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Naofumia Sword Style
Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:03 pm
Nao Fum Ia Style
Fighting Style: Naofumia Sword Style
Weapon Utilization: Katana
Description: Basica katana fighting style using quick actions. Such as drawing, thrusting from the shoulder with a frontal guard stance as its core. Hand to Hand combat is incorpated.
Toggled and Passive Abilities: N/A
- Light Techniques:
Type: Flat Attack
Cooldown: 2
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: User flicks their wrist in a direction before slashing their blade towards the target.
Type: Flat Attack
Cooldown: 2
Duration: instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: The user pulls their hilt into their shoulder and thrusts forward.
Type: Flat Damage
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: Ther user kicks a target, preferably in their stomach, normally has a slight twist in motion.
Second Thrust
Type: Flat Damage
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: A second thrust attack designed to follow up the first, often targeted towards a vital point; the weapon wielding hand, eye, heart. A fast thrust attack.
- Medium Techniques:
3rd Thrust
Type: Flat Damamge
Cooldown: 4
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: A slightly stronger thrust with a bit more weight behind it, targeting the spot above the nose, the heart or any region that would cause a painful reaction.
Left Hook
Type: Flat Damamge
Cooldown: 4
Duration: instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: The user swings their left arm to impact a target with their left fist or elbow, inflctiing blunt damage to the target.
- Heavy Techniques:
Almighty Push
Type: Flat Damage
Cooldown: 6
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: A strong thrust putting all the weight of the user into it; a strong pericing attack.
Quick Draw
Type: Flat Damage
Cooldown: 6
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: The user quickly draws their sword and slash at a target, before positioning themselves in the frontal guard stance.
Almighty Headbutt
Type: Flat Damamge
Cooldown: 6
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: The user headbutts a target in the head.
- AoE Techniques:
Almighty Charm
Type: Flat Damamge
Cooldown: 8
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N.a
Flavour: Ther user smiles with a really good smirk, as a result they allow her to walk up to them Slap them real hard, before returning to her original position, affects all males within 10m
Type: Damage over Time
Cooldown: 8
Duration: 5
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: Naofumia grits her teeth and hisses at those in front of her, irritating their ears to the point of creating server pain through their earloaps.
- Castor O. Nox
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 796
Re: Naofumia Sword Style
Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:03 pm
Hey. Lemme start by saying welcome to the site. Not sure if you're returning or new completely but just a few queries and comments below in red.
Corrections will be seen in red. For the most part this application is riddle with spelling errors and formating issues, before submitting, please make sure to read through and check your work for small errors to make the application process as swift as possible.
Corrections will be seen in red. For the most part this application is riddle with spelling errors and formating issues, before submitting, please make sure to read through and check your work for small errors to make the application process as swift as possible.
Naofumia wrote:Nao Fum Ia Style
Fighting Style: Naofumia Sword Style
Weapon Utilization: Katana
Description: Basica katana fighting style using quick actions. Such as drawing, thrusting from the shoulder with a frontal guard stance as its core. Hand to Hand combat is incorpated.
Toggled and Passive Abilities: N/A
- Light Techniques:
Type: Flat Attack No need to say Attack, it's just specified as Flat. Same goes for the rest of the application.
Cooldown: 2
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: User flicks their wrist in a direction before slashing their blade towards the target.
Type: Flat Attack See previous comment.
Cooldown: 2
Duration: instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: The user pulls their hilt into their shoulder and thrusts forward.
Type: Flat Damage
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: Ther user kicks a target, preferably in their stomach, normally has a slight twist in motion.
Second Thrust
Type: Flat Damage
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: A second thrust attack designed to follow up the first, often targeted towards a vital point; the weapon wielding hand, eye, heart. A fast thrust attack.
- Medium Techniques:
3rd Thrust
Type: Flat Damamge Same with Damage, remove it. Also spelt incorrectly.
Cooldown: 4
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: A slightly stronger thrust with a bit more weight behind it, targeting the spot above the nose, the heart or any region that would cause a painful reaction.
Left Hook
Type: Flat Damamge See previous edit.
Cooldown: 4
Duration: instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: The user swings their left arm to impact a target with their left fist or elbow, inflctiing blunt damage to the target.
- Heavy Techniques:
Almighty Push
Type: Flat Damage
Cooldown: 6
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: A strong thrust putting all the weight of the user into it; a strong pericing p spelt incorrectly. attack.
Quick Draw
Type: Flat Damage See previous comment.
Cooldown: 6
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: The user quickly draws their sword and slash at a target, before positioning themselves in the frontal guard stance.
Almighty Headbutt
Type: Flat Damamge
Cooldown: 6
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: The user headbutts a target in the head.
- AoE Techniques:
Almighty Charm
Type: Flat Damamge
Cooldown: 8
Duration: Instant
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N.a
Flavour: Ther user smiles with a really good smirk, as a result they allow her to walk up to them Slap them real hard, before returning to her original position, affects all males within 10m
Type: Damage over Time
Cooldown: 8
Duration: 5
Buffs: N/a
Debuffs: N/a
Flavour: Naofumia grits her teeth and hisses at those in front of her, irritating their ears to the point of creating server pain through their earloaps.
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