- DadminAdmin
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[Announcement] [Update] Revival Dawn Combat Bot is finally ready!
Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:52 pm
Revival Dawn Combat Bot
is finally ready!
It has been a long time coming, but I have just now completed the final touches for the new combat bot. See below for details and what is expected for your characters!
Chunky changes ahead!
For those of you who are not aware, I have been working on a long-term goal of automating the combat system for years. This year especially, I have been hard at work on a Discord Bot that would take the pain of mathematics out of our otherwise entertaining combat system.
Well, the work has finally paid off! I have completed the bot and implemented all necessary changes to facilitate a relatively smooth transition.
[ximg]https://i.imgur.com/XZy3l37.jpeg [/ximg]
Cool, okay. So, what do I do?
Well, since you asked, there'll be some actions required from all currently active characters for them to continue participating in the combat system. No longer will the old method of performing combat be accepted for quests. If you have ongoing quests where you have not yet rolled your fights, you will be expected to use the new system.
To get started, first, you must note how all of your characters' equipment and fighting styles have been archived in the Graveyard. They should still be visible to you, and you should still be able to reach them easily via your trackers. You will need to do so for the following.
When you're ready, you must have your combat character sheet set up on Discord by requesting it in [discord]approval-requests[/discord] along with a link to your character's Tracker. Once you do so, I will create a thread in [discord]combat-management[/discord] under the name of your character, where you will be setting up your character for combat.
Once you've ported your stats, equipment, and fighting styles to the Discord Bot, you will need to update your trackers to remove the redundant links to your pre-existing equipment and fighting style pages. If you have content on those pages that you are interested in keeping, I have added new sections to the Tracker Template (in addition to removing the now redundant fields). You can add more detail about your characters in those sections and format them as you like (but try to keep it inside the appropriate spoilers).
Both [discord]combat-management[/discord] and [discord]combat-encounters[/discord] have pinned guide messages explaining which commands to use to set yourself up.
During the development of this bot, I made several relatively small changes in rules (which the freshly updated Combat Guide should now account for). If your previous fighting style is not portable exactly, you must modify it to fit the new parameters. You may freely overhaul your entire fighting style if you'd like.
With that said, I hope everyone enjoys the new combat system. It'll help solve a long-standing barrier that many newcomers (and some of the old guard) have had, preventing them from better appreciating Revival Dawn.
Thank you all for your patience and persistence!
[info]Please note that in its infant days (possibly months), the bot may undergo maintenance often to fix any uncaught bugs or for tweaks and balances![/info]
Maxwell, Karl Friedrich, Ryoichi Ayugai, Rias Keko and Skarlet appreciated this post
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