- Fushigi Daizo
- [tracker=/t2763-tracker-fushigi-daizo#18124]
Name : Fushigi Daizo
Epithet : The Prince of Merchants
Age : 21
Height : 5’7”
Weight : 152lbs
Species : Human
Faction : Civilian
Balance : [bel] 50,000
Posts : 4
[Tracker] Fushigi Daizo
Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:02 pm
Fushigi Daizo
Character Bio:Fushigi Daizo
Crew:Red Wing Pirates
Discord Thread: [discordthread=https://discord.com/channels/260564262446039064/1189633596672196638/1189641103343882323]Fushigi Daizo[/discordthread]
- Gear:
Describe any equipment or gear you have acquired during your travels.
- Fighting Style:
Devil Fruit: Oshi Oshi No Mi (Push Push Fruit)
By simply pushing the ground, the user is able to shape it according to their whims. They can manipulate many types of ground, from soft earth to hard rock to even modified stones such as bricks and streets. Thus, this fruit has a good degree of offensive power since it directly affects the enemy's footing, such as flipping an entire chunk of the street onto an enemy. The user is also capable of channeling this ability through objects they hold, and so can grab ahold of the ground by jabbing into it with a weapon.
The fruit also gives the user the ability to tunnel through the ground by pushing it to clear a way for them. Unlike conventional digging, the moved earth appears to stay in place, protecting the user from cave-ins. This tunneling ability works well for infiltration.
- History:
Name and link all threads that your character has participated in. List them in chronological order and try to keep this list updated.
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