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Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:44 am
Episode Details:

Episode 1-Begotten Son GZnpPBh

There's nothing more than an existential crisis that a shattered mind lurches for. The beat of the heart, the roaring of an untamed soul bound to a human body. The heart of a warrior truly manifest, only to be chained and locked away to the minute and weak body of humans. In other words, Yanjiro was quite bored at the moment. He ate his fill of fights on the island and had hoped that soon, someone or something would whisk his troublesome boredom away. He sat poached against a tree, the wind cuffing around him, seemly avoiding the young warrior. He ached for something, whether it be violence, war, love, he didn't know. The young man just wanted something to grasp his attention. The tree effortlessly secluded upon the hill oozed relaxation. The wind would jumble and wave it's leaves and would stop...

And would start up again.

That moment in time where the tree stood almost rock still flooded Yanjiro of memories back to his home in Wano. Where he would sit just like this, alone, bored, but back then he was content with his boredom. Back then he sat with such hope for the next day. Hope that would cast off his boredom and would instead instill within him childlike hope. That hope may have been lost to time or some other constraint on the world or it may have been clouded by the mountain of the bodies that lay beneath the psyche of the young man. Yanjiro would sit still for a moment, but only a single. Shaking his head at any thoughts about whether or not he regretted slaying those men. These thoughts would become heavy on his mind, so much so that he reached for his blade. What he entailed with doing with it wasn't what he was after, he was after the want to still fight. The need to hold onto his sword.

Yanjiro would remember something that would put him at ease. The face of his father telling him that it is never too late to do something if you put your mind to it. Yanjiro's father knew how hard-head of a child he had raised and that was one of the things he loved about him. Yanjiro sat up, overlooking the view he had chosen, the sea and the land would meet to create a beach that wasn't very popular it seemed. Other than the few shady looking characters it was somewhat empty for it to be called a beach. So Yanjiro called it an open graveyard. The number of bodies buried under the sands must be extraordinarily high. Yanjiro wasn't a very superstitious individual, but with such a high amount of spirits in one place, if you were to be walking there you just might be dragged under, never to be seen again.

Yanjiro would turn his head, the view of the island was quite good. Seeing the various people mingling and discussing and trading with each other painted the picture of a well-established town. The town was different from most in the fact that the Marine presence was nonexistent here. One could lose themselves in a drunken rage and take the lives of many, and no one would bat an eye. You have to be strong or have connections to live here, something that Yanjiro only had one of. He knew a sword merchant that moved over to hereafter living on Shimotsuki village. He wanted to get back into contact with him as it had been almost 5 years since he's seen the guy. Maybe he could get some info out of him on where to go if one wanted to tango with Death herself.

Yanjiro would get up and dust himself off, he was done with boredom and the traits it brings with it. Being lazy wasn't the man's thing so he would his gears rolling once more. The sound of the tree's leaves shifting once again relaxing Yanjiro's mind, but only for a moment. As the mindset Yanjiro needed to get into was much deadlier.

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:30 pm

Episode 1-Begotten Son NpkyizW

The dust on a once lost urge was starting to resurface. It gnawed and scratched at Yanjiro's conscience like some sort of sickly cat, grumpy and lead astray by its surroundings. Yanjiro would scratch his head as the thoughts began flowing in, corrupting the innocent and childlike nature of himself. Yanjiro was a fractured individual, and whether the fracture happened from the constant bullying as a kid or from the never-ending battles he had wrought doesn't matter at this point. Yanjiro's mental is becoming something unstable, something...


Yanjiro quickly gripped his sword and began scanning the area for a likely opponent. Yanjiro is being honed to pick up on certain things that could save his life or give him enough time to extend it. There is an end to everything and everyone. The sound of another branch breaking would alert the man to his right. Fogged by think woods and shrubbery would only be a forest. Deep and vivid with its ecosystems and scenery. After a moment of silence, a family of hares would appear out from under the bushes and would make their way across this makeshift path Yanjiro was taking. The young man didn't entirely put down his guard but the tension within his arms and legs certainly released to a minuscule degree.

Yanjiro would come to an impasse, it seemed to be a fork that leads downward and upward. Yanjiro questioned himself on the odds of the way out of the forest was up but he hadn't studied the island enough to know. Nor did he feel like testing out the path and becoming more lost than he already was. He did he even reach here? What did he come here for? Questions that someone like Yanjiro had left back with each step he took. He would peer down the path that leads below and saw that there was a more defined trail, while the path up was almost entirely grass. So trusting his gut, Yanjiro would go down the path to his left, the path that led downwards.

It was a bit rocky but it did seem to become much easier to navigate. There was much less vegetation on his path it seemed. Yanjiro's ear would twitch as it picked up on something. Was it a creature, it's a movement which Yanjiro based on how much the plants around it were being pushed away, was quite fast. And almost as if the animal was peering into Yanjiro's mind, it leaped with its baby claws out trying to attack Yanjiro. The man would sigh as his adversary was nothing other than a baby leopard. Golden and black and as energetic as ever.

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:26 pm

Episode 1-Begotten Son BH2FHmA

For a moment Yanjiro imagined bisecting the young cub in two. He would shake his head and would squat down. The cub would stop attacking and would leap onto Yanjiro's thigh and would seem to make itself at home. Yanjiro would twitch once more, but not from sound, but from his muscles acting. The urge, the itch it resurfaces scratching at Yanjiro. It's rarely been this bad before as Yanjiro would freeze. Everything around him feeling as if it had stopped in time. Malicious images would plague the young man's mind. Boring holes within, crafting destructive plots on the cub. Malodorous and decrepit images, becoming more and more invasive as each second passed. The cub seems to have picked up on just the raw emotion developing within Yanjiro, whimpering and jumping off and dashing into the brush.

Yanjiro would begin his decline back into being calm. What was happening to him? What were these thoughts, where were they coming from? Has Yanjiro always had these thoughts and feelings within him? Were they dormant until Yanjiro began fighting? Yanjiro would stop thinking, as doing so didn't seem to help him. Maybe it made things worse, the more he thought the more vile thoughts would flood in until one day he might just act out on them. After about an hour Yanjiro would make it to a town, small but big in the economy it seemed. Yanjiro would head into a tavern before and would order something light. Something that wouldn't affect his physical abilities but would put him at ease. Even better it would help to dilute Yanjiro's thoughts.

Episode 1-Begotten Son LHqKuSv

The bar was filled to the brim with what seemed to be military and civilians alike. All trying to ease their worries with a drink. The music is cheerful and jumpy made for a lively atmosphere that was almost infectious to most people. Yanjiro almost felt tranquil here, almost as if this bar was separated from the rest of the world. Being able to lose yourself in this feeling was what brought people back here time and time again. Until the feeling rushed back, the same old, rotten, begotten itch. "This bar, this shitty bar really needs a fresh coating of paint doesn't it?" stoked ideas prodded on the young man's mind. corroding once more until Yanjiro just couldn't stop it anymore. He needed to see his blade taste blood once more. He tried to stop killing but that feeling of relief harmonized with him. He truly felt free, for some odd, dangerous, and broken reason. Killing put Yanjiro at ease, and going as long as a month without doing so just might drive him mad.

"Come on, it's just one bar, who's even going to bat an eye?" "The entire island would..."

"Oh please, the shit stains here are only concerned with their booze or their lives" "Shut up, you are only going to bring more problems to me."

"Retard, I am your problem, I am you dumbass. Stop trying to repress me, you and I both know you crave the feeling to hold your sword and for blood to be dripping off of it." "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!"

The bar would go silent as the last part of Yanjiro's internal battle had spilled into reality. Everyone eyeing Yanjiro down as if he was now the odd one out. The feeling to kill hung over him like some sort of haunting guise. It loomed over, and now it was stronger than ever.

"Let go, no one will bat an eye, I promise."

The voice said, even if Yanjiro couldn't see the voice he could tell that if he could its face would be grinning cheek to cheek. "Fine, if that will get you off of me for a while, so be it. I'm tired of hearing from you." And just like that, the Bartender's body would fall limp over the counter followed by yells and screams alike. But Yanjiro would get up and block the door and would proceed to cut down two more people that attempted to run out. A laughed would escape his lips, a minute one, but a laugh no less. He was loosening up hear that? No more dumb voice harking over him. But Yanjiro still didn't understand that there was never a voice. That was just his true self finally coming out. A beast, a warrior with a warrior's heart big enough to grasp the world and shake it to its core.

"I finally found my purpose.... To be the strongest, most violent swordsman to have ever existed! And you all are going to be my stepping stone."
Yanjiro would say, finally with a grin on his face.

Last edited by Deku on Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:17 am

Episode 1-Begotten Son 4mwwHMA

The voice that ate at Yanjiro was gone. He had no more lurking feelings, he had no ravage thoughts anymore. He was always what he wanted to be. A menace, someone that the people had to fear, someone that would make a name for themselves from carnage and battle. A true warrior didn't care about the rules of society, he only cared about his next opponent. The bar roared in indignation, a crude bastard dared to carve himself out of their lovely paradise here. Painting the scene with red would be the three bodies Yanjiro cut down.


The bar wouldn't care about Yanjiro's statement, instead, they began charging at him, and in droves, they would be cut down. Men, women, it didn't matter. They weren't strong enough for Yanjiro. He wanted more, he NEEDED more. The young warrior's heart would be almost out of his chest, a small quiver would fill his hands. Was it excitement or was it the fear from Yanjiro of what he would become. It was too late now, he was now a snowball down a hill. Nothing was going to stop him from becoming a fiend unless a bigger fiend stops him. A young man would dash at Yanjiro and Yanjiro would simply sway to the left to dodge him He would scamper off of the floor and would begin yelling to everyone around that a killer was in the bar.

Yanjiro would turn back to the bar, around 22 people left in there. None with weapons and the objects within the Bar didn't seem to be new. So if they tried to use such instruments, Yanjiro's blade would cut through it like butter. A few of them looked at each other and after a nod of agreement around 10 of them ran towards the door. And they all would catch a swift blade to their throats. Swift swings that were precise and quick. Think of Yanjiro as a fresh, new ax and these bar attendants were dead trees. Not posing a problem for him, merely serving as a warm-up for the great oak Yanjiro was bound to slay. A few moments would pass by and the bar would have a few screams here and there, but after around 10 minutes, there would be silence.

Yanjiro would leave the bar would blood dripping from his face, a small amount as most of the blood was on his blade. But if children or women who had never seen death before saw Yanjiro, this would be a scary sight. Yanjiro would grip his sword firmly once more. If he was going to draw a bigger fish he needed to cause a bigger scene. He would then proceed to cut down all forms of life. With no regard for life, sad but the feeling of doing so seemed to exhilarate Yanjiro. This is when he noticed he could no longer be saved from himself. He was destined to become something terrible, he didn't accept it at first but this island was going to know who Yanjiro was.

Episode 1-Begotten Son CaZYl4y

Almost feral, primal movements would Yanjiro take to cut down everyone he saw. He reminded himself not to use too much energy for the opponent down the line that this entire thing was created for. For individuals, form or technique wasn't needed. They weren't worth it nor were they worth the energy wasted. Yanjiro's body count meddled out to around 40 now, he wondered when someone strong was going to stop him. He stopped seeing as many people as he saw from when he started. Yanjiro would cut through 8 more people before being stopped by three men. There seemed to be a heavier air there. Not for the two goons, he had with him but the man himself. He would be smoking a cig and would point towards Yanjiro. His goons would get into a stance and would rush Yanjiro just to be cut down almost like all the civilians before them. It was almost laughable how bad they were.

"You must be better than the sacrifice you just handed me. I want a challenge..."

Yanjiro would point his blade at the burly man who had a tricorn hat on with a green vest and blue and green striped pants.

"and you must be that challenge."

The man would toss his cig to the side.

"Senseless bastards like you really need to be put down before you grow up. You all just end up the same don'cha?"

He would take the same stance as the last two but only with his legs. His arms seemed to be in a boxing formation. Yanjiro might have finally found the battle he was aching for. There was no way he was going to let someone else intervene.

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:47 am
Techniques Used:

Last edited by Deku on Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:49 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : To Put Technique Names In.)

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Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:47 am
The member 'Deku' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 12, 7, 11, 18


#2 'Reflex Check' : 14, 2, 8, 16

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:17 am

Episode 1-Begotten Son PrxMaxs

There was a moment of silence, quite like the one in the forest before entering the village. The two men would stare at each other before they would sync each other's movements, the poised movements of each other testing the waters of each other with small movements. They were trying to bait each other into a position that would lead to the other's demise. Then Yanjiro would take the first moment in where he saw a slight opening he would unsheath his sword and would quicky spin in befoe gathering wind around it and unleashing onto his opponent[MT-Red Dragon's Greed]. This seemed to have surprised his opponent as he tried to jump back to avoid the cyclone of wind, he would be too late in his action and would be caught within. Tearing up his body but not putting the large man down.

"You are the first person to survive my attacks so far, congrats...let's see if you can keep this up!"

Yanjiro would dash towards the man and would fake a slash to his eyes before ducking down and puncturing an area near his stomach[LT-Black Dragon's Dregg]. It didn't seem to fully enter, but it also didn't seem like he enjoyed that too much as he stumbled back about 2 feet holding onto his stomach.

"You little fucker, I'm going to wring that body of any sort of life in you!"

He would get back into a stance and once again the game of measuring each other to find an opening began. This time was a bit longer than before. He became weary of Yanjiro's attacks and knew that any mistake would lead to being cut. So he tightened his defense and became something like a Turtle to Yanjiro. Slower but his defense rose, which is probably what he needed to do. If he continued like he did before this fight would have ended fast. And Yanjiro couldn't have that, this is the first time since arriving on this island had something survived Yanjiro'd initial attack. Not only did he survive one, he survived two hits. This was going to be a learning experience for Yanjiro. A lesson on how to pick apart larger enemies was much needed if Yanjiro was going to be the best, as he knew that people bigger than the man before him existed. Or that's what his Father told him.

He would slowly resheath his sword before ever so slightly inching his right foot closer. His left foot remaining solid in the same position, before Yanjiro would jut forward testing to see if the man would move an inch and surprisingly he didn't. This man was quite experienced, Yanjiro wondered what rank this man was. While ranks didn't matte to Yanjiro, knowing that but of information might be a good indication of how strong this man was. So Yanjiro would do the same exact move, small just forward but he would add onto it by dashing backward. The man, nudged a bit this time and using that once of an opening Yanjiro would dash in and deliver another slash across the man's chest[LT-Gold Dragon's Honesty].

Quick, simple and effective as the man would quickly spin around Yanjiro to get behind him and doing so would leave his back open, letting Yanjiro sheath his blade, unsheath attack and sheath once more all in one smooth quick manner[UT]. It seemed like the man was tired of being defensive, and quickly move into close-quarters combat almost instantly. It took Yanjiro a bit by surprise that the man could that fast with the size of his body and trying to block Yanjiro would attempt to lift his blade in front of him. He was currently using his white blade that went by Shiromasa, and while it didn't cut well, it was really durable, but before Yanjiro could even lift his blade he would catch a quick fist to his cheek[LT-Hard Straight]. It would cause the young warrior to skid backward keeping him on his feet but leaving him stunned enough for the burly man to try to go in for another attack.

Yanjiro saw this attack from a mile away and would quickly pull his head back to dodge a quick uppercut that if it connected might have put Yanjiro in a really unfavorable position[LT-Prime Uppercut].

"Oh, you managed to dodge that? What about this!"

The pull his leg back and while Yanjiro was still recovering from the punch to his face he would be kicked into the wood wall of a house[LT-The Big Boot]. Bouncing off of the wall blood would drip from Yanjiro's nose and a bruise would begin to form on his face. Not letting up he would punch Yanjiro through the wall. Yanjiro would slowly get back up, he had never faced a man capable of dishing out such damage to him, so this, of course, exhilarated the young man.

"That's what I like to see! FINALLY! An opponent worth cutting down!"

Yanjiro would happily exclaim with a bloodied mouth. He would spit out some blood and would begin walking out of the person's house. The residents didn't seem to be home as either they were out and were cut down by Yanjiro beforehand. Or they heard of Yanjiro's rampage and made their way out of the area. Walking closer to the hole caused Yanjiro's opponent to jump back from the hole and await Yanjiro's exit from the house.

"Shut yer mouth dickhead! Putting mad dogs like you down is the reason why I joined the Navy. Now get yer ass out here so I can kick it some more. This is going to be fer all the innocent people that suffered from ya!"

Yanjiro would chuckle. He didn't know that this man was such a clean-cut law enforcer. But, the bigger the individual, the bigger the cut they leave on themselves!


Last edited by Deku on Mon Oct 07, 2019 1:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixing Attack Stat)

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:30 am
Techniques Used:

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Devil Fruit : Variable
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Posts : 1289

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:30 am
The member 'Deku' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 19, 3, 5


#2 'Reflex Check' : 18, 8, 12

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:05 am

Episode 1-Begotten Son UZ1JNVx

Jumping out of the hole that Yanjiro was put through to make, the young man would land back outside onto the street. Blood dripping from both his mouth and his head. Never before has he been in so much pain, except while training. But this was different, unlike in triaining all the blood in his body was moving so fluidly. His heartbeat was skyrocketing. If a doctor heard his heartbeat they might have considered Yanjiro to be in danger of having a heart attack. But this was nothing more than excitement, more excitement that Yanjiro has every experience before. Simply put, he didn't know what to do with himself. This was the first time he was having so much fun. There was no weight on Yanjiro's mind, the only thing present at the moment was one instinct, cut. Cut more savage Yanjiro has never done before. Cut faster, stronger, harder than he has ever before. A thought like that only served to extremely pump Yanjiro up.

Episode 1-Begotten Son Daihug9

Pompous feelings would begin to appear in Yanjiro's mind only to be swatted by the simple rush of battle. There would be nothing that was going to stop Yanjiro from finishing this fight with the man. Air would begin to gather around the black blade of Kuromasa. Yanjiro was going to take this fight seriously. He was going to use everyone's bit of his strength to exterminate the foe in front of him. Yanjiro's right arm, his dominant arm would flex incredibly hard. Visible veins would be present on his arm as he would release a concentrated slash of air towards his opponent[HT-Shiroi ryū no kaze]. He would then quickly resheath his blade as it traveled. It moved quickly through the air, finally reaching his opponent, trying to block with his arms but it would not help him in the slightest. He would fall backward until he hit a wall congruent to the house Yanjiro went through. He would shake the blood that came from his arms while sliding down to the floor. For a moment Yanjiro thought that he had finally beat the man only to watch him get back up.

Yanjiro would be lying if he wasn't happy that he got back up. Yanjiro honestly didn't want this to end, but he knew that all things came to an end. The black-haired swordsman wasn't going to doubt the man's strength anymore. So he was going to make sure that he wasn't going to take as much damage if he got hit again. He would begin to tighten his muscles to enhance his defensive, even if it with it being as low as it was now, any sort of boost to it would be good[LT-Bronze Dragon's Folly]. When the man got up, Yanjiro went in for another slash to see if the man blitzing him and slashing at his chest once more[UT]. The burly man would dash to the right as Yanjiro's attack only barely touched him. But Yanjiro could tell that the man was feeling the fight now.

He would go at Yanjiro once more feinting a punch causing Yanjiro to try and block, only to take a head butt[LT-Head Bash]. He heard a loud pitched noise, but he assumed it was from his brain reacting to the headbutt he received. The man would then elbow Yanjiro in his gut causing more blood to be spurted from his mouth[LT-Elbow Strike] and as Yanjiro grasped him stomach the sailor man would finish off his combo by punch Yanjiro once more in the face, around the same area as last time[UT].  

"Whats better than two warriors fighting to the death?! NOTHING! This is what really gets my blood pumping you know?"

"Stop talking you animal! I'm taking your ass down, your reign of terror ends the very day it begins!"

"Are you dumb? My reign is just beginning! And you are going to be my stepping stone into it!"


Last edited by Deku on Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:12 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding Damage numbers to Boss attacks.)

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:14 am
Techniques Used:

Last edited by Deku on Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:20 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixing Technique Name)

Name : Variable
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Posts : 1289

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:14 am
The member 'Deku' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 6, 10, 14


#2 'Reflex Check' : 19, 7, 10

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:44 am

Episode 1-Begotten Son TOHbhq9

Yanjiro would dash towards his opponent and would attempt to slow his movement by stabbing into their legs but to no avail[HT-Elder Dragon's Might]. His opponent was better than Yanjiro thought, maybe even than Yanjiro himself. If Yanjiro lost, it only meant that he was weaker than this man. A fight is a fight, but to the burly man, if he won, it wouldn't be to the death. He would probably attempt to take Yanjiro into custody and put him into jail. Yanjiro wanted to avoid that at all cost, there wouldn't be a rush in battle if Yanjiro was put to jail. They might just execute him as well and without Yanjiro's sword, he isn't as effective with them.

Taking advantage of Yanjiro's miss the sailor would connect another right to Yanjiro's face. It was solid and hit it's mark perfectly[LT-Hard Straight]. Yanjiro's vision began to sway, and so did his body. The damage he was accumulating from this man was enormous. He didn't expect the boss to do so much damage to him. There was no mistake in this man's abilities, he indeed was a cut above the rest of the people Yanjiro met here. Was his reign really going to end? Before it really even began? NO!

Before the man could pull his arm back from his punch Yanjiro would dash towards him and would slash at his chest once more, he wasn't feeling as best as he wanted to be, so he would have to settle with a simple slash[LT-Gold Dragon's Honesty]. The sailor would take the full brunt of the attack just to launch one himself. Once more kicking his boot into Yanjiro's gut, this time blood didn't come out[LT-The Big Boot]. Just a bit of throw up, but mid-air while Yanjiro was being kicked backward, Yanjiro would slash at the man so he couldn't follow up his attack like last time. Yanjiro wasn't going to let the man put him through another wall[UT]. And while this stopped the man from sending Yanjiro through another wall, He would catch another punch to his face[UT].

His vision now a mix of darkness and bright light. This young warrior was nearing his limit, that edge of darkness that leads to a whole new world of troubles. It was just within his reach, the infamy of his acts quelled by a Navy Sailor, or was Yanjiro going to overcome this ordeal and become stronger? This last move within him was going to be the decider. It was what he liked to call his iconic move. And if he missed that, this battle was over. And just the thought of such a climactic end served as nothing more than an excitement boost.


Last edited by Deku on Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:53 am; edited 1 time in total

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:46 am
Techniques Used:

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1289

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:46 am
The member 'Deku' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 2, 17, 20


#2 'Reflex Check' : 3, 15, 15

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:53 am

Episode 1-Begotten Son Atp9C5n

When the exchange of blows happened, Yanjiro was oddly at peace. But even with all his primal instinct fueling this attack, he had no way to predict that he would miss[HT-Black Dragon's Redrum]. He also couldn't predict his sword from shattering in his hands. There would be a silence that would follow between the two. Yanjiro just noticed that he didn't get hit either. They both missed[LT-Prime Uppercut]? Yanjiro couldn't help but chuckle at this fact, but that last once was all that Yanjiro had for a big attack. This fight was as good as done. The man charged once more to finish Yanjiro off, but Yanjiro would launch his last attack before he passes out, maybe forever. Stabbing the same area of the stomach but making sure to actually puncture the wound this time[LT-Black Dragon's Dregg]. Consider it perhaps a parting gift.

When the sailor's fist connected with Yanjiro's face once more, he blacked out[LT-Prime Uppercut]. He didn't seem to be aware of his surroundings out but his muscles locked up and prevented him from falling, the young warrior would be out of commission. The burly man began breathing heavy, he finally put down the Mad Dog that was Yanjiro.

"Finally, you shut yer trap. Still alive though huh? HUH?! Lemme fix dat fer ya"

His next technique, which involved both of his fist connecting into Yanjiro's chest hit perfectly[LT-Happo Tacko]. As Yanjiro couldn't really dodge anymore. Currently, Yanjiro would be a husk, not moving nor speaking. Eyes closed, and unmoving as well. Yanjiro almost seemed peaceful as he stood there. It would be hard to say he left a trail of bodies behind him if someone didn't see it happen before them. But when the Sailor's attack connected Yanjiro simply slid backward, not falling or anything. Even though the man could feel a bone break or two, Yanjiro didn't show any signs of pain. So the big man questioned whether or not Yanjiro was still alive, but his suspicions were cast off once he saw Yanjiro breathing. It was rough but breathing none the less. Running up and punching Yanjiro in the face once more[UT], this burly man was going to take revenge for all the death Yanjiro caused. Striking his face but not causing Yanjiro to move. Which began to frustrate the man.


Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:57 am
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Last edited by Deku on Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changing the LT into the required HT)

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Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:57 am
The member 'Deku' has done the following action : Dice Roll

'Reflex Check' : 19, 19, 7

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:21 am

Episode 1-Begotten Son 9GUgUBw

The sailor would continue his onslaught on Yanjiro, he wanted to truly end him. Letting Yanjiro live would be like unleashing a virus onto the world. He wanted to be to cure, the cure to Yanjiro's trail of bodies, the cure to his will. The cure to it all, so he would continue punching Yanjiro striking him in the head around 4 times[HT-Happo Heart]. Hoping to finally snuff the life out of him. But Yanjiro was much more resilient than he thought the young man was. Even if the body was smaller, he might have actually had a strong body. Speaking of body, the Happy Navy Sailor would strike Yanjiro's face with an elbow[LT-Elbow Strike]. Causing some blood to be shot from his mouth. Yanjiro's mouth would begin to leak. It wasn't broken, but it sure as hell was close to being so.

Yanjiro would remain silent and dormant, regathering his strength, while oddly being hit. Yanjiro always had a strong body even if he was short. The shortest people most of the time end up having the biggest wills. The burly man would finish his combo by punching Yanjiro's left arm and subsequently breaking it[UT]. Yanjiro was in danger of being unable to use a sword ever again. That was worse than death, worse than losing for the rest of Yanjiro's life. He needed to avoid such a thing from happening even if it meant him losing some other part of his body.



Last edited by Deku on Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:02 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixing HP Regained, also fixing the LT with the required HT)

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:23 am
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Last edited by Deku on Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removing the Quote coding)

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Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:23 am
The member 'Deku' has done the following action : Dice Roll

'Reflex Check' : 15, 9, 16

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:07 pm

Episode 1-Begotten Son 9GUgUBw

The burly man would begin to get tired. The hole in his stomach was stinging and the wounds he suffered before really began to weigh on him. He didn't call in backup because he thought he could handle the threat. Which he did, he just didn't think the threat would be able to fight back as hard as Yanjiro did. He was left little energy left, he desperately needed to kill Yanjiro as soon as possible. That was all he could focus on, and after he kills Yanjiro he would then call in back up to clean up the place. This island was going to remember the shithead that was Yanjiro for years to come. There was probably going to be an up of security for small towns like that that didn't have too many people. Places like these were east targets for people like Yanjiro. So the island was going to have to learn a lesson and get better at defending itself.

He would hook a punch into Yanjiro side, feeling the crack of a few ribs[LT-Hook Shot], but when he chopped Yanjiro's shoulder he didn't seem to do anything to it though, not a crack nor dislocate[LT-Mean Chopper]. He would then finish this off once again with a punch to Yanjiro's face. All the while the young warrior wouldn't move from his spot. Unwavering and unmoving like a rock. Until Yanjiro finally began to regain consciousness. He wouldn't let the man know he awoke though, which was hard as his body had been battered while he was gone. But it was about time, time for Yanjiro to pay the man back in full with interest.


Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:11 pm
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Posts : 1289

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:11 pm
The member 'Deku' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 5, 11, 6


#2 'Reflex Check' : 3, 10, 16

Episode 1-Begotten Son Empty Re: Episode 1-Begotten Son

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 07, 2019 1:20 pm

Episode 1-Begotten Son Y234PA5

A bright light would enter Yanjiro's eyes fulling it with color. And while his vision was a bit discolored due to the blood that was running down his face, Yanjiro could see the world once more! And before him his greatest enemy so far. Truly a battle that Yanjiro will remember for years. His mind had only one thing that projected itself. Before it was the feeling to kill, that feeling had succumbed to something greater. Something stronger. The want, the need to become stronger. The white strap that blocked Yanjiro's third eye would fall and it would reveal itself to the Happo Navy Sailor. He took a step back, a step back that would serve to prolong his life, but merely for a moment. As a slash of condensed air would weave past his head[HT-Shiroi ryū no kaze], he would snicker at the fact that Yanjiro had missed his last chance to hit him.

"Hahaha, so you can till move huh? With you only able to use one arm now, I thought you would be harmless but it seems dat you can still fire off things like that, ah?"

Yanjiro wouldn't respond, as speaking would be a waste of energy. But he saw it, an opening. An opening to get stronger. An opening that will finally put a close to this event, this rebirth of Yanjiro into the world. So he took it, dashing at incredible speeds and would dodge what seemed like a palm thrust to his face. Ducking under it and unsheathing Shiromasa to deliver a devastating attack beheading the burly man[LT-Gold Dragon's Honesty]. There was a moment of silence as Yanjiro fell to his knees in exhaustion, leaving the Happo man gurgling on blood before having his head fall off of his shoulders. Yanjiro would exhale deeply before screaming


Yanjiro would look down and around for his black blade, Kuromasa. He found it in pieces on the ground scattered near the corpse of the Navy man. The young man would sigh at the sight, his favorite sword was broken. Laying in an unorthodox pattern, Yanjiro wouldn't pick up the pieces. The sword was broken and it was time that Yanjiro evolved past it. Yanjiro was going to get a stronger sword and a stronger body to us the sword. Yanjiro would bow at the body of his adversary, thanking him for pushing Yanjiro to his utmost limits. There was nothing that Yanjiro wanted to do more right now than sleep. The voice was gone from his head, never to be heard from again...probably. Yanjiro would resheath Shiromasa before grabbing into his arm in pain.

"Damn, that man really put a number one me. But I thank him for doing so. Thanks to him I have finally realized how to get stronger. Finding and killing better and better enemies!"

And as the curtain on this ordeal was over, the problem that was Yanjiro D. Gullium was just starting. And he damn sure was going to enjoy the report about this later. He would walk off into an alleyway and make his way back into the forest to begin his recuperation.


Episode 1-Begotten Son IWdLzx0

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