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[Tracker] Raysha Valentine
Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:43 pm
Raysha Valentine
Character Bio: Raysha Valentine https://www.revivaldawn.com/t2809-bio-raysha-valentine
Crew: n/a
Discord Thread: [discordthread=https://discord.com/channels/260564262446039064/1225533948176765050]Raysha Valentine[/discordthread]
- Gear:
Has a pair of gauntlets with weighted knuckles, with a special contraption on each palm that has a hidden spike in it that can be brought out of the gauntlet the spike has a 20 meter chain attached to it that is retractable. The spike can be brought out and throw to be used as a grappling hook or a weapon. Under the gauntlets she also has boxers wraps around her fists. Finally back pack for storing things, a crow bar, a change of clothes, a utility belt , smoke bombs, extraordinarily loud fire crackers, and ear plugs.
- Fighting Style:
Devil Fruit: mane mane no mi (clone clone fruit
For their fighting style Raysha uses basically boxing with occasional grappling included. She refuses to use her legs in combat saving them only for dancing. Because she is a mink she will often mix in electro with her attacks or use it in a variety of ways. She isn’t above making sneak attacks and will do anything she can to win a fight.
Below are a list of what her current techniques do
“Wake-up call”
the user will begin to do a quick Pirouette where there body generates a bunch of electricity zapping everyone nearby as if she was a living Tesla coil.
Shiny’s or death
The user sends out a electric pulse using electro that only effects metallic objects this causes lighting to shoot at those carrying metallic objects who were in range of the pulse to get hit by electricity from the sky as well as any other nearby sources.
“Go down all ready”
The user gets a running jump while charging their fist with electro then with their full body weight behind it throws an electrically charged punch.
“Sweet dreams”
The user will put there hands on any exposed flesh or conductive pieces of gear on their target and release a large amount of electricity into their body messing with the electrical signals to the brain and possibly causing them to black out.
“Stop badgering me”
The user generates a field of electricity that dampens attacks weakening anything that goes through it, then afterwards, she tries to block the things that made it through with her arms or hands.
“Static stopper “
The user intercepts a nearby attack by shooting a bolt of electricity at it.
“Frayed nerves”
The user punches or touches someone in the head or near the spine secretly adding enough electricity to mess with their nervous system causing it to slow down.
“Badger blow”
The user sucker punches the target from an unexpected angle or spot.
“Savage slasher”
The user quickly slashes at the target with their claws
“It’s mauling time”
The user rapidly slashes at the opponent, with their claws repeatedly
“Shocking grasp”
The user touches or punches their target with a electrically charged hand
- History:
None yet
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