- DadminAdmin
Name : The Administrator
Epithet : The Admin
Age : 9999
Species/Tribe : Artificial Intelligence
Faction : Administration
Crew : Administrators
Ship : The Administering
Crew Role : Administrator
Devil Fruit : Admin-Admin Fruit
Bounty : ∞
Income Bonus : ∞
Shop Discount : ∞
Balance : ∞
Posts : 270
[Turf Details] Baterilla
Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:44 am
Owner: None
Status: Uncontested
Economy: 15
Description: Baterilla is a peaceful, tropical island with beaches, palm trees and cabanas. Lush forests cover the mountainside and a lonesome lighthouse watches over the coast, separated from a small city by an inviting bay. The island has many small coastal villages and towns, however, the most popular spot for travellers is Beach Hope.
Baterilla is also known for its abundance of artisans and craftsmen; though, they have lately been abused and extorted by local mafioso families.
Important Towns: Beach Hope
Officers: IV
Navy: III
Leader Training: II
Officer Training: I
Naval Training: I
Trade Routes: III
Taxes: II
Markets: IV
Tariff Collection: III
Medical Services: II
Secret Passages: II
Weaponry Production: III
Shipyard Services: II
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