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Name : Julius G. Verne
Epithet : The Sea-Faring Bard
Age : 21
Height : 5'11" | 180.34cm
Weight : 164lbs | 74.38kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
Alliance : N/A
Crew : N/A
Ship : The Nautilus
Marine Rank : N/A
Crew Role : N/A
Devil Fruit : N/A
Balance : [bel] 50,050,000
Posts : 11

[Bio] Julius G. Verne Empty [Bio] Julius G. Verne

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:48 pm

Julius G. Verne

[Bio] Julius G. Verne IMG_2961

Basic Character Information

Forename: Julius
Middle Name/Initial: "Grant" | G.
Surname: Verne
Epithet:"The Sea-Faring Bard"
Birthdate: January 25, 1808
Gender: Male
Species/Tribe: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Local Storyteller and Musician. Though it may not seem useful, thanks to his mother and father's many stories that they had told him growing up, he happened to get into the trade himself. Enjoying the feeling of creating elaborate stories that enrapture the people he tells, always hiding meanings to inspire others. In addition to storytelling, he happens to also be quite the musician, the mixture of his stories and the music that goes through it make for a perfect combo. With his trusty flute, he teleports those who listen to a world of his own creation, where heroes rise and fall, dragons hoard gold, and where a boy reaches his hand out to find his father!

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'11" | 180.34cm
Weight: 164lbs | 74.38kg

Hair Style: Wavy and unkempt, his hair happens to be about neck length, maybe a tad lower but it can be quite the mess to clean up at times...It is thanks to his mother that he ultimately has many rubber bands to tie the "mop hair" he has back.
Hair Color: Dark Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Scars: None Currently.
Gear: As a sort of "armor", Julius carries his father's cloak. The cloak is made from many bird feathers, primarily what seems to be duck, and goes from his neck to almost his ankles. Under that very feathered cloak of his, he wears black baggy sweats that seem to go to about his ankles as well and dons his own personal robe that his mother had sewn and kept together for the day that he would venture out into the world. On the back of it is a colorful pattern that happens to have a very unique story, the image of two squid circling around what seems to be a large ship, and at the bottom hem of his robe, a large whale that happens to have its mouth agape, as if to swallow the ship whole. On the edge of his robe are patterns of dark blue waters that circles the entire hem of him, from the sleeves to his lower end of his outfit. Lastly, what holds this all together under his father's cloak is a black belt he happened to fashion himself, that being made of wool.

Description: Standing at an impressive 5'11 and weighing approximately 160lbs, Julius seems to be quite the average looking person. His skin tone happens to be a porcelain, and unblemished save for his very calloused hands and feet, thanks to him walking about and farming on the island that he and his mother currently resides. Julius happens to fit into the body type in between "lithe" and "slender", where he has enough muscle that it could show, but it is not excessive nor is it exactly extraordinary, but rather just in the middle or even "lower" spectrum of such. His hair is almost always tied into a ponytail, though there are times where he will occasionally let his hair loose (those moments have yet to be seen by many but his mother).

The Past

Main Traits: Reliable, Tenacious, Emotive, Adventurous, Open-minded, Creative, Emotional, Ambitious, Free-Spirited, Thoughtful
Likes: Adventure Tales, Exaggerations, Sweet Candies, Reading, Like-Minded Individuals, Cooperative-People, Music, Hot Meals, Seafood
Dislikes: Isolation, Repetition, Manipulative-People, Authority Figures, Unimaginative People, Sour Foods,  People who interrupt his stories.

Hometown: While he currently seems to live on Muscea Island, Julius happened to be born on unknown soil, a country and island of which he has no memories about. Due to disputes from the world government that happened to affect his family, his parents had left the New World behind for some sort of peace and solitude, finding that the island of music and entertainment, Muscea, in East Blue had been the best location to raise their child. It was in this new location that Julius had gotten familiar with, the island being known for how the wind seems to sing to the people living on it, and many simply till the land and reap its benefits. The land was perfect to raise a child, but as he had grown up, he too would wonder what was out there. . .  

Personality: His mother would say he hasn't grown up at all, still the excitable and curious and adventurous young man he had been since he had been swaddled in silk. Outside of battle, Julius happens to live up to what he has heard his father to be, a storyteller, a man who weaves stories from both woe and glee and gives them to the people. He tries to be the characters his father has written in his stories as well, the trickster rabbit who outsmarts the fox, the fisherman who saves the turtle who is attacked, the soldier who returns home. . . These stories have made him--No, shaped him into the man who he is today.  And as such, this is why his sense of adventure seems to never die down, no matter how much he seems to be beaten up or forced to take a knee. However, that can be an issue as well, that strong calling of continuance, and it can lead to many close encounters with death and loss. It is something he must recognize and tame, control and wield like a sword to his own whim, and not find himself being the one used instead. And that may take many years to come.

In battle, you can essentially say that he doesn't seem to change at all! Rather these traits that he has, they double. It is in those moments that he really finds himself trying to embody those folktales and fables. With every fiber of his being going and trying to make that "impossibility" of being them, well, possible. Getting up from being knocked down is his motto, and no matter what one can throw at him, he will make sure that the chapter written will be with the hero trying to win. Blow for blow, when he gets into that mindset, there is no stopping him.

But just as stated before, it is as if these traits double. And it is to be taken seriously. That continuance can one day get him killed, heroes are heroes for a reason, but they themselves are not invincible. And many stories, no matter how good written have a realistic approach to them. They're bound to lose one day.

Overall, Julius is someone who happens to embody everything he learns and reads about, it was simply written in the cards that he would turn out this way, from the first day he had read the books his father had sent him. As he grows, his sense of self seems to grow as well, both the good and the bad. As he steps out into the world of pirating and sea-faring, soon enough he will learn that the world is his oyster, but when he learns such? Only time will tell.


Last edited by Julius on Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:33 pm; edited 4 times in total
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Julius G. Verne Empty Re: [Bio] Julius G. Verne

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:38 pm
[warn]Overall, a well-written bio. Well done for finishing it quickly! I just had a few comments.

- I think if Noah's origin is going to be Wano, his name needs to be changed. Wano is still a closed-off country, so escaping it is no easy task. They are also quite protective of their culture, and to reflect that, I insist that the Japanese naming scheme be preserved for characters with origins from Wano. Otherwise, you can change his origin to a more fitting location. I don't see anything in his history that requires him to be from Wano.

- I also think Noah being half-oni feels tacky and kinda pointless. Oni (crossbreeds included) are marginalized across the world. Noah's history doesn't really reflect that - nor does it do anything to highlight the oni origins. I feel that he'd be better off just being a human.

In summary, you don't need to add tacky features or origins to Noah to give him depth. Even the simplest human can be given depth with the right personality, goals, and skillset. Bard player characters are pretty uncommon on RevDawn already. Noah doesn't need to be an oni bard from Wano to be unique.

Also, side note, I had expected to see some biblical references (or at least animal references) in his history based on the chosen name for your character. I recognized none.

Noah G. Ark wrote:

Noah G. Ark

[Bio] Julius G. Verne IMG_2961

Basic Character Information

Forename: Noah
Middle Name/Initial: "Grant" | G.
Surname: Ark
Epithet:"The Bard of Wano"
Birthdate: January 25, 1808
Gender: Male
Species/Tribe: Crossbreed of Human and Oni
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Local Storyteller and Musician. Though it may not seem useful, thanks to his mother and father's many stories that they had told him growing up, he happened to get into the trade himself. Enjoying the feeling of creating elaborate stories that enrapture the people he tells, always hiding meanings to inspire others. In addition to storytelling, he happens to also be quite the musician, the mixture of his stories and the music that goes through it make for a perfect combo. With his trusty flute, he teleports those who listen to a world of his own creation, where heroes rise and fall, dragons hoard gold, and where a boy reaches his hand out to find his father!

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'11" | 180.34cm
Weight: 164lbs | 74.38kg

Hair Style: Wavy and unkempt, his hair happens to be about neck length, maybe a tad lower but it can be quite the mess to clean up at times...It is thanks to his mother that he ultimately has many rubber bands to tie the "mop hair" he has back.
Hair Color: Dark Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Scars: None Currently.
Gear: As a sort of "armor", Noah carries his father's cloak, which happened to be originally from Wano. The clock is made from many bird feathers, primarily what seems to be duck, and goes from his neck to almost his ankles. He also happens to have his father's' mask, a strange pattern that makes what seems to be an auspicious beast that those in the land of Wano revere. Under that very feathered cloak of his, he wears black baggy sweats that seem to go to about his ankles as well and dons his own personal Kimono that his mother had sewn and kept together for the day that he would venture out into the world. On the back of it is a colorful pattern that happens to have a very unique story, the image of two white catfish circling around what seems to be a sort of beautiful orange pearl, and at the bottom hem of his kimono, a blue and gold dragon that circles the entire hem of him, from the sleeves to his lower end of his outfit. Lastly, what holds this all together under his father's cloak is a black belt he happened to fashion himself, that being made of wool.

Description: With both of his parents having more human like appearances, his entire being looks almost exactly like a human, though thanks to his mother's lineage of Oni, he had inherited his mothers' large and ivory-colored horns that sit atop of his head. His skin tone happens to be a porcelain, and unblemished save for his very calloused hands and feet, thanks to him walking about and farming on the island that he and his mother currently resides. Noah happens to fit into the body type in between "lithe" and "slender", where he has enough muscle that it could show, but it is not excessive nor is it exactly extraordinary, but rather just in the middle or even "lower" spectrum of such. His hair is almost always tied into a ponytail, though there are times where he will occasionally let his hair loose (those moments have yet to be seen by many but his mother).

The Past

Main Traits: Always determined and rarely deterred, Noah charges at things headfirst, ready to see what could be hiding behind the curtains. There is little that he is afraid of, though that is often times an exaggeration on his part. As any good showman and storyteller, his words are always chock-full of things that he often does not truly encounter, a dragon he had battle could be just a snake he ran into, but the village children seem to enjoy when he tells those stories, so he doesn't plan on changing anytime soon.
Likes: One thing that Noah loves is a good story, anything that happens to enrapture either him or an audience, and it's like he's a kid again! Tales of chivalry, of powerful deities, of conquest, those are the things that he cherishes most!
Dislikes: Those who lack imagination! How can one live without the thought of tomorrow being an adventure, or that the days are never the exact same! He hates repetition, that being something that kills his vibe quicker than bullets.

Hometown: While he currently seems to live on Hoshin-Kino Island, Noah happened to be born on Wano soil, the country and land of which he has no memories about. Due to civil disputes that happened within his family, his parents had left Wano (specifically the Flower Capital) and the New World behind for a sort of peace and solitude, finding that the island of music and entertainment, Hoshin-kino, in East Blue had been the best location to raise their child. It was in this new location that Noah had gotten familiar with, the island being known for how the wind seems to sing to the people living on it, and many simply till the land and reap its benefits. The land was perfect to raise a child, but as he had grown up, he too would wonder what was out there. . .  

Personality: His mother would say he hasn't grown up at all, still the excitable and curious and adventurous young man he had been since he had been swaddled in silk on Wano. Outside of battle, Noah happens to live up to what he has heard his father to be, a storyteller, a man who weaves stories from both woe and glee and gives them to the people. He tries to be the people his father has written in his stories as well, the trickster rabbit who outsmarts the fox, the fisherman who saves the turtle who is attacked, the soldier who returns home. . . These stories have made him--No, shaped him into the man who he is today. And as such, this is why his sense of adventure seems to never die down, no matter how much he seems to be beaten up or forced to take a knee. Because the stories he's learned and the tales he tells, their heroes and even villains never seem to do such! However, that can be an issue as well, that strong calling of continuance, and it can lead to many close encounters with death and loss. It is something he must recognize and tame, control and wield like a sword to his own whim, and not find himself being the one used instead. And that may take many years to come.

In battle, you can essentially say that he doesn't seem to change at all! Rather these traits that he has, they double. It is in those moments that he really finds himself trying to embody those folktales and fables. With every fiber of his being going and trying to make that "impossibility" of being them, well, possible. Getting up from being knocked down is his motto, and no matter what one can throw at him, he will make sure that the chapter written will be with the hero trying to win. But just as stated before, it is as if these traits double. And it is to be taken seriously. That continuance can one day get him killed, heroes are heroes for a reason, but they themselves are not invincible. And many stories, no matter how good written have a realistic approach to them. They're bound to lose one day.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Julius G. Verne Empty Re: [Bio] Julius G. Verne

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:40 pm
[approve]Thank you for making the requested changes![/approve]

Julius wrote:

Julius G. Verne

[Bio] Julius G. Verne IMG_2961

Basic Character Information

Forename: Julius
Middle Name/Initial: "Grant" | G.
Surname: Verne
Epithet:"The Sea-Faring Bard"
Birthdate: January 25, 1808
Gender: Male
Species/Tribe: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Local Storyteller and Musician. Though it may not seem useful, thanks to his mother and father's many stories that they had told him growing up, he happened to get into the trade himself. Enjoying the feeling of creating elaborate stories that enrapture the people he tells, always hiding meanings to inspire others. In addition to storytelling, he happens to also be quite the musician, the mixture of his stories and the music that goes through it make for a perfect combo. With his trusty flute, he teleports those who listen to a world of his own creation, where heroes rise and fall, dragons hoard gold, and where a boy reaches his hand out to find his father!

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'11" | 180.34cm
Weight: 164lbs | 74.38kg

Hair Style: Wavy and unkempt, his hair happens to be about neck length, maybe a tad lower but it can be quite the mess to clean up at times...It is thanks to his mother that he ultimately has many rubber bands to tie the "mop hair" he has back.
Hair Color: Dark Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Scars: None Currently.
Gear: As a sort of "armor", Julius carries his father's cloak. The cloak is made from many bird feathers, primarily what seems to be duck, and goes from his neck to almost his ankles. Under that very feathered cloak of his, he wears black baggy sweats that seem to go to about his ankles as well and dons his own personal robe that his mother had sewn and kept together for the day that he would venture out into the world. On the back of it is a colorful pattern that happens to have a very unique story, the image of two squid circling around what seems to be a large ship, and at the bottom hem of his robe, a large whale that happens to have its mouth agape, as if to swallow the ship whole. On the edge of his robe are patterns of dark blue waters that circles the entire hem of him, from the sleeves to his lower end of his outfit. Lastly, what holds this all together under his father's cloak is a black belt he happened to fashion himself, that being made of wool.

Description: Standing at an impressive 5'11 and weighing approximately 160lbs, Julius seems to be quite the average looking person. His skin tone happens to be a porcelain, and unblemished save for his very calloused hands and feet, thanks to him walking about and farming on the island that he and his mother currently resides. Julius happens to fit into the body type in between "lithe" and "slender", where he has enough muscle that it could show, but it is not excessive nor is it exactly extraordinary, but rather just in the middle or even "lower" spectrum of such. His hair is almost always tied into a ponytail, though there are times where he will occasionally let his hair loose (those moments have yet to be seen by many but his mother).

The Past

Main Traits: Reliable, Tenacious, Emotive, Adventurous, Open-minded, Creative, Emotional, Ambitious, Free-Spirited, Thoughtful
Likes: Adventure Tales, Exaggerations, Sweet Candies, Reading, Like-Minded Individuals, Cooperative-People, Music, Hot Meals, Seafood
Dislikes: Isolation, Repetition, Manipulative-People, Authority Figures, Unimaginative People, Sour Foods,  People who interrupt his stories.

Hometown: While he currently seems to live on Muscea Island, Julius happened to be born on unknown soil, a country and island of which he has no memories about. Due to disputes from the world government that happened to affect his family, his parents had left the New World behind for some sort of peace and solitude, finding that the island of music and entertainment, Muscea, in East Blue had been the best location to raise their child. It was in this new location that Julius had gotten familiar with, the island being known for how the wind seems to sing to the people living on it, and many simply till the land and reap its benefits. The land was perfect to raise a child, but as he had grown up, he too would wonder what was out there. . .  

Personality: His mother would say he hasn't grown up at all, still the excitable and curious and adventurous young man he had been since he had been swaddled in silk. Outside of battle, Julius happens to live up to what he has heard his father to be, a storyteller, a man who weaves stories from both woe and glee and gives them to the people. He tries to be the characters his father has written in his stories as well, the trickster rabbit who outsmarts the fox, the fisherman who saves the turtle who is attacked, the soldier who returns home. . . These stories have made him--No, shaped him into the man who he is today.  And as such, this is why his sense of adventure seems to never die down, no matter how much he seems to be beaten up or forced to take a knee. However, that can be an issue as well, that strong calling of continuance, and it can lead to many close encounters with death and loss. It is something he must recognize and tame, control and wield like a sword to his own whim, and not find himself being the one used instead. And that may take many years to come.

In battle, you can essentially say that he doesn't seem to change at all! Rather these traits that he has, they double. It is in those moments that he really finds himself trying to embody those folktales and fables. With every fiber of his being going and trying to make that "impossibility" of being them, well, possible. Getting up from being knocked down is his motto, and no matter what one can throw at him, he will make sure that the chapter written will be with the hero trying to win. Blow for blow, when he gets into that mindset, there is no stopping him.

But just as stated before, it is as if these traits double. And it is to be taken seriously. That continuance can one day get him killed, heroes are heroes for a reason, but they themselves are not invincible. And many stories, no matter how good written have a realistic approach to them. They're bound to lose one day.

Overall, Julius is someone who happens to embody everything he learns and reads about, it was simply written in the cards that he would turn out this way, from the first day he had read the books his father had sent him. As he grows, his sense of self seems to grow as well, both the good and the bad. As he steps out into the world of pirating and sea-faring, soon enough he will learn that the world is his oyster, but when he learns such? Only time will tell.

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