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[Bio] Asakura Doji Empty [Bio] Asakura Doji

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:58 am

Asakura Doji

Last Known Appearance:

[Bio] Asakura Doji Grave-Danger-Asakura-Doji

“Promise me somethin’ eh? Keep whatever part of your spirit it is that brought you here burning, keep getting in over your head and getting into other people’s business! Life isn’t half as fun when you keep your nose clean!”

Basic Character Information

Given Name: Doji
Middle Name/Initial: N. (Norzumbra)
Last Name: Asakura
Epithets: Grave Danger, Cemetery Terror, Cemetery Ghoul
Birthdate: July 7, 1811
Gender: M
Species/Race/Tribe: Human-Giant-Oni Crossbred
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Pirate Captain, Swordsman, Graverobber

Physical Appearance

Height: 17’7
Weight: 1,777 lb

Hair Style: Long & wild
Hair Color: Fiery Red
Eye Color: Cataracted Blueish-Jade
Scars: Though he is frequently covered in small nicks and scrapes, it is very difficult to leave a lasting wound on the body of the oni; only two wounds remain on the surface of Doji’s flesh, left upon him by his cruelest mentors:
  • Scar on forehead from a training session with his mother
  • Fractal-pattern lightning burns scattered across his chest by the Duke of Lvneel

Clothing and Accessories: Doji wears a dark red and magenta patterned yukata which has been tattered over the course of his journeys allowing the cotton undershirt below to show through. Though his surrogate sister does her best to keep the monster’s clothing mended, she is not a professional seamstress; thus the areas of Doji’s clothing that tend to see the most damage (generally near the legs), are composed of an ever-rotating patchwork of recycled material. His once white hakama have been tarnished by soot, dirt, and blood, and now take on a dark muddled color; no matter how many times this article is washed the bloodstains cannot be wrung from it.

On the back of his head, nestled amongst his hair, there is a silver kanzashi molded to depict a dragon being run through by different kinds of swords. Around his neck, the blind man wears a large string of oneju prayer beads which are graven with protective symbols.

Doji hangs bells, beads, and chimes alongside short phrases written on cloth tassels from his side. On his belt, he carries a soju gourd and a mask in the visage of a horned white demon. At his hip, Doji stashes the famed blade Muramasa-no-Kusanagi in a blood-red scabbard, the sheer size of this cursed nodachi makes it a menacing tool of death whose violent presence unnerves those of lower stature.

The young yokai wears black tabi with thick soles suitable for traversing mountain paths, which have now been well-worn and haphazardly cobbled back together several times.


Description: An unsettlingly built monster of a man, Doji looms above most, his sharp-featured visage often twisted into unsettling expressions; though his face is mostly smooth, the young oni has begun growing scarce, blood-red, whiskers on his chin and the corners of his mouth. Long locks of bright crimson hair waterfall down the oni’s back, flowing wild and free, and nesting a pair of large bull-like horns at the top of his head.

Born with cataracts, Doji’s eyes are a foggy blue-jade color reminiscent of the cloudy summer sky. Though he has no visible pupils, the blind man is still almost comically expressive.

As a product of near-ceaseless combat in his travels across the Blues, the young man’s physique has become a well-honed weapon; his lean frame, combined with his long muscular limbs, make the creature’s movements unsettling, causing him to appear as some manner of giant demon. Doji’s pale skin is often covered in a thin layer of grime, and he tends to smell of sweat and cemetery topsoil.

Doji's voice is a wild and prideful rasp that escapes his lips like a zephyr, carrying itself to whoever he is speaking to; his voice easily comforts friends and loved ones, but almost always sounds smug, cruel, and arrogant to others.

The Past

Main Traits:

Gets Lost Frequently, Doji was born blind and often blunders his way into unusual circumstances. He is almost guaranteed to get lost at least once when traveling to a location on foot; a fortunate side-effect of this tendency to get lost is that he frequently blunders into situations which are advantageous to him without actually meaning to.

Code of Honor, Doji has twisted the philosophies of Bushidō and the varied mystic traditions that his mother and village imparted on him into a strange bastardization of all three. He believes ardently in the following principles:
  • To live authentically is reason enough to live most any lifestyle, a person's purpose and destiny are one and the same. To live as one's self is to live as a natural being.
  • Doing what is right or true to one's self is courageous, cowards who would run from their ambitions are utterly detestable, even if it is only their nature. To persist as one's self in the face of adversity is to be human.
  • In any worthwhile soul there must be balance. A righteous paragon who never does wrong is no better than a dastardly scoundrel who does no good. Where there is cruelty there must also be compassion, to abstain wholly from either practice is to deny one's own humanity. All natural things are cyclical, human nature is good, and human nature is evil; to deny either in one’s self is to deny nature itself.
  • To speak dishonestly is to deny one's self, it is best to be blunt and sincere in one's speech. If one must conceal their intentions it is better not to speak a word than to lie. One should seek to understand others honestly and see through the illusions that might obscure their true nature.
  • It is important to remember what you owe to others and what you are owed by them. This principle constitutes the backbone of comradery and honorable vengeance. The bond of mutual service is something to be remembered and honored regardless of its form.
  • Pride and Honor are earned, not inherited. If you wish to think highly of yourself you must demonstrate your ability correspondingly, to be capable is to be worthy of honor.
  • There are fundamental truths which have been lost to every person in this world. The pursuit of enlightenment, the uncovering of this truth, the very truth itself belongs to whosoever discovers it.

Student of Swordsmanship, Doji is devoted to perfecting his form with Two-Sword Style, and to adding new sword techniques to his arsenal. The crossbred-oni wishes to study under the masters of as many sword fighting styles as possible, and dreams of fighting against the most powerful swordsmen of the New World.

Monomaniacal, Doji is a naturally vicious and power hungry person and is obsessed with asserting the authority of the Asakura clan. This instinct was thoroughly cultivated throughout his upbringing, as he was raised to value strength and domination in combat. He is willing to work under those stronger than him, but is oppositional towards authority broadly and wishes to improve himself to the point that he can challenge anybody who would impose their will on him, and instead force them to submit to the will of his clan.

Clan Loyalty, Doji is immensely loyal to his clan, crew, and close friends. He will kill and die for these people, and seeks to see all of their dreams realized. Many of Doji’s deeds are done in the name of the Asakura, and in service of carving a path forwards for his friends to achieve their own ends.

Juvenile, Doji is a teenager (18) and though he has torn across the world already his adventures are just beginning, though he professes to be wise and disciplined, he still knows little of the world. Over the course of his adventures Doji has had his mettle tested by opponents much stronger than himself, and has managed to bounce back stronger from his defeats when he has not outright overcome these foes.

Likes: Pulling pranks, Mothers (especially his own), Soju, Waxing philosophical, Morbid jokes, Meditation, Playing music (Shakuhachi), Eavesdropping
Dislikes: Samurai, When others assume he can see, Closed mindedness, Eating the meat of innocent creatures, Sweets (prefers spicy and bitter foods), Ninjas and Assassins
Unique laugh: Yoka-ka-ka-ka-iii! (cackling), Shini-hi-hi (condescending laugh), or Yahoo! (short laugh/exclamation)

Hometown: Yǔshān, A Mountain village in the high peaks of Kano Kuni.

Personality: At heart Doji is a mischievous teenager who enjoys tricking, confusing, and competing with others, he frequently pulls pranks on and competes with those around him, even close friends. The young Oni is well-versed in warrior's philosophies as well as more esoteric Wano and Kano country mysticisms, because of these philosophies he keeps an open but principled outlook. Because of his Warrior's philosophies, he highly values excellence, honesty, and persistence, and because of his mysticism values adaptability, harmony, and understanding.

As a person Doji is markedly less wicked and monstrous than he appears, though he is capable of and savors acts of violence, he similarly takes pride in acts of kindness. The crossbred-oni is particularly sympathetic to mothers, members of non-human tribes, animals, and other disabled people, often going out of his way to show compassion to these people. Doji isn't accustomed to the acceptance of others, and so when he is embraced by a group it is significant to him, and he will often view these people as close friends. Amongst friends the crossbred-oni is more relaxed, often cracking morbid jokes or playing music to entertain; the teenager is also an expert eavesdropper, and enjoys sharing gossip and secrets with others.

The young Asaskura has a genuine appreciation for nature and humanity, seeing the two as integral caretakers of one another. He enjoys feeling the phenomena of the natural world. As he cannot see the world, he must appreciate its splendor in non-conventional ways; when Doji finds lush grass he will walk barefoot, when near the ocean he will wade into the water, and so on. While many find Doji's grave robbing odious, he is prone to paying respects to any gravesites he visits and removing his shoes before entering, wishing to honor the lives that culminated there.

In combat Doji is a dualistic creature, alternating between fervent offense and relaxed defense, vacillating between calmness and rage, jumping from earth to the air, and flickering between majesty and abject monstrousness; all-in all he’s quite difficult for opponents to keep track of, and this problem has only grown more severe since becoming the “Kirin Sorcerer.” Regardless of his emotional tenor Doji approaches combat with a controlled confidence that was ingrained in him by his mother's training, the exception to this control comes in the form of the crossbred-oni's laughter, as a natural defense mechanism Doji will laugh hysterically to cope with the sounds and visceral sensations of combat. When a fight is a matter of personal vengeance the crossbred-oni bears a crazed grin, and cannot help himself but to laugh at, prank, taunt, and disrespect his opposition throughout.

After his travels took him to Drum Island, Doji ate the Ushi Ushi no Mi Model - Kirin, and became the “Kirin Sorcerer” in an effort to become as strong as other powerful sorcerers. The will of the fruit itself has no affinity for Doji, but still the young man works hard to impose his will on the fruit and can force it to work alongside him to accomplish his ends when the stakes are high.

Devil Fruit Appearance:


Last edited by Doji on Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:13 am; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : Too many changes to properly itemize, made towards a more cohate and thematic character and to the specifications of comments. Paragraphs broken up and shortened, unimportant elements cut, helpful elements for plotting added)
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Asakura Doji Empty Re: [Bio] Asakura Doji

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:09 pm
An excellent bio once again. I just have a few comments. They're marked in orange below.

Sidenote: You totally lied to me about using an image with normal ears rather than long and pointy ears.

Doji wrote:

Asakura Doji

[Bio] Asakura Doji Asakur12

Basic Character Information

Given Name: Doji
Middle Name/Initial: N. (Norzumbra)
Last Name: Asakura
Epithet: Cemetery Ghoul
Birthdate: July 7 1811
Gender: Enlightened Samurai, Doji appears from the front as a tall man with feminine facial features, from behind it is easy to confuse him for a tall woman with long red hair. Worsening the confusion is the fact that Doji will respond to most any address not clearly intended for another person. The character doesn’t consider gender an important component of his identity, and puts more value on his identity as a samurai, seeking to live as an embodiment of all the samurai, male and female, of the disgraced Asakura clan. [ This is perfectly okay, but, do note that our Wano does still hold the notion that only men can be samurai. It's a pillar that Yumiko's entire character has depended on. ]
Species/Race/Tribe: Half-Oni
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Swordsman, Philosopher, Graverobber

Physical Appearance

Height: 7'7
Weight: 177 lb [ That seems a bit too light for a person as tall as him, even if he's anorexic. I would think between 230-250 lbs would probably be more reasonable.]

Hair Style: Long & wild with a top knot barely keeping the back in check.
Hair Color: Fiery Red
Eye Color: Pale Clouded Blue
Scars: X scar on cheek, many scars on torso from live-training and his few duels.
Clothing and Accessories:  Belted and tarnished white hakama worn over a dark red yukata, large onenju worn at the hip and around the neck, soju gourd hung from his belt, hair held up by silver kanzashi molded to depict a dragon being run through by different kinds of swords. Doji hangs bells and chimes from his oneju alongside short phrases written on cloth tassels, in addition a mask in the visage of a horned white demon is hung here. The young man wears black tabi with thick durable soles and leg armor to traverse difficult terrain and protect his legs in battle; for additional combat-gear Doji also wears thick metal-plated gloves and foiled steel hand-wraps to aid in his utilization of hook swords.

Description: Doji’s face would lead most any person to believe that he is a woman, if not a fairly threatening one; his smooth lips, absence of facial hair, long-eyelashes, thin eyebrows, and sharp jawline would all seem in place on the face of a beautiful woman. His horns, flat chest, and atypical height quickly dispel this assumption, and it becomes clear to the onlooker that what they are looking at is some sort of monster. Doji has a lanky and thin-shouldered build, his long limbs, and torso lending to his perception as some manner of zombie, demon, or ghoul.

The Past

Main Traits:

Gets Lost Frequently, Doji was born blind and often blunders his way into unusual circumstances. He is almost guaranteed to get lost at least once when travelling to a location on foot.

Student of Swordsmanship, Doji is devoted to perfecting his form with Two-Sword Style, and to adding new sword techniques to his arsenal. Doji wishes to study under the masters of as many swordfighting styles as possible, and dreams of fighting against the many powerful swordsmen of the New World.

Clan Loyalty, Doji is immensely loyal to his clan and close friends. He will kill and die for these people. Unfortunately for those who would attempt to recruit Doji he is in fact, only permanently loyal to the Asakura clan, consisting currently of himself and his mother, and is otherwise prone to blundering into affiliations without intending to.

Fledgling, Doji is a teenager (18) and is just beginning his adventures, though he professes to be wise and disciplined, he has seen little of the world and has not had his mettle tested in any meaningful way.

Likes: Mothers (especially his own), Soju, Waxing Philosophical, Writing Poetry
Dislikes: Eating the meat of innocent creatures, Sweets (prefers spicy and bitter foods), Samurai of non-disgraced clans, Ninjas, When others assume he can see
Unique laugh: Ya-tah-ha-ha-ha! (excited laugh) Shini-hi-hi. (condescending laugh). Or Naha! (short laugh).

Hometown: Mountain village in Kano Kuni.

Personality: At heart Doji is a mischievous teenager who enjoys tricking and confusing others, he frequently pulls pranks those around him, even close friends. The scale of Doji's pranks can range from gags and simple misdirection to devious conspiracies intended to maim, torment, and kill (pranks of this severity are generally not perpetrated against allies). The young Oni is well-versed in warrior's philosophies, and in one of three major philosophical traditions of Kano Kuni: Dao, because of these philosophies he keeps an open but principled outlook. Doji highly values excellence, loyalty, and experience because of his Warrior's philosophies, and values adaptability, harmony, and understanding because of Dao.  In combat Doji is a dualistic creature, alternating between offensive patterns and defensive ones, vacillating between calmness and rage, jumping from earth to the air, and flickering between majesty and monstrousness.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Asakura Doji Empty Re: [Bio] Asakura Doji

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:56 am
I really liked how you characterized Loha as a demanding leader and yet with a good dose of humanity as well. I like to balance out my characters with virtues and flaws, and you did a good job doing the same with Loha.

The only thing I recommend you rethink is the reason why Hanako left Elbaf. You said that she left Elbaf because she wanted to raise a strong child in a safe environment. But, I feel like that seems counter-intuitive based on her own experiences. The way I see it, her experiences should've led her to only one conclusion - strength comes from adversity. And there's no place in the world where her child would face more adversity than in the New World. And at the same time, while she wouldn't have direct help from Loha, she would know that Loha takes in some of his bastard children as part of his crew if they prove themselves (Sea Gird would probably be in his early 20s around the time of Doji's birth).

And then, if you need a reason to go to Kano Kuni, it can be because Doji is born blind. Knowing how much Loha detests weakness, Hanako could have the fear that Loha might straight-up murder their child if he realizes that it's blind. (I'm not saying that's what Loha would definitely do, but, it certainly wouldn't be completely out of character for him.)

Doji wrote:

Asakura Doji

[Bio] Asakura Doji Asakur12

Basic Character Information

Given Name: Doji
Middle Name/Initial: N. (Norzumbra)
Last Name: Asakura
Epithets: Cemetery Terror, Cemetery Ghoul
Birthdate: July 7 1811
Gender: Enlightened Samurai, Doji appears from the front as a monstrously lanky man with feminine facial features, from a distance he can be confused for a tall woman with long red hair. Adding to the confusion is the fact that Doji will respond to most any address not clearly intended for another person. The character doesn’t consider gender an important component of his identity and puts more value on his identity as a samurai, seeking to live as an embodiment of all the samurai of the disgraced Asakura clan.
Species/Race/Tribe: Human-Giant-Oni Crossbred
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Swordsman, Poet/Philosopher, Graverobber

Physical Appearance

Height: 17’7
Weight: 1,777 lb

Hair Style: Long & wild with a top knot barely keeping the back in check.
Hair Color: Fiery Red
Eye Color: Pale Clouded Blue
Scars: X scar on cheek left from a training session
Clothing and Accessories: Tarnished white hakama belted with a thick obi and worn over a dark red patterned yukata. Large onenju worn at the hip and around the neck, soju gourd hung from his belt, hair held up by silver kanzashi molded to depict a dragon being run through by different kinds of swords. Doji hangs bells and chimes from his oneju alongside short phrases written on cloth tassels, in addition a mask in the visage of a horned white demon is hung here. The young yokai wears black tabi with thick durable soles and leg armor to traverse difficult terrain and protect his legs in battle; for additional combat-gear Doji wears thick metal-plated gloves and foiled steel hand-wraps to aid in his utilization of hook swords.

Description: Doji is an unsettlingly built monster of a person, looming from above (for most) his smooth lips, absence of facial hair, long-eyelashes, thin eyebrows, and sharp jawline would all seem in place on the face of a beautiful woman. His horns, flat chest, and terrible height quickly dispel this assumption, and it becomes clear to an onlooker that what they are looking at is some sort of monster. Doji has a lanky and thin-shouldered build and moves in an abrupt and lurching fashion, his long limbs, and torso further lend to his perception as some manner of giant zombie, demon, or ghoul. Doji's voice is wispy and melodic rasp that escapes his lips like a zephyr and carries itself to whoever he is speaking to.

The Past

Main Traits:

Gets Lost Frequently, Doji was born blind and often blunders his way into unusual circumstances. He is almost guaranteed to get lost at least once when traveling to a location on foot.

Student of Swordsmanship, Doji is devoted to perfecting his form with Two-Sword Style, and to adding new sword techniques to his arsenal. The crossbred-oni wishes to study under the masters of as many sword fighting styles as possible, and dreams of fighting against the many powerful swordsmen of the New World.

Megalomaniac, Doji is a naturally vicious and power hungry person. This instinct was thoroughly cultivated throughout his upbringing, as he was raised to value strength and domination in combat. He is willing to work under those stronger than him, but is oppositional towards authority broadly and wishes to improve himself to the point that he can challenge anybody who would impose their will on him.

Clan Loyalty, Doji is immensely loyal to his clan and close friends. He will kill and die for these people. Unfortunately for those who would attempt to recruit the young man he is in fact, only permanently loyal to the Asakura clan, consisting currently of himself and his mother, and is otherwise prone to blundering into affiliations without intending to.

Fledgling, Doji is a teenager (18) and is just beginning his adventures, though he professes to be wise and disciplined, he has seen little of the world and has not had his mettle tested in any meaningful way.

Likes: Mothers (especially his own), Soju, Waxing Philosophical, Writing Poetry, Playing the Shakuhachi
Dislikes: Eating the meat of innocent creatures, Sweets (prefers spicy and bitter foods), Samurai of non-disgraced clans, Ninjas, When others assume he can see
Unique laugh: Yo-ka-ka-ka-ka-iii! (excited laugh), Shini-hi-hi(condescending laugh), Or Yahoo! (short laugh/exclamation)

Hometown: Mountain village in Kano Kuni.

Personality: At heart Doji is a mischievous teenager who enjoys tricking and confusing others, he frequently pulls pranks on those around him, even close friends. The scale of the crossbred-oni's pranks can range from gags and simple misdirection to devious conspiracies intended to maim, torment, and kill (pranks of this severity are generally not perpetrated against allies). The young Oni is well-versed in warrior's philosophies, and in one of three major philosophical traditions of Kano Kuni: Dao, because of these philosophies he keeps an open but principled outlook. He highly values excellence, loyalty, and experience because of his Warrior's philosophies, and values adaptability, harmony, and understanding because of Dao.  In combat Doji is a dualistic creature, alternating between offensive patterns and defensive ones, vacillating between calmness and rage, jumping from earth to the air, and flickering between majesty and abject monstrousness.


Last edited by Gray on Thu Nov 16, 2023 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Asakura Doji Empty Re: [Bio] Asakura Doji

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:09 am
I appreciate you cooperating with me on the changes!

Doji is approved!
Doji wrote:

Asakura Doji

[Bio] Asakura Doji Asakur12

Basic Character Information

Given Name: Doji
Middle Name/Initial: N. (Norzumbra)
Last Name: Asakura
Epithets: Cemetery Terror, Cemetery Ghoul
Birthdate: July 7 1811
Gender: Enlightened Samurai, Doji appears from the front as a monstrously lanky man with feminine facial features, from a distance he can be confused for a tall woman with long red hair. Adding to the confusion is the fact that Doji will respond to most any address not clearly intended for another person. The character doesn’t consider gender an important component of his identity and puts more value on his identity as a samurai, seeking to live as an embodiment of all the samurai of the disgraced Asakura clan.
Species/Race/Tribe: Human-Giant-Oni Crossbred
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Swordsman, Poet/Philosopher, Graverobber

Physical Appearance

Height: 17’7
Weight: 1,777 lb

Hair Style: Long & wild with a top knot barely keeping the back in check.
Hair Color: Fiery Red
Eye Color: Pale Clouded Blue
Scars: X scar on cheek left from a training session
Clothing and Accessories: Tarnished white hakama belted with a thick obi and worn over a dark red patterned yukata. Large onenju worn at the hip and around the neck, soju gourd hung from his belt, hair held up by silver kanzashi molded to depict a dragon being run through by different kinds of swords. Doji hangs bells and chimes from his oneju alongside short phrases written on cloth tassels, in addition a mask in the visage of a horned white demon is hung here. The young yokai wears black tabi with thick durable soles and leg armor to traverse difficult terrain and protect his legs in battle; for additional combat-gear Doji wears thick metal-plated gloves and foiled steel hand-wraps to aid in his utilization of hook swords.

Description: Doji is an unsettlingly built monster of a person, looming from above (for most) his smooth lips, absence of facial hair, long-eyelashes, thin eyebrows, and sharp jawline would all seem in place on the face of a beautiful woman. His horns, flat chest, and terrible height quickly dispel this assumption, and it becomes clear to an onlooker that what they are looking at is some sort of monster. Doji has a lanky and thin-shouldered build and moves in an abrupt and lurching fashion, his long limbs, and torso further lend to his perception as some manner of giant zombie, demon, or ghoul. Doji's voice is wispy and melodic rasp that escapes his lips like a zephyr and carries itself to whoever he is speaking to.

The Past

Main Traits:

Gets Lost Frequently, Doji was born blind and often blunders his way into unusual circumstances. He is almost guaranteed to get lost at least once when traveling to a location on foot.

Code of Honor, Doji has twisted the philosophies of Bushidō and Dao into a strange bastardization of both. He believes ardently in the following principles:
  • To live authentically is reason enough to live most any lifestyle, a person's purpose and destiny are one and the same. To live as one's self is to live as a natural being.
  • Doing what is right or true to one's self is courageous, cowards who would run from their ambitions are utterly detestable, even if it is only their nature. To persist as one's self in the face of adversity is to be human.
  • In any worthwhile soul there must be balance. A righteous paragon who never does wrong is no better than a dastardly scoundrel who does no good. Where there is cruelty there must also be compassion, to abstain wholly from either practice is to deny one's own humanity. All natural things are cyclical.
  • Courtesy is essential in matters of honor such as single combat. Matters of honor that are conducted without simple courtesies such as bowing can hardly be called such. True leaders among men are those who have learned to comport themselves honorably and express themselves upon the world. It is best, also, that one shows deference and appreciation for the world itself lest its blessings be squandered and forgotten.
  • To speak dishonestly is to deny one's self, it is best to be blunt and sincere in one's speech. If one must conceal their intentions it is better not to speak a word than to lie. One should seek to understand others honestly and see through the illusions that might obscure their true nature.
  • It is important to remember what you owe to others and what you are owed by them. This principle constitutes the backbone of comradery and honorable vengeance. The bond of mutual service is something to be remembered and honored regardless of its form.
  • There is an objective right and wrong, however this objective is sourced from the soul of the individual respected and strong enough to impose their way on the world. If a system of morality is unpersuasive and cannot force itself into ubiquity then it is not the objective morality. This morality may seem unattainable, but somewhere and everywhere amongst humanity, such a thing must be attainable.

Student of Swordsmanship, Doji is devoted to perfecting his form with Two-Sword Style, and to adding new sword techniques to his arsenal. The crossbred-oni wishes to study under the masters of as many sword fighting styles as possible, and dreams of fighting against the many powerful swordsmen of the New World.

Megalomaniac, Doji is a naturally vicious and power hungry person. This instinct was thoroughly cultivated throughout his upbringing, as he was raised to value strength and domination in combat. He is willing to work under those stronger than him, but is oppositional towards authority broadly and wishes to improve himself to the point that he can challenge anybody who would impose their will on him.

Clan Loyalty, Doji is immensely loyal to his clan and close friends. He will kill and die for these people. Unfortunately for those who would attempt to recruit the young man he is in fact, only permanently loyal to the Asakura clan, consisting currently of himself and his mother, and is otherwise prone to blundering into affiliations without intending to.

Fledgling, Doji is a teenager (18) and is just beginning his adventures, though he professes to be wise and disciplined, he has seen little of the world and has not had his mettle tested in any meaningful way.

Likes: Pulling pranks, Mothers (especially his own), Soju, Waxing philosophical, Writing poetry, Morbid jokes, Meditation, Playing music (Shakuhachi), Eavesdropping
Dislikes: Samurai of Non-disgraced clans, When others assume he can see, Being harassed for his appearance, Closed mindedness, Eating the meat of innocent creatures, Sweets (prefers spicy and bitter foods), Ninjas and Assassins
Unique laugh: Yo-ka-ka-ka-ka-iii! (excited laugh), Shini-hi-hi (condescending laugh), Or Yahoo! (short laugh/exclamation)

Hometown: Mountain village in Kano Kuni.

Personality: At heart Doji is a mischievous teenager who enjoys tricking and confusing others, he frequently pulls pranks on those around him, even close friends. The scale of the crossbred-oni's pranks can range from gags and simple misdirection to devious conspiracies intended to maim, torment, and kill (pranks of this severity are generally not perpetrated against allies). The young Oni is well-versed in warrior's philosophies, and in one of three major philosophical traditions of Kano Kuni: Dao, because of these philosophies he keeps an open but principled outlook. He highly values excellence, honesty, and persistence because of his Warrior's philosophies, and values adaptability, harmony, and understanding because of Dao.

As a person Doji is markedly less wicked and monstrous than he appears, though he is capable of and savors acts of cruelty, he similarly takes pride in acts of kindness. The crossbred-oni is particularly sympathetic to mothers, members of non-human tribes, animals, and other disabled people, often going out of his way to show compassion to these people. Doji isn't accustomed to the acceptance of others, and so when he is embraced by a group it is significant to him, and he will often view these people as close friends. Amongst friends the crossbred-oni is more relaxed, often cracking morbid jokes or playing music to entertain; the teenager is also an expert eavesdropper, and enjoys sharing gossip and secrets with others.

The young Asaskura has a genuine appreciation for nature and humanity, seeing the two as integral caretakers of one another. He enjoys feeling the phenomena of the natural world. As he cannot see the world, he must appreciate its splendor in non-conventional ways; when Doji finds lush grass he will walk barefoot, when near the ocean he will wade into the water, and so on. While many find Doji's graverobbing odious, he is prone to paying respects to any gravesites he visits and removing his shoes before entering, wishing to honor the lives that culminated there.

In combat Doji is a dualistic creature, alternating between fervent offense and relaxed defense, vacillating between calmness and rage, jumping from earth to the air, and flickering between majesty and abject monstrousness. Regardless of his emotional tenor Doji approaches combat with a controlled confidence that was ingrained in him by his mother's training. The exception to this control comes in the form of the crossbred-oni's laughter, as a natural defense mechanism Doji will laugh hysterically to cope with the sounds and visceral sensations of combat. When a fight is a matter of personal vengeance the crossbred-oni bears a crazed grin, and cannot help himself but to laugh at and taunt his opposition throughout.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Asakura Doji Empty Re: [Bio] Asakura Doji

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 16, 2023 6:19 pm
[info]Unlocked for appearance updates.[/info]
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Asakura Doji Empty Re: [Bio] Asakura Doji

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:28 am
[approved=Appearance changes approved!]
Doji wrote:

Asakura Doji

[Bio] Asakura Doji Angryg10

Basic Character Information

Given Name: Doji
Middle Name/Initial: N. (Norzumbra)
Last Name: Asakura
Epithets: Cemetery Terror, Cemetery Ghoul
Birthdate: July 7 1811
Gender: Enlightened Samurai, Doji appears from the front as a monstrously lanky man with feminine facial features, from a distance he can be confused for a tall woman with long red hair. Adding to the confusion is the fact that Doji will respond to most any address not clearly intended for another person. The character doesn’t consider gender an important component of his identity and puts more value on his identity as a samurai, seeking to live as an embodiment of all the samurai of the disgraced Asakura clan.
Species/Race/Tribe: Human-Giant-Oni Crossbred
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Swordsman, Poet/Philosopher, Graverobber

Physical Appearance

Height: 17’7
Weight: 1,777 lb

Hair Style: Long & wild with a top knot barely keeping the back in check.
Hair Color: Fiery Red
Eye Color: Pale Clouded Blueish-Jade
Scars: Scar on forehead from a training session
Clothing and Accessories: Tarnished white hakama belted with a thick obi and worn over a dark red patterned yukata. Large onenju worn at the hip and around the neck, soju gourd hung from his belt, hair held up by silver kanzashi molded to depict a dragon being run through by different kinds of swords. Doji hangs bells and chimes from his oneju alongside short phrases written on cloth tassels, in addition a mask in the visage of a horned white demon is hung here. The young yokai wears black tabi with thick durable soles and leg armor to traverse difficult terrain and protect his legs in battle; for additional combat-gear Doji wears thick metal-plated gloves and foiled steel hand-wraps to aid in his utilization of hook swords.

Description: Doji is an unsettlingly built monster of a person, looming from above (for most) his smooth lips, absence of facial hair, long-eyelashes, thin eyebrows, and sharp jawline would all seem in place on the face of a beautiful woman. His horns, flat chest, and terrible height quickly dispel this assumption, and it becomes clear to an onlooker that what they are looking at is some sort of monster. Doji has a lanky and thin-shouldered build and moves in an abrupt and lurching fashion, his long limbs, and torso further lend to his perception as some manner of giant zombie, demon, or ghoul. Doji's voice is wispy and melodic rasp that escapes his lips like a zephyr and carries itself to whoever he is speaking to.

The Past

Main Traits:

Gets Lost Frequently, Doji was born blind and often blunders his way into unusual circumstances. He is almost guaranteed to get lost at least once when traveling to a location on foot.

Code of Honor, Doji has twisted the philosophies of Bushidō and Dao into a strange bastardization of both. He believes ardently in the following principles:
  • To live authentically is reason enough to live most any lifestyle, a person's purpose and destiny are one and the same. To live as one's self is to live as a natural being.
  • Doing what is right or true to one's self is courageous, cowards who would run from their ambitions are utterly detestable, even if it is only their nature. To persist as one's self in the face of adversity is to be human.
  • In any worthwhile soul there must be balance. A righteous paragon who never does wrong is no better than a dastardly scoundrel who does no good. Where there is cruelty there must also be compassion, to abstain wholly from either practice is to deny one's own humanity. All natural things are cyclical.
  • Courtesy is essential in matters of honor such as single combat. Matters of honor that are conducted without simple courtesies such as bowing can hardly be called such. True leaders among men are those who have learned to comport themselves honorably and express themselves upon the world. It is best, also, that one shows deference and appreciation for the world itself lest its blessings be squandered and forgotten.
  • To speak dishonestly is to deny one's self, it is best to be blunt and sincere in one's speech. If one must conceal their intentions it is better not to speak a word than to lie. One should seek to understand others honestly and see through the illusions that might obscure their true nature.
  • It is important to remember what you owe to others and what you are owed by them. This principle constitutes the backbone of comradery and honorable vengeance. The bond of mutual service is something to be remembered and honored regardless of its form.
  • There is an objective right and wrong, however this objective is sourced from the soul of the individual respected and strong enough to impose their way on the world. If a system of morality is unpersuasive and cannot force itself into ubiquity then it is not the objective morality. This morality may seem unattainable, but somewhere and everywhere amongst humanity, such a thing must be attainable.

Student of Swordsmanship, Doji is devoted to perfecting his form with Two-Sword Style, and to adding new sword techniques to his arsenal. The crossbred-oni wishes to study under the masters of as many sword fighting styles as possible, and dreams of fighting against the many powerful swordsmen of the New World.

Megalomaniac, Doji is a naturally vicious and power hungry person. This instinct was thoroughly cultivated throughout his upbringing, as he was raised to value strength and domination in combat. He is willing to work under those stronger than him, but is oppositional towards authority broadly and wishes to improve himself to the point that he can challenge anybody who would impose their will on him.

Clan Loyalty, Doji is immensely loyal to his clan and close friends. He will kill and die for these people. Unfortunately for those who would attempt to recruit the young man he is in fact, only permanently loyal to the Asakura clan, consisting currently of himself and his mother, and is otherwise prone to blundering into affiliations without intending to.

Fledgling, Doji is a teenager (18) and is just beginning his adventures, though he professes to be wise and disciplined, he has seen little of the world and has not had his mettle tested in any meaningful way.

Likes: Pulling pranks, Mothers (especially his own), Soju, Waxing philosophical, Writing poetry, Morbid jokes, Meditation, Playing music (Shakuhachi), Eavesdropping
Dislikes: Samurai of Non-disgraced clans, When others assume he can see, Being harassed for his appearance, Closed mindedness, Eating the meat of innocent creatures, Sweets (prefers spicy and bitter foods), Ninjas and Assassins
Unique laugh: Yo-ka-ka-ka-ka-iii! (excited laugh), Shini-hi-hi (condescending laugh), Or Yahoo! (short laugh/exclamation)

Hometown: Mountain village in Kano Kuni.

Personality: At heart Doji is a mischievous teenager who enjoys tricking and confusing others, he frequently pulls pranks on those around him, even close friends. The scale of the crossbred-oni's pranks can range from gags and simple misdirection to devious conspiracies intended to maim, torment, and kill (pranks of this severity are generally not perpetrated against allies). The young Oni is well-versed in warrior's philosophies, and in one of three major philosophical traditions of Kano Kuni: Dao, because of these philosophies he keeps an open but principled outlook. He highly values excellence, honesty, and persistence because of his Warrior's philosophies, and values adaptability, harmony, and understanding because of Dao.

As a person Doji is markedly less wicked and monstrous than he appears, though he is capable of and savors acts of cruelty, he similarly takes pride in acts of kindness. The crossbred-oni is particularly sympathetic to mothers, members of non-human tribes, animals, and other disabled people, often going out of his way to show compassion to these people. Doji isn't accustomed to the acceptance of others, and so when he is embraced by a group it is significant to him, and he will often view these people as close friends. Amongst friends the crossbred-oni is more relaxed, often cracking morbid jokes or playing music to entertain; the teenager is also an expert eavesdropper, and enjoys sharing gossip and secrets with others.

The young Asaskura has a genuine appreciation for nature and humanity, seeing the two as integral caretakers of one another. He enjoys feeling the phenomena of the natural world. As he cannot see the world, he must appreciate its splendor in non-conventional ways; when Doji finds lush grass he will walk barefoot, when near the ocean he will wade into the water, and so on. While many find Doji's graverobbing odious, he is prone to paying respects to any gravesites he visits and removing his shoes before entering, wishing to honor the lives that culminated there.

In combat Doji is a dualistic creature, alternating between fervent offense and relaxed defense, vacillating between calmness and rage, jumping from earth to the air, and flickering between majesty and abject monstrousness. Regardless of his emotional tenor Doji approaches combat with a controlled confidence that was ingrained in him by his mother's training. The exception to this control comes in the form of the crossbred-oni's laughter, as a natural defense mechanism Doji will laugh hysterically to cope with the sounds and visceral sensations of combat. When a fight is a matter of personal vengeance the crossbred-oni bears a crazed grin, and cannot help himself but to laugh at and taunt his opposition throughout.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Asakura Doji Empty Re: [Bio] Asakura Doji

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:32 am
[info]Unlocked for edits.[/info]
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3983

[Bio] Asakura Doji Empty Re: [Bio] Asakura Doji

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:31 pm
[approve]Sorry about the wait. I had meant to get back to this when I had more time to read through the changes, but I forgot it was in the queue as I got busy. Upon review, there were fewer changes than I had expected.

One thing I did note was that Mishima is of the "Nobunaga" clan. I think you may have meant that to be the other way around originally, as typically, "Mishima" is the family name and "Nobunaga" is the given name.

Let me know if you'd like me to fix that in Mishima's description.[/approve]

Doji wrote:

Asakura Doji

Last Known Appearance:

[Bio] Asakura Doji Grave-Danger-Asakura-Doji

“Promise me somethin’ eh? Keep whatever part of your spirit it is that brought you here burning, keep getting in over your head and getting into other people’s business! Life isn’t half as fun when you keep your nose clean!”

Basic Character Information

Given Name: Doji
Middle Name/Initial: N. (Norzumbra)
Last Name: Asakura
Epithets: Grave Danger, Cemetery Terror, Cemetery Ghoul
Birthdate: July 7, 1811
Gender: M
Species/Race/Tribe: Human-Giant-Oni Crossbred
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Pirate Captain, Swordsman, Graverobber

Physical Appearance

Height: 17’7
Weight: 1,777 lb

Hair Style: Long & wild
Hair Color: Fiery Red
Eye Color: Cataracted Blueish-Jade
Scars: Though he is frequently covered in small nicks and scrapes, it is very difficult to leave a lasting wound on the body of the oni; only two wounds remain on the surface of Doji’s flesh, left upon him by his cruelest mentors:
  • Scar on forehead from a training session with his mother
  • Fractal-pattern lightning burns scattered across his chest by the Duke of Lvneel

Clothing and Accessories: Doji wears a dark red and magenta patterned yukata which has been tattered over the course of his journeys allowing the cotton undershirt below to show through. Though his surrogate sister does her best to keep the monster’s clothing mended, she is not a professional seamstress; thus the areas of Doji’s clothing that tend to see the most damage (generally near the legs), are composed of an ever-rotating patchwork of recycled material. His once white hakama have been tarnished by soot, dirt, and blood, and now take on a dark muddled color; no matter how many times this article is washed the bloodstains cannot be wrung from it.

On the back of his head, nestled amongst his hair, there is a silver kanzashi molded to depict a dragon being run through by different kinds of swords. Around his neck, the blind man wears a large string of oneju prayer beads which are graven with protective symbols.

Doji hangs bells, beads, and chimes alongside short phrases written on cloth tassels from his side. On his belt, he carries a soju gourd and a mask in the visage of a horned white demon. At his hip, Doji stashes the famed blade Muramasa-no-Kusanagi in a blood-red scabbard, the sheer size of this cursed nodachi makes it a menacing tool of death whose violent presence unnerves those of lower stature.

The young yokai wears black tabi with thick soles suitable for traversing mountain paths, which have now been well-worn and haphazardly cobbled back together several times.


Description: An unsettlingly built monster of a man, Doji looms above most, his sharp-featured visage often twisted into unsettling expressions; though his face is mostly smooth, the young oni has begun growing scarce, blood-red, whiskers on his chin and the corners of his mouth. Long locks of bright crimson hair waterfall down the oni’s back, flowing wild and free, and nesting a pair of large bull-like horns at the top of his head.

Born with cataracts, Doji’s eyes are a foggy blue-jade color reminiscent of the cloudy summer sky. Though he has no visible pupils, the blind man is still almost comically expressive.

As a product of near-ceaseless combat in his travels across the Blues, the young man’s physique has become a well-honed weapon; his lean frame, combined with his long muscular limbs, make the creature’s movements unsettling, causing him to appear as some manner of giant demon. Doji’s pale skin is often covered in a thin layer of grime, and he tends to smell of sweat and cemetery topsoil.

Doji's voice is a wild and prideful rasp that escapes his lips like a zephyr, carrying itself to whoever he is speaking to; his voice easily comforts friends and loved ones, but almost always sounds smug, cruel, and arrogant to others.

The Past

Main Traits:

Gets Lost Frequently, Doji was born blind and often blunders his way into unusual circumstances. He is almost guaranteed to get lost at least once when traveling to a location on foot; a fortunate side-effect of this tendency to get lost is that he frequently blunders into situations which are advantageous to him without actually meaning to.

Code of Honor, Doji has twisted the philosophies of Bushidō and the varied mystic traditions that his mother and village imparted on him into a strange bastardization of all three. He believes ardently in the following principles:
  • To live authentically is reason enough to live most any lifestyle, a person's purpose and destiny are one and the same. To live as one's self is to live as a natural being.
  • Doing what is right or true to one's self is courageous, cowards who would run from their ambitions are utterly detestable, even if it is only their nature. To persist as one's self in the face of adversity is to be human.
  • In any worthwhile soul there must be balance. A righteous paragon who never does wrong is no better than a dastardly scoundrel who does no good. Where there is cruelty there must also be compassion, to abstain wholly from either practice is to deny one's own humanity. All natural things are cyclical, human nature is good, and human nature is evil; to deny either in one’s self is to deny nature itself.
  • To speak dishonestly is to deny one's self, it is best to be blunt and sincere in one's speech. If one must conceal their intentions it is better not to speak a word than to lie. One should seek to understand others honestly and see through the illusions that might obscure their true nature.
  • It is important to remember what you owe to others and what you are owed by them. This principle constitutes the backbone of comradery and honorable vengeance. The bond of mutual service is something to be remembered and honored regardless of its form.
  • Pride and Honor are earned, not inherited. If you wish to think highly of yourself you must demonstrate your ability correspondingly, to be capable is to be worthy of honor.
  • There are fundamental truths which have been lost to every person in this world. The pursuit of enlightenment, the uncovering of this truth, the very truth itself belongs to whosoever discovers it.

Student of Swordsmanship, Doji is devoted to perfecting his form with Two-Sword Style, and to adding new sword techniques to his arsenal. The crossbred-oni wishes to study under the masters of as many sword fighting styles as possible, and dreams of fighting against the most powerful swordsmen of the New World.

Monomaniacal, Doji is a naturally vicious and power hungry person and is obsessed with asserting the authority of the Asakura clan. This instinct was thoroughly cultivated throughout his upbringing, as he was raised to value strength and domination in combat. He is willing to work under those stronger than him, but is oppositional towards authority broadly and wishes to improve himself to the point that he can challenge anybody who would impose their will on him, and instead force them to submit to the will of his clan.

Clan Loyalty, Doji is immensely loyal to his clan, crew, and close friends. He will kill and die for these people, and seeks to see all of their dreams realized. Many of Doji’s deeds are done in the name of the Asakura, and in service of carving a path forwards for his friends to achieve their own ends.

Juvenile, Doji is a teenager (18) and though he has torn across the world already his adventures are just beginning, though he professes to be wise and disciplined, he still knows little of the world. Over the course of his adventures Doji has had his mettle tested by opponents much stronger than himself, and has managed to bounce back stronger from his defeats when he has not outright overcome these foes.

Likes: Pulling pranks, Mothers (especially his own), Soju, Waxing philosophical, Morbid jokes, Meditation, Playing music (Shakuhachi), Eavesdropping
Dislikes: Samurai, When others assume he can see, Closed mindedness, Eating the meat of innocent creatures, Sweets (prefers spicy and bitter foods), Ninjas and Assassins
Unique laugh: Yoka-ka-ka-ka-iii! (cackling), Shini-hi-hi (condescending laugh), or Yahoo! (short laugh/exclamation)

Hometown: Yǔshān, A Mountain village in the high peaks of Kano Kuni.

Personality: At heart Doji is a mischievous teenager who enjoys tricking, confusing, and competing with others, he frequently pulls pranks on and competes with those around him, even close friends. The young Oni is well-versed in warrior's philosophies as well as more esoteric Wano and Kano country mysticisms, because of these philosophies he keeps an open but principled outlook. Because of his Warrior's philosophies, he highly values excellence, honesty, and persistence, and because of his mysticism values adaptability, harmony, and understanding.

As a person Doji is markedly less wicked and monstrous than he appears, though he is capable of and savors acts of violence, he similarly takes pride in acts of kindness. The crossbred-oni is particularly sympathetic to mothers, members of non-human tribes, animals, and other disabled people, often going out of his way to show compassion to these people. Doji isn't accustomed to the acceptance of others, and so when he is embraced by a group it is significant to him, and he will often view these people as close friends. Amongst friends the crossbred-oni is more relaxed, often cracking morbid jokes or playing music to entertain; the teenager is also an expert eavesdropper, and enjoys sharing gossip and secrets with others.

The young Asaskura has a genuine appreciation for nature and humanity, seeing the two as integral caretakers of one another. He enjoys feeling the phenomena of the natural world. As he cannot see the world, he must appreciate its splendor in non-conventional ways; when Doji finds lush grass he will walk barefoot, when near the ocean he will wade into the water, and so on. While many find Doji's grave robbing odious, he is prone to paying respects to any gravesites he visits and removing his shoes before entering, wishing to honor the lives that culminated there.

In combat Doji is a dualistic creature, alternating between fervent offense and relaxed defense, vacillating between calmness and rage, jumping from earth to the air, and flickering between majesty and abject monstrousness; all-in all he’s quite difficult for opponents to keep track of, and this problem has only grown more severe since becoming the “Kirin Sorcerer.” Regardless of his emotional tenor Doji approaches combat with a controlled confidence that was ingrained in him by his mother's training, the exception to this control comes in the form of the crossbred-oni's laughter, as a natural defense mechanism Doji will laugh hysterically to cope with the sounds and visceral sensations of combat. When a fight is a matter of personal vengeance the crossbred-oni bears a crazed grin, and cannot help himself but to laugh at, prank, taunt, and disrespect his opposition throughout.

After his travels took him to Drum Island, Doji ate the Ushi Ushi no Mi Model - Kirin, and became the “Kirin Sorcerer” in an effort to become as strong as other powerful sorcerers. The will of the fruit itself has no affinity for Doji, but still the young man works hard to impose his will on the fruit and can force it to work alongside him to accomplish his ends when the stakes are high.

Devil Fruit Appearance:

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