient predator waiting to strike when hunting for her meal. Thanks to her sharp nose and great sense of balance she doesn't have much trouble looking for dinner in nearby forests or rivers. Ny kills small animals and eats her prey raw without any guilt, she bristles her fins when scared and makes a variety of sounds including hissing, growling, and screeching. Knowing how the world works for her makes it so challenging to understand others... What is cutlery? Why do people attack each other when they are not threatened or hungry? For what reason they are spraying themselves with those sickly sweet scents..? The girl tends to explain the behavior of people around her in the only way familiar to her - using the laws of nature as the center. Of course most of the time the real reason for their actions is far from that.

Everyone knows how dangerous and unpredictable can be a cornered wild animal... But if someone would pay enough attention to Ny-Ny's behavior they would pick up very basic rules that are ingrained into her mind. Kill only when you're hungry or when there's no other way to get out of it alive. Run when you're being threatened. Fight back when there's no choice - pride means nothing in the primal world when only survival counts. That she understands - the difficult words, the scheming of the people, whispers, implications, mind games, no, that's something she cannot grasp. Her mentality isn't capable of it because the heightened primal instinct seemed to have blocked everything else... But there's room for improvement.

The vocabulary she uses is tragically poor, she knows only a handful of words - yet it's still better than communicating only with growls. And as a quite bright child, she learned new things by observing others. Even if she didn't understand what they were doing, she taught herself new things, for example, how to tie knots and how to pour oil into the lamps. She was curious to watch how the wheels of the mining trolleys were moving and discovered that shoving pebbles between the cogs would stop it. Similarly, she realized that a key can open her shackles and how to open a can of food. And not everyone around her was hostile. Other slaves saw her as a child despite her different race. As much as they could, they tried to take care of her... They taught her new words, patched her wounds, and gave her her name, finding out that Ny-Ny is indeed a kid.

Under the feral and strong nature, there was a lost, confused, and scared child unaware of what will happen to her tomorrow, not knowing about the world outside of the mines and their small camp... And the very same wild brat was able to show empathy and gratitude by biting the guard who was tormenting someone who aided her before. Concepts of favors and grudges didn't apply to Ny, at least not completely. Her body moves on her own in situations like that each time someone she likes is being endangered in any way... Even if she's the one who gets lashes later.

Because the majority of the tasks in the mining area given to her were way above her understanding level, she was often getting lashes as punishment for not doing them or not doing them properly. And each time that happened Ny-Ny was always fighting back the guards. She was scratching, biting, clawing, and kicking her way out - she was dubbed a difficult slave. There's no rhyme or reason when it comes to her fighting, she's a chaotic wild animal trying to break free or protect someone - unpredictable and reckless, jumping all around, bouncing off the ground and walls. Utilizing her claws, fins, and teeth is obvious but the small girl makes good use of her small frame and agility, not being afraid to hurt her opponent. Ny-Ny won't hesitate, she will go straight for someone's neck with her claws or teeth ready if that's the only way of stopping the fight - it might be brutal but isn't nature just that? Kill or be killed...

And her instinct is razor-sharp.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Ny-Ny Empty Re: [Bio] Ny-Ny

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:18 pm
[approve]This was a fantastically well-written bio! I look forward to Ny-Ny experiencing the world outside of the snow globe she had been imprisoned in.

I'm not sure if that art is yours. If it is, well done! If not, you should submit a Face Claim for it with the original source's link.[/approve]

Ny-Ny wrote:


[Bio] Ny-Ny J1nsJjY

Basic Character Information

First Name: Ny-Ny. Once someone tried to name this child Nymia, yet being unable to pronounce it caused her to shorten it to a friendly Ny.
Middle Name/Initial: -
Last Name: -
Epithet: -
Birthdate: Somewhere between 1818-1820, there are no records about her date of birth.
Gender: Female
Species/Race/Tribe: Red Lionfish Fish-Woman
Faction: Unaffiliated
Profession: Runaway Slave

Physical Appearance

Height: 3'7''/~110cm
Weight: 42lbs/~19kg

Hair Style: Short messy hair, unkept and full of tangles and knots.
Hair Color: White hair with ash-beige gradient.
Eye Color: Ny-Ny's eyes are pitch black without any visible difference between the sclera and iris. Only her slit and white pupils reflect light, creating the illusion that they glow softly. When the girl's emotions are running high - be it from rage or fear - her whole pupils turn a vibrant blood-red hue.
Scars: Lots of smaller and bigger scars are placed all over her small body, be it in form of cuts, burns, unproperly healed wounds or whips. Both soles of her feet and the inner side of her hands are rough and full of calluses and her claws bear marks of being carelessly trimmed each time they have regrown. Five rings on Ny-Ny's body - around her wrists, ankles, and neck betray the places where shackles not so long ago made her skin harder and paler. The back and sides of her body are full of scarring due to lashes and the tips of her sharp dorsal fins were cut off. Some of her smaller fins and webbing between fingers or toes were damaged, the most noticeable is the right ear-fin that was broken and healed crooked, giving it a floppy look. Last but not least, on the inner side of her right forearm, the mining company she belonged to burned the mark of their ownership - a logo and the identifying number of the slave.
Clothing and Accessories: The one thing that Ny-Ny has on her is an oversized, partially torn shirt, so old and worn out that it's a miracle it hasn't fallen apart so far.

Description: Ny-Ny is a Red Lionfish Fish-Men, which ties in with some very interesting features. Like a typical Lionfish, her skin is adorned with thin, flexible scales, creating a bold and colorful pattern on her body. The uneven and random stripes which cover her vary in thickness, painting lines of maroon, brown, black, and coral on the beige base. They would have been much more vivid and bright if it wasn't for Ny-Ny being kept away from the sun for so long. Because of the pattern of her body, it might not be easy to spot the scars at the first glance because they blend in with the array of colors.

Aside from the very characteristic fin ears, there are tiny horns on top of her head - two scaley lumps poking out of her hair. The girl has small fins on her elbows and calves, and there are maroon webbings between her toes and fingers which aid her while moving underwater. When it comes to the scar on her neck from the shackles - the gills that were constantly in contact with the iron ring are now frayed although luckily they work just as well. Her body shape is mostly humanoid, with one major difference. The structure of her feet and ankles is elongated and flatter, making her walk on her forefeet while slightly bending her knees and shifting her center of gravity forward - yet Ny-Ny prefers moving on all fours. It doesn't trouble her in the slightest.

Right now the dorsal fins connected to her spine, famous for their fan-like shape and sharp ends, are cramped under her clothing poking out from under her shirt. Tips were cut off to avoid stabbing others, and because they were producing venom, disturbing them can lead to releasing said toxin. Normally the glands and the integumentary sheath would dig into the body as a defense mechanism, but because the tips were disposed of the only way to be burned is to come with direct skin contact with venom. Still, because Ny-Ny is young the famous toxin hasn't developed properly yet. It only creates a strong burning sensation and in some cases can cause a mild fever - but it's nothing life-threatening. Though it's deadly enough for small fish or rabbits and anything of that size or smaller.

Her claws seem to be built similarly to her sharp fins, albeit they do not produce any venom and can regrow like human nails - they are perfect for scratching and defending herself. Ny-Ny possesses lots of sharp, albeit small teeth. They are like tiny razors densely packed on the upper and lower jaw. She can stretch her jaws and mouth quite a bit to show off her natural weapons while she's taking a bite. Additionally, there are small patches and lines of the very same teeth on the roof of her mouth and the backs of her cheeks creating a real grinder inside. Getting a finger stuck inside, well... No one would want that. This mechanism is ideal for reducing bones and shells to mush while eating.

Her racial features are one obvious thing. Another one is that she's a kid. A little brat with big eyes and a thin frame. Despite her age, she's small enough to pass for someone younger. The girl's tiny and light. And boney. It's not about her having a svelte, petite silhouette, it's about a young child being severely malnourished to the point where the lines of the bones are visible through her skin. She never had a chance to eat her fill before and it shows in her stunted growth. It's hard to tell what gender she is just by looking at her - maybe if she was raised properly she would be a cute kid with a round face and striking fins - but now she has a thin, triangular face and body hardened by work. All the scars, lack of sunlight, and difficult conditions made her facial features sharp, her eyes cautious and her bared teeth ready to bite. People usually prefer not to get involved with someone like Ny-Ny if they run into her by any chance.

Fullbody Sketch:

The Past

Main Traits: Feral, grumpy, primal, cautious, curious, instinctive, animalistic - her behavior and mind seem to be closer to a wild animal rather than a child. Still, she can be empathic, loyal, and affectionate but only if someone breaks through her untrusting shell.
Likes: Food - especially raw meat, fruits, swimming, warmth, sunny spots for napping, hunting, climbing, cuddling, animals... Having a full stomach is the best feeling ever.
Dislikes: Violent people. Hunger, being hurt, pain. Loud noises, strong smells, not having a place to hide, baths - she loves water but being scrubbed with soap is a nightmare!
Unique laugh: Nyshihihi!

Hometown: Unknown. Her race mostly lives on Fish-Man Island, the mine using slaves was located in Spider Miles. There are no records about her origins and Ny herself has no idea where she is from... Or even what hometown means.

Personality: Ny-Ny's mind isn't what it's supposed to be. Someone could mockingly say that's all because she's one of them, a fish. A monster. Others would say that she's just a stupid brat not knowing her place. She's not right in the head. There is a possibility that because as a slave she was kept in inhuman conditions for the majority of her life... Something has happened with her mentality. It's hard to determine if she was born with that feral nature of hers or not. Her mind was triggered by abuse? Head trauma caused all this? Maybe something snapped inside her soul or maybe her primal instincts are naturally growing stronger with each passing day? Eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed.

The girl is a very simple-minded being, thinking just like an animal. Through and through, to the depths of her core, she feels and behaves like a feral creature guided by instinct, knowing nothing about social norms and constructs. Walking on all fours and hissing is just a small part of that. She judges her surroundings using her senses, smelling or biting random things and as a patient predator waiting to strike when hunting for her meal. Thanks to her sharp nose and great sense of balance she doesn't have much trouble looking for dinner in nearby forests or rivers. Ny kills small animals and eats her prey raw without any guilt, she bristles her fins when scared and makes a variety of sounds including hissing, growling, and screeching. Knowing how the world works for her makes it so challenging to understand others... What is cutlery? Why do people attack each other when they are not threatened or hungry? For what reason they are spraying themselves with those sickly sweet scents..? The girl tends to explain the behavior of people around her in the only way familiar to her - using the laws of nature as the center. Of course most of the time the real reason for their actions is far from that.

Everyone knows how dangerous and unpredictable can be a cornered wild animal... But if someone would pay enough attention to Ny-Ny's behavior they would pick up very basic rules that are ingrained into her mind. Kill only when you're hungry or when there's no other way to get out of it alive. Run when you're being threatened. Fight back when there's no choice - pride means nothing in the primal world when only survival counts. That she understands - the difficult words, the scheming of the people, whispers, implications, mind games, no, that's something she cannot grasp. Her mentality isn't capable of it because the heightened primal instinct seemed to have blocked everything else... But there's room for improvement.

The vocabulary she uses is tragically poor, she knows only a handful of words - yet it's still better than communicating only with growls. And as a quite bright child, she learned new things by observing others. Even if she didn't understand what they were doing, she taught herself new things, for example, how to tie knots and how to pour oil into the lamps. She was curious to watch how the wheels of the mining trolleys were moving and discovered that shoving pebbles between the cogs would stop it. Similarly, she realized that a key can open her shackles and how to open a can of food. And not everyone around her was hostile. Other slaves saw her as a child despite her different race. As much as they could, they tried to take care of her... They taught her new words, patched her wounds, and gave her her name, finding out that Ny-Ny is indeed a kid.

Under the feral and strong nature, there was a lost, confused, and scared child unaware of what will happen to her tomorrow, not knowing about the world outside of the mines and their small camp... And the very same wild brat was able to show empathy and gratitude by biting the guard who was tormenting someone who aided her before. Concepts of favors and grudges didn't apply to Ny, at least not completely. Her body moves on her own in situations like that each time someone she likes is being endangered in any way... Even if she's the one who gets lashes later.

Because the majority of the tasks in the mining area given to her were way above her understanding level, she was often getting lashes as punishment for not doing them or not doing them properly. And each time that happened Ny-Ny was always fighting back the guards. She was scratching, biting, clawing, and kicking her way out - she was dubbed a difficult slave. There's no rhyme or reason when it comes to her fighting, she's a chaotic wild animal trying to break free or protect someone - unpredictable and reckless, jumping all around, bouncing off the ground and walls. Utilizing her claws, fins, and teeth is obvious but the small girl makes good use of her small frame and agility, not being afraid to hurt her opponent. Ny-Ny won't hesitate, she will go straight for someone's neck with her claws or teeth ready if that's the only way of stopping the fight - it might be brutal but isn't nature just that? Kill or be killed...

And her instinct is razor-sharp.

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