- Kabetogama
- [tracker=/t1942-cygnus-kabetogama-s-tracker#10581]
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 7’4” | 224 cm
Weight : 349 lbs. | 158 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 62
[Tracker] Kabetogama Cygnus
Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:58 pm
Kabetogama Cygnus
Character Bio: Kabe
Crew: Solo
Discord Thread: [discordthread=https://discord.com/channels/260564262446039064/1126226576044982393]Kabetogama Cygnus[/discordthread]
- Gear:
A falchion that Kabe found during his time spent exploring Notice. The blade is a Wazomono ranked blade, and has the strange curse of requiring the user to "feed" it food every time the sword is used in battle. Luckily, thanks to Kabe's abilities the sword has all the food it could ask for.
Flapjack has a square, bronze pommel, tan grip, and a pancake-shaped, bronze guard. The scabbard is tan and features a pattern of brown squares and circles scattered about haphazardly.
Maroon Sash
Once Kabe's beloved cloak, the piece of maroon fabric has been worn down through the young swordsman's battles throughout the North Blue. Mysteriously, it seems that the former cloak has stopped getting torn as much as it used to.
Trusty Whetstone
A whetstone of passable quality that an old woman gave to Kabe during his stay in Notice.
- Fighting Style:
Devil Fruit: Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate Fruit)
With the ability to fully control and generate an endless amount of chocolate, Kabe uses his abilities to create weapons and constructs to crush his enemies. Fond of all weapons, Kabe often creates additional limbs to wield more chocolate armaments. The more limbs he creates, the harder it is for Kabe to keep track of even his own attacks.
When fighting on his own doesn't quite cut it, Kabe will begin to create large constructs (often stylized after animals and knights) to fight alongside him.- Devil Fruit Claim:
- The Choko Choko no Mi allows the user to generate a seemingly endless supply of chocolate from the user's body. The user has full control over the shape, solidity, and type of chocolate created (Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, and White Chocolate can be made) Using the powers granted by this fruit Kabe can create chocolate sculptures to fight alongside him. Kabe is also partial to using chocolate to augment his own body and/or sword. Since the chocolate that Kabe generates is not apart of his actual body, it is exceedingly difficult to use his abilities without seeing them since he cannot feel anything through his creations.
It is also important to note that while Kabe can control the state of the chocolate when he creates it, He cannot control the temperature. When it is too hot or cold Kabe is unable to keep the chocolate as solid/liquid as he would like.
- History:
North Blue[Episode] What Town Is This Again? (Abandoned)
[Episode] Burning the Spiders Web (Abandoned)
[Notice: Contestation Saga] [Part 1] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig (Abandoned)
[Notice: Contestation Saga] [Part 2] Eviction Notice: Thug Throng (Abandoned)
[Notice: Contestation Saga] [Part 3] Eviction Notice: Planned Plots (Abandoned)[Notice: Contestation Saga] [Part 4] Eviction Notice: Notice Noticed (Abandoned)
[Episode] Collections Agony (Abandoned)
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