- Anne La Tene
- [tracker=/t2747-tracker-anne-la-tene#17931]
Name : Anne La Tene
Epithet : Iron Fencer Maquet
Age : 0
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Revolutionaries
Balance : [bel] 2,050,000
Posts : 23
[Tracker] Anne La Tene
Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:38 pm
Anne La Tene
Character Bio: Anne La Tene
Crew: N/A
Discord Thread: [discordthread=https://discord.com/channels/260564262446039064/1181992664791531540]Anne La Tene[/discordthread]
- Gear:
- Iron Mask: An iron mask that Anne had made herself, part of her secret identity as "Iron Fencer" Maquet. Covers all but her eyes, while having airholes over her mouth for breathing.
- Abeille: A basket-hilted rapier she had forged herself. Leather-wrapped grip, ladder-pattern blade, with copper-gold alloy basket hilt with a twisted honeycomb design and a pommel of black iron with copper-gold alloy stripes. She hides the identity of her blade when posing as "Iron Fencer" Maquet by an obscuring brass plate with the New Revolutionary Army insignia engraved on it.
- Iron Mask: An iron mask that Anne had made herself, part of her secret identity as "Iron Fencer" Maquet. Covers all but her eyes, while having airholes over her mouth for breathing.
- Fighting Style:
While she occasionally uses her blacksmith hammer in her attacks, her main method of fighting involves various fencing techniques the blades she forges herself. Being ambidextrous, she could use the sword in either hand - and uses this as part of her disguise, only using the sword in her right hand as Anne, and in her left hand as Maquet.
- History:
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