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[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

Castor O. Nox
Anton La'croix
9 posters
Go down
Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:01 pm
The blob that was once Wren’s dainty form turned to Dax and spoke, only too realize that the goldmonger had slipped passed during the transformation. Beginning her descent towards the lower levels alone, creeping down the stairs like a shadow.

“How far does this go…?” She mumbled to herself as she leaned over the railing only to met with a seemingly never ending staircase. “I wonder…” Dax continued as she began to snort and sniffle, developing a large loogie in the bck of her throat before letting it slide out of her mouth and down into the abyss.

“BLEGGHHH!! GROSS!! WHO DID THIS?!?!” A voice shouted out a few seconds later from the darkness, breaking the silence, clearly on the receiving end of the wad of snot that was plummeting downwards to a not so deep void.

“Ah fuck.” Dax groaned, pulling back from the edge too hug the wall behind her as the thundering sound of footsteps ascended towards her. Thinking quickly, the goldmonger tore at her marine clothes as to make them appear battle torn from the ongoing war above, though the placement of the torn fabric was scandalous to say the least.

“You there!” A marine shouted, “Halt and state your business!”

“O-oh th-thank the gods….” Dax groaned helplessly as he, correction she, sprawled out on the ground in a seductive manner. “I-I…. I was caught in the crossfire with the pirates…*cough*….*cough*……I barely m-made it out alive….” She continued her performance by slowly dragging herself up, the marines noticing the familiar uniform and quickly lending a hand to the voluptuous woman. “T-thank… you… I-I’ve just been so scared..!!” She cried out, breaking out into full on crocodile tears.

“Now, now miss! It’s going to be okay!” The marine in front of her said reassuringly, “We will take it from here. Men, get her to safety, I’m going to clear the rest of the building.” The man finished, heading towards the room where Wren was left with the naked bodies of the murdered marines. “Now get that woman too safety!” He shouted once more as he disappeared into the darkness.

“Oh, my stars…” Dax said with a blush, “With strong men like you around it really will be okay~!” She stated with a wink to the men supporting her, both of which clearly had no complaints about holding her up as she began to stand for herself. “Oh my!” She shouted desperately as she went tumbling back to the cold metal stairs. A unified are you okay?! Shout echoed from the marine unit as they swarmed her with love and affection, each one personally checking on her well being. “I-I think I will be okay, its just… *wince*… my leg, it just hurts, but…*wince*…” Her words accompanied by pathetic attempts to stand and put weight on her perfectly good legs, continuing to sell an Oscar worthy performance.

“Let me carry you miss!” One shouted out, quickly earning the ire of his fellow marines as they too jumped at the chance to carry the woman, some of them going so far as too come to blows.

“All this for little ole me..?” Dax said innocently, “Why I dare say you boys are making me blush..” She continued with an alluring wink, puckering her lips just right. She turned to one of the marines who had helped her up before, “W-would you mind helping me downstairs? You look strong…” She said, her voice slowly becoming heavier, her fingers running down the man’s chiseled calf and up his thigh.

“YES MA’AM!!” He shouted, blood shooting out of his nose as he scooped up the woman and darted down the stairs, doing his best to maintain his composure as he did so. His fellow marines falling in behind him, shouting and jeering as the man sprinted downwards. “HERE WE ARE!!” The man shouted as they came to a halt, his breathing was heavy and wind blown blood trails ran across his face.

“Why thank you.” Dax said, planting a golden lipped kiss right on the man’s mouth, {HT -75% RFX}, before being unloaded onto a couch by her chariot who now had steam coming out his ears as his face was redder than a tomato. “And thank you boys as well!” She said, placing gold dusted palms on each one, pinching booties and biceps all over the room.

“What the fuck is this?!” A female marine shouted out from across the room, “Who the fuck is this bitch!?”

“M-ma’am!” They shouted, standing at attention, “S-she’s one of us, shes a marine that was caught in the crossfire!” They continued nervously, there fear of upsetting her was written all over their faces.

“The fuck she is! It’s against marine dress code to have that many piercings! Also, her uniform is on backwards you dolts!” Her words drew everyones attention onto the goldmonger, who sat on the couch with an innocent smile and two hands up in the air.

“hehe, surprise?” She said nervously as the marines realized the whole thing was a charade.

“What are you waiting for?! Get her!!” The marine commander shouted, quickly followed by the sound of flintlocks clicking back before. “Fire!!!” The flintlocks slammed back down, filling the room with the sound of tiny gunpowder fueled explosions as the lead bullets raced towards Dax.

“Ah fuck..” She mumbled, flipping the couch backwards just seconds before the bullets made contact, leaving them wedged in the wooden frame of the couch as Dax slinked behind the piece of furniture for cover. “Well this fuckin sucks.” She sighed before kicking the couch towards her assailants, taking out their legs and giving her an opening straight for the commander, allowing Dax to deliver a swift chop to the outside of her knee {MT -25% RFX}, sending the woman tumbling to the ground in pain.

“You f-fucking bitch!!” She grunted out, gritting her teeth to bear the pain as best she could as her men surrounded her and pulled her too cover.

“Awww leaving s soon?” Dax quipped, “Guess I’m back to being the only pussy(cat) at this party.” She finished before ducking a scimitar aimed straight for her neck. "Too slow!” She managed to say before having too dive out of the way of a second blade, only to realize a third and fourth were waiting with still more behind them. “Holy.” She said, dodging the first, “Fuck” she said again dodging another, “Just how many.” She said flipping and flopping out of the way of several more blades, “of you fucking fucks.” The words continued as she continued to avoid being struck again and again, “Fucking are there?!” She finished, landing a swift kick to the nuts on her final attacker {UT -5 HP}.

The marine collapsed to the ground, clutching his genitals in hopes it would dull the pain, though nothing ever would as one of his marbles was powderized by Dax’s golden clad foot. “Alright! Which one of you fucks is next?” She said arrogantly as she slowly turned her attention back towards the main group, only to be caught on the cheek with the butt of a rifle, sending blood splattering onto the nearby wall. “You cheeky little fucker, Bwhahahahaha!” She snickered, spitting out a tooth onto the ground {UT -5 HP}, “This is getting real fuckin fun..” She said with a snarled smile.


Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:50 am


A week or two ago...

"Why don't you understand my concern?! This isn't some backwater pirate crew. You'll be fighting a Yonkou's crew! By your own admission, they're in a different league!" A desperate man pleaded on the verge of tears. Lahira rested beside him, his hand on hers.

"What would you have me do? Shirk on my duty? Go AWOL?" She asked. It was a rhetorical question. "You have precedent to ask for a leave! You wouldn't really be shirking." The man's hand gently shifted to her stomach.

Lahira stood up with a narrowed gaze and a stinging frown. "I won't make excuses in the Navy's time of need because of personal decisions! I didn't become a marine after you married me. You knew well enough what you were getting into."

The raised volume summoned a small figure into the room. "Mama? Papa? Why are you fighting?" The mother's firm glare mellowed. The father forced a homely smile and stretched his arms in invitation. The child instinctively ran to him. "We're not fighting, googly-boo. Mama and Papa are just practising for Mama's competition next week."

The mirthful eyes of her daughter melted Lahira to her knees. She embraced her family, sandwiching the youngest in between. "You'll win like always, right, Mama?"

A small wet bead formed at the corner of an eye as she nodded confidently. "Of course!"


For the briefest of moments, the horizontal shower of bullets breached the Rear Admiral's attempts at compartmentalisation. One after another, the interfering pirates caught in the crossfire fell. A few of the pills of death which flew past the meat shields grazed Lahira just enough to irritate but not enough to deal grievous bodily harm.

Hauling her distracted mind back into the present, she fired a victorious smirk at the balloon-faced pirate. "You poor thing. Is that all you have in your suitcase of tricks? I have to say, I'm disappointed. Not that I wished for today's battle to be difficult, but, this is almost boring." She sighed loud enough to wake a giant. "I suppose I'll just have to draw satisfaction from putting you behind bars, where you and your sort belong."

The marine slid a foot back and stretched her leg before breaking into another acrobatic cartwheel. Each revolution of the human wheel cratered the floor slightly. A few feet away from the slimy moustached man (though the moustache was currently lost in a bag of lumps) she halted suddenly with her rear facing her target, her back bent forward, and her fingertips touching the floor. The momentum carried a single leg downwards with great force, tearing the air and warping it. "Rankyaku, Confit de canard!" She shouted as a flying slash spawned from the rip in the air. The beautiful invisible blade was aimed directly at the hatted rat, its purpose to cut him down for good. [ HT Flat - Confit de canard ]

OOC Note:



Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:50 am
The member 'NPC' has done the following action : Dice Roll

'Reflex Check' : 12, 3, 18
Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:15 pm
Dax Morgan uses MT(Jaguar Claws) on Raddott
Dax Morgan uses LT(Golden Sword Excaliber) on Raddott
Dax Morgan uses LT (Alloy Spike) on Raddott
Dax Morgan uses UT on Raddott

Marine Squad uses MT(Marines Burning Blade)
Marine Squad uses LT(Scimitar Squadron)
Marine Squad uses LT(Military's Might)
Marine Squad uses UT

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:15 pm
The member 'Goldmonger' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 20, 8, 7, 12


#2 'Reflex Check' : 15, 19, 17, 8
[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Vk6odI4
Name : Richard Maxwell
Epithet : Plague Rat
Age : 49
Height : 6'0" / 183 cm
Weight : 160 lbs. / 73 kg
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Bounty : [bel=r] 243,000,000
Quality Score : S+
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [bel] 1,217,129,125
Posts : 304

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:29 pm
What little courage the rat had left went down the drain at the same rate as color drained from his features. As a (formerly) licensed doctor, he could tell when someone was fatally wounded... And when they were simply annoyed. He nearly choked on his fear while staggering backwards. Uh... P-plan B, no, plan C! Or even D! Anything that didn’t involve jail! Arms flailing, he tried and failed to convey his unconditional surrender. “Mhhf, mhhf! H mhffhnmhf!” He couldn’t even get a single sensible word out past the swollen lips. Though to be fair, the zealot probably wouldn’t have accepted his excuses anyway.

There was a distortion in the air. Like the ruined scenery was briefly cut in half. Richard didn’t even have time to blink. The blade of wind slammed against him with devastating force. It carried him backwards into a wall and smashed him several inches into the brickwork. A nasty crack echoed between the walls. His vision trembled from the concussion.  A crimson gush appeared across his torso, from his shoulder all the way to the opposing hip. No painkiller in the world could block out that one. The scream got stuck in his throat.

It was over in an instant.

As the criminal teetered on the brink of the abyss, only one thought drifted across his shaken mind. Not... again... His battered body went limp. The gun dropped from his grasp, clattering against the ground. With a weak whimper he sunk deep into the black bog of dreamless sleep. Not quite dead, but not far from it either. Alone, unconscious and stuck on the wall, he would be the easiest arrest of the day by far.

Wanted Dead or Alive: Richard 'Plague Rat' Maxwell
The Admin
Name : The Administrator
Epithet : The Admin
Age : 9999
Species : Artificial Intelligence
Faction : Administration
Crew : Administrators
Ship : The Administering
Crew Role : Administrator
Devil Fruit : Admin-Admin Fruit
Bounty : ∞
Income Bonus : ∞
Shop Discount : ∞
Balance : ∞
Posts : 267

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:11 am


As this event is drawing to a close, I will be now be giving out the world event rewards for all of the characters who had started their boss fights.

Unfortunately, as per our questing system, for you to be eligible for the full rewards, you must've defeated a boss in a quest. So, if you were one of the people who had not yet started your boss fight, you will receive rewards -4 difficulty rewards assuming you had posted at least five times. If you received this reward, you may still finish your boss fight and get the full rewards if you choose. If you had posted less than five times, you will have to wait till the next World Event to earn some rewards.

The quality scores below are given out based on your writing so far in the thread. If your quality score improves by the end of the thread, I will give out any pending rewards then.


Castor O. Nox
Difficulty Bonus: +25% (+1 for being defeated by Iron Beast)
Quality Bonus: +100% (S)

EXP: 1125 [500 + (0.25*500) + (1.0*500)]
Berries: 346,500,000 [2mil*77 + 25%(2mil*77) + 100%(2mil*77)]
Bounty: 80,000,000

Old XP: 6623
Updated XP: 7748

Old balance: 1,779,688
Updated balance: 348,279,688

Old bounty: 400,000,000
Updated bounty: 480,000,000

Brood X. Bach
Difficulty Bonus: +25% (+1 for being defeated by Iron Beast)
Quality Bonus: +100% (S)

EXP: 1125 [500 + (0.25*500) + (1.0*500)]
Berries: 297,000,000 [2mil*66 + 25%(2mil*66) + 100%(2mil*66)]
Bounty: 100,000,000

Old XP: 5500
Updated XP: 6625

Old balance: 2,650,000
Updated balance: 299,650,000

Old bounty: 225,000,000
Updated bounty: 325,000,000

Richard Maxwell
Difficulty Bonus: +25% (+1 for being defeated by March Moon)
Quality Bonus: +100% (S)

EXP: 1125 [500 + (0.25*500) + (1.0*500)]
Berries: 306,000,000 [2mil*68 + 25%(2mil*68) + 100%(2mil*68)]
Bounty: 70,000,000

Old XP: 5720
Updated XP: 6845

Old balance: 59,005,000
Updated balance: 365,005,000

Old bounty: 124,000,000
Updated bounty: 194,000,000

Alice B. Ronx
Difficulty Bonus: +200% (+4 for defeating Osprey)
Quality Bonus: +100% (S)

EXP: 2000 [500 + (2.0*500) + (1.0*500)]
Berries: 576,000,000 [2mil*72 + 200%(2mil*72) + 100%(2mil*72)]
Bounty: 102,000,000

Old XP: 5225
Updated XP: 7225

Old balance: 18,800,000
Updated balance: 594,800,000

Old bounty: 198,000,000
Updated bounty: 300,000,000

Difficulty Bonus: +200% (+4 for defeating Osprey)
Quality Bonus: +100% (S)

EXP: 2000 [500 + (2.0*500) + (1.0*500)]
Berries: 560,000,000 [2mil*70 + 25%(2mil*70) + 100%(2mil*70)]
Bounty: 90,000,000

Old XP: 5000
Updated XP: 7000

Old balance: 22,800,000
Updated balance: 582,800,000

Old bounty: 160,000,000
Updated bounty: 250,000,000

Anton La'croix
Difficulty Bonus: +25% (+1 for being defeated by multiple player characters)
Quality Bonus: +25% (B)

EXP: 750 [500 + (0.25*500) + (0.25*500)]
Berries: 206,700,000 1.30*[2mil*53 + 25%(2mil*53) + 25%(2mil*53)]

Old XP: 4619
Updated XP: 5369

Old balance: 51,955,000
Updated balance: 258,455,000

Miku E. Sato
Difficulty Bonus: +25% (+1 for defeating Anton with help)
Quality Bonus: +50% (A)

EXP: 875 [500 + (0.25*500) + (0.5*500)]
Berries: 210,000,000 [2mil*60 + 25%(2mil*60) + 50%(2mil*60)]
Bounty: 72,500,000

Old XP: 5128
Updated XP: 6003

Old balance: 88,312,500
Updated balance: 298,312,500

Old bounty: 32,500,000
Updated bounty: 105,000,000

Emi Roromiya
Difficulty Bonus: +25% (+1 for defeating Anton with help)
Quality Bonus: +25% (B)

EXP: 750 [500 + (0.25*500) + (0.25*500)]
Berries: 165,000,000 [2mil*55 + 25%(2mil*55) + 25%(2mil*55)]
Bounty: 31,600,000

Old XP: 4800
Updated XP: 5550

Old balance: 14,050,000
Updated balance: 179,050,000

Old bounty: 0
Updated bounty: 31,600,000

Difficulty Bonus: +50% (+2)
Quality Bonus: +50% (A)

EXP: 1000 [500 + (0.5*500) + (0.5*500)]
Berries: 144,000,000 [2mil*36 + 50%(2mil*36) + 50%(2mil*36)]
Bounty: +0

Old XP: 2636
Updated XP: 3636

Old balance: 127,537,500
Updated balance: 271,537,500

Tanaka Howai
Difficulty Bonus: -75% (-4 for no boss)
Quality Bonus: +25% (B)

EXP: 250 [500 - (0.75*500) + (0.25*500)]
Berries: 42,000,000 [2mil*42 - 75%(2mil*42) + 25%(2mil*42)]
Bounty: 15,000,000

Old XP: 4043
Updated XP: 4293

Old balance: 14,600,000
Updated balance: 56,600,000

Old bounty: 20,000,000
Updated bounty: 35,000,000

Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:07 pm
Alright, boys…” Dax snickered as she wiped the blood from her chin, “Hows about we kick things up notch!” She shouted, the gold running down her arms and onto her outstretched fingers, bubbling and oozing into solid golden claws (MT +50% ATK). Claws that were firmly planted into the nearest marine throat as soon as they had hardened, Dax’s crazed laugh accompanied by the screams of the marines echoing off the subterranean walls.

“Noo! Johnny!” One marine shouted as he clutched his dying comrade in his arms as Dax flipped around the room, taking advantage of his new forms agile build as he painted the room with blood. Flying through the air as he jumped from victim to victim.

“Is there an end to you fucks or what?” (S)he quipped sarcastically as gold began to gather in the palm of her hand before it shaped itself into a blade (LT +25% ATK). “Batter up other fuckers!” Dax shouted with a smile, his taunting demeanor daring the soldiers to attack again.

Several of the marines gathered together, armed with blades of their own as they inched closer and closer to the goldmonger. “What are you idiots waiting for?P It’s one stupid girl! Get her!” The marine woman shouted in anger, prompting the men to lash out at high speeds.

“Ah fuck me.” Dax muttered as the blades ripped through her mocha flesh as crimson ribbons sprayed through the air. (LT -12 DMG) “Tch…” She grunted, clutching at the bloodied wounds, “Not fuckin bad…..oh shit…*gunshots echo out*” Dax muttered as his attention quickly focused on the second marine unit, rifles firmly fixed onto her fine figure, leaving no time to react as the bullets lodged themselves into her abdomen. (LT -12 DMG)

“Surround her, take her alive, I cannot wait to turn her.” The marine woman laughed as she was carried over by one of her subordinates. “A pretty little thing like you with a power like that, the higher ups are gonna love this!” She snickered, commanding one of the marines to kick the woman’s lifeless body as the blood began to pool on the ground.

“Sike!” Dax shouted out as golden spikes erupted from the surrounding ground, piercing the bodies of the nearby marines, just narrowly missing the marine woman, though her mount was killed.(LT -18 DMG) “It’ll take a lot more than that to kill a tenacious fucker like me! Bwhahahaha!!” She laughed maniacally before turning towards the marine woman, now stranded on the ground as she desperately scrambled to get away. “Now, now little bird, where are you going~?” Dax murmured as she slithered up next to the marine on the ground, the goldmongers lips hovering just above the woman’s neckl. “So….soft…” She moaned, her hot breath tickling the woman’s neck before Dax sunk her golden fangs deep into her neck.

“EwwrRGH!!” The woman cried out before Dax tore out her jugular vein and devoured it as the remaining marines looked on in horror and digust.

Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:15 pm
Dax Morgan uses MT(Gold Slicer)
Dax Morgan uses LT(Gold Shot)
Dax Morgan uses LT(Golden Fist)
Dax Morgan uses UT

Marine Squad uses HT(Marines Fiery Justice)
Marine Squad uses LT(Righteous Rain)
Marine Squad uses UT

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:15 pm
The member 'Goldmonger' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 8, 5, 19, 12


#2 'Reflex Check' : 2, 19, 7
Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:40 pm
“Woooo! Who’s having fun now boys?!” She Dax shouted out as she tossed the female marines convulsing body to the side. “Awww c’mon, don’t look at me like that.” She groaned, noticing the horrified looks cast upon her, “You people act like you aint fuckin killed someone before.”

“Not like that ya fucking freak!” One marine shouted out from the back, drawing the ire of She Dax. Who promptly launched a golden blade into the crowd, slicing into several marines, none of which were the original culprit. (MT 43 DMG)

“Ah.. my bad..-well I would have killed ya anyway so it doesn’t matter-, now then who’s up?!” The genderbent Goldmonger cried out, rousing the marines to battle once more. Taking aim with finger pistols, the pirate launched a rapid fire assault of gold upon the charging marines, turning several into swiss cheese. (LT 21 DMG) However, the marines numbers far outweighed the amount of gold pumped into them, leaving several to swarm Dax in a pummeling of punches. (LT 12 DMG on Dax).

“Get..the..fuck off me!” She Dax shouted out as she came out of the pile swinging golden clad fists, filling the room with the sound of dislocated jaws. (LT 21 DMG). Rising to her feet, she was surrounded by the unconscious bodies of those she had just punched out. Her golden eyes glanced side to side before gently raising her right arm, snapping as she did so. At the que of the noise, the gold that littered the floor began to tremble viciously before launching at high speeds, piercing the marines through their vitals to ensure none would survive this encounter. (UT 10 DMG).

Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:43 pm
Dax Morgan uses HT(Jason's Fleece)
Dax Morgan uses LT(Alloy Spike)
Dax Morgan uses UT

Marine Squad uses MT
Marine Squad uses LT
Marine Squad uses LT
Marine Squad uses UT

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:43 pm
The member 'Goldmonger' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 13, 14, 5


#2 'Reflex Check' : 3, 16, 3, 17
Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:38 pm
"Welll boys~" Dax said with hum as she cracked her fists, gold stretching from her shoulders to her knuckles. (HT +50% ATK +25% DEF). "It's about time for this cowgirl to hit the ol' dusty trail, so who's ready to finish this up? huh?" She snarled with a snicker, lunging towards the nearest marine and grabbing him by the throat. His friends rushed to defend him, only to be lured into their demise by She Dax as golden spikes shot out of the previously slain corpses that littered the ground. The already bloodied spears impaled the charging calvalry, allowing them to join their lost brothers and sisters. (LT -18 HP).

Crushing the marines throat that was in her grasp, Dax tossed the body aside to be taken out with the rest of the garbage in the room. (UT -9HP). Arrogantly, Dax turned towards the remaining marines, huddled in the corner with their sabers turned towards the golden she devil. "Damn, you guys are a bunch of puss-...*blegh*..." Dax started before being abruptly cut off by a bayonet piercing his abdomen, causing her to spit up blood mid sentence. (LT -10 HP on Dax).

"Well shit...*cough*.." Dax wheezed, "That....reallly....*cough*... FUCKING HURTS!!!" She shouted out in anger turning around blindly as she ripped the bayonet out of the young marines hands and crushed his skull with her fingers. Dax reached down and clutched at her side, hving torn the wound open even further in her fit of rage, having opted to rip it out recklessly. (UT - 5 on Dax).

Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:42 pm
Dax Morgan uses MT(Gold Eagle)
Dax Morgan uses LT(Gold Shot)
Dax Morgan uses LT(Golden Fist)
Dax Morgan uses UT

Marine Squad uses MT
Marine Squad uses LT
Marine Squad uses LT
Marine Squad uses UT

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:42 pm
The member 'Goldmonger' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 7, 19, 16, 3


#2 'Reflex Check' : 4, 15, 10, 16
Name : Dax Morgan
Epithet : Goldmonger
Age : 25
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 250
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Shichibukai (Future)
Crew : Gold | Works
Ship : Cleopatra
Devil Fruit : Goru Goru no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 27,900,000
Quality Score : S
Income Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : -25%
Balance : [bel] 117,500,000
Posts : 214

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:12 pm
Clutching at the wound on her side, She Dax snickered at the few remaining marines in the bloodied hall of corpses, their eyes filled with fear as they shakily gripped their sabers. Dax let out a sigh as she noticed some of them slowly walking backwards towards the stairs in an effort to facilitate a desperate escape from the carnage. "Whatever's behind that door better be fuckin wrth this shit.." She groaned, eyes darting towards the large vault door near where the marines had filed in from. But before they could hope to reach it, she launched an oozing mound of liquid gold at them, the metal bubbling and shaping itself in midair as it took the form of a large bird.

"Wha...Ahhhhhh!!ghhhhthfb!!!!" One of the marines tried to say before the golem beast began to peck out his eyes and claw at his throat, barring him and the others from the doorway to freedom. (MT -9 DOT).

"C'mon, can't let you leave now, its the bottom of the fuckin ninth." She snarled with a sinister golden toothed snarl as she launched herself towards them at high speed.

"Ahh AHHH!!!! r-run!" One of the marines shouted as he pushed his comrade down in an effort to save his own skin, something She Dax took notice of. As she reached the doned soldier Dax looked into his eyes, her golden iris's reflecting back at her as his eyes glistened with fear. The marine, without thinking, gripped a knife from his hip and blindly slashed at the goldmonger, grazing her voluptuous chest. (LT Graze -5 on Dax)

"Poor thing, hush." She said, placing her finger over his lips, sending a wave of calm over the main before her golden fist erupted through the middle of his back, clutching his still beating heart. (LT -15). "Ayo!" She shouted out to the marine who had run, now cornered by the eagle. "Look, I'm all about lookin out for numero uno, -number one-, you know what I mean? But that was a dick move ya feel me? Ya...- ya just cant go around doing dick mves like that, bro. Now go on, get, get outta here ya fuck." Dax said, motioning the marine towards the door, calling his autonomous drone off, having the bird perch itself on her forearm.

"Re-....really...?" The soldier replied, his voice shaking with fear and disbelief. "I-I can leave...? J-j...just like that...?"

"Yeah man now get outta here before I hange my mind!" She shouted back, sending the marine into a desperate scramble to his feet a smiler wider than the grandline plastered on his face as tears ran down his cheeks. His large offish body awkwardly sprinting for the threshold of the stairs that were growing closer and closer with every step, the same stairs that would allow him to escape this horrible massacre. As he ran he did his best not to look around, the dead eyes of his fallen brothers and sisters watching him as he ran like the coward he was. And just as he crossed through the doorway to what he thought was his freedom, he felt a sting in his lower back, a piercing pain that sent him tumbling to the ground immediately. (LT -15).

"Wha-... He mumbled as he reached down and grabbed at his lower extremities, the shock of it all still overwhelming his senses, "i-i...I can't feel them!!! My legs?!!" The marine shrieked out.

"Learned that from the doc back in the circus." She snickered, "Best way to ruin someones trapeze career is take their legs." The pirates attention than turned towards the door, leaving the marine to wallow in his own filth as he had no control over his lower body. "Lets figure out this door." Placing her palm on the giant steel contraption, Dax released gold dust to scour for impurities, entering every microscopic crack it could find. After a fe seconds Dax removed her hand and motioned towards the door, causing the once microscopic gold to combine and expand, using the metals natural malleability to rupture the doors integrity.

"Now then, what do we have here~?" She whistled with glee, only to be greeted with a vault void of treasure, only a table with a note on it. "You gotta be fuckin kidding me.." She groaned, picking up the note and looking it over for a few seconds before stuffing it into her pocket, "Nothing but useless ink on paper, that fuckin imp would be pissin his pants in excitement right about now." She groaned, turning to exit the vault when a loud bang rung out, seeming to echo infinitely off the sealed walls of the vault. "OW!" She shouted, "That fuckin hurt, you fuckin asshat!" She shouted again, clutching at her now bleeding shoulder, glaring at a young marine covered in blood. His hands trembling as he held the smoking flintlock pistol. (UT -7 on Dax). "C'mere you little fuck!" Dax shouted as she lunged outwards, griping up the boy by the throat and lifting him off the ground as she squeezed as hard as she could until an audible crack rung out. "Stupid little fuck, shoulda stayed hidden." She snarled, tossing the body aside and mae her way towards the exit.

Dax headed for the stairs and as she came upon them, she noticed the blood trail going up them. "Huh, guess he does got some balls on em'." She snickered, making her way up the winding metal stair case until she came upon the parlayed marine, who had managed to drag himself up one step at a time.

"N-no, please!" he whined desperately as She Dax reached for his face, planting a golden lipped kiss on his lips before continuing her way up the stairs. "Wha-...." The marine said with a blushed face before realiing wht was done, he felt a tingling in his stomach that quickly turned into excruciating pain as he began t vomit blood and gold, the metal quickly hardening into a solid state in his body, killing him. (UT -7)

"And that takes care of that loose end Bwahahah - Now then, where'd that pixie chick go off too...?" Dax said as he took a look at his feminine form, wondering what he, or she, was going too do now.


Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1286

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:30 pm


At the foot of the Red Line near Mary Geoise...

"Oi, oi, oi, oi! You have got to be joking!" A sharp voice complained. The notorious silver-haired privateer, Galinstan, shaded his forehead with a stressed palm and squinted at the gargantuan elephant with his one good eye. "Here I was worried they were keeping our favourite Sky God from the frontlines. But, now, it looks like he'll get to hog all the fun." An impenetrable barrier defended him from an onslaught of angry minks. It shattered any fists, blades, or bullets flying at him with murderous intent.

"Our skills would indeed be better applied up there. But, I had heard you were not one for savouring hard work in the first place," the Witch of the Waves remarked. The ground beneath her moved and rippled like waves. She spun on a heel like a ballerina, somehow unaffected by the wavy foothold, and kicked one mink after another.

"That's exactly why I'm annoyed, Iris-chan. Making it here was hard work. Fighting a few reasonably strong minks would've been the enjoyable part of this summoning. So far, it's been all work and no play," the silver-haired shichibukai's complaints continued.

A wild-eyed squirrel mink hopped over the barrier with a glint in her eyes, but, Galinstan trampled her confidence with a bored exhale. The invisible wall folded behind her and swatted her two feet deep into the ground.


In a garden outside of Pangaea Castle...

A savage roar stirred the leaves and petals across the holy garden into motion. "You shouldn't be here, Rorey! Zunesha needs you-gara," grunted a fifteen-feet-tall wildebeest mink. The creature was more muscle than meat. His curved horns were chipped and battle-worn and his brown-grey fur was scarred and unkempt. His shoulders were wide and round as if stuffed with matching bowling balls, and his arms the size of tree trunks. A plain red cape draped over his massive back topped his minimalistic outfit.

"You can't fight this bastard alone. You-gara saw what he did to Gallia. We're lucky he-gara didn't cut off Zunesha's trunk along with the ship." A flowing caramel mane with golden highlights decorated the lion-mink who insisted on supporting his comrade. His crimson eyes were sharp enough to cut glass, and his fangs and claws sharper still.

The wildebeest snarled and swiped his sizeable cutlass to his side. A wall collapsed in the distance as a result. "That's all the more reason for you-gara to go back, you imbecile. How will the rest of us get out of here if you-gara get yourself killed?"

Rorey leapt at the opposing swordsman, claws clad in haki. His target sliced the air, daring him to continue his charge. Reason prevailed over Rorey when the image of his crew's flagship being sliced in half flashed before his eyes. He faltered and aborted his attack, lest he became an ingredient in an exotic dish for a Celestial Dragon.

The bull mink chased his crewmate's accidental feint with a powerful swing of his cutlass, bearing all his weight on the swordsman less than half his size. A feral bellow sounded from within the walls of the castle. Berengar must be going berserk in there. Serves the pretentious lizards right. Affording even a moment's thought for his captain proved risky, as he failed to deflect a breakneck strike from his formidable enemy and suffered a slash across his thigh.

"Your haki is resilient," noted the black-winged swordsman. "I was hoping that cut would suspend this fight." His stance was unperturbed as if he were out for an evening stroll, and his wings were folded tight behind him. His piercing glare inspected Rorey. The whirls in his eyes seemed to turn like wheels, expanding and contracting with untameable ferocity. "You must be Dandelion D. Rorey. You are the son of Duke Sebeastian and the heir to the Mokomo Dukedom, aren't you?"

An uneasy upward jerk of the lion's brows validated the assumption.

"I wondered who commanded the ancient elephant into doing Firebear'd's bidding. From what your friend here just said, it has to be you. That would somewhat explain why they call you 'The Mammoth Prince'. And your name... D..."

In a frantic fit, the bull mink threw himself between the lion and the hunter and stampeded forward with a flurry of strikes. "The only one you-gara need to worry about right now, Sky God, is me! I'm not done yet." The shichibukai parried every swing of the human-sized cutlass with methodical precision. Not a single movement was wasted as he retreated one pace at a time only to then regain lost ground with a single, decisive swipe of his black-bladed shamshir.

The bull mink flew back and crashed through a maze of trimmed hedges. The garden was grandiose in all senses of the word. Statues of holy knights and dead gods were dressed to perfection in gold and marble. Colourful flowers from all around the world—some purple, some magenta, some pure white—scattered and floated all over upon impact. The water from the ostentatious fountains sprayed haphazardly from the shock.

"Of course, I know of you too, Bully Stampede. I heard how you faced off against Admiral Aokami alone and single-handedly supported your crew's retreat at Prodence." He smiled. "The fact that you got away from her unscathed speaks volumes of your strength."

Bully snorted and laughed.

"Wiiiilalalalalaala! Unscathed?! If it were that easy, we-gara wouldn't have had to run away in the first place. I didn't have a single scar on my back until that persistent bitch came after us!" The wildebeest growled.

A strong breeze lifted Bully's cape to expose the mess of rotting flesh and bones previously covered by it.

Within Pangaea Castle...

Orange embers flared on the many knots of the mighty Yonkou's beard. Crumbled stone and mangled, armoured corpses painted an unrefined illustration of chaos in the eastern corridors of Pangaea Castle.

"That's enough, Berengar!" Snapped a woman in royal garb. A dying lancer's weak fingers skimmed the hem of her floral blue dress. Her green eyes were beset by dark circles and her skin was pale as a cadaver's. She cautiously approached the panting menace of a bear.

"I did what I did to protect the future of my kingdom. Look what you've done! You lost so many of your friends. What did you hope to get out of this?" She paused and turned to peer out an arched window. One could see feral minks scattered around the Holy Land setting fire to manors and chateaus while being cut down by agents in white suits. Bright god rays lit up her golden locks as if they belonged to a deity - and not the ugly kind.

"There is no defying the World Government." She continued. "When you declare war against them, you're taking on the entire world! Who would do that over just one woman?" Her voice wavered at the end to allude to the tears she refused to shed.

A lance knight charged into the corridor towards Berengar only to be effortlessly pelted into the stone wall. The fire in the bear mink's beard died along with the frenzy in his brown eyes. He straightened his back and held his tricorne over his heart. He spoke calmly with no trace of his burning fury. "There was one man who went against the entire world four years ago for just one woman."

"The Conqueror died for what he did!" The queen interjected. "Not only did they kill him, but, they killed his entire crew! They killed the woman he was trying to save too! I know you looked up to him, Gar-kun. Don't forget, Prodence was under his protection. We paid the price for his defiance. Did you want your crew—your family—to end up like his?!" A mournful tear finally leaked. "Don't follow a path which has only ever led to a merciless death for all who walked it. Did you even think of the consequences your mink brethren will face around the world because of your selfish desire to make me yours?"

Berengar bellowed. The woman knew it was really a desperate cry. "It's not just about you-gara! The Celestial Dragons take from the world without ever sparing a thought for those they-gara claim as their subjects. The World Government is a twisted monstrosity that was never meant to exist. The world is too big to be ruled by those who sit so far away from it. As for us minks, we-gara aren't even people to these blackguards. A being with a heart and soul can only be treated like a monster for so long before it turns into one. And you say Gray Starks died on that day, but, I say that was the day he lived. That day, he-gara stood against these tyrants as a symbol of hope."

The beast inched closer but the beauty refused to retreat.

"I'm not just here for you-gara, Elizabella, but, also for the people of the world. I'm going to show those old shits of the World Government there are those in their domain they can never control. I've already reclaimed the long lost Road Poneglyph our ancestors had guarded for generations. I'm going to get you-gara out of here. Then I will find the rest of the Poneglyphs and conquer my way to the Ancient Weapons and One Piece. If they-gara kill me on that path, someone else will carry my will. And someone else will carry theirs. This world is coming to an end. The new dawn may be born from rubble and ash, but, it will be one where life is unchained and adventurous spirits will no longer be tainted by the self-serving agenda of those who claim to be gods... It will be the promised Revival Dawn - when freedom is king once again."


At Las Camp...

A nightly shade had begun to darken the island of Las Camp when a powerful gale blew through the shambled streets of its downtown district.

"Hold on there, little kitten. What do you think you're doing to my beloved subordinate?" Vice-Admiral Warp towered over a startled panther-mink only two-thirds his size. The wrinkling digits of his one hand gripped the sharp and curved blade of Bagh's bisento in place, while a pinky from his other hand wormed up his nostril. Bagh jerked his weapon to no avail.

"I'm n-not your subordinate, old man!" Claimed Vice-Admiral Gordon. Deep red cuts and maroon bruises showed through his ruined uniform and three distinct trails of blood ran down his face. He panted and allowed himself to slouch, using his sword as a cane. "We're the same rank!" He declared to his fellow officer.

The elderly marine turned his head to face Gordon. His hold on Bagh's blade did not loosen. "Ehhhh? But, I'm older than you. And stronger."

"That doesn't make me your subordinate!" The younger officer sighed.

Warp tilted his well-combed head and pouted. His curvy mustache seemed to dance in rhythm with his dry lips. "It should though."

Bagh interrupted the marines' exchange with a frustrated growl. He abandoned his attempts to pry his bisento free and instead unleashed his sabre-like claws. "I don't have time for you-gara's comedy routine. I believe it's time we took our leave."

Warp turned his one good eye back to the mink. "Oh. You're still here? If you're in a hurry, let me help you get back."

Warp unsheathed his pinky from his nose and cocked a fist back. Not a moment later, a vicious shockwave rattled the island of Las Camp. A gust tore through the wide street and the neighbouring houses and forcefully carried Panther Lily towards the docks at breakneck speed. Any surviving buildings of the earlier bombardment were now reduced to rubble.

"What the hell, old man?!" Bart Gordon snapped. He had fallen over from the recoil of the inhuman punch. "This is why I didn't want you to fight! Your collateral damage far outweighs the damage you do to the enemy!"

Warp's brows furrowed as he frowned. "Quit your nagging. You sound like Yoshiko. Should I have let him beat on you some more?"

Gordon buried his bloodied forehead in a palm. "I had a plan," he stated.

"You and your plans. Maybe if you shared them, I would know how not to foil them," Warp argued.

"I highly doubt that. But, since you insist... I needed Bagh to beat me," Bart admitted.

Warp scratched his head, unable to process the glimpse into his junior's plan.

"I received a report a little while ago. Firebear'd assaulted Levely at Mary Geoise. He abducted a few of the royalty in attendance, including Queen Elizabella of Prodence." He paused to cringe as he nursed a cut on his waist.

"That doesn't explain why you need to get your weak behind handed to you," Warp noted.

A pained chuckle left Bart. "Don't you think it would be easier for us to mount a rescue if we had someone qualified sitting among them?"

Warp barked a hearty laugh. "Wahahahaha! For a smart man, you sure like to gamble a lot. What makes you think that mink would even take you captive?"

Bart smirked and heaved himself back to his feet. "You forget how much time I spend studying our enemies. Now, I hope you didn't kill Lily with that ridiculous punch."

"Probably not. The kitty cat managed to throw up his paws to guard. But, tell me. Did the grumpy bear kidnap any of our heavenly lords and saviours along with the lowly royals?" Warp inquired.

"All Celestial Dragons were secured by CP0 and Admiral Aokami before the Feral Pirates landed," disclosed Gordon.

"Tch, that's a crying shame."

Elsewhere near the docks...

A pale, round-faced marine officer floated in the air on a cloud of cotton. Several pirates and mercenaries struggled around him, trapped in matching cotton balls.

"Rear-Admiral Steps! We have to get closer to the docks to cut off the invaders' retreat!" Suggested his subordinate.

Another marine looked down on their commanding officer from a roof top and shouted, "It's no use! The Rear Admiral is asleep!"



In the underground tunnels of Las Camp...

"What do you-gara want meh to do witthh him?" Mumbled a kangaroo-mink.

"Nothing. You-gara carry these bags. I'll carry him myself-nya." A snow-leopard mink passed a sack twice as big as him over to his taller partner.

"That'th not fair, Kita-ko. You'th making meh carry the heavier thtuff," the kangaroo complained.

"That's not true, Boomer-san! I'm trusting you with getting all that treasure back to Laguz-go in case we run into March Moon again. We barely managed to lead her away-neko."

Boomer sighed and relented. He swung a fifth sack full of valuables over one of his shoulders and prepared to hop forward.

Kita lifted a big, round lump of throbbing flesh off the stone floor. He could barely make out a thin moustache and dry, swollen lips within the meat bag.

The pair of stealthy minks dashed away from the scene, leaving behind a chocolate brown wide-brimmed hat.


Above ground on Las Camp...

An unsettling silence fell upon a square littered with broken stones and corpses. But, only one of those corpses mattered. The Iron Beast fell to his knees in front of Cobalt's mangled body. He pressed a bloody fist into the ground as his skin turned green and scaly.

The battle may have been nearing its end, but, the war had only begun.

Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

[World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways - Page 8 Empty Re: [World Event] Bearing a Bear's Ways

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:32 am

[ seize life with your own hands ]

Miku wasn’t sure how much time had passed, after defeating that bug-mink she’d simply begun fighting the weaklings he’d left behind on the docks. There were a near limitless amount of marines for Miku to beat into submission, despite how tired and broken she felt these marines didn’t hold a candle to the bug-mink. Eventually the sounds of a retreat broke through the haze Miku had been in and she finally took the time to turn around and stare out past the harbor.

A whole armada of warships had appeared sometime and she could already see a few of her fellow pirates pulling away from the harbor with or without their entire crews on board. This angered Miku who was disgusted at the thought of leaving anyone behind at all. The Rascal turned to Emi and quickly started barking orders. “Get back to the Scorned Lady and make sure we’re ready to set sail. I’m going to stay here a little longer and try to buy some time for our allies to make it back to their ships." Miku didn’t even bother waiting for a response as she dashed towards a throng of marines who were chasing after the retreating pirate crews.

This soon began an endless cycle of punch, weave, duck, toss, punch, jab, uppercut, toss, duck, weave, as Miku tried to keep as much attention on herself as possible. The Rascal yelled constant taunts and brushed off the lucky hits that actually managed to strike where she was already badly injured. The immense pain was a light buzz at the back of her head as the Rascal lost herself to a combat high from the non-stop fighting. Time once again lost it’s grasp on her and eventually Miku felt as if she was on autopilot.

After some time the Rascal was finally pulled out of her stupor when a pair of arms managed to slip underneath hers from behind. The young woman began to struggle before a familiar voice broke through the pounding her own heart in her ears. “-ave to go! There’s no more time!” Cedric’s voice pierced into her head and she went limp in his arms. The taller teen was dragging his captain through piles of pirates and marines, away from the harbor and towards the docks filled with sunken marine and pirate ships in it.

The whole time Miku felt completely exhausted and simply took in the chaos that she had taken part in. Buildings had been decimated, corpses piled upon one another, ships torn asunder and now acted as gravemarkers for those caught unaware in the initial attack. What really grabbed the young woman’s attention was the amount of pirate bodies strewn about as opposed to marine bodies. Had they truly been so routed while she’d been so distracted with the bug-mink? The Rascal had felt as if she’d been doing well but the full retreat and the warships booming in the distance at sea said otherwise.

“Was I not strong enough?” Miku said out loud to no one in particular. “You’re plenty strong, Miku! This isn’t our fault, it’s bigger than us. We need to go now!” Cedric said as he finally got to the Scorned Lady, getting assistance from the much larger teen Biggs to get Miku aboard. The Rascal was deposited against the doorway that led below deck whilst the Meddling Kids began to unfurl their sails and return fire at the warships in the distance. Emi could be seen at the wheel desperately seeking a safe route out of the harbor and past the warships. Moku was shouting orders and seemed to be trying to maintain order while keeping an eye on everyone. Jonny was shouting constant observations from the crow’s nest, Wilder and Cal were loading cannons as Asher and Nick aimed them at whatever threat they could. Jude was patching up Cedric, something that Miku didn’t realize was necessary.

The bluenette got up slowly and stumbled over to Cedric and Jude, the brunette had cuts all over his body and a large bruise forming on the side of his face. The marking of the injury was familiar and Miku realized that she must have struck Cedric when he grabbed her earlier. The two were exchanging words but Miku couldn’t hear them over the pounding of her heart in her ears and the constant explosions around her. The Rascal realized that the Scorned Lady was already moving out of the harbor and towards the sea but as she looked out she couldn’t see a path past all the warships.

The waters around her were filled with sinking ships, overboard pirates screaming for help, and cannonballs crashing into the sea. Eventually as the Scorned Lady got further away she noticed less and less ships escaping along with her own, each barrage of cannon fire sinking more and more of the ships around her. It was only a matter of time until the smaller and unknown Scorned Lady would be the next target of those barrages. As these thoughts passed through Miku’s head a cannonball actually struck the hull of the Scorned Lady throwing everyone to the side. Several of her Kids went below deck to assess the damage, Miku simply remained above deck and held onto the railing. The Scorned Lady wasn’t the quickest of ships but she was just as tough as the Meddling Kids. She’d hold, she has to.

As more ships sunk around them Miku saw that any available passages to safety were all clogged with other ships or simply blockaded by sunken ships. The Rascal doubted they could beat any of the other surviving ships in a race for the exit. A second and then third cannonball hit the Scorned Lady’s hull causing Miku to make a snap decision. The Rascal ran to Emi who was at the helm and pointed at a possible escape route that was completely blocked by sunken ships.

“We’re going to ram straight through those sunken ships! It’s our only chance!” Miku ordered as another idea came to mind. The bluenette ran towards Asher, shoving him aside and aiming the cannon at the wrecks they’d by plowing into. “Aim all cannons at those wrecks! We need to soften them up if we want to break through and escape!” Miku yelled as she lit the fuse and fired straight at the blockade of wreckage. Her order was quickly followed and all available cannons were moved to be able to shoot as often as possible.

Miku saw another three cannon balls hurtling towards her ship and blanched. She quickly saw that Biggs was working the rigging where one of the cannonballs were hurtling towards. The Rascal ran towards the large teen, jumped on his back using him as a springboard to launch herself at that cannonball. She then punched it off course with her right arm causing a cracking sound in her arm, the force of the impact sending her crashing back onto deck. The other two cannonballs struck the hull of the Scorned Lady, one of them actually causing a leak to spring below deck.

“BRACE FOR IMPACT” Cedric yelled from the top of his lungs before the Scorned Lady’s hull could be heard straining as she was forced to crash through the several wrecked ships before her. Several cracks could be heard below deck and reports of more leaks springing could be heard. All Miku could do was hope the Scorned Lady would hold. After a few more wretched seconds of the Scorned Lady crying in pain from all the damage being inflicted on her, the booms of cannonfire, the scraping and buckling of a wooden hull, and cries of death and pain all faded away. It wasn’t completely gone, but it was suddenly behind them.

Miku got to her feet and realized they’d made it past the blockade somehow. She wanted to cry in relief but knew that she had to keep a strong front for her crew. Instead she turned to help below deck before her entire world turned sideways. The Rascal was suddenly on her side and her body refused to move any further. “Oh.” Was all Miku said before succumbing to her many intense wounds and exhaustion.

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