Revival Dawn - One Piece RP
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Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:38 pm
The captain was hard to see, literally. The flames that engulfed the ship have seemingly begun to reach their peak, causing a sizable amount of smoke to rise and stay in the general area. The sounds of what survivors remained on the ship could be heard if one was able to listen over the burning.

Continuing to step forward, the large dog began to think about how destroying a ship might not be the most efficient way to show his crew his strength given the fact that he is a shipwright. Feeling stupid, Cygnus frantically thought of ways on how he could remedy this situation. Sparks still traveled and occasionally flew off of his fur as the retriever searched for any solutions to his new problem.

As Cygnus realizes that he cannot put out such a large fire a few moments pass before the swordsman looks back to where the injured man had been seconds before. But due to the dogs lack of attention and impulsive nature, the officer had taken his opportunity to make a break for it. Tightening the grip on his blades, Cygnus sprinted to the edge of the ship. But by the time he had reached the relatively small railings the marine captain was already out on the water.

The old man was floating on a large raft with about ten grunts, with most of the rescued soldiers having visible injuries or burn marks. Their leader, however, had apparently gained a second wind. Bandages covered his stomach and calves, the captain stared directly at the retriever but did not say a word. The bow that he was aiming at the swordsman communicated his intentions clearly, even for someone as dense as Cygnus.

The retriever took a couple steps back before leaping off of the burning ship. Shortly after jumping Cygnus held his swords as far out as he could and began to spin. Picking up speed rapidly Cygnus only felt a few of the arrows that had been sent towards him by the old archer.

Right before the swordsman made contact with the raft he shouted, “Frisbee Blade!”. The sheer weight of Cygnus is what caused the majority of the damage that was inflicted on the raft. The dog was careful to avoid the few grunts that remained on the raft but the sudden impact on such a hastily put together raft caused the glorified piece of driftwood to almost completely capsize when the dog landed.

When Cygnus’s blades clashed against the older man it caused the captain and his remaining subordinates to fall off of their escape vessel, leaving the large dog as the only person left aboard. As his adrenaline started to fade away Cygnus felt a dull pain across his body, caused from his collision on the raft as well as the few locations scattered across his body where arrows had previously struck him.

Looking back to the Dead Air, the retriever began to think of how he would get back to his new home.  

Word Count:

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:15 pm
Taking the moment to look over his victory he took in a deep breath from his nostrils. The sea air was rife with the scent of blood. He smirked as he looked over at the dead captain's body and moved towards it. The feeling of the coursing adrenaline slowly beginning to fade. His anger towards the marine seemingly going away with it. He wasn't a complete animal no he had his own code of honor. The marine had fought to the bitter end to try and stop him and Junichi respected that. Therefore he went onto one knee and gently crossed the arms of the captain over his chest and closed the marines eyes. "Go now brave soldier let the waves be your guide and reunite you with your fallen brethren."  The slain marines were spread throughout the ship and Junichi sighed as he stared down at the lone survivor. He glared long and hard "Rember this day little marine and remember It was I who spared your life, remember that when you see a nonhuman species who begs for help and return this kindness I bestow upon you."

With that, he simply marched off following behind his men back to the dawnbringer. His snow why coat around his arms and the side of his face soaked in the blood of the marine captain as he yelled out at the helmsmen. "Alright, let's get us unstuck from this shit and return to the main ship I got a present for the captain."He grinned ear to ear as he would make his way to his own private quarters and wash up before reuniting with the main fleet. After all, he needed to look his best if he was going to meet with the captain of the dead air pirates. He strolled across the deck many of his men cheering and patting each other on their backs some of the men who were in his way stepped to the side and gently patted Junichi on his back and he smiled. one of the men yelled out "Three cheers for Junichi, navy's bane hip hip hooray!" Twice more the men cheered out as he felt a bit of a blush coming on as he tilted his head down and he made his way into his room opening the door with the use of his tail. He removed the marine jacket from his shoulder and threw it on the bed with the aid of his tail not wishing to stain it in blood. He simply made his way to his washroom and began to wash off the blood from his fur and his face. Steam from the warm water fogged up the mall mirror as he wiped it staring into his own reflection. His golden eyes reflecting back at him. He had been far too brutal with the marine captain but it was the quickest way to end the fight.

He felt the ship begin to move gently rocking the ship as it glided across the water. He sighed as a knock came at his door after a few moments of self-reflection what felt like seconds were action minutes. a voice called out "Junichi we've reconvened with the main ship." He let out a sigh and turned off the faucet and  "I'll be right out!" he would yell out from behind the door. He grabbed a towel and dried off his hands and his face and would grab the marines captains coat and move towards the entrance to the deck and sighed marine captains coat folded over his right shoulder as he stepped onto the main vessel and would make his way to the captain's room and give him his spoils.

(Junichi exit)

WC: 617 l5,080 l 5,000

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:44 pm
Layla uses AoE [Spectral Swamp] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1A.
Layla uses UT on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1B.

Rear Communications Brigade Crew Uses LT on Layla. Roll 2A.
Rear Communications Brigade Crew uses LT on Layla. Roll 2B.
Rear Communications Brigade Crew uses UT on Layla. Roll 2C.

(Round 4)


Last edited by Layla Keket on Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:44 pm
The member 'Layla Keket' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 4, 5


#2 'Reflex Check' : 20, 4, 5

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:20 pm

[They'll never hear her coming]

The mute woman turned around, patting the pocket with her pilfered memento, and gave the marine a listless stare. He was still trembling and was profusely sweating as his once healthy skin was now pallid due to the multiple streams of blood coursing out of his wounds. His eyes were unfocused and his arms were slowly falling as Layla could see his strength finally waning. She heard a loud slam come from the door and saw the barricade shift, they’d be through soon.

A thought crossed her mind, ‘I’m supposed to make a scene here. So let’s put on a show.’ Slowly a smile spread on her lips and she quickly made her way towards her lucky volunteer. The man only managed to stumble back a step before the Phantasm gracefully pirouetted around him as if she was actually being watched and pressed one of her many throwing knives against his throat while pulling his sword arm behind his back, the weapon easily slipping form his weakened grip.

Layla pulled the blade against the skin of his neck forcing the man to whimper and lift his head in an attempt to create space between his throat and the sharpened blade. It was at this moment that a final slam was followed by the barricade of tables and furniture to be sent sprawled into the room, the den den mushi upon them all ringing and even more crying as the assault continued.

A group of marines charged into the room only to stop upon seeing their commanding officer dead on the ground. Several gasps were heard and a few even cried out the name of the deceased man, Layla could care less simply pressing the blade even tighter against her volunteers neck causing him to emit a loud and rather pathetic whimper. This caught the attention of everyone as they saw the woman now holding their new commanding officer hostage.

One of the marines stepped forward as if to open dialogue with Layla but she had no interest in their words. Instead she gracefully slid the razor sharp blade across the stubbled skin with a flourish causing a spray of blood to mist the air before her and splatter across her audience. They all simply stared in awe as they saw the lifeless coward collapse as Layla let the body drop, following this with an overdramatic bow.

As soon as the body hit the floor all the marines charged at Layla just as she was barely rising from her bow. However the group quickly began to trip over one another and all collapsed upon one another. They began to shout and make a ruckus whilst attempting to stand back only to realize random parts of the floor were intangible. Layla simply smiled at all of them, giving a small wave as she walked around and past all of them and straight into a wall.

To all of their surprise the woman seamlessly phased through the intangible wall as if she was a ghost. Once Layla was in the next room she noticed she was in some kind of office filled with maps, journals, folders, another lone den den mushi, scattered papers all over. As interesting as this setting was she couldn’t keep the floor in that room intangible while she was so far away, so she quickly grabbed as many of the maps, journals, and papers as she could and stuffed them into the many pockets that lined the inside of her duster.

‘I’m sure some of these will have some value for us.’ Layla thought as she quickly did a final scan before hearing footsteps approaching her from behind. She turned just as a pair of marines entered the office by kicking open the door, one had a pair of machetes and the other a pistol. The man fired straight at her chest where her heart would be, and she stared at him with wide surprised eyes when the bullet entered her chest.

Though the shock on her face soon returned to it’s normally apathetic expression as the pair stared at her in shock. The bullet had gone straight through her. Layla slowly tilted her head to the side before raising a finger to her lips in a silencing motion. She then walked towards another wall and just as she was about to phase through she turned to toss a throwing knife at the marine who had shot at her, sinking the blade into his chest right where his heart would be. She then completely phased into the next room.

764 | 3358 | 5000

Seraphina Wolfe
Seraphina Wolfe
Name : Seraphina Wolfe
Epithet : Demon Physician
Age : 27
Height : 6'
Weight : 168 lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : N/A
Crew : Primetime
Ship : Dead Air
Crew Role : Sniper/ Doctor
Devil Fruit : N/A
Balance : [ber] 101,050,000
Posts : 22

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:50 am
The fam
Sorry about the wait guys
Word Count: 985/ 3706 / 5000
Here to light it up, Set the world on fire.
Seraphina didn't waste any time as she switched to her Needler and lined it up for a shot. However, it would seem that the female captain recovered from the headbutt far quicker than she would have liked. Holding a hand to her head, the female captain rolled to the side to dodge the needles that were shot at her and stumbled as she got up. She had managed to dodge the redhead's hazardous clip on her needle gun, which was definitely good for her. The doctor tried to quickly return her Needler to where it rested on her back but as she went to place both her hands on her rifle once more she received a kick to her stomach.

The redhead staggered backward a few steps but instead of a groan, there was a laugh that escaped her lips. "I barely felt that! You losing your nerve, girly? Was that headbutt too much for you?" That devilish grin was still planted firmly on her face as she taunted her opponent before her. "I thought you were going to show me what you were made of? This surely can't be it?" Her goal was to anger her opponent and from the look on her face, she appeared to have done just that. The captain let her slip underneath her skin and that would be her undoing. The marine removed the hand that she had been holding to her head in anger and charged forward aggressively. Her attempt at an attack as she swung her arm at the redhead failed as it was merely side-stepped.

The demon physician smiled devilishly at the other woman taunting her without saying a single word and took a couple more steps back. She didn't bother lining up shots this time as she fired off a few rounds at the marine. She wasn't nearly as quick on her feet as she had been despite no longer holding onto her head and called out in pain as a few bullets sunk into her body. This wouldn't be all that the doctor had up her sleeve this time, however, as her eyes had spotted one of her companions while she had been taunting the woman earlier. Without a single word or even anything remotely close to a signal, the raven-haired boy released an onslaught of bullets onto the female marine, which she found difficult to avoid. She screamed out in pain every time a bullet lodged itself into her body and by the time it was finished, she looked a little worse for wear.

While Lukas fired upon the female captain, Seraphina had used this opportunity to set up her own next attack. She didn't find any reason in letting the woman have a moment's rest even after how bloodied she'd become. This fight was surely not in her favor and she had done very little damage to the doctor in comparison. It clearly didn't seem to bother the redhead as she lined up her shot with Sharpshooter and she pulled the trigger without any hesitation. However, it appeared as though it was still too early to count this woman out as she managed to dodge out of the way of the headshot that she had just lined up. The doctor clicked her tongue in disappointment but with a slight shrug of her shoulders, strut her way back into the thick of it.

Of course, the captain thought she would try to make an opportunity attack against Sera but instead found herself being blocked and pistol-whipped by the younger Reiter brother. She quickly threw a punch at him as she staggered in retaliated but he smoothly ducked out of the way of her fist. If she had been looking rather haggard before then she was really starting to look a mess and the doctor smirked as she lifted her leg to add to the damage. She swung her leg and caught the marine captain across the face with the stiletto heel of her boot cutting her as it passed by. The force from the kick sent the woman down upon the deck of the ship once again. "If you want to beg for your life, then I'll gladly listen." Seraphina taunted the captain once more with that same devilish smile on her lips. The female marine glowered up at her from where she struggled to get up from the deck with a hand on her cheek but she eventually managed it. A touch of blood had splattered on the doctor's own cheek and she wiped it off her face with her thumb. "Oh, looks like you still have a little bit of spunk left in you, girly. We can fix that." She didn't hesitate to lick it off her thumb as she continued to look down upon the marine captain with Lukas behind her both of their eyes almost glowing with their red color.

Meanwhile, the middle Reiter seemed to be a bit too wild with his blade. There was only one guy left and his younger brother had left him to go help Seraphina. That had been perfectly fine with him because he could handle this all by himself. However, without his brother's aid, the single guy left almost easily dodged every swing of his blade. He would never admit that his brother had helped him. If he hadn't seen it then it clearly hadn't happened. Felix wasn't capable of dodging nearly as easily as the marine had been and instead took every hit that was directed towards him. All he really did was grit his teeth as a result but despite being hit, there was a shit-eating grin on his face. Almost like a joke had been told and he had been in on it or maybe the boy was just crazy. It was really hard telling. What normal person grinned after getting attack? Apparently this one.
Gonna break the rules and hearts in twos

coded by heroin of gs and adox

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:30 pm
Dead Air uses MT on Enemy Ship#1.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#1.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#2.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#3.

Enemy Ship#1 uses MT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#1 uses UT on Dead Air.

Enemy Ship#2 uses MT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#2 uses UT on Dead Air.

Enemy Ship#3 uses MT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#3 uses UT on Dead Air.


Last edited by Brood on Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:30 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 8, 19, 6, 19


#2 'Reflex Check' : 2, 6


#3 'Reflex Check' : 19, 9


#4 'Reflex Check' : 1, 20

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:17 pm
Dead Air uses LT on Enemy Ship#2.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#2.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#3.

Enemy Ship#2 uses LT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#2 uses UT on Dead Air.

Enemy Ship#3 uses LT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#3 uses UT on Dead Air.


Last edited by Brood on Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:31 pm; edited 2 times in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:17 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 11, 1, 9


#2 'Reflex Check' : 10, 19


#3 'Reflex Check' : 6, 9

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:34 pm
Dead Air uses MT on Enemy Ship#3.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#3.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#2.

Enemy Ship#2 uses MT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#2 uses UT on Dead Air.

Enemy Ship#3 uses MT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#3 uses UT on Dead Air.


Last edited by Brood on Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:34 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 13, 5, 16


#2 'Reflex Check' : 16, 16


#3 'Reflex Check' : 16, 8

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:40 pm
Dead Air uses LT on Enemy Ship#3.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#3.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#2.

Enemy Ship#2 uses LT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#2 uses UT on Dead Air.

Enemy Ship#3 uses LT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#3 uses UT on Dead Air.


Last edited by Brood on Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:40 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 17, 8, 11


#2 'Reflex Check' : 4, 1


#3 'Reflex Check' : 16, 8

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:53 pm
Dead Air uses MT on Enemy Ship#2.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#2.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#3.

Enemy Ship#2 uses LT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#2 uses UT on Dead Air.

Enemy Ship#3 uses LT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#3 uses UT on Dead Air.


Last edited by Brood on Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:53 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 20, 16, 14


#2 'Reflex Check' : 12, 10


#3 'Reflex Check' : 3, 2

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:56 pm
Dead Air uses LT on Enemy Ship#3.
Dead Air uses UT on Enemy Ship#3.

Enemy Ship#3 uses LT on Dead Air.
Enemy Ship#3 uses UT on Dead Air.


Last edited by Brood on Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:22 am; edited 1 time in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:56 pm
The member 'Brood' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 7, 3


#2 'Reflex Check' : 6, 11

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:08 am

The unnamed Marine Captain looked onward at the Dead Air, his eyes narrowing as he focused his observation haki towards the large carnival ship. He found himself inhaling sharply, motioning towards his crewmates to get into position. "Show no mercy! Obliterate the hull so that their water intake becomes critical!"

His crew obeyed, getting into formation so that they could unleash righteous fury down upon the Primetime Pirates...

But their underestimation of the Dead Air was a critical oversight.

Unlike most in these blues, The Primetime Pirates prided themselves on a swift and utter domination of any ship that they came across. They didn't need to be the fastest ship on the ocean and they didn't need to be the sturdiest either. The Primetime Pirates were harbingers of complete and total destruction. To that end, the only thing that Brood wanted in this world was to showcase devastatingly overwhelming firepower at all times.

Perhaps he would keep said mantra when he established the new iteration of his crew, Primetime Service and Delivery. It was something that he contemplated the logistics of while his crew found themselves causing mayhem out in the blockade.  Brood looked with disinterest at the display of his crew thus far. They didn't seem to have the flair for drama that he looked for within his crew.
Where the fuck was the passion?

He'd sigh to himself as he'd make a gesture towards one of his crewmates that happened to be cloaked by shadows. "Send the eh-boats..."

Brood peered over towards all of the enemy vessels with absolutely no enthusiasm. He'd raise his hand, flippantly gesturing over to each of the ships that he knew his crew mates had boarded. From either side of the Dead Air, smaller ships that seemed to be powered by wooden wheels that spun against the water, sailed towards each of those vessels. Each manned with two sharpshooters and a person who was responsible for driving the boats.

As Desmond looked over towards the six boats that were coming to retrieve them. He hollered with glee. Leaping up into the air and landing onto one of the boats before it spun around and headed back to the Dead Air.

Erudite and Jackson did the same, each reacting in their own unique way. Erudite was too busy checking her nails to care about being rescued and Jackson was praying to some effigy he created out of spare wicks from his explosives that hadn't completely incinerated the cords.

One ship each approached the vessels that held Leyla, Cygnus and Seraphina respectively.

The one that approached the raft in which Cygnus found himself, merely bobbed on the water. Waiting for him to board and once he did, it would take him back to the Dead Air. "Whenever you're ready, Mr. Shipwright! Though I'd make sure your enemy is actually dead first, haha." Stated one of the sharpshooters, who was taking pot shots at one of the nearby marine ships.

The one that approached where Leyla was supposedly located waited nearby the ship. With the navigator of the smaller vessel calling out over a voice amplifying den-den mushi. "We are here for when you wanna go back to the ship, Madame Keket!"

The last of the vessels, approaching Serephina and the twins, found itself waiting nearby to their location as well. "You guys aren't done yet? Sheesh!" Stated a small tsundere-like sharpshooter who started to fire upon yet another ship as well. "Captain wants you guys to finish soon cause he is gonna unleash the Grumble Party soon."

No one was being rushed per say, but they each now had an escape route for once they finished their daring raids of marine property.

(OOC: This is merely how you all get back to the ship, otherwise, continue with your plots/fights.)

{ 617 | 6,939 | 5000 }
Tag Order

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:59 pm
Cygnus sat absent-mindedly as he watched the relatively smaller ship approach him. The sound of the wheels hitting the water creating an increasingly louder splashing noise.

Despite only having just recently joined the crew the large Mink was able to easily infer that there was some reason that his captain had wanted all of his crewmembers back on the Dead Air. This was not to say that the retriever felt rushed, but any upgrade that he could take from the makeshift raft that he was on was welcomed. In response to the comment that one of the ship's sharpshooters had made, Kabetogama took a few moments to look across the waters near the still-burning marine vessel.

After scanning the area Cygnus was not able to see any signs of the old man or the few subordinates he had tried to escape with. The golden dog turned back to his three companions, laughing nervously, “Grororo, I’m sure that none of those marines could have survived an attack like that, especially that old geezer”.

The young Mink slowly climbed onto the ship as it turned around and began to make its way towards the Dead Air. Cygnus took off his now tattered cloak and laid it on the deck of the ship before he himself began to stretch before laying on his back. Closing his eyes, Cygnus did not have too much to worry about until he was actually on the crew's main ship.

“Mr. Shipwright, we have arrived at the Dead Air. Feel free to climb on back up”

The retriever opted to climb one of the ship's sides, making sure to note any areas on the hull that he would patch up later. Cygnus was surprisingly able to scale the gigantic ship without being hit by any enemy cannonballs, which was a nice change of pace considering the dog was such a big target.

As Cygnus finished scaling the final upper-most section of the ship's hull he was immediately greeted to the typical yet somehow professional chaos that the dog was beginning to become accustomed to. But with many of Cygnus’s crewmates running around him and firing cannons the retriever began to feel just a little panicked.

The swordsman attempted to stealthily tiptoe his way over to one of the masts of the ship, but it was almost impossible for anyone of Cygnus’s stature to move silently. Reaching the mast the dog sat down and searched for his whetstone. Grasping the cold slab of stone Kabetogama placed it on the ground in front of him before shifting awkwardly in order to draw his blades. The Mink wanted to do something calming while he tried to think of what his next course of action would be.

Word Count:

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:19 pm
Layla uses MT [Spectral Strike] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1A.
Layla uses LT [Parlor Trick] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1B.
Layla uses LT [Just a Scratch] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1C.
Layla uses UT on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1D.

Rear Communications Brigade Crew Uses HT on Layla. Roll 2A.
Rear Communications Brigade Crew uses UT on Layla. Roll 2B.

(Round 5)


Last edited by Layla Keket on Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:19 pm
The member 'Layla Keket' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 4, 12, 12, 13


#2 'Reflex Check' : 16, 8

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:50 pm

[They'll never hear her coming]

“What’s going on?” A gruff raven haired sailor asked as he heard a large amount of shouting and even gunfire from the bow of their ship, just a few rooms away. “I heard someone yell about us being boarded but that’s impossible.” Replied a lanky man that was busy stacking a few boxes of ammunition. Behind the stack of boxes was a rather rotund sailor who was rubbing his eyes in exhaustion.

“Can you just help us with this instead of slacking off? I don’t want to get stuck taking inventory all night again.” The large man complained as he tiredly glared at his friend who was obviously looking for an excuse to not work. The raven haired man raised his arms in submission, “Fine, fine, I was just saying it’s weird is all.” The man then began to aid his compatriots but just as he passed the first box of ammunition to his lanky friend the man suddenly dropped the small crate on his friends foot.

“Ow-what the hell, pal?!” Cried the man as he quickly pulled his foot out from under the crate and left his foot to avoid placing any pressure on it. He angrily looked at his friend who was simply staring over his shoulder in shock. The injured marine turned around in time to see his large friend also staring at what he had just noticed, a woman walking through their wall into the cargo hold with them.

The trio simply stared in a mixture of shock and apprehension as the blood streaked woman continued to walk past them towards the exit in the room. The woman peaked out into the hallway and quickly ducked back into the room pressing herself against the wall. A small group of men ran past the doorway and right past the cargo room where the silent trio were watching this bloodied woman hide.

The woman finally turned her gaze to the three of them, narrowed her eyes into a glare that acted as a strange form of silent intimidation before slipping out the door in the opposite direction those men had run from. Seconds later the men who had run past along with a group of others came back running down the hallway after the woman who had just gotten past them.

The trio all looked at one another before simply shrugging and continuing to stack the crates like  they’d been told to before. None of them had joined the local Navy with any hopes of actually doing good and didn’t plan on changing that today.

‘That was weird, I didn’t even notice them in there.’ Layla thought to herself as she quickly bounded down the hall and towards what was hopefully some form of escape. As much fun as it would be to mess with this crew she doubted she’d be able to take the full crew on alone now that they were quickly learning about her presence. The thief knew the element of surprise had been her greatest advantage and now that it was quickly evaporating she felt the urge to make an escape. The sound of footsteps down the hall behind her only made her start sprinting towards the staircase at the end of the hall, hopefully she’d figure something out soon or this was going to a very prolonged game of cat and mouse on this enemy ship

563 | 3921 | 5000


[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:09 pm

Brood was growing impatient with his crew, to the point in which he debated obliterating the entire enemy fleet by himself. But before he had the chance to lose himself and unleash unbridled hell onto his opposition. He had seen the return of his mink counterpart.

Brood figured that since the man hadn't come to the front of the ship with the rest of his officers, he hadn't felt worthy to stand at Brood's side just yet. This was a fine revelation, however, one that he didn't mind in the slightest given the larger circumstances at play.

He needed to make sure the rest of his people found their way home to him. This was his family and even if the vast majority of these soldiers were worthless, it didn't change ow he felt about their role within his operation. Manpower and overwhelming force would be soon his defining traits.

"You certainly-eh took your time-ee, Erudite." Brood spoke as his eyes wandered over towards his crew's resident fishman.

Erudite had been the first to return and her hair had been soaked through due to her antics prior. She could do little beyond take her seat at the front of the ship, lounging in such a way that it showcased how bored she was of this entire affair.

"A trivial matter assuredly, in the end they are all dead. We just need to make a large enough hole to land. Nothing more, nothing less." Erudite smirked, fully aware that Brood had no intention of leaving even an ounce of this blockade standing.

Loud thumping could be heard coming from Brood's blind spot as the goliath of a man, Desmond, came trotting in with a big dumb grin on his face. Plopping himself down in his slightly larger chair and exclaiming aloud.

"Damn! I got cockblocked yet again! This sucks! PEERRVAVAVa! We should set up a brothel on the island, save me some time PERRVAVA!" Demond beat his chest in excitement, though this was largely ignored by Brood while Erudite rolled her eyes.

"This crew has so much potential and yet we squander it by lugging around this brutish oaf, seriously Brood. We need to get some serious players on our side. We can't do anything with our...." Erudite's eyes would wander over to Desmond for a moment, looking him over. "...handicaps"

Of course Desmond didn't pay the woman any mind on account that he thought of her as being a slimy bitch. Still, he'd lean over on the armrest of his chair, looking over to Brood excitedly.

"What's the T-minus to the Grumble Party boss-kun?"

Desmond wouldn't get his reply, however, due to the fact that Brood had left his seat and a clash could be heard up above.

It was Roslyn, she had finally come to throw down. Utilizing rokushiki to clear the large gap between her vessel and Brood's. Unfortunately for her, this fight wasn't going to be in her favor.

"Seems her time came before it even started." Jackson muttered, still toying with his effigy, having arrived on the ship during the confusion.

Brood was just too strong to be slumming it down here in the Blues. She hadn't even had the proper time to make use of her impressive bone-based devil fruit before her body would careen out of the air and down towards the deck below.

Luckily, Desmond was ready with open arms, catching the woman and grasping her in his mighty arms. She was unable to move, her body feeling crushed under the weight of his biceps.

In a moment Brood was back in his seat, crossing one leg over the other by resting his right foot on top of his left knee.

Desmond, still holding the woman, sat back down so that she was on his lap. He'd squeeze her just enough to cause her to scream out in pain before Brood began to speak to her with a flippant attitude.

"You're my-ee hostage now, I'm going to-eh need your-ee servi-ee-ces later. For now, sit and-eh watch." Brood knew this woman couldn't really take him on.

It was just a shame she didn't realize it sooner.

"Erudite-eh, go get-ee Layla-ee." Brood demanded and Erudite would raise form her chair and walk to the side of the ship, hopping into the waters below.

She'd go check on the mute girl and make sure she wasn't a corpse.

{ 732 |7,671| 5000 }
Tag Order

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:51 pm
The golden haired swordsman remained in his spot farther away from his senior officers and captain. In all honesty, Cygnus had not felt so weak since he was a little kid bumming around the New World with his older brothers. This feeling of inadequacy was only amplified when who the mink assumed was the commanding officer of the naval fleet was defeated before he even registered that an enemy was closing in on the ship.

Refocusing himself on what Kabe considered more pressing matters the pirate looked down at his sabres which had sustained a small amount of damage during his confrontation with the old archer.

Of course, while Cygnus believed his swords to be very important he did have a vice that was much more important to him in the moment, especially in stressful situations similar to the one he currently found himself in.

Looking around the deck of the Dead Air Cygnus tried to find the least busy person. Obviously since the crew was in the middle of a battle this actually proved to be quite difficult for the shipwright. After a few minutes of searching the retriever decided just to reach over and yank a grunt towards him.  

“Hey can you grab me a giant barrel of sake?”

The grunt looked up at the swordsman, “Kabe, go grab your own shit we are in the middle of fighting right now”

“Dude just grab me a drink before I fight you myself”

“Whatever man”

The grunt angrily walked away from the still seated man

Most people that knew Cygnus personally would find his recent actions and threat to his subordinate strange. The man is almost always in a happy and cheery mood and rarely tries to start conflicts on his own. But whether it was the man’s own desire to be seen as a strong leader or just the young man wanting to emulate some of the older crewmates like Desmond Kabe knew that by the end of the crew's takeover on Notice he needed to show a certain amount of potential. Not just for his crewmates, but for the world at large due to this being the man's debut as a pirate.

Just as shortly as the grunt had left he returned with three other men. Placing the large barrel before Kabe the grunts all scattered going back to their positions and resuming their actual jobs.

Cygnus stood up and picked up the large barrel. After preparing himself Kabe picked up the barrel and began to chug. Cygnus realized something was wrong however just seconds after he began drinking.

They had given him water instead of booze!

So many questions entered the man's head at once, Why did they do this? How many large barrels do we actually have on the ship? Is this barrel someone else's?

Cygnus made eye contact with one of the men who delivered the barrel

“You bastard, you gave me water instead of sake!”

The man laughed before calmly replying to the mink

“Kabe, You’re underage aren’t you? What kind of man would I be if I served you alcohol?”

Thoroughly defeated, Cygnus began to walk away and go towards the port of the ship carrying the barrel with him despite it not containing what he wanted.

Word Count:
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