- Conrad Sagal
- [tracker=/t2721-tracker-conrad-sagal#17727]
Name : Conrad Sagal
Age : 18
Height : 4'11"
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
Devil Fruit : Ita-Ita no Mi Model: Honey Badger
Quality Score : A
Balance : [bel] 75,192,857
Posts : 23
[Tracker] Conrad Sagal
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:50 pm
Conrad Sagal
Character Bio: Conrad Sagal
Discord Thread: [discordthread=https://discord.com/channels/260564262446039064/1174926240096993290]Conrad Sagal[/discordthread]
- Gear:
- Fighting Style:
Devil Fruit: Ita-Ita no Mi Model: Honey Badger
Conrad Sagal is a brawler and street fighter by nature, relying mainly on strikes, grapples, and the occasional dirty move. He is not above running away when he is greatly outmatched, but if he thinks he even has a chance of winning, he will stick with it, and will never run away without at least getting a glancing blow in.
When in his hybrid form, running away becomes less of an option as he becomes more wild and aggressive. Using strong teeth and claws, he'll try to break and shred his opponent's armor. He often seems impervious to pain in this form, tanking hits and countering as a favored strategy. When he does register the fact that he is getting hurt, he will also tunnel underground to both avoid attacks and to launch unexpected ones of his own.
- History:
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