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Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:16 am
It was another beautiful day on the South Blue and the mercantile ship, Gael’s Galley, that Miku had chartered for herself was nearing its first stop on the way to their actual destination. The indigo haired woman cared little for her destination and was simply glad to be traveling. She was on the top deck leaning against the railing, enjoying the ocean breeze as the sailors hustled to and fro behind her. The captain of the vessel was at the helm and was announcing the fact that they would be making landfall slightly after midday at Torino Kingdom to stock up on supplies. It was still morning so they had a few hours before they would arrive.

Miku decided to hop up on the railing and let her legs dangle over the edge as she stared at the endless sea. It was amazing being out here at sea. The air was so pure and the waves were beautiful. She found sailing brought a calm to her that nothing else quite did. Her normally fiery temper was practically non-existent and she felt like she actually belonged at sea. Though she didn’t feel like she belonged anywhere at the same time. Feelings of loneliness had been creeping up on Miku lately and she was slowly realizing she missed the comfort of having friends to experience all these new things with. Back home she had the kids, her ‘brothers and sisters’, to take care of and share everyday with. At sea she had the freedom she always craved but lacked the company to enjoy that freedom.

The thought of joining a crew became more appealing the the young woman with each day. Though she wouldn’t join just any crew. The captain would have to be strong willed enough to truly lead them through any possible adversity. Miku was no leader and she knew this. But she could spot the qualities of one and hopefully she could find such a person in the South Blue. However, until then Miku would simply continue traveling alone. No one to watch her back or to share her adventures with. It was quickly becoming tiring to have to constantly be wary of bounty hunters who may be after her. So far she had only faced them in straight fights but sooner or later one would get smart and catch her off guard. A visible look of weariness was on Miku’s face as she stared out at sea. She had chosen this life. Now she had to deal with all the consequences that came with it.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:36 am
No Rest For the Wicked
Tanaka Howai
A cute girl, who has a propensity for pickpocketing

Howai moseyed through the lower decks of Gael's Galley. It was too easy to slip unnoticed on the ship, but she didn't even know where the journey would take her. On this ship, there were so many easy targets... interesting people. She glanced down at all her new items, but the booty wasn't that big. Some Berries and a clock, but to be fair: the clock screamed money. Howai started to smile as she thought about the poor soul she had snatched it from. The doctor just shouldn't have remove his watch and so it really was his own fault.

The villagers from her hometown came up to her mind. They were easy as well, but she had to leave. The commander offered her food for free, as long as she joined the New Revolutionary Army. What else was there to discuss? And for now, there weren't any jobs that had to be done, so she enjoyed her temporary freedom to go out stealing.

As she went up to deck, she noticed a stronger aura from a girl leaning against the railing. Another Hitchhiker? Not a marine for sure. A pirate? Maybe another revolutionarie? That would be a funny coincidence. She didn't seem that strong and could even be another possible target. But something in Howai's mind advised her to withdraw this time. Luckily, it seemed that she was lost in thought and didn't mind Howai. She could have sworn that she had seen her somewhere before, but couldn't remember where.

Suddenly a voice was heard: "Land, ho!“. Howai was excited and ran to the bow of the ship. As she arrived, she saw it... wait..was that a huge tree? Was this even an island? Howai squinted her eyes and her enthusiasm vanished. So the shore leave would not be interesting, but what about the girl from earlier?

Last edited by Howai on Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:47 am; edited 1 time in total
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:30 pm
“Land, ho!” The Rascal turned her head to look towards the now visible island in the distance. It was hard to make out but she coulda swore she could see a giant structure sticking out of the middle of that island. It was definitely not a hill or mountain. It was too… cylindrical in shape. As the ship got closer her eyes widened in shock as she began to make out thick trunks that twirled around each other to form a giant tree in the center of that island. Miku was amazed at the sheer size of that tree as it was easily the largest tree she had ever seen. As she finally got enough of gazing at the gigantic tree she decided to stretch her legs in preparation for disembarking onto land.

The short woman spun on the railing and hopped onto her feet. She noticed a new person on deck. It was a rather cute woman who was just a little taller than her. She seemed to also be staring in awe at the island they were soon to arrive at. Being on ships full of men quickly grew old and Miku wasn’t about to let the chance to finally spend time with another woman slip away. Especially one who may be traveling alone like herself.

Miku made her way beside the woman and crossed her arms as she stared at the fast approaching island. “Never seen one that large before. Have you?” She asked casually as the ocean’s winds carried them closer to the island.

However, the two women had no way to know of the danger awaiting Miku on that island. A small group of bounty hunters had managed to catch word of someone matching the Rowdy Rascal’s description boarding a slow mercantile vessel that had a stop planned at Torino Kingdom. With this knowledge the small group decided to board a quicker smaller vessel that would allow them to easily reach the island before their mark and lay a trap for her. As the two women began what was hopefully a delightful conversation the group of bounty hunters were warning locals and getting permission to set up an ambush for the Rowdy Rascal in the center of town. Now all they had to do was wait for their prey to walk right into their trap.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:55 pm
No Rest For the Wicked
Tanaka Howai
A cute girl, who has a propensity for pickpocketing

As suddenly someone appeared besides her, Howai nearly jumped out of her skin. She didn't even noticed that someone was nearby and should had sense her presence. Wait..was this the girl from earlier? Who was she? Still no clue where Howai saw this young woman before. After she heard some words, the pilferer hesitated.. „W-w-what?“ ..-Silence, except the sound of crashing waves. She blinked a lot until she realized the question.. „Oh... yeah..i mean: No, i haven't. It's amazing, but can we restock their our supllies? It doesn't seems occupied. By the way my name is Tanaka Howai, but you can just call me Howai.“ Whereupon she immediately reached out her hand and started to smile.

Maybe this would be more exciting with this charming woman and so she tried to become friends with her. Unsuspecting from the trouble which Howai will get through her she was thrilled to have a new friend. The thief was suprised by herself, that she didn't tried to rob her conversationalist.

While she reached out her hand, the mercantile ship arrived the island and docked on a little harbour. This harbour was located between two big rocks and seemed to be undersized with only one landing stage. The only building in there was a tavern. If a person wanted to reach higher grounds, he had to follow a small path past the tavern. So there wasn't much room to escape if needed.
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:00 pm
Miku had a smirk on her face as the cute woman seemed startled by her sudden appearance. The shorter woman hadn’t meant to sneak up on her but what’s done was done. Maybe this would teach the woman to pay a little more attention to her surroundings. It was dangerous to not be aware of one’s surrounding on a ship full of men as a lone woman. Though most men tended to steer clear of her once she revealed her Pirate’s Knuckles and shot them a quick glare. There was a slightly awkward silence as the woman recovered her composure, Miku waited patiently and simply kept staring at the island while watching her from the corner of her eye. Her stuttered reply and was quite adorable and Miku had a genuine smile on her face by the time Howai properly introduced herself. Miku took the offered hand and gave a firm hand shake as she would anyone else who offered her one.

“Miku Etsuko Sato.” Was all she said as the two shaked hands in greeting. When they finally ended their handshake, Miku folded her arms once again and looked at Howai. “It’s so nice to finally meet another woman brave enough to travel the seas.” The ship had begun to pull into the dock at this point as the wind had been in their favor, expediting their arrival to the island greatly. Once docked Miku observed the harbour they had pulled into.. She saw a lone building that looked like a tavern and knew where she was spending her time while the mercantile ship traded goods and shored up on supplies. “Say, what do you say to swapping some stories over a few drinks. I’m sure if you’re half as adventurous as I am that you must have some amazing tales to share about your travels at sea!” Miku turned fully to Howai in hopes that the woman would accept her offer of drinks. “Of course the first round will be on me. And if you tell a good enough tale then I might cover another.” She added with a bold wink at Howai.

Little to either woman’s knowledge the tavern was the ambush stage set for the Rowdy Rascal. It was known that she frequented taverns as most of her conflicts involved alcohol, marines, and plenty of property destruction. The staff were all replaced with bounty hunters in disguise. There were a few more further in the island just in case the Rascal decided to skip a visit to the tavern but if she did show one of the disguised staff was to run into town to gather the rest of the bounty hunters. Behind the bar would be a rather dainty looking woman who had two loaded pistols hidden under the counter, at the surrounding tables were several men of varying builds that also had concealed weaponry of all sorts. Although this was simply one of two ambush stages set up for the Rascal it was the one they expected to spring on her.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:20 pm
No Rest For the Wicked
Tanaka Howai
A cute girl, who has a propensity for pickpocketing

“That sounds like fun! But for me just orange juice, i … don't like alcohol!“ Howai said, smiling falsely. She scratched her head and felt uneasy, when she noticed a disappointed stare. “I mean sure! I would really enjoy that. I love it to talk with likeable fellow passenger. So why not?“ She took her arm and they stepped out the ship. Except the noiseness the crew of the Gael’s Galley made, it was very quiet in the harbour. Maybe too quiet...and nobody were nearby. Howai started to talk about her first shipping story with the commander from the New Revolutionary Army, but she changed the names and that it was just a mercenary ship: „I lived my whole life on an island in the east blue. I had not that much friends and so i decided to go hitchhiking. You know? I just wanted to see the world. The last sentence was a lie, but Miku didnt has to know that. She couldnt be one hundred percent honest. Not until she knew her opinion about the revolutionaries
When they entered the tavern, everyone stared at them. Howai had to suppress a laugh “Everytime the same spectacle when someone new enters a tavern“ she whispered to Miku.

They decided so sit at a corner table and ordered some drinks. There Howai continued her story: „For my first time i saw so many fighters at one point. It was great! I found new friends and got some food for free. I don't remember exactly what the arrival target was, but i had fun there! For example on one day...“ At this moment the waiter arrived with the drinks. As he put down the drinks he suddenly pulled out a knife and aimed at Miku.

“Dos Fleur: bend“ Out of the waiters shoulder sprouted two arms, which dislocate his shoulder. The blade fell to the ground. Shortly thereafter the owner of the weapon went down with a scream and got an evil eye from Howai.
“I have to say: thats very rude. You can see that we are just talking. Why do you have the impudence to disturb us?“ Quickly looking arround she noticed that the 4 other people in the room still stared at them.
Then all hell breaked out.

Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:50 pm
Miku was disappointed when Howai admitted to no liking alcohol. Sure the short woman was a lightweight but she simply enjoyed the feeling of a good drink too much to stop herself from indulging. It had gotten her into plenty of trouble and would probably continue to do so. Though she was immensely glad that her new friend would be happy to swap some stories with her. As the two women walked off the the ship onto the docks Miku didn’t notice how quiet the harbor was. She was too engrossed in listening to Howai’s story and looking forward to a cold drink after traveling at sea for a few days.

When the two women entered the bar they were met with a room full of stares. Miku laughed out loud at Howai’s whisper and wasn’t afraid of offending anyone around them. “I know, it’s like these guys haven’t seen two women walk into a bar before.” A grin was on her face as she met the stares of a few of the men. Huh, these weren’t the stares of regulars eyeing the strangers who just walked in. It was stares of recognition and possible hostility. Miku didn’t like it and shot back glares at those who dared assume she was a troublemaker. She was, but she hadn’t seen any posters of herself on the way here and wasn’t well known enough for the common person to know about yet.

As the two women made their way over to a corner table, Miku shouted out an order for an ale for herself and an orange juice for Hawai. Once situated in their seats Miku began to listen intently to Hawai again. She began to turn in her seat when she heard someone approaching from behind, once she saw the man with their drinks an expectant smile appeared on her face. Though once he was close enough he put their drinks down he pulled a knife on Miku. The Rascal immediately raised her forearms and tossed herself onto the floor away from the man. Though the expected feeling of her sleeves being sliced and the blade scraping across her vambraces never came as her back hit the floor. When Miku looked up she saw two arms sprouting from the man’s shoulder which seemed to have dislocated shoulders.

Miku simply looked over at Howai’s calm look as she berated the waiter. This girl just went from cute and interesting to very impressive in the span of seconds. Miku stood up and equipped her Pirate’s Knuckles as she noticed that everyone in the room was staring their way as if expecting them to make the first move. Looking at the waiter and then at all the ‘patrons’ she realized this must have been a trap set for herself. It was too smart for Marines so that meant bounty hunters. Miku shot a quick look over at Howai and suddenly felt guilty for dragging her into this. “Howai, they aren’t here for you. They want the bounty on my head, guess I forgot to mention but I may by a pirate. This isn't your fight.” Though as she said this all the bounty hunters threw off their disguise and drew their weapons, quickly advancing on Miku who also charged ahead to meet them head on. "Come and earn my bounty you bastards!" She shouted as she charged to meet the four before they could reach Howai.

Of the four that were pretending to be patrons, one drew a katana, one drew a bo staff, and the other two pulled out cutlasses during their charge. The woman behind the bar drew two pistols from underneath the bar and had each one pointed at a different woman. This woman had heard Miku’s words and felt a pang of sympathy for the other woman who didn’t know she was traveling with a pirate. “Oi, you with the green hair. That woman is a dangerous pirate with a bounty for associating with a known Supernova. If you just walk out of here and remove your, arms?, from my friend there, we will let you go.” Though as she shouted this the battle would soon begin leaving Howai a few seconds to truly decide on what to do.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:41 pm
No Rest For the Wicked
Tanaka Howai
A cute girl, who has a propensity for pickpocketing

It turned out that Miku was a wanted pirate. After she armed herself for the fight, the Rascal faced the attackers. At that moment Howai remembered where she had seen her before. As she was in the headquarters of the New Revolutionary Army all the wanted posters hung on the wall in the lobby, but her bounty wasn't so high.

The woman behind the bar requested Howai to leave the tavern. The green haired woman looked around again. It was a fight between 5 armed persons which seemed to be bounty hunters and a short woman. That didn't sound like a fair fight. She couldn't just let her new friend behind to get herself save. But she doubted the success of the bounty hunter, too. Still sitting on her chair she examined the treacherous „waiter“, who still lied on the ground. He had stopped screaming and was apparently unconscious by the pain. She was suspicious of the truth of the offer. And thus there was only one possible way out.

Howai addressed herself to the barmaid and looked bashful. “At first i have to say sorry” The woman with the two pistols breathed a sigh of relief. It looked as if they didn't have to fight a Devil Fruit User. “I'm really sorry, i dont want to fight...But i don't leave a friend back either.. Sooo thanks? But how about no?” At the same moment an arm grew on the bar in front of the barmaid. On the palm of this hand grew another arm instantly. The second arm aimed to uppercut on her chin. “Doce Fleur: thump”
With a loud cracking noise, the dainty looking woman flew towards the wall behind her. Although they were bounty hunters, they didn't seem to endure much.

The noise left the men unimpressed and they charged further. Howai wasn't sure if she should interfere again and thus she just offered her help: “Hey Miku! If you need help, just ask. 2 out of 6 are knocked out and the other 4 are in front of you....
Also i don't think you have to pay for the drinks.”

Following the battle of the Rowdy Rascal, Howai drank a sip of her orange juice.

Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:29 pm
At this point Miku wasn’t paying attention to the word’s being exchanged between the woman behind the counter and Howai. Instead she was focused on the four men who were quickly closing in on her. She met them halfway and slugged the one wielding the Katana right across the jaw sending him sprawling into a table, though he wasn’t down for the count just yet. Before he could return the other three took turns attacking Miku. The two with cutlasses slashed at her but she managed to deflect their slashes with her vambraces. This however left her open to the fourth man who had a bo staff that he jabbed her in the abdomen with sending her flying back onto the floor. Miku quickly rolled backward and got back on her feet, refusing to take her eyes off of her opponents. She noticed that the woman behind the bar was suddenly taken down and looked over to see another pair of arms had grown out from the bar and had taken her out.

Miku shot Howai a quick glance and nodded her thanks as she offered her more aid. The Rascal actually laughed out loud as her green haired friend pointed out that their drinks wouldn’t need to be paid for. "Jump in whenever you get bored, Howai!" Knowing that Howai had her back if she really needed it Miku felt pumped up and once again rushed at the four men. The Katana man who she had already hit once yelled at his partners that she was his as he wanted to pay her back. The two met at the same spot and Miku was easily able to dodge under the man’s wide sweep with his katana. He was obviously strong but not very skilled with his weapon and was no real swordsman. Miku decided to take him out real quick with an uppercut. It wasn’t her Glass Chin uppercut as this weakling didn’t really require it. The man was sent flying back and landed in front of his three friends who looked at his unconscious body before looking back at Miku with angry glares. The woman simply cocked her hip to the side, placed on hand on it, and with the other motioned for them to come at her.

The two cutlass wielders rushed her again and the third man followed behind closely. It seemed they were attempting the same tactic that worked on Miku last time but she wasn’t stupid. Miku once again deflected the two cutlass swipes but quick rolled forward, dodging the bo staff from striking her and upon exiting the roll executed her Dirty Straight right at bo staff man’s throat. It hit true and the man instantly dropped his bo staff and reached for his throat as he lost the ability to breath momentarily. He started to panic and took a step forward on his own bo staff, he ended up rolling backwards on it and smacked the back of his head on a table knocking him out. Miku didn’t think it would be that simple to take that guy out but didn’t want to complain about luck being on her side. The two last men were now extremely pissed off at the fact that their advantage of numbers was now gone.

Unknown to the two women, there had been another bounty hunter who had immediately run out of the bar when the fighting began. He was no coward but his role was to be the messenger in case the women never went into town. In town the two leaders of the bounty hunters were waiting and were much stronger than the other bounty hunters. He was nearly in town at this point was was very eager to sick his bosses on those two troublemaking women.

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Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

No Rest For the Wicked [Episode] Empty Re: No Rest For the Wicked [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:31 pm
No Rest For the Wicked
Tanaka Howai
A cute girl, who has a propensity for pickpocketing

Howai looked at the fight with interest. It seemed that the short woman didn't have any problems fighting four men at once. After the first bounty hunter was knocked down with an uppercut, the second one had bad luck and sliped. In the meantime Howai crouched to the first assasin searching for some good stuff. She looted some Berries and a nice looking dagger. With the golden handle and the sharp blade it seemed really expensive and precious to his owner. Too bad that he would never see it again. As Howai looked up to Miku the Rascal already finished two out of four. The last two men had each a cutlass and changed their strategy. One of them faced Miku and the other one charged straight to Howai, because he thought she would be an easy target in close combat. Howai reacted quickly and ran away to the other side of the room. On the way she slipped through the tables thinking about a plan to defeat him. He was a bit faster than her and wasn't watching his surroundings.

He seemed weaker than the barmaid and so Howai developed a simply plan. She sprouted two arms on him to cover his eyes. Confused he began to stumble and strike out in all directions. With one strike he made a cut in her left forearm. Finally the bounty hunter fell over a chair and with his chin up front on the ground. Howai pressed her hand on the wound and went to the bounty hunter. With full force she kicked in his stomach, knocking him out and took his cutlass.
Still bleeding she moved back to the corner table and searched in her handbag for some bandages. As she treated herself Miku showed up. “It's just a small cut. Don't worry“ Howai said with a fake smile, but in reality it hurt like hell.

She looked over the place. Nothing was at the right place. All chairs and tables were flipped over or demolished. The two women survived the trap, but the bounty hunters were in bad shape and would think twice about to attack these women in the future.
With the bandage and tears in her eyes she looked up again. “So, you are a pirate? I'm ok with that. Just say it next time earlier if you are wanted by the marines or bounty hunters. Soo, what now? Any plans? You owe me still a round of drinks! This one doesn't count.“

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