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[Tracker] Kaelan Janus
Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:56 pm
Kaelan Janus
Character Bio: Kaelan Janus
Crew: N/a
Discord Thread: [discordthread=https://discord.com/channels/260564262446039064/1182481786366853140]Kaelan Janus[/discordthread]
- Gear:
A simple ungraded straight sword, given Kaelan's style of fighting.
- Fighting Style:
Kaelan's fighting style is characterized by speed and precision. He excels in rapid, precise strikes aimed at vital points, and uses his agility to outmaneuver opponents. Focusing on quick, penetrating attacks, particularly stabs, Kaelan combines defensive maneuvers like sidesteps and dodges with tactical counterstrikes, making him effective in stealth and combat situations where agility and quick reflexes are key.
- History:
Will Fill Soon
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