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[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:37 pm
Layla uses HT [Shade's March] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1A.
Layla uses UT [Unnamed Tech] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1B.

Rear Communications Brigade Crew Uses LT on Layla. Roll 2A.
Rear Communications Brigade Crew Uses LT on Layla. Roll 2B.
Rear Communications Brigade Crew uses UT on Layla. Roll 2C.

(Round 6)


Last edited by Layla Keket on Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:37 pm
The member 'Layla Keket' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 11, 14


#2 'Reflex Check' : 3, 11, 10

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:52 pm
Layla uses LT [Parlor Trick] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1A.
Layla uses LT [Just a Scratch] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1B.
Layla uses UT [Unnamed Tech] on Rear Communications Brigade Crew. Roll 1C.

Rear Communications Brigade Crew Uses LT on Layla. Roll 2A.
Rear Communications Brigade Crew Uses LT on Layla. Roll 2B.
Rear Communications Brigade Crew uses UT on Layla. Roll 2C.

(Round 7, Final Round)


Last edited by Layla Keket on Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:52 pm
The member 'Layla Keket' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 9, 2, 15


#2 'Reflex Check' : 15, 4, 18

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jan 05, 2022 9:52 pm

[They'll never hear her coming]

Layla quickly ascended the flight of stairs and phased through the door she found at the top of them. She was immediately hit with the sounds of warfare and chaos that raged on, it seemed the Party hadn’t begun yet . The mute woman quickly took in her surroundings and saw an entire deck that was abuzz with activity, but that had stopped as soon as she had made her appearance. Suddenly all attention was on her, at least thirty men now had their full attention on her.

The thief’s eyes shifted side to side quickly as she tried to quickly come up with a way out of this. The door behind her burst open sealing any chance of her escaping back through that way and she doubted phasing back into the ship would solve anything. The now fully gathered crew began to encircle her, filling her with dread as she slowly began to realize she had no way of getting out of this one.

"We are here for when you wanna go back to the ship, Madame Keket!" The shout broke through the tense air. Layla’s eyes zeroed in on the direction of the sound and she could make out what seemed to be one of the Dead Air’s auxiliary vessels. She suddenly had an escape route, and it seemed she wasn’t the only one to realize. The sound of guns being aimed at her from all around meant she had seconds at best, a split decision was made at that moment and she took a deep breath to steel her nerves.

Layla  dipped her head and hunched forward slightly, she closed her eyes and began to focus on phasing her entire body except for the soles of her feet, the pin and needles feeling that signaled her permeability began at her head and quickly worked its way down until the only part of her body that she felt was her feet. At the sound of the guns going off she stood up straight and stared listlessly ahead.. The bullets flew through the air, all striking her body before reappearing back out as if she wasn’t there. The cries of pain and shock filled the air as the bullets intended for her instead struck members of the crew.

Layla smiled sadistically as she began to walk forward while maintaining her permeability, each step slow and measured as it would be easy to lose her focus and phase through the floor by accident. This caused the few crew members who hadn’t fired the first time to panic and fire at her again despite the warnings the rest of the crew shouted. Another barrage of bullets flew through the air once again and once again Layla heard more cries of pain followed by the thudding of bodies.

The mute woman continued walking forward slowly, her smile slowly growing toothier as if she was truly enjoying this. A few brave souls threw their firearms to the ground and drew their sabres to charge at her. This resulted in them throwing their full weight into each of their attacks and into each other as they all phased right through her.

“What the hell is she?!”

“Why can’t we kill her?”

At their cries of confusion and growing fear Layla suddenly had an idea, it made her extremely uncomfortable but it might be enough to sow the fear into their thoughts and secure her escape. Layla slowly reached a hand up to her throat, the crew around her all staring in anticipation at whatever she was doing, and slipped a finger under the back of her choker where the clasp that held it was. She flicked it off allowing her choker to slip from her neck revealing the jagged scar hidden below.

“She’s already dead!”

“A ghost! An actual spectre!”

The crew members who were still standing all began to quake in their boots, their own features growing pale. Layla took this opportunity to continue her march towards her escape but refused to move at a faster pace and looked lifelessly ahead as if he truly were dead. The few who she walked past made sure to stay clear of the woman growing even paler than she was as their proximity lessened.

Layla stepped towards the edge of the ship, judged the distance as being close enough for her exit, and simply walked right through the railing of the ship. She quickly released the permeability on her body as she fell through the air and kicked off the hull of the ship she just dropped off of and rolled onto the deck of the ship awaiting her. As soon as she stopped rolling she was laid out flat on her back and saw a couple of her crewmates looking down at her. She gave a quick circular hand gesture signaling it was time to go.

Layla patted the pockets stuffed with the random intel she grabbed and was glad to feel it all there. Hopefully this would make up for her lackluster display on that ship. She remained on her back and simply allowed herself to relax for the moment while the small vessel returned to the Dead Air.

864| 4785 | 5000


[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:59 am

The orange haired Marine had finally got his crew into formation, with most of the remaining enemy ships now being well within range to fire upon the Dead Air. In short order they did just that.

To their surprised, however, the Dead Air was a hell of a lot more sturdier than they had anticipated. This was showcased by the fact that as the hail of cannons seemingly hit the ship, many of the iron balls glanced off the hull of the ship entirely. It was something that the Captain had never seen before.

It was then that he had noticed that the guard captain that had tried to give him orders earlier clashed in the sky above both ships, only to be hit once and captured by the enemy.

"This is precisely why Marines don't take orders from local governments. They can't handle the pressure! Keep hammering them boys!"

He was sure that they bypassed whatever special coating or nonsense the Dead Air had going on in short order. So long as he remained persistent in the onslaught.

Little did he know, however, things were about to end in a spectacular fashion.

An individual wearing a rather expensive bowler hat and a suit that was white in color walked along the deck of the ship, making his way over towards where the large canine man was situated. "Hey kid, boss needs you at the front of the ship. Get there double-time." This man had been a commander as well, but he had been gambling in the back rooms the entire time.

"Also stay away from the side of the ship, things are about to get rather climactic." He had a strong accent that made him sound as though he came from a place that had a great deal of organized crime.

The man tapped his cane against the wooden planks before walking off towards the front of the ship.  In that moment that someone said his name when running past him. An audible 'Hey Ricky' could be heard for a brief moment. It was clear that this was Ricky Bag O'Bricks. A man rarely seen and rarely spoke of.

A woman with blond hair waited near the pully system that brought up the individual row-boats and once the boat carrying Layla had pulled up, she'd lower the hooks and begin to pull the raft upwards. There would be only a brief moment before she'd lay a plank across from the boat so that the people aboard could cross.

It was none other than Molly Hitski, whom wasn't a commander but who did hold a rather important position on the ship. She had been down below decks, making sure that everyone was repairing any of the damage the ship was taking. Despite the fact that it wasn't her job to do so.

With a smile she'd look over towards Layla, "Don't beat yourself up. We'll crush 'em faster next time!" There as a psychotic expression her face, which contrasted nicely with the fact that she wore all pastel colors and was wearing what appeared to be a short sailor girl costume.

She'd adjust her goggles before gesturing towards the front of the ship.

"Better hurry, the Grumble Party is starting!!" She exclaimed, skipping off towards the bow of the ship.

Brood folded his arms across one another, tapping his foot against the carpet that was underneath his foot. Things were starting to progress perfectly now. He knew that his capture of this powerful woman might have seemed lackluster to the rest of the crew, but he didn't choose to have this overwhelming offensive capability. He was chosen to have it.

Still, he was surprised to see Erudite come aboard the ship once more after utilizing a water spout to propel herself upward. She was soaked to the bone but it was hard to read her expression.


Erudite ringed out her shirt and shook her hips quickly in an attempt to get most of the moisture off her person, walking over to her seat and plopping down onto it once more. A huff leaving her barely parted lips momentarily.

"I saw the boat she was on making it's way back so I figure she'll be here shortly. What are we doing with the lollipop." Erudite gestured towards the captive who was still struggling while being in Desmond's meaty arms.

"I'm thinking we go ahe-" Demond found himself cut off almost immediately by Brood. "She will first witness our power-eh, then she will bend-ee to our will."

Jackson's face grew excited and Erudite closed her eyes, with only a smirk on her face. Desmond all the while looked disappointed, but was never the less laughing within the next minute.

Brood's eyes wandered over to yet another grunt in an fantastically gaudy suit.
"Is everyone accounted for?"

"Yes, Boss!" The grunt exclaimed.

Brood began to get rowdy. "Good. Now that-ee Layla is out of range-ee, unleash the grumble-eh party!"

His orders were loud and booming, the cannon fire from the enemy that had been raining down upon the vessel the entire time had been largely ignored until now. With the ship turning on its side so that the starboard was facing away from the island. And then suddenly, as though hell itself had opened up, many panels opened up on the side of the Dead Air.

The barrels of an absurd amount of cannons appeared from the various hatches, each one polished to a shine. There was a lull for a moment until suddenly the sky blackened. At least that is what it seemed like to anyone facing the cannons.

The large wall of black smoke was enough to give away the Dead Air's exactly position, but it came at a trade off.


In an instant many of the Navy ships were mimicking swiss cheese. Many began to sink almost instantaneously while others had caught on fire. The impressive volley of iron balls was enough to stain ships red with the blood of those unfortunate to get hit. It left the ships near impossible to repair.

"We should have done that from the start... what a waste of time." Erudite shook her head in displeasure, not wanting to admit that she had enjoyed herself so far.

"DIEEEYIYIYIYI" Jackson exclaimed with a large blush covering his cheeks, not that anyone could see it underneath his bandages.

He stood on the rail of the ship, holding onto one of the ropes for balance. Looking out at the sheer destruction that had occurred before his very eyes. It was a euphoric feeling that washed over him. Enough to make the man begin to preach.

"I am the harbinger of death! Bringer of demise!! Hark, for you all have ran out your clock! For you all-"

Brood began to tune the man out, since he knew that this maddening preaching was going to last for quite a while. He'd look over towards his new captive. She didn't look as though her spirit had broken.

"You... bastards won't get...." Roslyn tried to speak and it was at this point that Brood noticed that Desmond was holding her so tightly that she couldn't breath enough to talk.

"Des... knock her out for now." He stated in a casual manner, to which Desmond immediately tightened his grip.

The woman began to sputter immediately, coughing and gasping for air where she could. "W-why are you d-doing this?..."

"Money-eh." There was a matter of fact tone to his voice as he spoke.

And just like that she was out like a light.

It was a horrible sight... black smoke and then the next thing that he knew, the orange haired man was floating in the ocean. His back pressed up against debris that he was fortunate to have there. He was in a daze...

He didn't have time to think about much of anything. He could hear the screams of his comrades and looking around, he knew that things were only going to get worst once the Primetime Pirates landed on the shore.

Reaching into his coat pocket, he'd take out his transponder snail, the purupurupuru sound repeated for about a minute before someone picked up. "Notice... is going to fall. I need someone to come get me.... We need to regroup..."

Silence reigned over the airwaves briefly, before a deep voice came out from the other side. "You will apprehend him later, before they go back to the Grandline. We will send a team out to retrieve you. Don't die before we get there."

He couldn't confirm or deny the request as he had passed out from the blood loss.

To Be Continued...

"Everyone-ee gather around. We have-eh shit to discuss-eh before we get-ee to the island." He was calm as every member of his crew that was a grunt seemingly went back to doing their menial tasks.

The were aware he wasn't speaking to them.

"Pull up a chair Kobe and Layla-eh." He invited them to sit with him and his round table, though Layla already had a seat here despite being weak as fuck.

"Give me the-ee quick version of what-eh you all were doing. Except for you Jackson-eh... I already know-ee." He'd close his eyes, contemplative.

The ship had already began to correct it's course and head towards Notice proper.

Erudite spoke first, "I drowned the bastards, what else was I going to do? Hug them to death?" Erudite shot a nasty look at Desmond, but he still paid her no mind what-so-ever.

"I was trying to get laid but some chump wanted to be the protagonist of MY story. So I turned everyone into roadkill, as I often do." Desmond flashed a massive smile as he kept his victim tightly nestled in his arms.

"I see... Kobe-ee, Layla?" Brood waited to hear the response from his mink comrade.

{ 1,643 | 9,314 | 5000 }
Tag Order

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #bb8598 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:21 pm
Kabe sat in his newfound spot near the side of the ship. Unfortunately any attempts to drown his sorrows in booze were stopped by his own comrades. Nevertheless, just the act of drinking from a barrel seemed to soothe the greenhorn warrior.

Cygnus’s attention was grabbed suddenly by a suited, somewhat shifty looking man. Heeding the man's warning the canine decided to remove himself from the port of the large vessel. Although, not until he had taken a few more swigs from his beverage.


While Kabe was on his way to where Brood and the other commanders were situated he witnessed something special, The Grumble Party. Cygnus had heard bits and pieces of conversation amongst the crew about it but seeing it in person was fascinating, especially for someone such as himself who loves to build and tinker with ships and other machinery. The dog made a note to himself to ask some of his senior members on the crew about how it all worked. This, of course, was followed by a secondary note to not ask Jackson anything related to explosives until the man was out of explosives himself.

Sitting down at the table the dog listened respectfully, however he could not stop a smile from appearing when Erudite threw some shade at Desmond. When it was time for Kabe to share he wasted no time to start his theatrics.

“So I swam over there and cut all of the grunts down. The captain came out and I zapped his ass. Then I started a fire on the ship and the old geezer came back for round 2. If you want to ask him how that went you can go find his corpse floating in the water that way. Grorororororo!”

After stopping his fit of laughter Kabe looked over to where Leyla was sitting in preparation to listen to her tale.

Word Count:

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:12 pm

[They'll never hear her coming]

Layla boarded the Dead Air, tossing a quick nod towards Molly who was the one to welcome her back aboard. Molly had an interesting sense of style that wildly contrasted with Layla’s own drab muted style. Her words of encouragement made the mute woman close her eyes and force herself to not shoot the overly enthusiastic girl a heated look. She genuinely meant well. At the mention of the Grumble Party Layla again nodded at Molly before making her way towards the bow of the ship. Albeit without a skip in her step unlike Molly.

As Layla made her way to the bow she suddenly heard the booming command of her captain starting the show. By the time Layla had made it to the bow all that was left to witness was the aftermath of the Grumble Party. The thief took in the near instantaneous destruction of the fleet that had gathered in an attempt to defend their home. She felt no sympathy for them but the awe of just how powerful this crew and ship was made her shiver. She truly signed a deal with the devil when she joined Brood's crew.

The mute woman took her seat beside Kabetogama and silently listened to the reports given by her fellow crewmates. None of the responses surprised her as they all reflected upon each of the individual's well since the only difference was how each of them chose to apply their monstrous strength.

When it came time for Kabetogama’s report she listened with slightly more interest since she didn’t know him nearly as well. However she was disappointed when he simply joined the rest in showboating about his destructive tendencies. She hated to admit that she was slightly envious of everyone’s destructive strength in comparison to her own. The woman needed to prove herself during this invasion and actually earn her spot at this table.

When it finally came time for her own report Layla reached into her coat and began pulling out and piling up the various forms of intel that she managed to snag. A couple journals, a small stack of folders, some crumpled notes, a few annotated maps, and to her surprise that lone den den mushi she had spotted in the office. The thief didn’t remember grabbing it but figured she’d scooped it into one of her pockets in her rush.

She took a small moment to organize the stuff in the hopes it explained what she did well enough. Of course she remembered the order that they had to kill an officer and pulled out her memento, the golden pocket watch. She allowed it to dangle from it’s chain and clicked it open to reveal a small photo of the now dead officer with his small family, it seemed he had a lovely young wife and a newborn child. Layla placed it on the table for them all to see and spread her arms as if to say ‘this is all for you.’

498| 5283 | 5000


[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:22 am

Brood listened to the large canine recount the events of his slaughter and was impressed enough to go ahead with the plan he was brewing in his mind. Looking to Leyla he stared at her confused as she seemingly started littering the boat with all of her trash.

It took a moment, but he then remembered that the little bitch was a mute. Asking her any questions about what she just did was a waste of time. He'd raise his fingers to his forehead, massaging his temples momentarily before gazing over towards the rest of his commanders.

"So uh, moving on. What's the plan for when we hit the docks boss?." Ricky crossed his arms over one another, looking over towards Brood with a stern look caressing his features.

Erudite leaned over in her chair to look at all of the documents before she'd flag down someone to collect it all. Even if Brood was too distracted to realize the good work that Layla did, she wasn't.

"It's simple really. Erudite will stay on the ship with the rest of the crew, you are going to keep the ship moving. Encircle the island until I tell you otherwise."

Erudite didn't speak but instead chose to nod her head after leaning back in her chair once more.

"Desmond and Layla are going to go figure out who is in charge of this island and recover that crucial information asap. Because she is so fucking weak, you will be her muscle Desmond. Don't fuck this up."

Desmond didn't say much since he was drooling over the woman in his lap, whom he was having saucy and racy fantasies about. In hindsight, Brood really should have thought twice about having him hold down the hostage.

"Jackson, your only job is to rig any marine ships at the docks to explode. Resist your urge to be a dumb fuck. Do not kill any civvies." He didn't want to scare off potential clientele. There had to be a modicum of restraint with this operation.

Jackson was tinkering away with something makeshift and explosive looking. It disturbed Brood that the look on Jackson's face was identical to the one that Desmond had. Just how many perverts were on this damn crew anyway...

"Kobe I want you and Molly to go out and convince any of the local tough guys and miscreants to join our cause. We need them to cause a big enough distraction so that we can move about the island peacefully."

"You got it boss!" Molly saluted while seated in a manner that let her rest her hammer between her thighs.

"Lastly, Ricky and I will be visiting the local Marine HQ. Going to root out the cancer before it has a chance to spread. Does anyone have any questions before we get to the island?"

There was a need for this initial phase to be as peaceful as possible. If they caused too much of a commotion then it'd be much harder to take this place over before he could get his allies to begin their operations on the island. Still, there was no doubt that this would become big news.

{ 528| 9,842 | 5000 }
Tag Order

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #bb8598 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!
Name : Kabetogama Cygnus
Age : 17
Height : 9’4” | 285 cm
Weight : 720 lbs. | 327 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunters
Devil Fruit : Choko Choko no Mi (Chocolate-Chocolate)
Balance : [ber] 36,050,000
Posts : 61

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:53 pm
Kabe looked down at the table, curious of what all of the papers and other stolen items meant when his crewmate showed them off to the rest of the crew's commanders. However Cygnus was a little too slow in his inspection of the stolen cargo since the items were gone just as quickly as they came.

The retriever began to zone out just a little bit until his captain gave him and Molly their orders for when the crew made it to shore. There was no surprise in the dog's mind that he was asked to help convince the island's dregs of society to help them. Cygnus didn’t know much about Molly but most people avoid conflict with Kabe based on his appearance alone, so it was only natural for the canine to assume that the only guys who would fight him are either really strong or total idiots.

After Kabetogamas mission was fully explained to him the man looked over to Brood before smiling, “As you wish, captain, We’ll make sure the locals are made aware of who’s really calling the shots now.”

A couple days ago, Dead Air

Cygnus sat on the deck of the ship, whetstone and blades at the ready. Out of everything that the man had left behind in the New World his sabers are some of the only things he has to remember his old life.

Kabe looked over to the normal sized guy who was sitting next to him. Despite not being anyone important on the crew at all the man was one of the first people to approach the dog and introduce himself after Cygnus was recruited.

The man’s name was Fred Rickson, He appeared to be in his early to mid twenties and had shaggy looking red-brown hair. The two had quickly hit it off over their shared hobby of any and all bladed weapons. Fred Rickson constantly bragged about how his great great grandfather was some sort of legendary swordsman that lived deep in the Grand Line. Obviously none of the other grunts believed the man due to his skills with the blade being completely average, But Cygnus’s gullible and naïve nature caused him to fully believe his brother in arms.

Kabe looked over to Fred before raising his voice, “Have you ever been out of the North Blue?”

Fred Rickson looked up at the golden dog, “Are you kidding? I’ve never even been to Notice before.”

Kabe laughed at the man's answer, “Grorororo, Well I wouldn’t put too much thought into that kind of stuff, this trip is apparently the first of many.”


After everyone at the table had been given their orders Cygnus had become fired up again. The dog looked around the table to see what everyone else was doing, Kabe refused to look any more of a fool than he does naturally by leaving before some of the other senior members of the crew also left to prepare for the next battle.

Word Count:

[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 13, 2022 8:01 pm

[They'll never hear her coming]

Layla wasn’t surprised when Brood simply dismissed her findings, figuring his silence was better than any remonstrations on her performance. The mute woman was pleased when another crewmate gathered up her work for further analysis, later she’d have to follow up and make sure nothing is overlooked.

As the meeting continued Layla’s mood took a nosedive as she realized she was being paired with Desmond once again. No verbal complaints were aired from her but she did shoot the blonde in question a glare only to scowl in disgust at how he was handling the prisoner.

The rest of the orders all made sense and Layla shook her head at her captain's inquiry for questions. The orders were concise and she knew Brood trusted his crew to get the job done. With the meeting now adjourned Layla stood up, not waiting for Desmond, and decided to attend to several tasks now that their first battle was over. She had time before setting out and Desmond was obviously too distracted by his current task for her to dare interrupt.

She’d only stop if anyone attempted to draw her attention before slipping away into the Dead Air’s lower decks.

197 | 5480 | 5000


[Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig - Page 4 Empty Re: [Saga] [Notice Conquest][Part I] Eviction Notice: Seafarer's Shindig

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:54 pm

Brood took a good look at his crew and came to the conclusion that everyone was ready to head out, so with that he stood up from his chair and departed. Making his way towards the back of their vessel so that he could get ready to embark on the next phase of his scheme. It didn’t quite matter that he had been taking things easy as of late, so long as he reached his goals in a timely manner, that was all that he cared about.

Ricky stood as well, lighting himself a cigarette before heading to the front of the ship, the thoughts he had moving forward were solely focused on his desire to attain himself a devil fruit, since on this crew thus far only the Captain held one.

Molly made her way to the back of the ship as well, stretching out and excited that she’d finally be able to show what she could do. She hadn’t been a commanding officer for all that long and she wanted to showcase her skills. It wasn’t like many of the females on the crew were treated with any respect, so this was a rare opportunity to showcase her skills.

Desmond took the prisoner and tossed her over his shoulder as he stood up, making sure to hold her by the rump as he plodded against the ground. Large thumping noises heard from his massive feet all the while as he whisked their newfound victim down to the prison below deck. She’d be interrogated thoroughly.

As the remaining members went about their business one thought came into mind for the majority of them. This wasn’t going to be easy, even with Brood being one of the stronger individuals out on the seas. There was no way to know what awaited them on Notice. But they had to do things different than they’d normally do. This required far more sophistication than traditionally needed. It was only a matter of time before Brood’s plan ended properly.

To Be Continued...
[ Thug Throng ] | [ Invisible Interplay ]

{ 335  | 10,177 | 5000 }

Brood's color: #4F94AE - Laugh: Eeeheheheh!
Erudite's color: #75ca9b - Laugh: Splishlishlish!
Desmond's color: #9900ff - Laugh: Pervavava!
Jackson's color: #840a35 - Laugh: Dieyiyiyi!
Sunflower's color: #d98301 - Laugh: Slashuashuashu!
Peytor's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Businessnessness!
Ricky's color: #66cccc - Laugh: Fugetaboudadada!
Toenail's color: #bb8598 - Laugh: Trotototot!
Molly's color:  #bb8598 - Laugh: Whoopoopoop!

Last edited by Brood on Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:12 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Removed Jailhouse Jamboree.)
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