- DadminAdmin
Name : The Administrator
Epithet : The Admin
Age : 9999
Species/Tribe : Artificial Intelligence
Faction : Administration
Crew : Administrators
Ship : The Administering
Crew Role : Administrator
Devil Fruit : Admin-Admin Fruit
Bounty : ∞
Income Bonus : ∞
Shop Discount : ∞
Balance : ∞
Posts : 270
[Turf Details] Loguetown
Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:07 pm
Description: Loguetown is a city on the Polestar Islands, covering nearly the entire island it is on, save for a few steep hills. Almost all ships, especially pirate ships, pass through to stock up on supplies for the Grand Line, since Loguetown is in a convenient location very close to Reverse Mountain, just out of sight of the Red Line. There is a ruined Marine Base inside the city, which was destroyed by the countless assaults of passing pirates. In the end, the World Government abandoned the island, which only helped the city grow from the business the pirates did with the many merchants of the city for resupplying.
Officers: V
Navy: V
Leader Training: III
Officer Training: III
Naval Training: II
Trade Routes: IV
Taxes: I
Markets: IV
Tariff Collection: IV
Medical Services: II
Secret Passages: III
Weaponry Production: III
Shipyard Services: III
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