- DadminAdmin
Name : The Administrator
Epithet : The Admin
Age : 9999
Species : Artificial Intelligence
Faction : Administration
Crew : Administrators
Ship : The Administering
Crew Role : Administrator
Devil Fruit : Admin-Admin Fruit
Bounty : ∞
Income Bonus : ∞
Shop Discount : ∞
Balance : ∞
Posts : 267
[Turf Details] Alabasta Kingdom
Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:21 pm
Alabasta Kingdom
Description: Alabasta is an established kingdom with a long history. It is located on Sandy Island roughly halfway through the first part of the Grand Line. Sandy Island is a Summer Island. It is arguably one of the largest in the Grand Line, containing several cities and towns and a massive river. Its cities are spread across the scorching Sandora Desert, connected and relieved only by the country’s only notable river, the Sandora River. The desert is home to many unique and dangerous creatures that make travelling between populated areas extremely dangerous for those who are not privy to its potential danger. The Alabasta Kingdom is ruled by the Nefertari family, which was once known to be a caring and generous dynasty, but now is led by sadistic and tyrannical patriarchy.
Important Cities: Alubarna, Nanohana, Yuba, Erumalu, Rainbase, Katorea, Ido, Tamarisk
Important Locations: Sandora Desert, Sandora River, Tomb of the Kings
Officers: V
Navy: V
Leader Training: IV
Officer Training: III
Naval Training: II
Trade Routes: IV
Taxes: III
Markets: IV
Tariff Collection: III
Medical Services: II
Secret Passages: III
Weaponry Production: III
Shipyard Services: II
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