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[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:14 pm

Several days ago on Flevance...

The puzzled marine ensign Jeremy Filth, having just been pulled off a mission and away from his new crew, slowly made is way out of Flevance castle into the snowy courtyard where he immediately noticed that something Before, when he had arrived at the castle with the other members of the Guardian Knights, the courtyard had been bustling with the activity of guards, servants and various guests. Now, aside from a couple of royal guards at the castle entrance and one or two stationed at the gates, the courtyard was, mostly, empty.

In front of Jeremy, blocking the main path between him and the gates was a large, horse drawn carriage. It was of similar size and build to the ones used by the nobles on the island, but far less fancy. Unlike all those others the was little color in fabrics, no fancy engravings in the wood, nor any sort of adornments anywhere on it. Compared to the rest, it was just sort of plain.

Two cloaked figures emerged from the carriage. One tall and one short. Each of their faces covered by by a featureless white mask. Jeremy, who had already been on edge from his mission, tensed up and his fingers began reaching for his revolvers. The figures seemed to notice this and so they stopped approaching and the Tall One spoke.

“Ensign Jeremy Filth, we're with Cipher Pol 6. Come with us,” they said. Their voice was monotone and extremely neutral sounding. Neither male nor female, young nor old.

Jeremy stood his ground.

“You have any proof?” he asked.

The Tall One sighed audibly and reached into their cloak, only to pull out a badge which they offered to Jeremy. Jeremy eyed the figure up for a bit before, somewhat reluctantly, taking the badge. Hardly an expert in that sort of thing, Jeremy skimmed quickly looked over the badge and handed it back to masked figure.

“Are you satisfied?” they asked Jeremy.

“Yeah,” nodded the ensign.

All three of them made their way into the carriage. As soon as the the last one of them entered the door was locked and the horses began moving, taking them all out of the courtyard. Inside the carriage, at both the front and the back, were nice, leather, sofa style seats. Between the seats was small wooden table. Jeremy sat one side of the table. The two members of Cipher Pol 6 sat at the other.

“Ensign Filth...bloody unfortunate name...we wanted to talk to you about that stuff back you did back on Black Drum with that chav pretending to be Richard Maxwell,” said the Short One. They had that same nondescript, monotone voice as the Tall One. “First you run into some git beating up some old bloke. Just some thug, doesn't even have a proper bounty, but instead of calling for backup or trying to take him alive like you were supposed to, you blew his bloody arm off and shoot 'em right in the bloody face.”

“Then there was your confirmed kill of Frank Barbarossa,” continued the Tall One. “Burns, scrapes, cuts, bruises and several gunshot wounds. The coroner's report described your methods as, quote, excessive, end quote.”

“So what is this?”, asked Jeremy “Some sort of internal investigation? Am I going to be punished for doing my job?”

“Yes and no,” answered the Tall One. “We are investigating you but not for any sort of disciplinary reasons. We just think that somebody with your disposition might be better suited for Cipher Pol than the marines.”

Jeremy shook his head. “I'm not interested.”

“You bloody daft git!” exclaimed the Short One. “The hell you mean you're not interested!?”

The Tall One sighed. “I think what my partner means is why aren't you interested? You could do so much better work without all that annoying red tape in the marines.”

“Because,” said Jeremy “I joined the marines to fight pirates. I can't do that skulking around in the shadows. I need to be on the front lines to get a good shot at those bastards.”

“Let me ask you a question Jeremy,” retorted the Tall One “Let's say were to rise through the ranks of the marines to the rank of vice admiral, or heck with it, you're a talented, driven young man, admiral even and you were to take the head of a truly big name like...say...the emperor Loha Aurochs. What would happen?”

Jeremy was grinning from ear to ear.

“If I took out a guy like Loha Aurochs,” he said “I'd be a fucking legend.”

“Well...yeah...I suppose you would,” said the Tall One “but what do you think would happen to Loha?”

There was an uncomfortable silence as Jeremy mulled over the question until, finally the Tall One spoke again.

“He'd become a legend and a martyr in his own right. Pirates would set sail in his name. Stories would be written about him in libraries and songs would be sung about him in taverns. Sure, you would be more famous but so would he. But...if you were a member of Cipher Pol and you took him out silently then history would forget he ever existed, we'd make sure of that. His terrible influence on the world would end permanently, never to be repeated.”

“Yeah, but nobody would know about me either.”

“Do want to be famous or do you want to rid the world of pirates?”

“I want to kill pirates..”

“That's what I thought.”

The Tall One reached into his cloak and pulled out a file which he placed on the table.

“I wasn't joking when I said I think you would be well suited for Cipher Pol Jeremy,” continued the Tall One.

“That's right. This uptight cunt doesn't ever tell any jokes,” chimed in the Short One.

The Tall One just sighed and continued “This is your latest assignment Jeremy. Think of it as a test. If you succeed we will officially make you a member of Cipher Pol 6. If you fail, or if you simply decide this work is not suited for you then you can go back to the marines and this conversation will have never happened...”

Present day, the floating island, LogInn

It was night fall when Jeremy's dingy little sailboat pulled up to the floating island. True to their words, the two members of Cipher Pol 6 that he'd met had given him a new mission. They had also given him a new name, outfit and backstory to go along with it. He wasn't marine ensign Jeremy Filth anymore. He was the bounty hunter Bill Holiday.

Jeremy, or rather Bill, tied off his boat to a pilling on one of the docks and began making his way inland. Over head fireworks boomed and the sounds of music and laughter filled the air as did the smells of booze, food, and various substances being smoked. The island was known as a party island and this time of year pirates and civilians came from all over the blues to celebrate the final days of the year and ring in the new one.

Somewhere among all the rowdy rabble and partying people was Bill's target, Volo Rosso.

Word Count:

Last edited by Jeremy Filth on Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:40 am; edited 4 times in total
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:45 pm
LogInn, a makeshift island comprised completely off cast off wood and ships no longer fit for sailing the rough seas. Instead they have been absorbed into what has become a floating nation of dubious and dastardly deeds committed by its even sketchier inhabitants and visitors. Having made a name for itself as pit stop pirate den for up and coming newbies on there way to the Grandline with aspirations of being the Pirate King.

It had originally started as a small floating Takoyaki stand that had grown larger and larger over time with success. Eventually becoming large enough to warrant other traders and stands to set up shop as well, and ultimately resulted in LogInn being permanently anchored in place making it easier for would be customers to find. This led to a shady, but welcoming and friendly atmosphere to any and all who were willing to pay their way, those who weren’t, well they were firmly escorted off the giant raft.

Though, in recent months it has come under new ownership and with that has come a whole new set of rules for those that call this place home. A once up and coming pirate known as “Maximal Magnus”, a terrible tyrant from a small noble family who wreaked havoc across the South Blue before heading off too, in his own words, conquer the Grandline. Now however, he’s back, beaten and battered like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs. Back to South Blue where he’s a big frog in a small pond.

“Sheewww!” Volo Exclaimed as Emilia creaked into port amongst the sound of seagulls and sailors bustling about. “Check it out, Susu!” The little white squirrel squirmed its way out of Volo’s pocket and scurried up onto his head, nestling into his messy teal hair as its bushy tail flicked furiously. “Pretty awesome, right?!” The young man from Karate Island had never seen a place like this, what seemed like an entire island fit onto a makeshift floating raft. Wooden structures stacked atop one another, fusions of metal jutting out of every side to form another home or shop, giving every bit of surface area a purpose.

“Oi!” A robust sailor called out from the docks, “Toss to down the tie offs and go see the harbor master, he’s the man ya pay, capeesh?!”

With a nod and a smile, Volo tossed down the ropes and touched down onto the docks, which immediately drew his attention. The whole island rocked with each passing wave, bobbing and tilting back and forth non stop. A place truly built for pirates. He made way too the harbor master, being sure to pay his way onto LogInn, thinking back too his own towns stringent harbor master fondly. “Oh, any chance there’s a good spot to snag a drink around here?” With the response sending him in the direction of the local tavern.

Moving further into the raft town, the market and common areas were just as crowded as the docks had been. Pirates of all shapes and sizes littered the grounds. There were bicorns and tricorns, captains coats and flintlocks, one man even had a parrot on his shoulder. Volo’s eyes were star struck, never in his country bumpkin life had he seen such a wonderful place. Heathens and debauchery galore as Pirates lived their lives to the fullest, free to do whatever they please. Drink and food flowed like water while those who craved battle and blood fought for sport and bragging rights in the local pits to their hearts content. This was the life that Volo had craved, the one he had heard in stories as a child and for so long dreamed about. The pirates life.

Rickard “Maximal” Magnus | 34,500,200 Beli Bounty

A single table sat inside a grand room decorated in the finest tapestries, accented with great works of art adorning the walls while beautiful vases and artifacts sat upon pedestals of marble underneath them. Seated was a giant of a man, dressed in a fine, form fitting suit adorned with silver metals and gold lining. While his own Jolly Roger was emblazoned on his chest, three stars conjoined into a cross.

Rickard’s massive hand clutched the tiny glass of red wine daintily as he brought it up for a sip, careful to avoid any spills. “Mmmm” He muttered while patting his mouth with the napkin tucked into his collar. “Quite good..” Inspecting the glass before placing it back upon the table, “Now then.” Ringing a small bell, the high pitch chime echoing in the large room.

A pair of doors swung open as a young girl rushed into the room, “Y-yes.. m-m’lord...?”

“The steak, mashed potatoes, onions.” Speaking up from the menu, refusing to grant this mere peasant the gift of eye contact. After all, she was nothing more than inferior breeding stock who’s sole existence was to serve. “Your chef knows how I like it.”

“R-right..!... Right away, m’lord!” Stammering nervously as she rushed back out of the room as quickly as she had come.

Magnus sat for a moment in utter silence before ringing a bell once more, though this one with a deeper tone than the previous. Immediately rushed in two rough looking characters, one with a purple spiked mohawk and sunglasses while the other was a much larger, burly fellow with a cue ball for a head. “Wassup..??! Main man Magnus, how we doing yoooo?” The smaller of the two shouted while waving his hands about.

“Ahem... I told you to refer to me as Lord Magnus from now on.” He said with as his glare drifted towards the larger fellow, “I’d say ask your friend there, but he’s already learned what happens when one forgets their station in life... Isn’t that right, Mick?”

Mick nodding sheepishly in agreement as his eyes pleaded with his friend to mind his manners lest he end up like him.

“Ah... m-my bad... L-Lord Magnus, how can we uhhh, how can we be of service..?”

“Much better, see, that it isn’t so hard now is it? In fact, I imagine it must feel quite good actually, to finally know firmly where you belong. With someone like me around to guide you into the future your lives are just so easy. Wanting for nothing... Not knowing struggle... Sometimes it almost makes me envious, you know?” He muttered arrogantly as he swished the blood red wine, “Sometimes the weight of being a highbred like myself and the destiny that comes with it.... The duty to creatures like you two and the filth and rabble beyond this sanctuary I have built for my own sanity, sometimes it just seems, overwhelming..... Sometimes...” His words trailed off as he echoed his thought and seemed to get lost in the reflection that looked back at him, one seemingly bathed in blood thanks to the liquids hue. “Ahhh, but I digress, beings with such simple destinies and lives could never hope to understand the struggles of one such as I.”

“R-right... B-bos- I mean Lord Magnus... You are so right...” Miles responded subserviently. “So uhh.. what is it that you-..” His words cut off by the waitresses entrance into the room, pushing a wheeled cart with several covered plates on top of it.

“L-lunch.. is s-served..!!”

“Ah, very good.” Magnus said pleased as he readjusted the napkin on his neck and armed himself with the tiny silverware set before him, his massive finger and thumb barely holding the small utensils. As the girl began unloading the plates before him, the smell wafted into the air, filling the mans nostrils as they flared repeatedly to enhance the smells. Once all the plates were set before him, the waitress uncovered the main dish, a charcoal blackened steak seemingly cooked with the fires of hell itself. Rickard took one look at what could be considered a shoe in most countries as he reached for a large bottle of ketchup in the center of the table, splurting out the thick red liquid onto the piece of leather on his plate. “Perfection.” He muttered as the mound of ketchup slowly increased its surface area, like a slug dragging itself across the ground.

Pleased with his meal, the waitress took a sigh of relief before exiting the room as quickly as she had before.

The room was eerily silent aside from the sounds accompanied with Magnus’s eating, the scraping of metal on the ceramic plate. The fork and knife sliding through the crispy, grayed meat like a butter knife through sheet metal. With each piece being firmly dunked and smothered in the ketchup before being consumed with great delight.

“L-lord...?” Miles questioned as he saw Rickard’s face visibly sour, slowly placing his silverware down and spitting out the most recent piece of meat into the napkin and crumpling it up onto his plate neatly before turning the meat to angle his henchmen. Both men leaned in as closely as possible, noticing a minuscule bit of pink in the center of the cut, though however small it was still there. Both men looked at each other before glancing back towards their boss.

“Ring the bell...” Magnus muttered like the calm before a storm as the waitress came once more at the behest of the bell.

“Y-yes..?!” She shouted before noticing the masters demeanor, sending shivers running down her spine as he signaled her closer to inspect the meat.

“Tell me what you see.” He stated coldly, though the girl was too nervous to respond, “Tell me. What you see.” Stating once more, though this time with a much more commanding tone.

“S-....S-steak...? I-I... I d-don’t know....” She replied meekly as tears collected in her eyes.

“Look closer.” Rickard demanded as his henchman looked on without saying a word, “I said look closer!” Now shouting as the girl burst into full tears. “Is it some plot by the marines?! Are you in league with Cipher Pol?! The Moose?? Or is it some no name pirate trying to cash in big??! Huh??!”

“I-I.. I don’t know what you are talking about!! What-Whatever it is... I’m sorry I didn’t do it...!!!”

“Who is it?! Don’t fucking lie too me!!” He shouted as he grabbed the woman by her throat, “Who had you try to fucking poison me with raw meat?!?!?” Shouting as he bludgeoned the girl into the table a half dozen times, splintering through to the floor as the girl’s body crushed under each blow. A few moments went by before Magnus recollected himself, slicking his hair back with the blood on his hands and readjusting his tie before taking a deep breath and turning back towards his henchman. “Bring the chef to the square. They will all find out what happens when you cross the highborn, Maximal Magnus.”


Last edited by Volo Rosso on Mon Jan 10, 2022 1:35 pm; edited 2 times in total

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 20, 2021 8:15 am
Bill never found Volo his first night on the island of LogInn. What the young and rowdy gunslinger did find however was a good time the likes of which he had never experienced before and that he couldn't resist especially with Cipher Pol footing the bill. Booze, food, gambling and other fun things. High class, low class and everything in between. On LogInn it was easy to get lost in moment and forget that the party of punks with which he got potted were a bunch of perverse pirates when they weren't presently plundering, pillaging or pummeling any poor, pathetic persons.

He awoke the next morning in a fancy brothel, face first in the fanny of a fabulously flexible female who was fat in all the right places. Bill rolled off the sapphire silk sheets that covered his bed and landed on the floor with an unceremonious thud. As the harsh sunlight filtered through the curtains of the otherwise dimly lit room and onto his face, the hungover Bill groaned and reached for the clothes he had been given by Cipher Pol.

A thick red cloak, brown leather gloves and matching leather chaps, a pair of black leather boots, a brown leather cowboy hat, an armored, sleeveless vest, and a brown leather gas mask which he would leave off for now. He quickly got dressed, grabbed his guns and and grenades. He didn't want to wake her so he decided to ignore the rented woman sleeping in her birthday suit on the rented bed as he made his way into the main lobby of the brothel.

“How'd you sleep hun?” asked the older looking madam with long, bleach blond hair at the front desk. She had a very distinct South Blue accent.

“Pretty good,” answered Bill “You know where I can get breakfast this time of day?”

“Well it's just passed noon so only place I can think'a is Caroline's Cafe. It's a few blocks down the road that'a way, right on the corner. Will ya be comin' back?”

Bill shook his head. “Nah, how much do I owe?”

“For spendin' the night with one of our gals, plus the bottle service, two hundred thousand beli.”

Bill reached into cloak for the wad of money he'd been given only to realize that he'd apparently spend the entirety of his stipend.

“Shit..” he cursed underneath his breath.

“Somethin' wrong hun?”

Before Bill could attempt to try and weasel his way out of the situation they were interrupted by several loud crashes, followed immediately by shouting and what sounded like crying. Almost on instinct Bill drew his revolvers Judge and Jury from their holsters and shoved his way passed the madam, and the pair of burly looking bouncers at the door as he headed out into the street.

Out in a street, amid a gathering crowd of onlookers, Bill could see a large man, easily several feet taller and at least a few hundred pounds heavier than himself, with what looked like a pirate's crest emblazoned on his chest. In the man's mammoth hands, held by the throat, was a smaller, chubby fellow in a chef's uniform who looked as though he had been beaten nearly to death. Through the now shattered window of a nearby restaurant Bill could see the beaten and broken body of a petite young lady who may have been younger than he was.

“Fucking cowards...” cursed Bill at the gawkers who did nothing to help these people as a terrible, violent rage rolled over him like a tempestuous sea storm.

Bill's eyes began to turn red and his guns black as he tapped into that weird power known as haki. The extension of one's will he'd been told. His will was simple, and straight forward. Some might even say pure. Bill or Jeremy, whatever you wanted to call him, the name hardly mattered to him now, was going to purge the planet of that putrid pile of pirate shit.

“And the great part is this time I can claim the bounty,” he thought has he raised his guns pirate that he would soon learn was named Rickard Magnus and let loose with both barrels.

Word Count:

Last edited by Jeremy Filth on Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:14 am; edited 2 times in total
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:33 pm
Volo entered the shabby bar with a smile on his face, having spent most of the day flying aboard a ship with no company other than the squirrel he had found just a few days before. “Let’s see..” He mumbled, scanning the room for a seat before locating a single open stool at the far end of the counter. Making his way over, he motioned for a pint to the bartender, taking a seat next to quite a large fellow covered in tattoos. Sheesh Volo thought to himself as he glanced from the corner of his eye, This dude is yolked. The man’s massive arms were thicker than Volo’s entire body and then some, though, as the pi(lot)rate turned his head to get a better look, he noticed something quite peculiar. Holy shit. Tiny hands..That man’s hands are so fucking tiny... I wonder... if his hands are that tiny how that work? How does eat? How did his arms get so big? How does he wipe his butt? What if he can’t, does someone else do it? Oh, look, here’s my beer.

“Thanks!” Volo said with a smile as he broke his thought train at the site of beer, slugging the whole pint within seconds. “Ahhhh” Slamming the glass on the wooden surface, drawing the attention of the large arm, tiny handed man seated next to him.

“Wash’ it.” The large man grumbled.

“Wash what..?” Volo responded confused, “Wash the glass? Do I gotta do that here, is that a thing?”

“No ya fook, I said wash’ it, like wash’out wash’yadoin.”

“So... I do gotta wash it..? Hey, waiter, is that really a thing?” Volo shouted down the line before turning back to the large man. “And ya know what, if that’s the case, how do you even manage that with those tiny hands? Like, how are your wrists so large but your hands so tiny?”

“Are ya fookin daft, mate?!” He shouted angrily, shooting up from his chair, “Fook you saying bout me ‘ands??!” Taking a swing at Volo as he shouted.

“Oh shit!” Dissipating into smoke as the right hook sailed harmlessly through his ghostly body. “Looks like that’s my cue to go!” Shouting as he used his logia powers to quickly maneuver himself around the behemoth and out the door. Slamming out of the door, he was greeted with a packed crowd all facing a large empty square in the center of LogInn. “Perfect.” He muttered, slipping into the increasingly large crowd as he disappeared into smoke.

“Oi!” The big man shouted as he trailed behind by only a few seconds, “Where’d he go..? Eh? What’s all dis then?”

The monster that was Magnus broke through the wall of the grand hall as he had done so many times before, having a tendency to avoid the use of doors. Feeling the act of using such a crude thing was the stuff of peasantry. His mighty frame leaving a gaping whole in the magnificent room, revealing its shabby construction and false beauty as the cheap wood fell too the ground in splinters. The thirteen foot five man lumbered his way down the wooden steps as it creaked under his feet, menacingly making his way towards the square, a large open portion in the center of LogInn.

“Bring it here..” Magnus muttered as he towered of the large crowd that had gathered, waving over his henchman as they drug the beaten cook in front of their lord. “This!” His voiced boomed, presenting the mans ragged body too the crowd. “This is what happens when you defy me! This, is what happens when you try to live above your station in life! This, you filthy, disgusting, rat fucking peasants!!! Is what happens when you try to fuck with me!!!” His rage boiled over as the words echoed across LogInn, grabbing the man from end to end and tearing as if the former cook was a crab leg. Blood sprayed the front of the crowd and dyed The Maximal’s suit a crimson red as he tossed the remains away like garbage before reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a clean linen handkerchief. Dabbing the blood from his face before tossing it aside, “Now then, I hope we have come to an understandi-...!”

“RUDE RAM BOMBER!!!!” Volo’s voice echoed out accompanied by a loud explosion, as a smoke stream had violently sped through the crowd while Magnus had made his final speech, with the reluctant hero reforming inches from Magnus’s face, landing a dynamite packed fist right onto the massive mans chiseled jawline. Knocking the grin right off of it and sending dastardly dickhead tumbling to the ground with Volo reforming several feet away. His eyes blacked out with anger as his clenched fists trembled furiously, “Who the fuck do you think yo-... huh?”


[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:47 am
Bill's bullets did nothing. They whizzed through the air and found their mark only to break harmlessly against the massive muscles of Rickard Magnus as if the pirate were plated in impenetrable armor. The imposing looking pirate barely stuttered in his speech and Bill, along with the rest onlookers, could only watch in horror as the poor chef was ripped in two like a wishbone.

“Fine..” thought Bill as he holstered his guns and reached back into his cloak for one of his grenades. “If bullets don't work then maybe bombs...”

Before he could finish that idea he was interrupted by what sounded like a madman screaming some  nonsense about rams. This was followed closely by an explosion that was big enough to scatter the crowd and knock Bill back on his butt and loud enough to make the bounty hunter's ears ring. Also more screams, shouting, cursing, glass breaking and even a few dogs barking.

Then there was the smoke. Thick, black, harsh and absolutely everywhere. It stung his eyes and made it hard to breath even through the gas mask. Bill shut off his haki and slowly got back to his feet. He paused for a moment to rub his aching oculars as he surveyed the wreckage before spotting a lone figure in a red scarf standing tall among the wreckage. It didn't take a genius to figure that must have been the man who nearly blew him up just now.

“Are fuckin' crazy?!” cursed Bill. “You could've...”

Before Bill could finish berating the bomber he was once gain interrupted as the enraged Rickard Magus erupted from the rubble and charged him. Before the bounty hunter could even react, the back of Rickard's spiked fist smashed into his side with enough force to send him careening off the side of the road. The only thing that stopped him from flying further was the souvenir stand that he smashed through.

“Learn your place maggot!” bellowed Rickard who was practically frothing at the mouth.

There was barely a scratch on him. The only thing of his that seemed to have really been damaged by the bullets or the bomb were the expensive clothes that he wore but to him that was every bit as bad as shedding his blood. Maybe worse. His head swiveled around and his eyes locked onto the man in the red scarf.

“You filthy, low breed, scum!” he seethed before charging again at his second assailant.

During that carriage ride...

Jeremy and the two members of Cipher Pol 6 rode in silence as the young marine mulled over the files that had been placed in front of him. It was intel on Volo Rosso. Police reports, various public records, bounty posters, news stories, civilian testimonies and the like.

“There is one thing you should know,” said the Tall One. Despite maintaining the monotone voice Jeremy thought they almost sounded solumn. “Volo should I put this...”

“Volo's a right fuckin' bonkers git,” interjected the Short One.

“He's...what?” quizzed Jeremy.

The tall one sighed.

“That's not how I would put it but yes, my colleague is correct. The information we have gathered seems to indicate that Volo is the type of fellow who can get underneath a man's skin sometimes. During your mission you'll need to be careful that he does not make you lose your head.”

Word Count:
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:01 am
Volo rubbed his aching fist, his fingers pounding from cracking the man in his steel-like jaw. "Sheeeshhh.." He mumbled to himself, now shaking his hand to relieve the pain. "The fuck is he made of..." His eyes now glanced up at the smoke-covered wreckage, the black smoke from the explosion differing from his dark gray color.

"Did you see that?" A civilian exclaimed from behind, "No one has ever stood up to him like that..." Another whispered as a hint of hope could be heard in her voice.

Snapping his head to the cowpoke now standing next to him, opening his mouth to respond, though before he could do so the towering tyrant sent the man and his ten-gallon hat flying. "I could have wha-...?!!" Volo shouted before receiving a backhand of his own, tossing the arrogant teenager like a ragdoll. He gasped for breath as he hit the wall, spewing blood onto the ground in front of him as his gut wretched from the pain, keeling him over to his knees. "H-how...." He muttered to himself, wiping the blood from his lips. It had been so long since the pi(lot)rate had taken a hit of such caliber, he almost forgot what it was like. He struggled to focus his blurred vision as Magnus closed the gap between them, one second there were three the next just the single raging colossus.

"Heh... Low-bred rookies." Cracking his knuckles as he stepped ever closer, "It's laughable that you think scum like you could dare injure me." Gripping the young man up by his collar, Magnus smirked as he struck Volo in the gut once more, followed by another and another, causing more blood to erupt out from the boy.

"Blegh..!!" He coughed with each thrust into his abdomen, painting his assailant in his crimson blood. "H-how..." He managed to mumble the words in between the onslaught of fists.

"How??" Magnus bellowed out, "It's because I am the perfect being, the highest level of evolution. It's only natural that I would be able to crush maggots underneath my boot." Laughing as he dropped Volo's body to the ground and began grinding his face under the green heel of his boot. "Even a logia like yourself is nothing before me." Smirking as he dug the boot into the man's cheek, applying more force with every word before delivering a swift stomp, followed by several more. "Ahhhh, isn't this nice?" Magnus snickered as he delivered his final blow before readjusting what was left of his bloodied suit and turning back to the town square.

"H-Hey! *cough*" Volo shouted as he gripped the mans ankle, "We ain't done here yet..."

"Tch. Let go of me scum!" Shouting as he delivered a swift toe kick that passed harmlessly through Volo's now ethereal body. Shocking Magnus just long enough to create an opening, allowing Volo to regain his footing and deliver a powerful, revenge-fueled, dynamite-packed fist straight to Magnus's own abdomen.

"Heh." Volo snickered as he felt the contact, though his arrogant smirk quickly dissipated as Magnus countered with a swift backhand, tossing the pi(lot)rate towards where his co assailant had landed previously.


[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Nov 07, 2021 2:19 pm
Gods, why is it so bright all of a sudden? Where am I again? Oh right...the island...oh shit! The fight!

It was all coming back to Bill. The cocksure young bounty hunter reached back and touched soft spot where the back of his head met his neck. It was wet. Blood. He groaned and turned his head to look at where he landed. There he saw a bloody and jagged piece of metal jutting out from the wreckage of the souvenir stand he had smashed into.

Must of hit my head. That would explain the black out...

As his sense of reality slowly returned Bill observed the last few moments of the fight, if such a one sided beating could be really called that, between Magus and the other man. As the fight went on Bill began to remember his briefing with Cipher Pol 6 again and suddenly it all became clear. The scarf, the powers, the reckless abandonment that rivaled, maybe even surpassed, his own...

Well shit, now I have to kill Magus and keep that guy alive...

“You're Volo Rosso right?” groaned Bill to the red scarfed pirate as the bounty hunter slowly pushed himself up to his feet.

“That seastone's a bitch ain't it? Cancels devil fruit powers so hittin' a guy like you ain't nothin' to him.” Bill cracked his neck. “Hate to admit it but I don't think I can kill this prick on my own. Neither can you by the looks of it. I'll make you a deal. Help me out and I'll split his bounty with you 60 – 40.”

While Bill spoke Magnus merely looked on as if he was amused and when Bill finished Mangus let out a hearty laugh As his laughter reverberated through the narrow streets this monstrous man motioned with his hands for the remaining onlookers to laugh with him and, reluctantly, they did. It was a pitiful, and obviously forced laugh born out of their fear of Mangus's wrath.

“You vermin still think you stand a chance against a man like me!?” he bellowed “I could take on a hundred, nay, a thousand of you and you still wouldn't be able to harm a single hair on my superior head! You two are like a couple ants trying to fight a god.”

“Keep talkin' asshole.” spat Bill as his eyes turned red. “Makes it easier to shoot you in the mouth.”

Word Count:

Last edited by Jeremy Filth on Sun Nov 28, 2021 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Nov 07, 2021 10:13 pm
Volo wiped the blood from his eyes as he dragged himself out of the rubble, "Fuck" He grunted. "This dude is a fucking tank.." Rotating his arm at the shoulder as if trying to get a kink out. His eyes drifted to the cowpoke next to him, "Yeah... that's me.. Seastone, huh? Is that the green stuff on his hands and heel?"

He gripped his hands to make sure they still worked as he smirked at the thought of getting smacked around, locking eyes on the behemoth that was Magnus. Been a while since that happened. Snickering at the thought of the beat downs his grandfather and that old fart Gray used to dish out when he got too cocky. Cracking his knuckles he turned back to the gunslinger, "Keep the money, I just wanna kick this guy's ass."

"Making friends now, are we?" Magnus bellowed out from the town center. "Team up, fight solo... It matters not when faced with perfection like myself. Rats like yourself huddle together for safety and warmth while gods like me look down in disgust." Once more inciting the crowd into a forced laugh. "All that matters is you two shit fuck peasants will be dead soon and I'll be in a clean suit!"

The shouting continued as the massive monster known as Magnus ripped off the remaining shredded bits of his suit. Leaving his chiseled frame in full view, only covered by what appeared to be an extremely expensive pair of briefs. Revealing Magnus was large in all the wrong places and not the one that mattered most, a solid indication as to why he acted the way he did. After all, everyone overcompensates for something. "Whether you come to me or I come to you... Today is the day you two die."


[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:58 pm
Jeremy uses:
Shell Breaker - HT - Magnus - Hit
Tazer Round - LT - Magnus - Hit
Generic Attack - UT - Magnus - Hit

Magnus uses:
MT - Jeremy Filth - Hit
LT - Jeremy Filth - Miss
LT - Jeremy Filth - Miss
UT - Jeremy Filth - Miss
UT - Jeremy Filth - Hit


Last edited by Jeremy Filth on Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:59 pm; edited 6 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:58 pm
The member 'Jeremy Filth' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 9, 15, 5


#2 'Reflex Check' : 12, 3, 8, 4, 13
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:33 pm
Volo uses:
Barnstormer - HT - Magnus
Black Sheep Bomber - LT - Magnus
UT - Magnus

Magnus uses:
LT - Volo Rosso
LT - Volo Rosso
UT - Volo Rosso
UT - Volo Rosso


Last edited by Volo Rosso on Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:57 pm; edited 7 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:33 pm
The member 'Volo Rosso' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 16, 14, 9


#2 'Reflex Check' : 11, 13, 11, 14

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:08 pm
Round 2

Jeremy Filth uses:
Crack Shot - HT - Magnus - Hit
Yeehaw! - LT - Self
Generic Attack - UT - Crit

Magnus uses:
MT - Jeremy Filth - hit
LT - Jeremy Filth - hit
LT - Jeremy Filth - hit
UT - Jeremy Filth - miss
UT - Jeremy Filth -miss


Last edited by Jeremy Filth on Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:50 am; edited 4 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:08 pm
The member 'Jeremy Filth' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 4, 20


#2 'Reflex Check' : 18, 17, 19, 2, 1
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:14 pm
Volo uses:
Warhawk Bomber - HT - Magnus
Bulldog Bomber - LT - Magnus
UT - Magnus

Magnus uses:
LT - Volo Rosso
LT - Volo Rosso
UT - Volo Rosso
UT - Volo Rosso


Last edited by Volo Rosso on Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:57 pm; edited 3 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:14 pm
The member 'Volo Rosso' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 3, 18, 1


#2 'Reflex Check' : 1, 7, 4, 1

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:20 pm
“Lets go.”

Without waiting for confirmation from Volo, Bill stepped forward and drew Judge and Jury from their holsters. Meanwhile the lower half of Volo's body transformed into a thick, gray, terrible smelling smoke as the pi(lot)rate jettisoned him into the air. And Magnus, who sensed that the violence was about to resume, tensed up and bent his tree trunk like legs just slightly.

Bill unleashed with both barrels but Magnus shot up like a rocket and avoided the attack with ease. Bill's eyes went wide has he tracked the movement of the monstrous man. High into the air the pirate flew, from just a single jump, until Bill could no longer follow the arc without the use of his observation haki Rickard Magnus crested just beneath the blazing sun. Through the jump Bill fired off several more shots and though they may have landed, they barely seemed to break through the hardy hide of Magnus, and did Mangus' absolutely nothing to stop awe-inspiring ascent.

Nor his deadly descent.

“Die insects!” roared Magnus as he came crashing down.

Bill's eyes bugged out as the young gun dove for his life back away from and just to the side of where Magnus would land. Screams rung out over the makeshift island as most of the remaining onlookers scattered only to be drowned out by the massive crash as 'Maximal' Magnus smashed fist first down into the street. The result looked like somebody had dropped a massive bomb.

An explosion of debris filed the air and shards of glass, metal and wood were scattered in all directions as the ground where Magnus had landed became ground zero. Bill could see that a crater had formed where the wooden road had been pulverized into sawdust. Before Magnus could even make it back to his feet an ominous groan reverberated from underneath the island. One of the boats(a battered old barque with broken off masts) that the road had been built over began to sink. Its hull had been punctured at the point of impact and now the sea was rushing over to pull it under.

It was at that moment that Bill realized that if the fight did not end quickly then the whole island would sink. Everybody would drown.

Magnus slowly rose to his feet and Bill took aim. The world seemed to slow down for him as his guns turned black and he focused everything he had into his haki. When Magnus got up, he would surely look over towards Bill and when he did Bill would send a pair of bullets right through his eyes. Even a man like Mangnus couldn't survive a shot like that and as as close as he was, even with all the smoke and debris in the air, Bill couldn't miss.

The bounty hunters black fingers hovered over the trigger as Magnus turned his way. It would only take a second. But the even the best laid plans sometimes went awry and Bill had become far to focused on what was closely in front of him to hear Volo shouting from not to far away.  Not until it was too late.

“...Bomber!” screamed Volo as he came crashing down on top of Magnus with a stick of dynamite in each fist.


Word Count:

Last edited by Jeremy Filth on Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 02, 2021 9:23 pm
The harsh smell of nicotine filled the air as the smoke swirled into a single point before Volo once more stood between Magnus and his newfound friend. "How'd ya like that?!" Snickering as he cracked his knuckles arrogantly, looking down on the now fallen Magnus. "Hope you are taking lessons back there, buckaroo! Hehe." Snickering as he ignored Bill's angry demeanor behind him, not realizing he messed up the shot of a lifetime for the gunslinger.

"C'mon!" Volo shouted to the monster of a man now lying amongst the wreckage. "Get your pompous ass up! I ain't done kicking your ass yet, not even by a long shot!"

"Tch..." Magnus gritted as he drug his massive body up from the ground. "Fucking... vermin....!" His chiseled frame was drenched in blood as it trickled down his body and passed his small wonder. "You will rue the day you crossed the highbred, Maximal Magnus!" Charging like a raging beast, closing the gap between himself and Volo in milliseconds. Lashing out with a swift sea stone assisted combo, bypassing Volo's logia powers and connecting with the smoke man's jaw, and sending him blasting off once again.

"Where's your misplaced arrogance now, maggot?! You face Rickard Magnus, The Maximal, the high bred, the one who stands at the pinnacle of human power!! Ants like you have no hope of defeating a god, especially not one such as me!! Magagagagagaga!!"

Unlike the ragdoll punching bag that was Volo, who just continued to rush in with the same tactics hoping for a different result, Bill seemed to sit back, watching, waiting, lining up the perfect shot like a true marksman.

Of course, the Maximal wasn't having it. With a stomp, he sent floorboards upwards, catching them out of the air and launching them towards the cowpoke at high speed like being shot from a hurricane. "Your little pea shooters can't harm me, peasant!"

"Oof!" Volo grunted as he rubbed his bleeding head, dying his teal hair a bright crimson. "This fucking guy..." His attention focused on the shrapnel that his comrade was barely able to dodge with a perfectly executed barrel roll. Only to roll right into a swift kick from the arrogant ass that was Rickard, sending him tumbling back towards Volo's present location.

"Dude packs a punch, eh?" Snickering a bit as he winced in pain, doing his best to lighten the ass-kicking the pair had been receiving.


[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Dec 05, 2021 3:41 pm
Bill nodded as he reached back and fingered one of the grenades clipped to his vest underneath his cloak. He couldn't help but wince in pain as he stood up again. The beatings he had taken thus far were starting to take their toll on him.

“ kidding. It's like his muscles are made of steel or something but I have another idea. Just stay here and try not to fuck it up this time.”

“Whatever.” scoffed Volo. “Just sit back and watch. I got this.”


The logia user wasted no time jumping back up and charging towards his much stronger enemy once again. Rickard Magnus, being more than happy to feed Volo some more fistfuls of sea-stone, cocked his right hand back. But before either man could do whatever it was they thought they were going to do to each other Bill made his move.

With practiced precision Bill tossed the explosive devise between the two combatants, closed his eyes, and covered his ears. Unlike the other two, he knew what was coming next. The grenade, a flash-bang, lived up to it's name and went off with a deafening bang and blinding flash of white light. Volo and Magnus stumbled back, cursing at Bill. Rickard Magnus in particular seemed exceptionally enraged by the assault on his superior senses. The large pirate swung wildly in in all directions and rapidly blinked his aching oculars.

“I will kill you both! Maggots! Morons! Mongrels!” he swore. Bill couldn't help but laugh.

Not one to waste such an opportunity Bill moved quickly. Barrels blazed and bullets were blasted as Bill once more unloaded on the temporarily incapacitated Magnus. As Bill had learned to expect by now the shots that hit the massive muscles of Magnus did little but piss the the pirate off. As Bill closed in he circled around Magnus, ducked a wild, spinning back-fist and nailed Rickard Magnus right in the back of each knee.

Magus roared with pain and dropped to his knees. Feeling cocky, Bill smirked and sauntered over to Magnus. Where he pressed the barrel of one of his revolvers up against the back of Magnus's head.

“I've got you now.” taunted Bill.

“You have got nothing.” snarled Magnus.

Faster than Bill could react Magnus's mammoth mitt moved up and wrapped tightly around Bill's hand and the gun it held. In one smooth motion the pirate's grip tightened, crushing both the fingers and firearm trapped inside it, as he jumped to his feet and rag-dolled Bill violently through a nearby window. Magnus looked over at Bill and then at Volo and bared his teeth.

“The only way either of you dogs will ever get so much as a taste of my greatness is if I let you lick my boots!”

Word Count:
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:48 pm
Ears ringing, a constant unshakeable tone, vision blurred and blacked as the pi(lot)rate fell from the sky, "FUCK!" Volo shouted, tone-deaf from the blast dealt by the gunslinger. Crashing to the ground, he struggled to his feet as he viciously rubbed his eyes. Stumbling and swaying as he saw double, no triple of everything between the strobing spots of black.

"FILTHY PEASANTS!!" Magnus bellowed as he collapsed to one knee and then a second, bowing his head into his hands as if praying. While his blood spilled out on the ground like a prayer mat. His mind wandered as his vision momentarily faded, seconds felt like hours as he was back in Paradise. When he was a pirate of the Grandline.

Rising up through the ranks, Magnus had become a feared pirate in his own right. Known for his ruthlessness and brutal efficiency. And a love for flamboyant wealth and doing anything to obtain it. Going so far as to catch the eye of a certain Don, and in the worst way possible. Magnus had invaded an island owned and crossed all the wrong people. And of all people, the man, or mink rather at the very top of that list was known other than Don Tundra.

The self-proclaimed Maximal, a god among men had entered into a haven for minks. One under the protection of the Moosebella Family at that and done the unthinkable. Emboldened by the World Governments' sanction after the Yonkous devastating attack, Magnus took the women and children, had his way with them before turning over what was left to Slavers. Using them as his own personal wait staff and sometimes even furniture as he beat them down verbally and physically. The men though he just murdered for sport like the animals the Gods of this world claim they are.

Word reached the Moose within hours, enraged and appalled at the lack of respect and loss of his mink brethren to a human pirate. He sent his men to hunt him down like the rabid beast he was. Following to him every town, stalking and waiting, yet never engaging. They made their presence known, of course, keeping him paranoid and on edge. Second, guessing every action he made, afraid the boogeymink was right around the corner.

Volo clawed at the air as he stumbled around until he reached his newfound assailant, "YOU ASSHOLE!" Gripping the bounty hunter's poncho collar and cocking back a fist as he squinted desperately to find the proper target. Though the constant ringing did little to help in that regard as well, shaking his head hoping it would stop. "YOU COULD HURT SOMEONE LIKE THAT! LIKE MY EARS!!"

Magnus was down, but only for a moment, his anger was boiling. How dare they. These... These peasants. A mockery of nature, disgusting wastes of genetics, these abominations must be cleansed from this plane. And it was his job to slaughter them all. His vision returning, the beast locked eyes on the pair now intertwined with one another.

"What's this? Trouble in paradise, is it?" Magnus whistled towards the bickering boys, cracking his knuckles for the added indication factor, "To bad you won't live long enough for it to matter!" He charged, bulldozing his way through the debris.

Bill gripped Volo tightly and directed his attention to stampeding monster headed their way. "OH SHIT!" Still unable to hear correctly, his vision returned enough to spot the unmissable Magnus. "HOLD ON!" Shouting in his posse mate's face as he jettisoned them both in the air at high speeds, twisting and turning acrobatically, spelling out obscenities directed at Magnus with the smoke trail.

He landed the pair on top of the restaurant, putting enough distance between them for a small moment to catch their breaths.

"Cowards." Magnus snickered as he missed his target by mere inches. "You cannot escape perfection... You cannot escape god.."

Digging into his ears as the ringing finally began to fade. "That was so uncool man.." Still sore about the flash bang to the face. "By the way, what's your name?" He waited for Bill to respond before continuing to talk.

"So I got a plan.. When I say now, unload all your bullets right into my back!" Snickering as he took off back towards Magnus.


Last edited by Volo Rosso on Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:18 am; edited 1 time in total

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:09 am
“I think I'm about done with this day..” groaned Bill as he slowly made it back to his feet.

Once again he'd had Rickard Magnus dead to rights and once again it had ended with Bill being beaten, battered and bruised as that chance had slipped through his grasp at the last second. Difference being that this time...he couldn't, with any honesty, blame Volo on it. Bill looked down at his mangled right hand and the scrap metal firearm that hung loosely from it. He was out of haki, low on ammo and hurting in places he never realized he had. was nobody's fault but his own.

With great pain, Bill opened his swollen fingers and tossed the wrecked revolver to the ground. Then, as he reached back and pulled a shard of glass out from between his shoulder blades, he wondered to what?

Before the bounty hunter could finish that thought Volo made his way through the window and bolted Bill back to reality with a yank and a shout. It was not the worst tongue lashing he had ever received in his life nor the least deserved but given his current condition, Bill was in no mood for things like empathy. His frustration with the fight instantly boiled over into a rage.

“Don't fuckin' touch me dumb-ass!?”

Clenching his good hand, Bill swung his fist as hard as he possibly could at Volo's head. The punch was right on point but it hit nothing but that awful smelling smoke. Freaking fruit users.

“And fuck your ears!” he continued to yell “How many sticks of dynamite have ya set off in your dumb-ass face!?”

Before Volo could answer that Maximal Magnus himself decided to go on another tirade. Bill visibly cringed. He would swear, that man's voice was many times worse than any nails on any chalkboard.

“Shut the fuck up already!” shouted back Bill.

Richard's retort was to rally his strength and charge the bickering pair. Instinctively Bill grabbed Volo and tried to pull them both to safety. The pi(lot)rate, however, had a different idea and shouted at Bill to hold on. Before the bounty hunter could object the logia user whisked them both to the safety of the roof above the restaurant where all the trouble had started in the first place.

Once they were out of harm's way for the time being Bill was able to calm himself down and assess the situation. Surprisingly, he actually laughed when Volo called him uncool.

“Yeah, but I did warn ya to stay back.” he said in jest. “Name's Bill Holiday. I'm a bounty hunter.”

It was at that point Rickard started ranting again and, just like last time, it made Bill cringe.

“So any idea how we shut him up?” he asked through his clenched teeth.

As it turned out Volo actually had an answer. Once pi(lot)rate explained the plan the bounty hunter simply shrugged, reached into one of the pouches on his vest, and pulled out six green tipped, armor piercing rounds. Bill was completely out of haki but even without it he reckoned those mean little sons of bitches ought to hurt like hell.

“I don't know how shooting you in the back will help,” shrugged Bill as he popped open the chamber of his revolver and dumped what remained of the old ammo out onto the floor, “but hell, I'll try anything at this point.”

Bill loaded one of the green tipped rounds into each chamber and popped it back into place with a satisfying click. He even gave the chamber a good spin for good measure. He'd heard some superstition somewhere that it was supposed to be good luck.

When Volo took off he took aim. Steady as he could manage, with the pain that coursing through his body, Bill held the revolver in his left hand and placed his mangled right hand underneath as best he could. The bounty hunter inhaled sharply and deeply and exhaled slowly and carefully. It was exercise he'd learned back in boot camp to control his breathing.

Back on that carriage ride...

“Let me just remind you Mister Filth,” reiterated the Tall One “that you are not, under any circumstances, to shoot Volo.”

“Yeah, yeah,” dismissed Jeremy with a wave of his hand “I've got it.”

“I am worried that you do not.”

Bill Shrugged off the memory. They'll get over it, he thought as he emptied the revolver into Volo's back. All six shots, all tightly grouped, in less than six seconds.

Word Count:
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jan 10, 2022 1:24 pm
Volo rocketed towards Magnus as he glared at the pompous beast through his goggles. "Take this!" Shouting as he tossed several sticks of dynamite at Rickard's face.

"Useless!" Magnus shouted as he swiped at the explosives, detonating the smoke bombs and distorting his vision.

"NOW!" Volo shouted, resembling a starfish as he sprawled out his limbs as he paused in mid-air as Bill's bullets whizzed through the air before they disappeared into his smokey back. Using his powers to hold the bullets in his body as he closed the gap between himself and Magnus, emerging from the smokescreen with a powerful fist to the hulking villain's chest. "Take this! Special Combo attack! Super Flying Six Seaman Shooting Star Blast!" As it made contact, Volo released the bullets fired from Jeremy, using his smoke to increase their speed by adding Smokey tails. The bullets erupted from his knuckles, increasing the stopping power as the force lifted Magnus from the ground, sending him plummeting into a nearby building that collapsed atop him upon impact.

Beaten and bloodied, Volo gasped for air as he overlooked the fallen debris that buried Magnus moments before. Gasping for air as the fight had taken its toll on the young man, turning to his newfound friend bill he struck him a thumbs up and wide grin before collapsing to the ground himself, the accumulated fatigue finally catching up with pi(lot)rate.

The makeshift island that was LogInn creaked and groaned, with Volo and Bill's final attack being the straw that quite literally broke the back. Splintered wood and fractured metal littered the ocean as the remaining pieces of the once-great pirate haven began to break and drift apart, much to the horror of the hidden spectators who had watched the fight unfold. Their homes and business were all but gone in the aftermath of the two young boy's struggle against the self-proclaimed perfection that had been The Maximal.

Under the rubble, Magnus's vision was blackened, his heartbeat faint. Every fiber of his being pulsated with hatred for the cockroaches that had done this to him. His brain cried out to his limbs, demanding they drag the behemoth to his feet once more to allow him to crush these insects. How dare they do this? He was perfection, how could such insignificant specks cause this much damage to a being such as he. I am perfection. The thought raced across his mind over and over as the rubble began to rumble.

Barely able to open his eyes, Volo looked ahead to where Magnus had fallen, watching hopelessly as the monster drug himself to his feet once more. A gaping hole on the left side of his chest leaked blood from where Bill's bullets had been grouped by Volo's fist. "" He mumbled, desperately trying to push himself up as well.

"RAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Magnus roared as he stomped the ground, splitting the wood, separating it from where Volo struggled to drag himself up, "I AM PERFECTIO-...." Unable to finish as he collapsed to the ground again, having used the last bit of his energy as the platform he was on began to drift away.

"Sheww..." Volo muttered with a strained smile before coughing up a good bit of blood. "Looks like we got em, Bill." Gritting his teeth as he struggled to pluck a cigarette from his pocket and place it in his mouth only to realize he didn't have a lighter. "Well.. fuck.. *cough*.. me...hehe."


[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 20, 2022 6:16 pm
“Finally...” sighed Bill as the bounty hunter fell back on his butt in relief.

“Hey!” he shouted down at Volo “Help me cut off his head so that I can get my mo...oh shit!”

Bill was interrupted as a loud groan reverberated through the air. It was soon followed by what felt like an earthquake. The young gun looked around and realized water was rushing up through the newly made holes in the makeshift island. Perched up on the rooftop as he was he could parts of the island starting to break and sink. Even when he looked above and beyond the destruction caused by the battle Bill could see that parts of the island breaking down. Some more quickly than others.

The party was over now and anybody a lick of sense was heading towards their boats as fast as they could go. Bill Holiday didn't need any haki to know that, unless he and Volo wanted to go for a swim in those choppy, shark infested waters, that they had damn well better do the same. The one and only upside was that he now knew exactly how he was going convince Volo to let him stick around for the time being and that almost made up for the fact that he wasn't gonna get to cash in that big-ass bounty.


Bill holstered his remaining weapon. He looked over at Volo, who still remained mostly motionless on the ground save for the unlit cigarette that moved between his lips, and then back around at the roof until he found what he was looking for. A slightly rusty metal hatch leading hopefully leading to the ground floor. The foul mouthed gun fighter cursed every step as he limped his pain wracked self over towards it. But when he reached down and tried to yank it open he realized that it was locked tight.

“Of course it is,” grumbled Bill.

With very little time and even less options Bill decided to stamp out the problem. Literally. With as much force as he could muster in that moment he slammed the heel of his boot down against the doorway. Again and again and again. Until finally building shuttered.

“That ain't good,” thought Bill. He was right.

The ground underneath makeshift building began to break away from the main island. This sudden shift in foundation was more than it could handle. The wooden walls shifted and warped before eventually collapsing in on themselves, taking the roof, and Bill, with them. On the bright side, thought Bill, at least now he was back on the ground.

The bounty hunter quickly scrambled out of the wreckage and hobbled towards Volo. When he looked down, Bill could see that the sea water was starting to crest over the toe of his boots. He was running out of time. It felt like any moment now that whole island could down to the depths below and between his injuries and Volos devil fruit powers he wasn't about to take a gamble on either of their abilities to swim to safety.

“Come on buddy, we gotta go. Now.” urged Bill when he reached the pi(lot)rate. “Where's your ship?”

Word Count:
Volo Rosso
Volo Rosso
Name : Volo Rosso Airheart
Epithet : Red Wing Volo
Age : 19
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Crew : Red Wing Pirates
Ship : Emilia
Crew Role : Captain
Devil Fruit : Moku Moku no mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 30,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [ber] 85,378,125
Posts : 109

[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:07 pm
The once-great pirate port of LogInn had been reduced to little more than floating splinters. The homes of its residence battered and burned, flames consuming the slowly sinking vessels that had been held together for so long. Now left to drift away and fall to the ocean depths.

"Hey...Susu..." Volo mumbled as a soot-covered, adorable squirrel poked its head out from the boy's jacket pocket. Squeaking in response, "Gimme a light would ya."

Twisting and turning his small head, Susu sped off frantically. His beady eyes honed in a small twig lit with fire. With the grace of a galloping mustang and agility of a spider monkey, the amazingly cute Susu dashed and darted through the debris. Dodging flames and hazardous objects as he entered into a final sprint, topped off with full wing extension and gliding finish.

The hero of our story had come upon the object his adventure brought him to. A piece of tinder sticking up like a sword in a stone. The small burning ember smoldered in the light as the sun set beautifully in the background. His little paws gripped the wood before he lifted it into the air for all to see.

Then, in the blink of an eye, he was off, clutching the wood in his teeth. His beans pitter-pattered the earth as his four legs moved in a blinding flash.

With ninja-like acrobatics, Susu had made his way up part of a broken building, using the vantage point to make a spectacular dive. Taking flight and taking advantage of the updrafts created by the flames, he maneuvered back to Volo's position. Taking his heroic landing as he presented the burning twig to his friend.


A gust of wind brushed past Susu as he went to light the cigarette, proving to be the last bit the dwindling flame could handle.

Susu glared at the seemingly giant boot that now stood next to him, his eyes drifting upwards. His large, adorable eyes were now filled with hate as he locked onto the monster before him. A gas mask with dread-like cords stared back at him for a moment before making a move towards Volo.

Anger and rage welled inside the little ball of fur. With a violent squeak, he shouted and waved his tiny paw in the air as if challenging the man before him to a fight... One that was clearly not headed, or most likely even noticed by his would-be nemesis.

"Oh..." Volo winced as Jeremy hoisted him up, "H-hey buddy... how's it hanging..? Hehe..ow..." The unlit cigarette dangled from his lip as he spoke. "Uhh...yea.. right... She should be... I think she should be on dock five..."

As the pair moved towards dock five, Susu's hatred grew even more. To have his challenge ignored was a slight to his honor. One that he would always remember.

"Oi! Susu....! Let's go!" Volo shouted to the squirrel, prompting the flying rodent to quickly return to his master's pocket. Though not before burning a hole into Jeremy's soul with his beastly glare.


[Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends? Empty Re: [Episode] Did We Just Become Best Friends?

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:06 pm
“Yeah,” nodded Bill “I'll follow you.”

The two men ran toward the docks with Volo in the lead and Bill following close behind. The pair splashed through the rising waters and powered through plumes of smoke. Bill only occasionally had to veer slightly off course to avoid some falling debris or break-away ground. With no notable incidents to slow them down along the way it didn't take Bill and Volo long to make it to the docks.

Soon they found themselves surrounded by all number of panicked pirates, manic merchants and other fearful folks. Every last one of them one of them desperately trying to get to the safety of a ship. Shouts and screams filled the air as captains barked orders at their crews and those without proper passage tried to procure it any way they could. Be it through bargaining, bribery, belligerence or even bloodshed.

“Oi! This way!” shouted Volo over all the noise as he pointed at his ship.

Bill almost couldn't believe his eyes. Sure he had read (skimmed) the dossier that CP6 had provided him but he didn't really believe it until he saw Emilia with his own eyes. The ship, if it could really be called that, looked like something he might have seen in the cartoons he watched as a kid. More blimp than ship, Emilia was a mechanical marvel with more complexity to her than any other machine that Bill had ever seen before.

“Home free,” sighed Bill in relief.

As soon as those words left his mouth there came a voice.

“Hey it's them!”

Shouted the voice.

“Those are the bastards that destroyed the island!”

Followed by another.

“They wrecked my restaurant!”

And another.

“They smashed my souvenir stand!”


“And that one stiffed out on the bill!”

The last one was a woman with a sugary sweet southern drawl and Bill suddenly remembered that he never did pay his bill at the brothel. Bill turned looked over at the mob of people that was advancing towards them. Armed and angry at Bill and Volo, they threatened to cut off the path to Emilia.

“Never mind...” groaned Bill as he reached for his revolver.

“Back up!” he commanded the crowd, as loudly as he could while he brandished the weapon at them.

The crowd seemed to hesitate at first but only for second. Soon they began to close in again.

“He can't shoot us all!” shouted someone.

They were right and Bill knew it. He hadn't forgotten that he was completely out of ammo, he was just hoping that none of them would call his bluff. Besides, he thought, I can't just kill a bunch of civilians. That ruled out the use grenades.

Bill looked over at Volo, then down at the angry, chittering squirrel in the pirate's pocket then back at the angry mob. And suddenly an idea formed in his head. He was going to take a page out of the bomber's book.

“Follow my lead!” shouted Bill to Volo as he yanked the squirrel away from it's owner.

Naturally the squirrel tried to protest. It squeaked and squirmed as it angrily tried to break free from Bill's grip but to no avail. Even biting Bill's hand proved fruitless and the rodent's righteous rage remained ignored by the bounty hunter who had turned back to face the crowd again.

“I'm serious! I'll kill you all!” shouted Bill as a he brandished the squirrel at the increasingly confused crowd of angry civilians.

“SUPER SECRET WEAPON TECHNIQUE...uh...RAGING RODENT!” he yelled as loudly as he possibly could be could be before chucking the poor creature at the mob.

Then, while the crowd was still baffled and stunned trying to process what had just happen he ran. Bill ran as fast as he possibly could towards Emilia.

Word Count:
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